Star Odyssey

Chapter 1010 Brother and Brother

"Senior, aren't you from the Technology Star Realm?" Lu Yin asked tentatively.

The bald old man shook his head, "No, grandpa is not like those mechanical monsters." At this point, the old man looked at Lu Yin strangely, "How did you get in, little kid? Grandpa has been in this technological star field for countless years. You are the first A person who came in as a human being is still alive today. Those guys in the past just forced their way in and then forced their way out."

"This junior was framed by a traitor and was seriously injured and dying. He avoided detection in the technological star field with a nearly dead body," Lu Yin replied.

The bald old man's eyes were strange, "Grandpa, I know the methods of the technological star field very well. Even if there is any sign of life, you can't escape their detection. You are a dishonest little kid and want to deceive grandpa. Hahahaha, but it doesn't matter. Practice this The road is so cruel, no one has any secrets, it’s good to be on guard against each other, hahahaha.”

The bald old man was very cheerful. He didn't believe what Lu Yin said, but he was very sure that Lu Yin did not belong to the technological star domain. He talked to Lu Yin a lot, mostly about what he had seen and heard in the technological star domain over the years.

He said that there was a science and technology city inside the science and technology star field. The technology in it was incredible and could do things that many people could not imagine. Unfortunately, he smashed it.

He said that there was a scientific research team in the Science and Technology Star Territory whose research topic was immortality, and they did develop some knowledge. Unfortunately, he ruined the research results and also destroyed the scientific research team by the way.

He said that there was also a competition within the Science and Technology Star Territory. When he was bored, he forcibly became a judge, and then wiped out all the contestants. He was hunted by the Science and Technology Star Territory for thousands of years.

Wait, wait, wait, the bald old man said a lot. It is true that he has not spoken to anyone for many years, or that he has not talked to anyone in his hometown. In the technological star field, anyone in the human star field belongs to his hometown.

"After talking for so long, I still don't know the name of my senior. Junior Lu Yin comes from the Canglan territory of the universe outside the human star domain." Lu Yin said respectfully. He had figured it out and there was no need to be vigilant. If he wanted to solve him with the old man's strength, he would also Unprepared.

The bald old man was startled for a moment, then subconsciously touched his bald head, "Name? Name?", his eyes were confused, "No one has asked grandpa his name for many, many years. What is grandpa's name? What is his name?" .

Lu Yin pursed his lips and said, "Your surname is Hui?".

Just now this old man called himself Grandpa Hui.

The bald old man slapped his forehead and said, "Yes, Hui, grandpa, my surname is Hui, I almost forgot, hahahaha, Huikong, grandpa, my name is Huikong."

Lu Yin nodded, Hui, a strange last name.

The bald old man Huikong was very happy for Lu Yin's appearance. Although Lu Yin was a junior and had nothing in common, he was also happy. He talked to himself and laughed while talking, as if he were meeting old friends.

As time went by, Lu Yin gradually let go. He didn't care what the old man's cultivation was. He could feel the other's feelings of having no one to talk to him over the years, so he simply let go and talked with him, from training and fighting to anecdotes, even if it was just a moment. It's such a small thing, but the two of them can still have a great time chatting.

Lu Yin suddenly remembered something, and took out some wine and food from the Ningkong Ring. This was a backup for him just in case. Who knows where he might be trapped in the future, but it will come in handy now, "Senior Hui, have a try. Wine from home.”

The old man Huikong's eyes were excited. He stretched out his hand tremblingly, swallowed, carefully picked up the wine bottle, took a big gulp, and exhaled, "Happy, happy, hahahaha."

Lu Yin smiled and said, "Dry the bottle."

"Hahahaha, dry bottle" Huikong laughed.

An old man and a young man were drinking and chatting on a strange planet, just like Lu Yin, Cai Qiang and Zirong did before, but they were more confused about the future than then.

Lu Yin prepared a lot of food and drinks in Ningkong Ring, but Huikong was reluctant to drink them and said he would take his time.

Lu Yin also tolerated him and was willing to talk to him freely.

Huikong really talked a lot and was very cheerful. He looked at Lu Yin with more and more admiration. As people live longer, they see things more clearly. Although they didn't meet for a long time, he had already determined Lu Yin's personality. As a person, although you are somewhat ambitious and your methods are very sharp, you should have a bottom line as a person. Just have a bottom line. The bottom line is the shackles that bind you and allow you to become a human being.

He has seen too many powerful cultivators who cannot be considered human beings at all. They have no regard for human life and are no different from animals. He himself cannot be considered kind, but he still has a bottom line.

For several days in a row, the conversation between the two never stopped. Huikong had endless words to say, as if he wanted to tell everything he had said for so many years. Although Lu Yin was prepared, he still felt dizzy.

"Lu Xiaowa, tell Grandpa Hui, how did you get here?" Huikong asked curiously. He was really just curious, because even he came here by force.

Lu Yin smiled bitterly, "What I told you is true. I am considered a person who died once."

Huikong was surprised. He looked at Lu Yin's eyes for a while, then looked away and murmured to himself, "You have died, but you can still live? Is there such a thing? Grandpa, I can't do it."

Lu Yin shrugged, "Good luck." When he said this, his heart moved and he looked at Huikong, "Senior, have you ever heard of the Mysterious Art of Life and Death?".

Huikong looked at Lu Yin with wide eyes, "You can't succeed in cultivation, right?"

Lu Yin nodded, "It is because of the Mysterious Skill of Life and Death that this junior survived."

Huikong exclaimed, "This technique is very evil and widely spread. Countless people want to practice it, but no one succeeds. You actually survived by relying on it. This makes sense."

Lu Yin asked, "Senior, do you know if there are any disadvantages in the Mysterious Skill of Life and Death?" This was the reason why he told him about this skill. He trusted the old man Tuo Fuxing. The old man gave him secret power at first and forced him to go. The new universe fulfilled its promise, but later canceled it and cut off the road for him. He was grateful to the old man from the bottom of his heart, but after all, the Mysterious Art of Life and Death was practiced at the beginning, and it was not created by the old man himself. Who knows if there are any disadvantages? Ask more The individual is always right, not to mention that the Mysterious Skills of Life and Death are widely circulated and not considered a secret.

Huikong shook his head, "This technique appeared very strangely. Everyone knew about it overnight, but no one can practice it successfully. I don't know if there are any drawbacks. Grandpa."

"Hahahaha, don't think too much about little baby. Resurrection from the dead is a happy event. Being able to enter the science and technology star field alive and see grandpa alive means that we are destined. In this way, in the future, you will stop calling me senior and call me Brother Hui. , I’ll call you Brother Lu, how about that?”

Lu Yin was overjoyed, "Senior said this, it is an honor for this junior."

"You still call me senior."

"Brother Hui".

"Hahahaha, brother Lu, come and have a drink."

"Dry bottle".

"No, keep it, drink it slowly, it will be a long time in the future."

"Okay, drink slowly."

Lu Yin was drunk. This was the first time he had been drunk and he had forgotten. If he wanted to, a cultivator could drink continuously for a year without getting drunk, but what's the point of drinking like that?


The ground shook, and Lu Yin slowly opened his eyes. There was a blur, and then there was another roar. He rubbed his eyes, raised his head, and his pupils shrank. He saw a huge mechanical arm appearing outside the planet and slamming downwards. His scalp exploded and he hurriedly got up to escape.

"Hahahaha, brother Lu is awake? Don't be afraid, I'm here." Above, Huikong laughed, clenched his fist, and punched out. Shockingly, the mechanical arm that was as big as a planet shattered directly, and the fragments were swept away by the strong wind. Sweep into the distance.

Everything happens in just one moment.

It happened so fast that Lu Yin thought it was a dream. He didn't wake up until Huikong landed and patted him.

"Old, brother, what is that?" Lu Yin asked blankly.

Huikong grinned and said, "Don't worry about gadgets."

Don't you care? How can it be? Although he couldn't see the rune number, Lu Yin was sure that the punch of that thing just now would definitely knock him into dust. Even wearing the cosmic armor would be useless. Is that a gadget? Well, it is indeed a gadget for someone like Huikong.

"Brother, have we been discovered?" Lu Yin asked.

Huikong sat down cross-legged and patted the dust on his body, "It's my brother who has caused you trouble. He is as obvious as the sun in the dark. The entire science and technology star field is staring at my brother. Hahahaha. Every once in a while, I send someone That thing just caused trouble, and it was just a pastime for me."

"With my strength, I can return to the human star domain, right?" Lu Yin wondered.

Huikong raised his head with complicated eyes, "If I don't go back, I will never go if I can't find the answer I want."

Lu Yin didn't ask any more questions.

Huikong raised his hand and patted Lu Yin's shoulder, "I know you want to go back. Young people have many things to care about. If you want to go back, go back. I will find a way to give you a ride."

Lu Yin was overjoyed and said, "Thank you very much, brother."

Huikong laughed, "But you have to stay with me for a few more days. You can't just stay for a few days and then leave."

"Of course, I will do whatever I want," Lu Yin said excitedly. He saw the hope of returning home.

Huikong smiled and said, "Although you and I have only known each other for a few days, I admire you. If there are no special reasons, I am willing to sworn sworn friends with you. Now, although you and I cannot sworn sworn brothers, I recognize you as my little brother, hahahaha ".

Lu Yin also laughed. The depression during this period was suddenly cleared, and he had such a powerful brother. Although this brother may always stay in the technological star field, it is not bad.

Ten days later, Huikong still had endless things to say, and Lu Yin knew that if he didn't let him say enough, he wouldn't be able to leave.

At this time, a huge spaceship appeared on the planet. Lu Yin looked at it and his expression changed slightly. He had seen this kind of spaceship before, and it was exactly the same as the spaceship that the Burning Blood Territory used to invade the outer universe.

"Here comes the troublemaker." Huikong put down his huge roasted beast legs and jumped into the starry sky.

Lu Yin pursed his lips. He was not worried about safety. He looked to the side and saw that the corpse of a huge starry sky beast was cold and its legs were already roasted. This starry sky beast had the strength of the Enlightenment Realm and did not know the wisdom. Where did Sora catch it? Don't tell me, it tastes good.

In the starry sky, the spaceship hatch opened, and countless micro-machines flew out, of various styles, flying densely towards Huikong.

Huikong raised his hand and slapped it, not only smashing these micro-machines that had reached the hunting level, but also almost sending the spacecraft flying away.

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