Star Master

Chapter 605: Hidden star defense system

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In the cockpit of the mech, Luo saw the flashing light in the distance and smiled with satisfaction. Without any pause, the target was locked again to another team of thunderstorms two kilometers away. The laser gun on the right shoulder of the mech began. Gather energy and adjust the azimuth to aim at the target...

Mo Ye looked at the army of bugs less than one kilometer away from him again and was attacked by a black mech laser. A dazzling red light beam was shot at the target. The speed of the light could not be avoided. The thunderstorm insect even wanted to withdraw It's too late, the moment the red light falls


Another row of thunderstorm insects were hit by a series of explosions. The purple thunder light flickered incessantly, leaving a black mark, and the mountain breeze flew ashes flying all over the earth.

Comrade Luo Haifeng would choose to attack the target too, and each time he could accurately hit the thunderstorm insect. Once these thunderstorm insects were shot by the laser, it was equivalent to igniting the lead and was directly detonated. The Zerg warriors around were not spared. Can only be frustrated with it.

Since the tribe warriors have observed the attacking method of Luo Erge’s machine armor, the soldiers of the Sanri tribe are not far behind, especially the air force such as the birdman, who took the soil zhadan and threw it into the thunderstorm heap. Blow up to death.

It's more cost-effective to do more with less.

Mo Ye really feels that the thunderstorm insect can definitely be ranked first in this year's pit teammates list. It is the so-called sacrifice of a ten million family that sits on it. Whether it is voluntary or not, the bugs around it can only die together with it, which is simply good for humans. Helper, the bottomless hole in the pit, since it has it, the chiefs no longer have to worry about their efficiency of killing the enemy.

This product is actually a secret weapon sent by humans.

Mo Ye observed the battle at high altitude and didn't join the battle immediately, but observed it quietly. As the name suggests, he probed the enemy's situation. In fact, he was just too lazy to move.

It’s these bugs that kill and kill every day, and it’s impossible to kill. It’s boring to delay the time without repeating the same thing every day. If it were not stimulated by the guild’s contribution points and the scores of the hunter’s bug list, you might have already The pick is no longer there.

Mo Ye was thinking about the special mission that the guild had just released through the badge, how to protect the star defense system, and the observation eye feedback screen showed that Luo Erge’s mech had been surrounded.

The tail worm venom is extremely corrosive, especially for metals. The high-density alloy with a thickness of several meters can be completely corroded in a few minutes, and the tail spray distance of the tail worm can be as long as hundreds of meters. The venom spray gun, the toxicity is comparable to corpse water, the danger level is four stars.

Brother Luo noticed that there were more and more insects coming in from all directions, and it was not good to see. It seemed that he really got rid of these insects, and the hatred value definitely broke the table.

Brother Luo operated the mech and wanted to leave, but the mech’s reaction was slower by half a beat. Even the protective shield disappeared for a moment, and this one paused. Several Hydras flew over, and the thick carapace opened, and countless The sharp bone spurs shot out, and the joints inserted into the mech leg blocked the castration of Brother Luo, and the encircling circle quickly formed.

Luo Haifeng's heart is not good. This is a mechanical equipment failure caused by the change of the magnetic field. With the delay of time and the increase in the number of Zergs surrounding him, the frequency of failure of the mech will be greater. At that time, he will be a tiger.

Thinking of the mech, the **** man, the second brother Luo was shivered by a variety of insects.

The thunderstorm is surging, looking at that posture, I would like to swallow Brother Luo alive, who wants this product, and in the past few days, Arthur has swiped the points against the thunderstorm insects, let your girl fire, keep firing, fire.~~

Thunderstorm insects have a deep grudge and intend to hug Brother Luo with a thunderbolt.

It's a pity~~


Two consecutive times, the sound of thunder sounds shook the earth and earth, before the thunderstorm insects reacted and burst involuntarily again, the blue and purple electro-optics were overwhelming, and the sorrow of insects could be heard in the electro-optical thunder fire, Nima, who played Sneak attack, without this!

How could someone complain about the bug's accusation, Mo Ye was quite satisfied with the effect just now, but it was just a scroll of several flame bursts, which could have caused such a wonderful result. The thunderstorm is a battlefield gospel.

With Brother Luo as the center, the flashing electric lights around them rushed into the sky and finally returned to peace in a flash, leaving only the pitted black soil. Brother Luo looked at the deserted area and wiped his sweat and wiped his feet. The oil immediately withdrew from this area.

There was silence on the team channel. Comrade Luo Haifeng said after a long time, "Mo Mo, if you don't mind, please let me know in advance before detonating."

Brother Er only wanted to say that he really escaped the disaster, and he was almost not accidentally injured by the thunderstorm insect. Fortunately, the intensity of the defensive cover was increased in time. Looking at the energy reserve that fell straight less than one grid, Brother Luo had a kind of life after the disaster. It’s a terrible feeling, but fortunately this mech is black. Even if it’s black, you can’t see anything.

"I try" Mo Ye answered faintly.

It is really not the Master who ignores the life of his little partner but the critical moment of the battle. Remember to inform anyone in advance that there is no guarantee that it will be time, and it may be too late to notify first.

Luo Haifeng used the mech to retreat from the main battlefield, and several vertical jumps disappeared. As a product of scientific and technological machinery, it was difficult to be immune to the magnetic field when facing the Zerg army. Luo Brother always only played in the first half and then retreated Go back and protect the underground refuge of the Sunri tribe.


"Greenie, don't you plan to bring back those stupid thunderstorm insects? They have done a lot to fight the enemy."

Behind the Zerg army, the two human men and women were obviously very unhappy when they received the news from the front.

The woman known as Greinie had a smile on her face but did not reach the bottom of her eyes, just lowered her head and said something in her mouth.

Aquine looked at the woman on her side no longer talking, but her brows were frowned. This time the offensive plan had to be started in advance because of the joint of the Explorer Guild and the Parliament. It was still too hasty. They will be able to resume communication with Tarumuka, and all they have to do is hurry up.

It would be better if the star defense system could be destroyed smoothly, but this thing did not go very smoothly. It was obviously an indigenous tribe with even primitive weapons, and it was really annoying.

Greiny looked at Aquin and whispered softly, "There are a few outsiders here who are very powerful, and there is also a mecha, which causes a lot of trouble for the frontline to march."

Aquin sarcastically said, "Are you saying that a few people can stop tens of millions of Zerg forces?"

"I have already transferred the thunderstorm insects, and the Hydra and Xiewei Army will be the pioneers. I just don't know what the indigenous people used, and I still can't find their hiding place?"

"It's nothing more than covering up your own smell, don't worry about the place where the indigenous people hide, leave it to me"

Aquin said with a smile, hoping that the idiots would be useless and still need his own shot. He took a box from the space backpack. Aquin carefully opened the lid and flew out of the box. The little black that was barely visible to the naked eye Points, like dust, are scattered into the wind and scattered.

The two were naturally dissatisfied with the frontline record. They chose Latin America and Star. If they did not destroy the star defense system in accordance with the mission requirements and completely occupied the planet, it would mean that the mission failed. The speed may still require their own shot in the end.

The wars of various tribes in Latin America and the planet are spreading around. This looks normal, but Xiao Qi found abnormalities in it.

"Master, according to the feedback from the mechanical mosquitoes I released, the Sunri tribe is the most heavily attacked by the Zerg in the Latin American and Xing tribes. The Zerg army seems to be attacking everywhere, but the main force has been concentrated in San It’s so strange, the Japanese tribe."

Originally Mo Ye didn't think that at this time, after being reminded by Xiao Qiyi, he also found that something was wrong.

Sister Luo in the team channel did not forget to express her opinion while fighting. "I haven't seen the wonder of this Sangri tribe. Whether they have hatred against bugs. How can these bugs stare at them? ?"

The Sunri tribe was the first to be attacked in Latin America. Although the attack was carried out by the neighboring Giral tribe, they were also provoked by the parasites.

After the Zerg invasion, the Sangri tribe was still the most severely affected. This is no longer a coincidence and bad luck. This is simply the Zerg.

"I heard that Zerg sometimes choose humans as breeding vectors, shouldn't they intend to choose the mother of worms in the Sunri tribe"11 suddenly came to say.

The four people couldn't help their brains to make up for the scene where the men of the Sangri tribe were caught by the bugs and gave birth to children.

You really think too much, Mengjun. It’s the mother insect that is responsible for the birth of a child. It’s really not necessary for humans to put a foot on it!

Mo Ye raised his hand and touched the guild badge hanging on his neck, remembering the mission issued by the guild before and protecting the star defense system, wouldn't it be such a coincidence.

"Maybe the star defense system of Latin America and Star is in the Sunri tribe"

"Does not rule out this possibility." Xiao Qi nodded his head deeply at Mo Ye's statement. The star defense system is no more important for the safety of a planet. Where is the main system of these devices placed? know.

As long as the star defense system is completely destroyed, even if the Star Alliance reinforcements arrive in a few days, I am afraid that nothing can be stopped. Even if the Zerg army is driven away, then it will be recovered in rubble.

Bugs really hate the most.

The space fluctuated for a while, and the Master who had lost the scroll above the Zerg army had teleported away.

A black figure suddenly appeared on the empty street of the main city of the Sangri tribe.


Thanks to Guxue for his reward, Naz Ignir's peace symbol

Thanks to the book friends 110909184356557 the two pink

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