Star Master

Chapter 1976: Irreversible operating rules

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(It has been modified to be edible (ಥ_ಥ)) One after another fortress city rises above the desert of the Imperial City. After the strong cracking of the ground, the city that was originally deeply buried under the ground popped up after the rain.

This is just the second form of the Imperial City.

At the top of the highest building in a fortress city, a dark blue figure above the sentry tower sits along the wall.

The special feature of this sentry tower is that half of it is located in the space area of ​​the Royal Metropolis and the other half is in the area of ​​space fusion with Peters City.

Mo Ye reached out and leaned forward, and the wind shield in the palm could gather a cloud of rain. The ticking rain fell down the palm, and when the hand was retracted, he returned to the hot sunshine of the Royal Star.

However, it is only an inch away, and the two spatial areas have very different scenes.

The breeze blows, the fabric rubs in the wind to make a rustling sound, the wide robe is flying in the wind, especially the thinness of the ink night, the lightning strikes the sky, and the dark cloud fusion space pulls out a blue-violet electric light, ink night There was no **** paleness on his face.

It looks like a seriously ill patient who has not slept well for a few days and nights.

"the host."

Mo Ye looked up as Xiao Qi called, and saw a group of Zergs and the imperial fleet flying in the same direction at high altitudes. The pressure of the whole day was blocked for the whole day. The hot sun of the Imperial Star was blocked, and a large shadow was left above Mo Ye’s head. .

Mo Ye activates the goggles to bring the focus closer, and it happens that a part of the assembled large force who has lost some sense of direction accidentally stepped into the space fusion area.

The black rain engulfed them, and the swarms that rushed into the rain curtain disappeared quickly and disappeared, perhaps flowing into the sewers of Peters City.

"the host"

"Master" Xiao Qi was suddenly excited, "Do you feel it, shaking?"

Xiao Qi's sudden call never meant trouble, and without any reaction time, Mo Ye's heart beat quickly.

I don’t know if it’s an illusion or the body’s faithful reaction. The upper body swayed slightly, and then a slight sense of vibration was felt, just like the seat was being kicked in a row.

She looked down in the direction pointed by Xiao Qi, the desert outside the city wall was moving away, and the body shape of the armored combat vehicle patrolling and gathering on the desert outside the city within sight was gradually getting smaller.

Mo Ye's brows were slightly wrinkled, his eyes shifted, and the feedback from the observation eye appeared in his mind.

The fortress city moved again from the ground up.

After the slight left-right shaking in the early stage, the whole city began to lift upward.

"Does it fly?" Mo Ye has already been surprised by the inexplicable changes of the Royal City Star. Even if she is living at the next second high speed, the Royal City Star is alive and independent thinking.

Faced with Mo Ye's question, Xiao Qi didn't answer it immediately. The data flow in his eyes flew, and he seemed to be thinking in calculation.

Mo Ye soon saw Xiao Qi's latest report.

A series of data sheets flashed in the light screen in front of the right eye, and finally turned into a simple and clear illustration.

"Master, the fortress city has floated, and the height is still rising."

Mo Ye heard Xiao Qi's voice and noticed that he was rising with the building and the whole city was vacating upward.

This upward lift lasted about a minute.

The huge city at this moment floated upwards off the ground as a whole, and the complete fortress city existed many and many times larger than the interstellar carrier. At this moment, it was free from gravity.

Mo Ye closed his eyes, and the pictures returned by the observation eye were very clean. The bottom of the city was not a complete plane. It looked more like an inverted triangle, and the sharpest position was also the closest to the ground.

The whole city ascended upwards at the lowest point, with a floating height of up to 20 meters, and the city flew.

It is not a city that is flying and floating. There are more than three floating cities that have been found in the observation range of Xiaoqi, and the number is only more than the detection range.

"The city of the Emperor Weilan of the Weilan Empire can fly." Mo Ye paused. "Maybe they can be combined."

Mo Ye talked casually, who knew that Xiao Qi actually nodded seriously and responded, "Master, you are so clever. I found a device similar to the spacecraft connection cabin in the city. I didn’t know their purpose. They looked very good. Special parts, your guess is probably correct, the Royal Star was transformed into a war weapon aggregate, and all layouts serve the war."

Mo Ye got up and left the sentry tower, walking along the city wall, reaching out to touch the isolation barrier, not just a shield of energy, but a mesh material with a corpse.

You can feel the obvious elasticity by touching from the inside.

"Another shield was raised within the energy shield again. This is a special substance, it is alive."

Xiao Qi's words made Mo Ye's movement to withdraw his hand stopped, and his fingertips touched lightly, and the thread of spiritual power poured into the shield along the fingertips.

Mo Ye immediately saw a huge net, and the dense filaments were tightly connected to form a huge net.

The mental power of these tiny creatures fluctuates calmly, and perhaps there will be a corresponding stress response when attacked.

"what is this?"

"An ancient biological shield. I once saw a similar content in a post published by a professor at a federal college on the "eye horizon" impurities. The professor put forward the idea of ​​a biological shield, but the defense ability and scope cannot At this level, manufacturing costs are not directly proportional to efficiency. He only proposed theories and did not even start basic experiments, and the creatures mentioned in his article have been extinct in the Star Alliance for many centuries, so they have not caused repercussions."

It now appears that the Weilan Empire transformed this ancient creature shield. As for the effect, it may not be known until it is actually attacked.

It may be a harvest of archaeological remains.

Looking down through the transparent barrier, you can clearly see the desert sand passing under the city. The moving speed is not fast, but the moving direction is exactly the same as the insect swarm and the imperial fleet on the sky.

This cannot be a collective and autonomous act, and there must be someone in the command behind all this.

Either the Zerg or the Imperial Army, they just obeyed the instructions of their superiors, and Mo Ye sensed the presence of more than one Zerg commander.

No Zerg commander Zerg army will immediately fall into chaos.

The movement of the city in the Imperial City did not affect the situation of the other half of the space fusion area in Peters City. Even if the city continues to move, the part of Peters City stands alone and will not change it in Peters. The location of the city.

The marvelous phenomena arising from the overlapping and fusion of space are amazing.

Mo Ye can quickly shuttle between the two space areas, whether it is Peters City or Royal Capital Star is undergoing huge changes, affecting each other.

The urban fusion area was severely hit by black rain and tornadoes. At this moment, it has been abandoned. The army is evacuated from this area. Except for a small number of ordinary residents who stayed in this area, most of them were successfully taken away. Scrubbed clean.

Mo Ye’s spiritual imprint on Yan An is still active, which at least shows that the life of Commander Yan Da is temporarily unimpeded, and he moves in the same direction as the Zerg and the Imperial Fleet.

At the moment, the fortress city also joined this migration movement, and the fortress city's flight speed is not fast.

The fortress city is completely separated from the ground and becomes a large and mobile military fortress suspended in low altitude.

All the transformations of the Royal Star are for the war with the Star Alliance. However, Rethus did not expect that there has not been a head-to-head battle with the Star Alliance. The Royal Star has a serious armed conflict with the ruins of advanced civilizations.

Mo Ye was blessed with some blessings in his heart, so terrible I don't know how many terrifying and transforming war planets are hidden if they appear on the battlefield of Star Alliance.

At this time, the situation of the Royal Capital star made Mo Ye think of two possibilities, gather large forces to retreat across the board immediately, or gather the strongest fighting power to fight against death. Which one of these two possibilities has a higher probability of occurrence even Xiaoqi said no quasi.

It is not an easy task to retreat from the body of Diduxing. Diduxing is not in the space area of ​​Star Alliance at this time. To exit, you must find an accurate space channel.

Even Mo Ye didn't know how to return.

"Master, I carried out a simulation calculation based on all the current information and data. There will be a big event and the risk index will be more than five stars." Xiao Qiyi seriously reported its calculation results.

The data flow from red to black is the first time Mo Ye sees it.

Xiao Qi's eyes were full of flashing red data streams, and the red eyes of a child's slap-sized elf were fixed in a blink of an eye, and his expression was unprecedentedly serious.

"Master, you need to draw up a safe retreat plan."

This kind of remark really doesn't seem to come from Xiao Qi's mouth.

"Half-moon made you say that?"

"Yes." Xiao Qi poked his finger, but his face was very serious. "I received a half-month reply. Half-month confessed that I must ensure the safety of your host. All actions must continue under the premise of ensuring the safety of your life." Xiao Qi He said with a fist nodded, "Master, I think Banyue is right. Your life safety is the most important thing."

Mo Ye did not respond to Xiaoqi's words. She sat on the spire of the watchtower and looked at the sky. On the ground, the Zerg Army and the Imperial Fleet had begun full operations. Both the Air Force and the Army were moving in the same direction.

The dense army quickly moved in the same direction. The dust, insects, roars, and mechanical sounds in the air were mixed together as if it were played by a large symphony orchestra.

The fast-paced fierce sound makes people's heart beat faster.

Mo Ye's spiritual power network trembles, and the spiritual power waves gather together, and the complex spiritual information gathers.

Mo Ye must analyze and confirm from these miscellaneous information that the thread of spiritual power is constantly splitting more finely.

The information fed back by each mental force thread originates from different individuals in all directions. After rounds of streamlining, the most effective and accurate information is left.

This large-scale army assembly made Mo Ye think of the beast tide on earth, and the herds affected by the runes rushed to the same place insanely.

What puzzles Mo Ye even more is that the direction of the imperial army's advance is also the source of abnormal fluctuations in space energy.

The more you move towards that direction, the space node anomaly that you can see every one meter of Mo Ye will deepen by one point. The anomaly of space fluctuation is like a caterpillar crawling on the neck of Mo Ye after each night. Moving can bring itching discomfort, not fatal but unbearable discomfort.


In Mo Ye's eyes, the inclination and misalignment of space nodes are becoming more and more obvious, as if there is a force pushing them in the same direction.

In the sky, on the ground, the number of assembled troops continues to increase.

On the other side, just a step away from the sky, the black rain has melted the part of the space where Peters City is fused. Buildings, mechanical equipment, war weapons, everything including various creatures, there is no live mouth.

The half of the city is like a melting candle city, which is not shaped and continues to melt. This strange way of elimination is the first time Mo Ye saw his life.

Such severe damage has little effect on the overall operation of the fortress city. The flight speed of this city is obviously much slower than that of other fortress cities. According to Xiaoqi, there is still energy dissipation.

The activation of the biological shield greatly eases the damage caused by the black rain.

When the black rain passes through the energy shield and falls onto the inner biological shield net, the closely-organized creatures spits out a net like a silk, and quickly makes a defensive response.

These microbes that cannot be seen by the naked eye and require a high-power microscope to see clearly split and aggregate after being threatened, and they become one and two and four, and the energy source is the attack they bear.

"Zerg?" This peculiar biological characteristic reminded Mo Ye of Zerg.

"There is a certain possibility that the Zerg participated in the study."

In this way, if the shield can be maintained for a long time, why not start at the beginning, there must be other restrictions.

The damage caused by the black rain is too powerful, and it is not only necessary to achieve this level of strength.

It is derived from the rules of Peters City, the rules of operation written in the program.

Mo Ye seems to have touched a certain key point, constantly analyzing various possibilities in her mind. She loathes time-consuming conspiracies and tricks, and is not good at this kind of thing. But if you change your way of thinking, think of it as a magic structure. Figure to analyze, there is another very different view.

Every magic composition of magic must abide by the law of origin, and the law of origin says that the larger part comes from the rules of the operation of everything in the universe. The magician peeks into one of the mysteries and finds a way to use this wonderful energy based on his own understanding.

And constantly looking for more convenient and effective ways to apply to life.

The same is true in Peters City, no matter the black rain or the storm. These are not in line with the power of the storm in Mo Ye's cognition. The reason why it can achieve such a strong destructive power at this moment comes from the rules of Peters City. Comply with the energy operation rules of Peters City.

According to Xiaoqi, everything inside and outside Peters City is judged to be a virus. In simple terms, it is like an irregular antivirus of the light brain. It is necessary to remove all viruses that affect the operation of the system and cause security risks.

This is theoretically true, but in practice such operations must involve many difficulties.

Peters' independent operating rule is its greatest support. The people of the Imperial City, the fierce beasts, the Zerg, and the residents of Peters City have different tolerances when they are affected by the black rain.

A rain can remove the unstable factors that consume the city, which makes Mo Ye unconsciously produce a strong sense of unreality.

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