The ship is still short of a navigator. What information can you provide me?" Yiyun came to a seat in the room, and Ulquior Cifer stood beside him.

Ames was slightly startled, and then smiled and flattered him.

"As expected of the villain Yiyun with a bounty of 800 million Baileys, he dared to dominate the Grand Line without a navigator, and arrived here smoothly?"

"It's really surprising. I thought you were here for the duel meeting held by the Lanshanman Kingdom and the special prizes."

Yiyun looked at Ames who was talking quietly, without speaking.

Ames was also silent and didn't speak.

He was waiting for Yiyun to be interested in the decision-making meeting he mentioned, but the result was somewhat unsatisfactory, as the other party seemed to have no interest in it at all.

Yames spread his hands and said helplessly: "It's not difficult to get information about the navigator, but few people will ask about it. If you just provide some clues, I will charge you 300,000 Baileys. If I help you find the person, I will charge you 1 million Baileys!"

"How do I know if you will provide me with false information? I have to verify it..." Yiyun sighed halfway through, "Oh, forget it, I'm too lazy to pretend."

It seems that he didn't understand the real meaning of Yiyun's words. Yames still smiled and said: "Don't worry about the information. Since I am an intelligence businessman, I will naturally not sell you false information and ruin my job."

"No, you misunderstood." Yiyun looked at Yames calmly: "What I mean is, you answer whatever I ask. If you can't answer, or don't want to answer, or lie to me, then there is no need for you to exist."

Listening to Yiyun's words, the smile on Yames' face gradually subsided.

"It's not good to buy things without paying, customer!"

Ames clapped his hands gently.


"Bang!!" The wooden door of the room was violently pushed open.

Five armed men rushed in, pointing their guns at Eyun and Ulquiorra Cifer in the room.

"As an intelligence businessman who is involved in both the black and white worlds, danger is everywhere. How can I not be on guard?" Ames put on a smile again. "The bounty can reach 800 million. I know you are very strong. But now, I advise you not to act rashly. In such a small room..."

"No." Eyun interrupted Ames, leaning back on the back of the sofa and crossing his legs: "You don't know."

"What did you say?" Ames' smile froze on his face, and his brows frowned unconsciously.

"Don't understand? Then listen to it in a different way." Eyun's voice was indifferent.

The next second, there was a buzzing sound of "boom!".

The terrifying pressure as heavy as a mountain suddenly dropped.

Ames and the five men who rushed into the room fell to their knees on the floor because they could not bear this powerful pressure.


Without any buffer, their knees hit the ground heavily, and there was a crisp sound of broken bones.


The wooden floor sank and cracks spread.

The burning pain from the knees made them all wail in pain.


"Do you understand now?" Yiyun looked down at Ames who was kneeling on the ground and spoke in a deep voice.

Feeling the terrifying power on himself that he could not resist at all.

Ames's whole body was trembling slightly. He had already lived up to his previous confidence. His voice was trembling as he spoke: "Understand...understand."

"Smart man." Yiyun praised him generously, and turned to look at the five men behind Ames: "As for you, useless troublemakers, just commit suicide."

As Yiyun's voice fell, screams of fear suddenly resounded throughout the small room.


"No!! Don't! Don't!!"

Hearing this shrill howl, Ames turned his head sharply and looked over.

He saw the five men holding pistols, who raised their hands at this moment and pointed the muzzles of the guns at his jaws.


The sound of gunfire echoed in unison, and flames burst out.

The bright red blood splashed out and splashed on Ames' face.

Ames only felt that he

The throat seemed to be restrained by something, and it became difficult to breathe.

A chill rushed from the heels to the top of the head.

Yames turned around suddenly, knelt on the ground, and said quickly with trembling teeth: "Few people ask about the news of the navigator. I only have some hearsay that I don't know whether it is true or not. Please...please...please give me some time to verify it!"

"So, were you lying to me before?" Yiyun asked in a cold tone.

"No! No, I never give customers false news." Yames didn't dare to raise his head, and his whole body was shaking violently like a sieve.

"It doesn't matter. I don't need news or anything. Go and bring me a navigator."

Beans of cold sweat ran across Yames' cheeks, and his voice was hoarse and trembling: "Please...please give me some time."

"How long?" Yiyun was straightforward.

"Three... three days!"

When Yames asked for three days, Yiyun rejected it directly: "Too long, I'll give you one day. I believe that with your background as an intelligence merchant, this won't be difficult."

Yamas didn't speak, nor did he dare to speak.

Until this moment, he realized how vicious the pirate in front of him with a bounty of 800 million was.

"In addition to the navigator, I also need a batch of Den Den Mushi. Not many, get me 100 first."

"100..." When Yames heard Yiyun asking for 100, he almost cried out in surprise, but he quickly suppressed it and said: "I... I don't have that much money."

"Call him over and I'll pay. Or you find his location and I'll send the money over."

"I... I know." Yames didn't dare to refute at all.

"There is one more thing. Tell me about the duel tournament you mentioned earlier. What is it?"

"Yes." Ames responded and began to narrate: "This has to start with the princess of the Lanshanman Kingdom, Leticia Lanshanman."

"Princess Leticia is a woman who admires the strong. Her father, King Ment Lanshanman, has arranged several marriages for her, but all of them were rejected by Princess Leticia who admires the strong."

"That's why there is this duel tournament. This is a tournament directly organized by the royal family. The winner can get a special prize."

Yyun: "In other words, this special prize is to marry that Leticia?"

"No, it's not." Ames shook his head: "Although Princess Leticia's fiancé is very likely to be the first place in this tournament, the special prize prepared by the royal family must not be to marry Princess Leticia."

"Because according to the reliable information I have received, this special prize is a... Devil Fruit!"

Yyun was thoughtful.

Devil fruit, this is indeed a very tempting prize.

No wonder there are so many people on the street now, some with swords, some with strong bodies, or carrying all kinds of weapons, it turns out that they are all here for this conference.

After his curiosity was answered, Yiyun lost interest.

Devil fruit is of no use to him.

"Go prepare what I need." Yiyun waved his hand, indicating that Yames could leave.

Yames immediately felt relieved and quickly responded: "Yes, yes..."

Standing up, Yames turned around and was about to run away, but his weak legs made him stumble and fall to the ground.


But he got up soon.

But something unexpected happened again.

"I'm suddenly interested in the special prize you mentioned. Do you know where it is?" Yiyun's voice came.

Yames shuddered in fear and turned his head stiffly.

"I don't know about this either."

"Really?" Yiyun nodded. He was not dissatisfied with the fact that Ames didn't know where the prize was. "By the way, let me remind you, if you want to escape, just escape. If you can escape! Although I haven't tried to torture people........."

Beside Yiyun, Ulquiorra Cifer raised his hand and casually drew a line in the void beside him.


Instantly, the void shattered like a mirror.

"..... But I think this kind of thing should not be difficult to learn." After leaving a word, Yiyun stepped into the void that was cut by Ulquiorra Cifer.

Ulquiorra Cifer's cold green eyes swept over Ames, and then followed him into the broken void.


Seeing this scene, Ames collapsed to the ground.

His teeth were chattering, and the whole person was shaking as if he fell into an ice cave: "How can I escape... How can I repair it!!"



At this time, the sky was getting darker.

The night fell after dusk.

In the bedroom of the king and queen in the palace of Lanshanman Kingdom.

After a comfortable day, the king and queen finally returned to their little world.

"This time, Leticia should be able to find a fiancé that satisfies her, right?" The queen asked back with some uncertainty.

The king on the side was also a little helpless when he heard this.

"This is the strongest person I can find for her. If this can't satisfy her, there is nothing I can do."

"What if the winner is ugly?!" The queen was a little worried.

"If Leticia is willing and likes it, then I have no objection." The king said: "Okay, go to bed early. The conference will start in three days, don't think too much."

"Yeah." The queen agreed.

Just when the king and queen turned off the lights and prepared to rest.

Suddenly, a third person's voice sounded in the room, and the voice was calm and polite.

"Kong Bang Wow, Mr. King."

"Who?!!" The king turned around in fear and shouted subconsciously.

Soon, the lights in the room flashed and the light was restored.

Two unfamiliar figures also came into the eyes of the king and queen.

The people who came were Iyun and Ulquiorra Cifer.

Queen: "Who are you?!"

"What do you want to do?!" The king asked with a gloomy face.

Yiyun had a faint smile on his face and said patiently: "I came to get something from you! The special prize of the duel tournament, the devil fruit."

Hearing Yiyun asking for the special prize of the duel tournament, the devil fruit, such arrogant words made the king snort with disdain.

"Humph! Who do you think you are? Devil fruit? Do you want me to give it to you? What do you think this place is?"

Yyun did not answer.

Beside him, Ulquiorra Cifer slowly walked to the wall.

The left hand in his pocket was pulled out and raised, and he knocked on the wall with his backhand.


In an instant, the whole wall shattered and exploded, and the huge and terrifying impact rushed out with thick smoke and broken wall debris.


The whole building was shaking violently at this moment.

The king and queen were frightened by this sudden scene and shuddered, holding their breath subconsciously.

Outside the palace.

A heavy and orderly sound of footsteps echoed on the silent road.

The fully armed palace guards patrolled the perimeter of the palace conscientiously, and any suspicious person who tried to break into the palace would be blocked by them.

Except for intruders.

The woman with long purple hair tied up and wearing a tight black nightgown, her figure was like a ghost, passing through the open area in the blink of an eye, and came to a corner of the shadow and hid.

The nightgown fits every inch of her skin tightly, outlining her curvy figure.

Seeing that the patrolling guards did not notice her arrival at all, she couldn't help but clench her fists with some joy.

"Safe!" She looked up at the towering wall behind her: "Next, I just need to quietly climb over it, and I won't be discovered by the guards!"

She did as she said, and she immediately climbed over the wall.

However, just as she was about to cross over, a loud noise suddenly came from the palace.


This sudden accident made the woman who had just climbed over the wall stunned for a moment: "What?"

Before she could recover, a burst of angry shouting came from behind her.



"There is an intruder!!"

Inside the palace.

The bedroom of the king and queen.

Ulquiorra Cifer's emerald eyes turned and looked at the king coldly.

Feeling Ulquiorra Cifer's cold eyes, the king shuddered again, and his hair stood on end.

"Come... someone! Bring me the special prizes prepared for the duel tournament immediately! Quick!!!"


Click on the free gifts, Arigato, the audience~

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