The enemy was in a state of panic, but the enemy was still alive.

Everyone began to enter the depths of the restricted area. After passing through many devices, everyone finally arrived at the front line.

"By the way, Xiluwa, what is the purpose of designing so many troublesome machines? Is it just to make it more difficult for people to invade?"

"Why are there only these functions? But it's almost what you said." Xiluwa said jokingly.

March complained: "I always feel like you are just trying to fool me."

Shiluwa smiled and told the truth: "Well, actually these devices are used for insurance."

Everyone looked at her curiously, and March asked directly: "Insurance?"

Shiluwa nodded and continued: "These things, even if the front line is defeated, the rift monsters cannot penetrate into the back."

Everyone was silent, and Xing said after a while with a heavy heart: "Desperate..."

Xi'er also sighed after hearing this and said: "What Bronya said is true, the Silver Mane Iron Guard did risk his life to protect Beloberg."

Shiluwa didn't want to make the topic too heavy, so she smiled awkwardly , said something that didn't make sense: "It's just speculation, maybe it's like March, some people prefer trouble..."


Seeing everyone silent, Ai Li changed the subject: "Well~ Xiluwa, this terminal doesn't seem to work either? What should I do next~♪"

"Look at my brain, let's not talk about these heavy things, now the things in front of us are more important. As Ai Li said, it's true that these two terminals can't control the mechanical trestle."

Everyone recovered, and Xiluwa continued: "Since both terminals don't work, it seems that we have to find the source of the power supply equipment, follow me."

Xiluwa walked in front to lead the way for everyone, and everyone followed quickly.

Everyone came to a locked door, and there was a huge iron ball inside, which was the same as the power supply equipment everyone saw in the mechanical settlement. (After defeating Swarovski, everyone visited the mechanical settlement for a while. However, to borrow the words of March Seven, the mechanical settlement is above the mechanical settlement and below the mechanical cemetery)

Shiluwa said: "Yes! That's it!"

March frowned and looked at the door, and said faintly: "There is actually a door here, which is really troublesome."

Shiluwa explained to March: "Its scientific name is the mechanical energy center. It is connected to so many wires. I'm afraid it provides energy for the entire restricted area."

Dan Heng expressed his understanding: "No wonder the guards are so strict."

Xi'er complained: "A machine controls everything? This will cause trouble. We have learned a lesson."

Shiluwa said: "As long as we get the permission of this device, we can operate the terminal of the mechanical trestle."

Xing expressed her concerns: "Will it be too loud?"

Shiluwa smiled and said: "That's why I said we are here for emergency maintenance. Don't worry, I didn't ask Let's go and ask the soldier next to us to see if he can let us in. "

Shiluwa went over and said in a familiar manner: "Hey, soldier."

The soldier said: "You are the engineers who came to inspect, I saw you wandering around for a while, did you detect any problems?"

Shiluwa said: "No, everything is normal at present. I guess the problem is in the energy center. Please let me in for a routine maintenance check. I have participated in the iteration of this kind of equipment..."

The silver mane iron guard said seriously: "No, no one can go in without the captain's secret key."

March confronted: "Even if the great guardian comes, it won't work?"

The sergeant said in surprise: "Of course, the great guardian will open it directly." Then he thought of something and snorted coldly, "Don't be smart, no one can get close without the secret key!"

Ellie thought about the plot later, thinking, otherwise I will corrode the machine directly? The door will be opened, and I and everyone else will be wanted anyway...

But after thinking about it, I gave up the idea. After all, there will be a good show later... No, it should be said that it would be boring~♪

Seeing the sergeant's firm attitude, Shiluwa had no choice but to say: "You want the secret key, right? Which captain should I find?"

"Captain Dunn is resting in front. If he allows me to pass, I will let him pass."

Shiluwa's eyes lit up. Oh, they are all acquaintances. After calming down, he said generously: "Okay, wait." He took everyone to the place where the soldier said to find Dunn.

Aili's eyes lit up. Oh, here they come.

I don't know if it's because I've been with Hanabi for a long time, I seem to have

Some joy...

Shiluva led everyone to the garrison and saw a big guy with obviously different equipment. He must be the captain of the Silver Mane Iron Guard, right? But... why is there a stinky smell, Sanyue thought.

The closer he got, the more smelly it was. Sanyue felt like she was going to vomit.

Shiluva also frowned. What a strange smell. Never mind.

Dunn was obviously stunned when he saw Shiluva, and then he quickly got up, straightened his body, and said: "Shiluva?"

Shiluva heard this familiar voice and smiled and said: "Hey, Dunn, long time no see~ Wow, you have become the captain of the Iron Guard."

Dunn stammered: "Ah, oh. Good... long time no see, you are still so... cough, you look good." Indicating that the description was wrong and Dunn quickly changed his words, Ai Li made a "wow" expression behind his back, and appeared, the shy boy met his beloved.

Then Shiluwa introduced everyone and chatted briefly, but the smell made March feel uncomfortable, and she complained: "I say, do you smell a smell, it's so stinky..."

Everyone was silent, Dunn immediately realized something and asked the corporal next to him: "How many days have you not showered?"

The corporal shuddered and said: "Report to the commander, I yesterday..."

Dunn said "Hmm?", and the corporal quickly changed his words: "It's true that I haven't showered for many days."

Dunn said to pay attention to hygiene, and watching him act, Ai Li seemed to make a wow cool expression, but after thinking about it, it seemed a bit strange to do it with Padu's body.

Next time, let's do it with Mebius's body~♪ Ai Li thought with evil taste.

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