Star Master

Chapter 573: destination

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Half-moon really did not deliberately search for pirates, but the route it planned to happen to pass through the most rampant pirate channel.

The Burgess Planetary Fortress advances all the way, but when it comes to the pirate fleet, it will not let it go, and it has saved a lot of caravans along the way. Naturally, it has also won a lot of loot.

The spoils conquered by the pirates several times in a row provide them with the energy mines needed for the second interstellar jump. The pirate fleet carries long-distance voyages one by one with abundant energy reserves. Not robbing them is simply sorry for the caravans that were robbed in the past. The inner sense of justice has been clamoring, decisively robbing the rich and the poor.


The real purpose is those energy mines!

The chaotic Starland has been quite panicked in recent days. The pirates everywhere have been destroyed by the mysterious forces without leaving any traces, even the wreckage of the battleship. The mysterious disappearance of these pirate fleets in the stars and sea has become a yellow flower yesterday.

Isn’t it easy to make some money, but when I went to work and robbed, I was actually robbed, and I was given a small life in vain. This is a messy star field, there are no good people, and the stolen caravan is also involved in smuggling crimes. As for killing them?

The hearts of the pirates are blood and tears, Nima, even the chaotic star field has been harmonized, letting people live a good life?

Many pirate groups have decided to converge for a while, and will not go out for the time being. There is a risk of robbery and action needs to be cautious.

The pirates are not happy, it does not mean that the rescued caravan is happy, the wool is on the sheep, and the losses suffered by the pirates these days will naturally be recovered from them over time, or even worse.

Everyone was slandering in their hearts. Who was the full robber who robbed the pirates everywhere?

The protagonists who do good deeds can't ignore the thoughts of others. Due to the shrinking of pirates, even the caravan's actions have been reduced. In Moye, they have no chance to rob some energy mines. The Self-Defense Forces The actual combat training had to be suspended.

"Alas, how can you not meet pirates?"

This is a common sigh of Burgess.

At present, in the military zone delineated by the Burghis planet fortress, more than a dozen warships are moored in the vast open space, all of which are confiscated loot, all-colored pirate regiment warships.

After a few more visits, Burgess’ interstellar fleet does not need to buy warships.

"Last week we almost met a pirate fleet one day. Why can't we even see one now?"

"Ah, be scared!"

"I really miss that feeling, and the feeling of fighting crime and punishing evil and promoting goodness is really great."

Boy, do you mean robbing a pirate ship black and eating black?

"Wipe, I wasn’t selected last time. The captain promised to take me with another chance. Come and be a pirate."

"I really want to go"

In the woods of the Boer Town Self-Defense Force Training Center, members of the self-defense force who had finished training lay on the lawn with their eyes glowing and looking forward to the sky. Come back, life is wonderful because of you"

The process from fear and tension at the beginning to the desire to stop now is only ten days, which is against the rhythm of the sky!

The three views of the old and young men and women of the Self-Defense Forces have been completely reversed.

As one of the bishops, Mo Ye will come to the training center once every other day to guide the abilities of the self-defense force.

As soon as Mo Ye stepped into the woods, he saw the teenagers lying on the ground singing and expecting the pirates to hurry up. His Master raised an eyebrow. Therefore, it is necessary to make these guys suffer a setback education.

"One-to-one actual combat training, one hundred places, forecast fast" broadcast notification throughout the training center.

Mo Ye does not pick people, both abilities and physical surgeons can come, and the registration limit is 100, first come first served.

This opportunity to get one-on-one guidance from the instructors is very valuable. Of course, we must seize the opportunity. The members of the Self-Defense Forces scrambled to sign up, and the people who got the quota were happy to talk.

Young boy, don't have fun first, joy is very sad!

"Instructor Mo, I got the number"

"Haha, I got it too"

Mo Ye's fighting power has been seen by the members of the Self-Defense Forces. Unfortunately, Mo Ye only teaches twice a week, one hour at a time, and the opportunity to get individual instruction is really rare.

Mo Ye in a black magic robe stood quietly above the ring, half-closed eyes waiting for the students to enter the ring, and grabbed the top 100 members in an orderly queue.

No. 1 is a ninth-level body surgeon. A burly young man with a height of nearly two meters and a stout face bent down with a smile on his face and said, "Report instructor, number 070123, age 23, unmarried, single, come to receive guidance Please advise"

Mo Ye nodded to start.

The weapon used by the burly boy is a standard saber, specially made of high-density metal, and has the functions of magnetic resonance and energy blade. Obviously this is a physical player who is good at melee combat.

Wielding the saber, a burst of energy was instantly sent from the waist of the strong man to the arm, and the power was instantly activated, the energy fluctuation became intense, and the knife that broke the air suddenly cut off.

This is the best combat skill of the burly boy. Because of his fast force and strong power, and the powerful combat strength of the saber, he used this trick to kill many pirates.

Mo Ye stood still, and the first elemental shield in front of him, Earth Shield, collapsed immediately when he encountered the sword gas.

There was a cry of exclamation from the audience.

"Yeah, Big Bear's move is too fierce, even the instructor Mo can't stop it."

"Big bear, rise up"

This slash is about instantaneous force and one go, if ordinary abilities are probably really bad, but unfortunately Mo Ye is not an ordinary ability, just the second earth when the first earth shield collapses The shield was immediately replenished, and the power of the saber had been removed for most of the time. As the so-called rush, it fell away, and it was exhausted. When encountering the earth shields that were seamlessly connected and replaced, this slashing knife could only rest , In the end just left a gap in the third earth shield.

Just when the big bear wanted to close the knife again, a strong wind appeared to pull the big bear's majestic body back, and the big bear struggled to greet him with a more intense wind.

The strong whirlwind of the small whirlwind swallowed the big bear and swallowed the old high. Hey, there is no figure, and the audience can only see a small black spot disappearing in the distant sky.

In a lake in the back mountain, accompanied by a screaming scream, a black shadow splashed into the river and splashed huge splashes of water, and the little fish flew into the air.

Rest assured, big bear, you are not alone!

When the "next" mechanical notification sounded, the second-ranked teenager strode up and introduced himself confidently, obviously not influenced by the previous one.

Mo Ye nodded, very well, very confident.

Three seconds after introducing myself, the crowd once again raised their necks and watched a small black spot fly towards the sky. A few seconds later, they heard screams coming from the lake behind the forest with the sound of falling water.

Then the third, fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh received the same treatment.

The youths of the Self-Defense Force swallowed collectively, Nima, today’s instructor is too cruel, what is the situation.

Mo Ye looked at the lingering teenagers, and the cold and lazy voice passed to the ears of the students, "The next one, don’t waste time."

What a painful realization, the members of the Self-Defense Forces holding the number plate in their hands are in tears, and their mood is so complicated!

"What's wrong with the instructor, I smiled very softly two days ago"

"Could it be the days of the month?"

Only dare to defy in the heart and dare not speak, otherwise the landing place is likely to change from a lake to a metal floor.

It didn't take long for more than a hundred soggy chickens among the members of the Self-Defense Forces in front of Mo Ye.

The skill of one-second spike let these smug guys have a cool and refreshing experience.

Master, you admit it, you just want to hurry.

Mo Ye teleported and left the shuddering chicken falling from the training center back to the quiche.

Before Mo Ye left, he sent a message to every student who fell into the water. They were all about their mistakes and defects during the battle.

Speaking of combat experience, these members of the Self-Defense Force are probably not as good as the children of the Salander Academy in Vitoria, and Mo Ye is more than enough to guide them.

These people are all ready to fight, and there is no shortage of good seedlings, and Mo Ye does not mind until a while, anyway, it is just a show of effort.

Yan Angang sat in an aircraft from the outside and returned to the Egg Cake. He saw Mo Ye suddenly appeared out of thin air, "Mo Mo, you are back"


Yan An looked at Mo Ye and suddenly asked, "We have now left the chaotic astrology and entered the territory of the Democratic Federation. The annual meeting of the Explorers Guild is held in the Versailles Galaxy of the Democratic Federation. Do we have to prepare it?"

"What are you going to prepare?" Mo Ye looked at Yan An with an unknown face, so "the gift is ready, a crimson bird's nest, and the potion developed by Rakov"

"It's not this, don't you need to prepare the party dress in advance?" Yan An took a deep glance at Mo Ye. The small face was white and delicate, and the expression was pleasant. Imaginary.

Mo Ye still looked at Yan An inexplicably.

With a touch of sadness in his heart, Yan An knew that there should be no more demands on Mo Ye and said directly: "It was a grand banquet, with representatives of the royal families of various countries, members of various large groups, and even Star Alliance Parliament Participation, we should not be more cautious, should we dress more solemnly?"

Mo Ye looked down at her dress, with a dark blue magic robe and a silver rune pattern on the hem of the robe. It looked very classical, simple and not simple, and it was dustproof, waterproof and fireproof. How good, all You can't buy it by hand.

"Isn't this good?" Mo Ye emphasized the key point again. "The defense level is very high." Mo Ye thinks that she has taken it seriously, so should she take out the magic robe at the bottom of her box?

Key point, Master, you didn’t catch the key point, hello.

Mo Ye, you and Mu have a little consciousness as a girl, even if you are born with a beauty that doesn’t like makeup, but beautiful clothes, always in a dark uniform robe in a combat uniform coat that covers the body curve. What's the matter, is it always a shame to cover your slender, long legs? Isn't it time for you to wear a hood and cover your small face with mystery? Isn't everyone who loves beauty have it? What happened to your bricks?

Yan An's inner vomiting is crazy, and all kinds of abdomen are not. Alas, there are two girls in a team of five. The ratio of men and women is supposed to be quite good, but why he has always had an illusion that this is actually a team of pure men.

As for the appearance, the two girls are quite good, each with their own characteristics, but for Mao, they have a strong heart that is fierce and sharp. One of them is a 24k pure female man and the other is dull and unconscious.

Well, Yan An gave up on the topic of clothing, and it didn't make sense at all, so let's arrange it directly.

Yan An raised his glasses and asked, "Will Luo Yuning and 11 go to participate?"

Mo Ye shook his head and said lightly, "Not necessarily, the two of them are still on their way to the democratic union"

Luo Yuning and 11 already had the title of hunting insects at this time. I wonder if these two cargoes are too good or too bad. They will be attacked by the Zerg wherever they go. The insect killing is soft and the points are rubbing. Going up.

Coupled with the fact that Ye Yanlu has been the focus of attention recently, the two of them naturally have to bear a lot of attention.

There are also many people who shoot at them. From the rate of increase of their insecticide points, they can know that their combat ability is absolutely not weak. It is likely that they are core members. If they grab the core, they will always be able to pull out some intelligence .

These two have basically not been safe, and the tense fleeing insects and killing busy nonstop.

Of course, the two of them are happy in it. To be exact, Luo Meizi is in it. 11 is purely forced.

This high-strength escape life has made the two's combat capabilities advance by leaps and bounds, and the use of various combat skills is more pure. It is no longer just a trick, but it can really be integrated.

Mo Ye will receive a message from Luo Yuning and 11 in a few days. Neither of them is a guy who knows what humility is. From time to time, he has to show off his progress. Happy and happy things should be shared with everyone.

After listening to it twice, Yan An was no longer interested in listening, and strangled both of them. They really had their heart. I really did not consider his feelings of fighting scum.

The two of them wanted to participate in the banquet, but after thinking about it, they decided to look at the situation, and it was just to eat. It would be better to kill a few bugs and earn more contribution points and interstellar coins.

Luo Yuning also rarely agreed. Eating and fighting are equally important. It is really troubling. I can only talk about it depending on the situation.

The Burgess Planetary Fortress successfully arrived in the Democratic Confederation after fourteen interstellar standard days, but Mo Ye didn’t plan to drive the Planetary Fortress to the banquet, which was too eye-catching.

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