Star Master

Chapter 1607: No name

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Continuous sounds of breaking, shaking, and creaking strange sounds are intertwined. The black space workstation that was stuck in space in motion is like a rusty iron nail being pulled upwards by people. As the hour hand rotates, the spiral ladder of the space station also rotates accordingly.

This scene of change has attracted the attention of other surrounding workstations.

"An abnormal situation occurred on the space station 37, need support"

"An abnormal situation occurred on the space station 37, need support"

Space workstations are too important for the formation of wormholes, and the Zerg responded in the first place.

The Space Zerg immediately sent a signal of communication. This exclusive signal band that the Zerg humans cannot detect is impossible even if it is a small seven or a half moon, and it is not on a channel.

Twenty-eight black sesame marshmallow clouds are surrounded by hundreds of space workstations, forming a huge energy surrounding coil.

The only and most important role of the existence of these space workstations is to generate endless energy for the wormhole.

For a Zerg, any space workstation cannot lose its precious property that needs to be protected.

The sympathy signal wave sent by all parties There is no Zerg or human staff at leisure on Space Station 37. The more accurate statement is that because of the sharp fluctuations in energy, all the signal data is washed when it is near Space Station 37 Scattered.

The energy magnetic field around the space station has undergone drastic changes, and it is difficult to get close or far away. All the spaceships and warships are locked in the berth by the dead and locked.

Normally well-functioning programs now all have a stuck effect and crash, and generally cannot respond to any commands.

"The energy response is fierce, the fusion is intensifying, and the unstable fluctuations have exceeded the conventional values ​​and are still rising."

The technical inspection staff stared at the latest detection value in the light curtain either as dark as the bottom of the pot or as pale as stone powder, different colors and the same mood, anxious and panic.

"Shut off the transport immediately and check the transportation pipeline"

"What about the external inspection person?"

After hearing the question, a kind of staff looked at each other, and indeed just sent two inspectors to check for abnormal energy fluctuations outside, but the energy reactor suddenly changed dramatically and the space station shook and swayed. It’s really hard to say if it’s still alive.

"The biosignal is still there."

Everyone was relieved to hear this news. It doesn't matter whether people are alive or not, but it means that the first-hand information can be conveyed, but then another news made many staff members dumbfounded at the same time.

"Team leader, these two people's biological signal transmission point is not outside the space station."

"When did it return?"

This escape response was really efficient enough, and the idea quickly broke down after 0.3 seconds to complete the greater surprise.

"The accurate positioning of the biosignal is in the bathroom on the 16th floor."

Everyone "..."

After a moment of foolishness, the space station security guard responded immediately, and quickly mobilized people to the bathroom to confirm.

The two polished semi-human beings are now slanting upside-down on the toilet toilet. Even if the toilet technology here is so advanced that it does not require the traditional method of water flushing, this gesture is still unbearable to plant in the toilet. .

"How long have they been here? Why didn't anyone find them? Who is wearing their uniforms and using their pass number? Why are they not finding the location of the biosignal now?"

Four questions in a row roared.

"Wake them up for me."

The two security team members stooped down and dragged the person out. The expression on the sleeping face was tangled in pain. Obviously, they were in a nightmare, but the call to slap anyway did not make the two staff members' expressions more terrifying and painful. Signs.

The zergs present may not be clear, but others with human memory and knowledge understand that these two are not as simple as being stunned.

"The brain activity is very active, and the biological signal data begins to fluctuate violently."

This is obviously caught in an illusion and is difficult to sober. The reason why no abnormality was found before was because the biological signal data was replaced by people.

The leader of the security guard is a typical half-human, with the appearance of both humans and Zerg, staring at the two people who are entangled in the crowded expressions of the facial features entangled in the toilet. The green triangle eyes exude a cold and angry green light.

His arms rose quickly, and a sharp flash of light flashed through the air. The witness only felt a flower in front of him, and a blood line slipped across the foreheads of the two Guangguo bodies.

Even if such a person wakes up, he can't ask any valuable information. It has been discarded. There is no need to waste any resources for the waste, even if it is just the oxygen needed for breathing.

When the security guard turned around and left, the bloodline oozed out a trace of red, splitting from the top of the head with the brow as the center, and the few humanoid zergs walking at the end deliberately slowed down, opened their mouths, and split their tongues When ejected, it will be rolled up and crushed and swallowed, leaving no trace of blood on the clean ground.



Zerg's tentacles are automatic without wind, special signals quickly spread in the air, and the news that two disguised intruders were found quickly spread throughout the space workstation.

"Invasion crisis"


The space station’s alarm was doubled, and all Zerg fighters received the task of finding the whereabouts of the disguised attackers.

All floors are closed in layers, all upper and lower entrances and exits are closed, and investigation is started layer by layer.

As for the two disguised expatriates, the Zerg Security Guard made a decision to "recycle the mechanical environmental protection device."

It is naturally best to recycle people together.

However, in the eyes of everyone, these two people are no different from human bombs. Most of them are dead. It is not surprising that the Temple of Liberty fanatics do this kind of thing. Ghost.

"Damn Pigs"

"Show me them."

Two groups of Zerg fighters were sent to the outside of the space station to search, but the space Zerg team originally guarded outside the space station could not get close to the space station.

A layer of rotating energy waves formed a barrier that blocked all space zergs from approaching the spaceship.

Space Station 37 became an isolated island under the eyes of all Zerg Defence Forces in a very short period of time.

This is not scientific!

Luo Yuning and the engineer were still dizzy at this time. Luo Yuning was not quite sure whether he had been comatose. The paste in his head seemed to be stirred by a stick, and even the memory picture was not coherent.

The engineer's face was blank and he didn't understand what was going on.

"Be careful"

Luo Yuning stretched out his hand, dragged the engineer behind him, and shot with the other hand. The earth energy was propping up a shield along the palm of his hand. The rolling energy surged like a surge and collided with the earth energy. .

Even with the defense of the shield, the sudden surge of energy still rushed the two out of hundreds of meters and hit the level metal railing.


Luo Yuning did not know whether to thank the weightless environment in space or to worry about the **** weightless environment. Adjusting the left and right has become an extremely difficult thing. They are not much more skilled than the children who have just learned to walk.

Then I felt the soft metal rope pulling on my body violently. Luo Yuning took the initiative to break the link with the soft metal chain. "Hurry up, don't want to die if you don't want to die."

The engineer confusedly broke the link, the soft metal rope was quickly removed, and the two dragged the metal rod to float in the outer space where the energy was surging. Could it not die faster, how is it different from suicide?

The engineer quickly estimated the survival probability of flying in outer space with his brain of scientific level. As the series of numbers appeared in the mind, the white face was whiter and the wrinkles of the heart of the brain There is a layer of blue and black.

This probability is not okay, as soon as the heart is really dead, suddenly born a kind of tragic pride that can't survive anyway, then simply go crazy.

Luo Yuning freed himself to tie himself and the engineer with his own tools. "I tried it. The directional space transmission button is useless and invalid."

The engineer’s brain quickly returned to the thinking mode. The amount of information in this sentence is a bit large. "Oh, that’s not right. Why did Instructor Luo try the space transmission button without knowing me? If this succeeds, you plan to How to notify me?"

Luo Yuning gave the engineer a white glance. "You and I care about this at this time. Can the middle-aged and old man think about something serious?"

I wiped it, and Xueshen suddenly felt that his IQ was almost not enough.

"We have to find a way to figure out what these energy surges are all about. Do you remember what happened before?"

"I remember I suggest you install the chip directly on an external terminal and collect the information directly. I turn around and look for the wind for you...and then..." The engineer's body swinging left and right did not know that it was an energy shock I still shook my head a little bit bigger. "Ah...then I used a sap, and I didn't know anything..."

Luo Yuning's memory was almost there. It was like sleeping, and always felt that the puzzle was inferior.


Luo Yuning looked at the engineer, "Do you remember?" Chuanyin was excited.

The engineer pointed behind Luo Yuning.

Looking back, Mom, a group of Zerg with dark eyes and black eyes locked them.

When it was said that soon, Luo Yuning had already attacked in the blink of an eye, the lethality of the energy in space was really limited, and it was negligible. The close defense was still barely acceptable.

The laser gun was taken from the space equipment that he carried, and he fired continuously. At the same time, he dragged the engineer to retreat while attacking. Interstellar did not carry the mech with him in case.

It is necessary to apply to Momo for some equipment that can defend itself in space.

It’s not enough to fight alone, the Holy Power is a tiny dust in space, the power is a little bit better, and most of the body attacker’s attack methods have no effect in the sky.

The combat capability of the small armed carry against the swarm is really weak.

"Are you ready?"


"Kick me out, at twelve o'clock," Luo Yuning urged. "Quick, we are about to miss it."

The engineer just kicked the foot without hesitation. This foot used his energy.

Luo Yuning himself fired out with the rotating cannonball, and the two grenade already prepared in his hand accurately shot at the swarming insects.

At the same time, Luo Yuning controlled the knob. The rope between her and the engineer tightened violently. The engineer was quickly dragged to Luo Yuning. In the process, he also threw various grenades.

Luo Yuning's fighting consciousness has extraordinary acuity, and the swarm's attack passes between the two, perfectly avoiding it.

However, this is not the end. Luo Yuning grabbed a metal rod on the outside of the space station, and his body was close to the outer wall of the space station, pulling the engineer inward.

The two happened to be stuck at the angle between the metal rod and the outer wall, and at the same time Luo Yuning tore the magic defense scroll.


Another wave of general energy waves hits, the energy vortex in the center of the metal octopus wrist and foot rotates wildly, and the scattered energy waves violently oscillate to the surroundings, just like the original circular water ball oscillates outwards when it reaches At the margin, these energies will be pulled back by the strong traction, but if they are hit during this process, the result will definitely not be good.

The swarm rushing towards Luo Yuning and the engineer directly hit the energy surge.

Slap Slap——

The debris was flying in space.

Luo Yuning dragged the outer wall of the space station with one hand and lifted it with the other, carefully looked down at his palm, the chip was gone, "I don’t remember if the chip was installed, the energy fluctuation is so weird because Xiao Qi gave Chip?"

"Put on, no." Both answers were very firm.

"Eh, how did your voice change suddenly?"

The engineer was helpless "Instructor Luo, it was not me who spoke."

"Little Seven!" This time, Luo Yuning was excited. Was the voice of greetings sent by the organization while floating in outer space to avoid the energy surge? Is there anything more touching than this?

"Seven, the energy vortex at the center of this space station is out of control, and the magnetic field changes too sharply. I don't know if it is caused by a chip or some other ghost. What about ink?"

During the speech, Luo Yuning and the engineer must keep moving fast, not only to avoid the Zerg chase, but also to bypass the most fierce place of the energy surge. Fortunately, the quality of this space protective suit is really quite good.

The chip has been successfully activated, and Xiaoqi has entered the information network system of the space station. A large number of data streams have made Xiaoqi's excitement and pressure index soar at the same time.

The chip is not sharp enough to affect the space station's energy reactor, and there are large and dramatic fluctuations.

Xiao Qi answered in a particularly sincere manner, "The master is engaged in a difficult battle."

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