"I'll go...Master Wang and his father!!!"

"Damn, there are other capital tycoons!"

"This traffic is obvious..."

"Taking traffic?? It's true. It doesn't usually show up, but now it all shows up.~"

While netizens were joking and talking, Jiang Li from Hunter School had already carried Yang Mi on his back.

Regardless of Yang Mi's unwillingness at the moment, Jiang Lixing came to her.

"Fortunately, it's not very heavy." Jiang Li said easily.

"It's not heavy..."

At this time, Yang Mi was a little blushing and shy.

Due to the 50 kilograms of pressure on her back, she could not keep any distance from Jiang Li's back, causing her whole body to press on his back.

His chest was pressed tightly against his back, and even though he was separated by clothes, the touch was extremely clear.

Jiang Li raised the corner of his mouth and thought to himself, no wonder he wants to call him "Big Power".

Really big!

But now was not the time to feel this charm. He fixed his gun and Yang Mi's gun to his backpack.

"Hold on, I'll let you experience what a Lamborghini is."

As soon as he finished speaking, Yang Mi quickly started running before she could react.

At this moment, Jiang Li's physical fitness was fully developed for the first time.

A horrifying scene appeared again.

I saw Jiang Li running at a sprint speed of 100 meters as if there was no weight on his body.

The black man Mark, who had been looking at Jiang Li coldly, saw his huge white eyes staring out so clearly on his dark face.

Are they humans?

There is no feeling at all when carrying a weight of 300 kilograms on my back, as if the weight does not exist at all.

Suddenly, the whole world fell silent again.

Netizens from all over the world trembled as they looked at the Chinese man in the camera, carrying such a heavy thing on his back without any impact at all, surpassing one star after another.

Everyone watching this scene had their eyes widened.


Especially the stars who have been surpassed.

Looking at Jiang Li's running back, he paused!

Damn it!

Is this Chinese star so brave?

"I always thought Jiang Li was awesome, but now I realize I was wrong, he is super awesome!"

"I'm almost stupid. Xiaoxianrou is the biggest misunderstanding about him."

"With just 300 kilograms, a normal person wouldn't be able to walk, but he can't feel any weight at all. He's so inhuman!"

"I bet all of us underestimated him. The 40 kilograms back then? That's nothing!"

"Jiang Li: Have you seen my full power?"

"Jiang Li: A mere three hundred pounds, this is just the tip of my iceberg!"

"Fake, what did this Chinese grow up eating? How is that possible!"

"Looking at the figure of a Chinese star, he looks completely frail. Why is he so strong?"

"Oh, God, what happened today? I feel that only our beautiful national captain is here to compete."

When Jiang Li showed such a little strength, netizens around the world were shocked and excited!

Of course, if they were celebrities from European and American countries at this moment, these foreigners might not be so excited.

However, at this time, it was the Chinese who they had always looked down upon!

Just when they were all surprised, Jiang Li had already rushed to the first echelon carrying Yang Mi on his back.


"How about it, brother, be fierce!" Jiang Li ignored the strange looks from the stars and smiled at Yang Mi as he ran.

Yang Mi swallowed a mouthful of saliva and said blankly.

She began to lie on top of him, her body still a little sensitive and hot.

But as Jiang Li kept surpassing one star after another, he started running at no slow speed.

In addition to being shocked, she was shocked.

All the strange emotions were washed away by this shock.

The air here itself is a bit hot, but at the speed Jiang Li ran, she actually felt cool!

"Yang Mi, hehe, when we go back this time, the higher ups have said they will give us a holiday, so don't forget the promise then!"

Jiang Li laughed playfully.

After all, he is a normal man, and the touch on his back makes him uneasy.

"Bah, you still think about this now..." Yang Mi blushed and spat lightly.

"Don't turn your back on me. This is my first time carrying a woman on my back!"

"This is also my first time letting a man carry me!"

"You farted, didn't you when you were filming?"

"Uh..." Yang Mi finished, not counting filming, not really, but if we count filming

Suddenly she dropped the topic, why should she think about it?

"Are you tired..." Yang Mi asked with concern.

"Tired? What do you mean by tired even if you don't even sweat a drop?" Jiang Li said easily.

Only then did Yang Mi realize that there didn't seem to be a drop of sweat on Jiang Li's face. This was amazing!

Jiang Li continued: "Don't change the subject. I'm going to fight these idiots because of you. If you don't behave well, believe it or not, when this is over, what kind of country will follow. Compared with other countries, get rid of it." I won’t even dump you!”

"I know, I didn't say I wouldn't promise you..." Yang Mi leaned her head and said against his earlobe, "I promised you in the first place.

For example, Jiang Li is helping her now, but she promised him some time ago!

Taking a step back and seeing Jiang Li so brave, even though she is a woman, I am just as excited!

"That's enough, remember to wear black stockings..." Jiang Li chuckled, then quickened his pace again, "Brother, I want you to experience what it means to be a man like the wind!"

Only the two of them could hear what they were saying. If this got out, it would be a complete deal!

At this moment, under everyone's gaze, Jiang Li's galloping speed increased again!

Far in front, Brod. Owen stood on the pickup truck and looked at Huaxia Jiang Li, who was originally at the end. At this time, he was gradually approaching his own speed. The shock in his eyes was extremely strong as he closed the distance.

No wonder it makes Mac Arthur alert, no wonder it may affect the outcome of this "Global Military Exercise".

With such physical fitness and stamina, if he is allowed to truly learn military techniques for three months, once he is put on the battlefield, in terms of fighting as a soldier, he can indeed affect the entire situation.

As the principal of the Hunter School, he bluntly said that he had seen more special forces geniuses than Dog-head Lao Gao and the others.

The best special forces from all over the world gather here every year!

Those are the strongest special forces in each country!

However, at this moment, he was surprised that this Jiang Li was far more powerful than the special forces he had encountered before.

He has seen a special soldier running away carrying three hundred kilograms on his back!

But I’ve never seen anyone run so fast!

Moreover, when he looked at Jiang Li's face, he could not see any rosiness caused by long-distance running and weight-bearing.

To put it bluntly, in terms of physical strength, Jiang Li is the strongest man he has ever seen!

My heart was constantly on alert, and my murderous intention became even more intense.

10 kilometers!!!

One-tenth of the journey is over!

The number of stars who are still running has been reduced by two-thirds!

All the actresses were exhausted after walking 4 kilometers or 5 kilometers on the road!

Many male stars are just stumbling around at this time.

Only a small number of people are still running.

The first person to bear the brunt is still Jiang Li, while the second place is Oliver from Eagle Country.

But the distance between the two has already opened up to a kilometer!

Looking at the small dot in the distance that could not be seen at all, Oliver's face no longer showed any competition, there was only a look of jealousy, only deep shock.

He murmured to himself: "He...he...won't be tired?"

He also ran a ten-kilometer cross-country course with heavy loads on a regular basis when he was serving in the military.

Not to mention he has the best results in the entire team, but he is definitely better than most people.

He is also confident to run 100 kilometers!

But looking at the small figure in front of him, he felt extremely helpless.

This is a feeling of despair that no matter how hard you try, you can't catch up.

"Fake, this is not a human at all. It's unbelievable. This is a Chinese!"

"Hey, what's wrong with the Chinese people? Look down on the Chinese people?!"

"What's wrong with us Chinese people? Are we less of a world champion?"

Fuck your racism!”

"Jiang Li is awesome, this is just a small steel cannon!"

Foreign netizens have been shocked beyond measure. In their eyes, it is impossible for Chinese people to have such physical strength.

However, the reality is to give them a big blow.

Mike Ah Se from the Beautiful Country clenched his fists. He was as panicked as Pu Chang from the Bangzi Country.

At the same time, I am extremely lucky to have organized the hunter school in advance.

If he is really allowed to participate in the "Star Military Exercise" in a month, it is absolutely impossible for Bangzi Country to win in a single combat.

Mike Arthur picked up his phone and edited a message for Brod Owen.

"Get rid of him!"

China Command Studio.

He Zhijun looked at Jiang Li in the camera and smiled happily.

He had never been so happy.

Feel proud!

"Hahaha, good job, good job, I know I saw you right, hahaha..." His hearty laughter filled the studio.

Other staff also showed proud smiles.

What could be more exciting than the Chinese people shocking the world?

From the moment Jiang Li started running in the camera, Lao Mouzi heard He Zhijun's words like this so many times.

He smiled extremely happily, "Jiang Li, I really underestimated him before. When he comes back, I must treat him well."

"Yes, this time, right now, he is fully qualified to receive a merit medal." He Zhijun smiled and nodded.

Lao Mouzi said: "Jiang Li's current performance has given all of us in China the confidence to look forward to!"

He Zhijun nodded, yes.

Originally, China was its own country. Don’t look at what people on the Internet say about believing that their country can win.

In fact, none of them had any idea.

But things are different now. In this first confrontation between countries, Jiang Li is the winner!

At this time, the camera moved away from Jiang Li.

The broadcast showed the actresses and actors stumbling away behind.

At this moment, the Hunter School's water spray truck drove over, and the instructors and soldiers took high-pressure water guns and started spraying the stars continuously.

"Aren't you so hot!"

"Give you a shower!"

"Everyone, run quickly!"

0......Please give me flowers......

The sprayed water stains fell on the ground and instantly became turbid.

The celebrities got wet in an instant, and some of them could not resist the power of the water gun, and their bodies staggered and fell to the ground.

Suddenly there was a splash of muddy water.

In the past, these stars were so brilliant on the screen, but now they are in such a mess.

"Xie Te, you are insulting us!" Ariake

Xing couldn't bear it and shouted angrily.

"I'm going to sue you for this abuse!"

“God will punish you!!!”

When the instructors heard this, they all laughed wildly.

"Haha, punishment? Then let him come!"

"Now in front of you, I am God!"

Mark, the black man, picked up his AK and fired continuously at the sky, roaring: "Hurry up and run, you are such a waste, I am really afraid that I will accidentally kill you!"

The embarrassing scenes of the celebrities spread to the eyes of netizens around the world.

Heartbroken, pitiful, angry, all kinds of emotions are brewing on his face.

"These celebrities are really miserable. Compared with domestic celebrities, they are indeed a lot easier!"

"The training methods of special forces are basically the same. I was lucky enough to participate in Devil Week before.

"Jiang Li ran fast and was not affected!"

“I can’t believe these were the stars of Hollywood blockbusters before, it’s incredible!”

"I've never seen them look like this in my life, I'm laughing so hard!"

The Chinese celebrities looked at the embarrassed celebrities above with astonishment on their faces.

Looking back on my own training, it seemed that my instructors were all gentle with them.

The worst thing is to be chased by a dog.

"Our training in the past was quite easy." Zhang Yuan looked at the curtain and laughed dryly.

"Who says it's not the case! This high-pressure water cannon hits people and they can't get up at all. Moreover, the body itself is very hot. If it is suddenly cooled down like this, it is easy to get sick.

"Hey, it feels so uncomfortable to watch!" The actresses in the actress class couldn't help but rub their bodies.

At this time, in the picture, many female stars and some male stars fainted directly to the ground, their eyes were closed tightly, and they were unconscious.

"It seems they have really reached their limit. They are really a bunch of trash."

The instructors at the Hunter School complained contemptuously.

"We keep a record of how many kilometers they have run, and then throw them on the truck.


At this moment, the camera turned back to the front picture again.

Oliver and many other celebrities who have had special training experience are still running.

But netizens can see that their aura and physical strength seem to have reached their limits.

Currently 20 kilometers!

When it came to 30 kilometers, even a star like Oliver who had undergone devil's training staggered and fell to the ground.

A feeling of exhaustion and powerlessness filled the whole body.

They are really tired.

The instructor behind them retrieved them one by one onto the big card as if they were collecting corpses.

That’s it!

In all the shots, only one person is still running.

Two people!

"Jiang Li, are you tired? You can put me down. I have recovered a little now and can run by myself!" Yang Mi asked with great distress.

She could clearly feel the heat radiating from Jiang Li's whole body.

You can also feel the beads of sweat on the side of his face.

"Don't talk nonsense. I won't be picked up like a corpse like those people." Jiang Li said.

Yang Mi was worried when she heard his voice, because Jiang Li's tone was no longer as relaxed as when he was joking with her.

She heard a rough breath.

Yang Mi wanted to say something, but suddenly...

"Tu tu tu tu..."

A series of gunshots rang out.

The fear that had dissipated in Yang Mi's heart struck again, and she trembled instinctively.

I remembered the scene when I was running just now.

"Chinese, why are you running so slow? Hurry up!" Mark, the black man, smiled wildly and coldly.

"Trash, weren't you very arrogant just now? How dare you shoot at us?" Sith smiled sinisterly, remembering the scene where he had just been shot by Jiang Li, which made him very embarrassed.

He raised his pistol and pointed it at Jiang Li's heels.

Now for them, they can shoot at Jiang Li mercilessly and wantonly.

Because all the celebrities behind were exhausted and loaded onto the big truck, only Jiang Li was left.

"Where's the water gun? I think he's thirsty, give him some water, haha!!!"

The black man Mark asked the soldiers on the water tanker to spray water on Jiang Li.

"Chinese, run quickly. I am the worst shooter among us. If you run a step slower, it will be bad and it will hurt you!"

One of the white soldiers smiled sarcastically.

The group of them all looked at Jiang Li who was driven away like a lost dog, and they all showed mocking smiles.

"Damn it, what are you talking about?" Jiang Li raised his eyebrows.

"They said..." Yang Mi thoughtfully helped Jiang Li translate.

"You must be sick, you really fucking translated!"

"You don't understand..."

"When I hear their laughter, it's not a good thing to say. Please translate it for me. Please don't stay like this, okay?"

Jiang Li replied angrily. He took a deep breath and stopped pretending to be ordinary!

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