Star Master

Chapter 495: Thousands of people

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Red light flashed somewhere deep in the endless yellow sand dunes.

The shooting team The mining team may be mentally unstable. They began to fire in a large area without seeing it. There was no right to say that the laser beam was shooting at the three people in Moye.

Especially 11 who just stood by this person, immediately became the main target of attack, quickly moved between the beams, lower waist, abdomen, rotation, jumping, flexible posture, beautiful posture, can not be called to dance The development of the world is simply a cruel thing!

In fact, 11 was very depressed. The attack came too suddenly without a little precaution. He was caught by surprise, and he dared not take it easily because he wanted to fight back. This man was already weak and almost half disabled. Then, isn't he just working in vain? He can only perform his ultimate dodge speed exhausted.

Mo Ye and Luo Yuning were standing on the other side, standing inside the defensive cover, and letting the laser beam fly around,

After a while, Luo Yuning asked, "11 what is wrong with this, why not activate the energy defense cover?"

Mo Ye glanced at the pink and tender maid who was bouncing around in a monkey play and said lightly, "Save energy mine"


Really fierce, you are such a frugal housekeeper, do future wives know?

Probably because the energy was exhausted, the attack of the high-energy laser gradually subsided, and became scattered and scattered. 11 I found a chance to pant and yell at the terrified person on the ground. Do you talk about morals, do you have a sense of social responsibility, and let people not do good?"

The disabled person shooting is changing from a frightened face to a stunned face!

When the wind rose, Mo Ye's wind blade instantly cut the man's wrist, and the sudden shooting finally stopped.

Surrounded by burnt black bunkers, Huang Sha Leng was baked into black sand by laser.

Luo Yuning smiled at 11 and stopped to adjust the rate. The rescue was almost accidentally injured by the survivor. It was really bad luck, and it was really fun to watch!

11 Luo Meizi, who glared angrily at the joke, turned to Mo Ye with an aggrieved look, all with small eyes accusing "Mo Mo"

Mo Ye ruthlessly turned sideways to ignore the small eyes of 11 grievances and looked at the mine team members who were still stunned and whispered, "Is it too scared to be overwhelmed?"

11 Put away the grievances in his eyes and glanced at Mo Ye and said, "Yes, it must be a fool, this man is just a sixth-level body surgeon. It should be just an ordinary prospector of the mining team, who has experienced hijacking and burial. It’s normal for things to be frightened, it’s understandable if you lose your mind.”

Luo Yuning asked questioningly, "If he keeps going crazy like this, how can he tell us what happened to the mining team, how can we ask the answer?"

11 added, "And still so aggressive"

Luo Meizi held a boxing in his right hand and hit the palm of his left hand. "Yes, I know what to do. Just knock his brain open and extract the memory into a memory chip. I don’t know anything. What do you think of this idea? , Mo Mo"

Mo Ye nodded and agreed with her, "This is a great idea!"

"Will he die or become an idiot?"

"I can't control so much, but we took the task, and finally found the clue, absolutely can't let it go, let's start now"

The three of you keep saying me one sentence.

The over-shocked mine team member lying on the ground listened to the conversation of the three people, and his shriveled face changed from pale to dead white, and finally turned into white and white, with a trembling voice "I..."

"Huh, you can talk"

"In this case, the effect of incision should be better, just come without anesthesia," 11 said, holding the dagger forward.

This mining team member was really overwhelmed this time.

The living person does not anesthetize and uses the dagger to open the skull to retrieve the memory, Nima, this is no longer alive!

With a trembling voice, " want to know everything I say, don't...don't the brain"

It’s good to say no to this earlier, what pretend to be too frightened!

This man was really shocked, but not to the point of being scared. The shooting was entirely voluntary. That little mental force fluctuated, and Mo Ye felt so real. Who wanted to bluff!

Mo Ye ticked the corner of her mouth and smiled and said, "That's right, let's talk"

The mining team members picked up by 11 licked their chapped lips and began to tell the story.

It turned out that the team member was Lucas, a technical backbone in the exploration team of Shawanxing Energy. They were the second batch of exploration teams entering the mining area. Due to the unknown disappearance of the first team, a large number of them were dispatched this time. Of armed personnel will accompany them to protect their safety.

In the beginning, everything went well. They discovered the Liujinsha mine in the southern cross dunes and continued to explore the location of the mine source, but strange things happened immediately afterwards, and their exploration equipment began to fail frequently until the accident. That night, everything was normal in the camp, and suddenly a strong wind blew up, and the yellow sand covered the sky, and he could not see anything clearly. Then he fainted, and when he woke up, he found himself trapped in a certain underground pit. In the hole.

Lucas's expression flashed in panic. "There are all people, there are so many people, some can no longer see the human form, some people are sucking... sucking their blood"


Is it an underground creature?

A blue light shot at Lucas, scanning up and down, left, right, and right. "Master, can you help me take a drop of his blood, I need to do some tests"


Lucas covered his injured wrist again.

Xiaoqi hurriedly scanned the blood and came to the result in a moment. "Master, I think his description is inaccurate. If there are creatures sucking on them, it should be the human body's water instead of blood. I just scanned and tested The blood consistency of this person is more than three times that of the normal person, which means that a large amount of water is lost from his blood, and various organs, including the skin, have a serious loss of water."

There are unknown creatures hijacking human blood-sucking...oh should be absorbing water.

"What caught you, human or strange animal?"

Lucas shook his head. "I don't know. At that time, I just remembered that there was a sudden gust of wind. After that, my memory was blurry. I woke up and felt dizzy, like I was drunk, I couldn't see clearly I can’t hear clearly. The energy in my body has been losing but I can’t move. I thought I was dead, and then I woke up and saw you.”

Lucas' eyes were out of focus, and he said with exhaustion, "Hurry up and take me away from here, I will never come to this desert again, no, I will leave Shawanxing, and you will leave quickly"

"You haven't made it clear why you want to pretend to be crazy and shoot at us indiscriminately. Your attitude towards life-saving benefactors is too bad!"

Lucas shook his head weakly, "I thought you and the creature that hijacked me, I can't see clearly"

He didn't speak anymore. He had exhausted his energy for such a long time. His throat seemed to burn. The whole person was very hungry, really, very hungry.

Want to drink water, want to drink a lot of water, ears are filled with the sound of running water, suddenly staring at Mo Ye in front of him with out-of-focus eyes, his eyes are red and his face reveals an unparalleled desire.

Mo Ye frowned slightly, what was going on with this strong mental fluctuation?

Lucas stared at Mo Ye, his ear was full of blood flowing, thirsty, very thirsty, every cell was crying for water, maybe just a bite to drink it.

"This person's eyes are green, what are you thinking?"

11 When the voice fell, Lucas opened his mouth, and the tiger rushed towards Mo Ye, slammed into the sudden appearance of the ice shield, and was bounced back, and he rushed up with a broken body. This time it was holding ice shield and started licking.

The mage is silent, too hungry and thirsty will happen!

Luo Meizi walked over with a hammer and knocked this man out before it stopped.

Wipe, if you want to drink water, you said earlier, don’t say who knows you want to drink water, hello!

Xiaoqi issued a blue light and scanned the person’s physical condition again. “It should be a psychological stress reaction caused by severe water shortage. Most of the water in this person’s body has been pumped away. There are subtle spots on the back and arms. Wound, there is an unknown component on the wound that is not part of the human body, and it is likely to be an anesthetic and hallucinogenic component"

"Is there a wound, why can't I see it?" Luo Yuning checked Luke's arm.

"Nano-level trauma is invisible to the human eye"

In this way, ten or nine of the missing people were hijacked into the underground pits in his mouth. Some people or creatures took these people as nourishment and sucked them up.

Mo Ye bowed his head and thought about a sudden gust of wind, the yellow sand flying all over the sky, covering the sky and covering the sun, and in the next second he knew nothing about the flower in front of him.

Mo Ye regained consciousness when he woke up and heard Xiao Qi's anxious voice in his ear, "Master, you finally woke up and we were caught."

Xiaoqi, such an obvious thing, you don't need to say Mo Ye knows it.

Mo Ye’s body and limbs were all buried in the sand and could not move freely. She tried to raise her head to look forward, and the scene she saw in front of her... I’m going to go, fortunately, there is no intensive phobia, otherwise I must be faint Not in the past.

This is a huge underground bunker, as Lucas described before. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a mass grave. There are indeed many, many people.

The sand walls around and the densely arranged people in the midair on the ground are buried by the sand. All of them have exposed their heads, and they are all covered with dense heads, black and yellow. Hair, all sizes and specifications are not bad, some heads are already obviously lascivious, and the water shortage is very serious, leaving a shriveled skin hanging on the skull, which looks terrible.


It's the last day of this month, tomorrow may begin, you guys have fun with paper (^o^) and there is one more change

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