And when Jiang Li fully demonstrated the power of Ghost Back, his whole body's strength was greatly improved.

Likewise, his brain was extremely active, and his muscles all over his body seemed to be screaming with excitement, wanting a hearty battle!

His speed gradually increased, and the gap between him and Ye Cunxin became wider and wider!

Zhuang Yan and Ye Cunxin, who were behind, looked at Jiang Li who was gradually going away. For the first time! ! !

A true first time!

I feel a kind of despair!

who are they!

They are the Chinese special forces!

It's the special forces of special forces!

It's an evil spirit from hell!

It's a nightmare that makes enemies afraid to sleep peacefully!

They have always had their own arrogance, but now! ! !

It turns out that I am not the strongest!

It turns out that I am arrogant!

There is heaven outside the sky, and there are people outside the world!

Proud as a leaf, she also put aside her prejudice against Jiang Li at this time. She held her breath and gave full play to her potential.

The same is true for Zhuang Yan. For them, when they meet strong people, they will just keep pushing them instead of being jealous and looking at others with strange eyes.

So what if Jiang Li surpasses them now, people will make progress!

Human potential is unlimited!

They instantly burst out with their proud fighting spirit.

Keep up the good work!

They no longer regard Jiang Li as a young talent or a star, but as an opponent and a goal that can help them grow.

Zhuang Yan and Ye Cunxin's speed increased unknowingly.

Yes, their potential is unleashed!

Seeing that Zhuang Yan and Ye Cunxin had realized their potential, they began to close the distance with Jiang Li.

Dog-headed Lao Gao and Ma Da looked pleased.

"I didn't expect that Jiang Li has the power of the catfish effect." Ma Da said.

Qiang Xiaowei walked up to the two of them at some point, with a look of eagerness on his face, "It makes me want to participate and compete with this Jiang Li!"

"Who says it's not the case!" Zheng Sanpao also walked over and said, his eyes full of fighting spirit.

On the other side, Tang Xiaoxiao stared at Jiang Li with a look of infatuation, even turning a blind eye to the potential of his comrade Ye Cunxin.

"It's too strong. Fortunately, the gray wolf didn't ask me to take the lead, otherwise it would be embarrassing and embarrassing!"

Shen Lanni didn't care about her words. She looked at Ye Cunxin with fighting spirit in her eyes and murmured to herself: "Whenever the Gray Wolf organizes a run, I would like to compete with Jiang Li!"

"There is a chance!" Tan Xiaolin said.

Not to mention Shen Lanni, she wanted to compete with Jiang Li.

This is not for the so-called face, but to improve yourself!

Wu Jing and other celebrities, who knows how many times they were shocked on the first day when they came to the special forces.

Not to mention Jiang Li, the special forces alone were enough to shock them.

This kind of spirit of not giving up or getting discouraged, this kind of will to become more courageous when encountering a strong enemy, is what they admire.

Peng Yuyan murmured to Brother Hu: "Old Hu, I'm going to practice hard!"

"Of course, me too!" Brother Hu clenched his fist tightly, as if he had made up his mind.

These celebrities all have relatively positive views, and they do not think that Jiang Li has surpassed the special forces and are complacent, arrogant, or laugh at the special forces.

What they saw was the spirit of the special forces.

Taking a step back, Jiang Li is the one who surpasses the special forces. What does it have to do with them?

What right do you have to laugh at others?

On the runway.

When I ran 18 kilometers!

Jiang Li gradually slowed down.

He stopped!

It's not that he can't run anymore, or that he doesn't want to keep running.


Jiang Li lowered his head and looked at his feet. The rubber shoes were unglued and cracked, and the soles were separated from the uppers.

He was a little embarrassed because not only were his shoes torn, but his socks also had a big hole, and his big toe was now exposed.

My body is so strong that my shoes are broken!

How many kilometers have I run!

He shook his head slightly, not having enough fun!

At this time, Zhuang Yan and Ye Cunxin also caught up one after another.

Seeing Jiang Li stop, he also slowed down, breathing heavily with his mouth open, and his eyes showing doubts.

Why stop?

When they came to Jiang Li and saw his feet, they suddenly felt ashamed.

The shoes are torn!

Zhuang Yan breathed heavily and raised his hands to wipe the sweat from his face. He knew that there was no need to run down now.

If it weren't for Jiang Li's worn shoes, they wouldn't be able to catch up.

"Is your foot not injured?" he asked with slight concern.

Jiang Li has long been regarded as a real strong person, and he does not treat other celebrities with the same arrogance.

This is the army!

An awesome person has status and can gain the respect of others.

"I'm not injured, but the army may have to spend money to send me another pair." Jiang Li said half-jokingly.

"That's fine, I'll give you combat boots after a while." Zhuang Yan said indifferently, and then the topic changed, "Have you practiced before?"

Ye Cunxin's cheeks were rosy, and her short, sleek hair was soaked with sweat and clinging to her face. She was also very concerned about this issue.

Although they both knew the answer, Jiang Li must have practiced it before.

But I still want to hear it from myself.

"Yes, I have practiced." Jiang Li said.


Ye Cunxin snorted coldly, like a proud white swan, "We will compete next time."

Just because she lost today doesn't mean she will lose again in the future!

"Okay." Jiang Li nodded expressionlessly.

Ye Cunxin glanced at Jiang Li seriously, then turned around and headed near Tan Xiaolin.

In the distance, the dog-headed old man saw Jiang Li's torn shoes with piercing eyes, and said slightly disappointed: "It seems that he can't see all his physical strength."

"Haha. Team Gao, it's rare that you care about something!"

Ma Da teased.

Indeed, he had rarely seen the dog-headed Lao Gao's expression after being with him for so many years.

"However, if you want to see it, you can continue to give orders for him to run." Then he said again.

"No need." The dog-headed old man shook his head, "Get ready for the next step!"

Immediately, he picked up a loudspeaker and shouted in a majestic voice: "These stars are too comfortable sitting on the ground."

When Geng Jihui, Tan Xiaolin and other special forces heard this, they immediately spread out and shouted to the celebrities: "Get up!"

"Everyone, get up!"

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