Star Odyssey

Chapter 1015 Planet Warehouse

Master Yuan thought for a while, "It won't be long. It depends on the speed of energy decline. It may take several years at the current rate, but the decline is accelerating. Perhaps, it will be possible to connect within a year."

"When will the competition for the Five Stars begin?" Lu Yin asked hurriedly.

Master Yuan shook his head, "I don't know."

Lu Yin's eyes flickered and he looked into the distance. If the five stars competed before the inner and outer universes were connected, it would be too late.

What's more, it's not that easy to deal with Zhenwu Night King. This is not just a fight between two people. There are too many things involved. The simplest thing is that even if he has the ability to defeat Zhenwu Night King, the White Night Clan will let him succeed so easily. ? Will those who support Zhenwu Night King let him succeed? This does not include the fact that King Zhenwu Ye is about to become the Five Stars, and new forces have joined to support him.

At that time, it may affect a small half of the inner universe, and even involve the cosmic sea and even the new universe. If you want to deal with him, you will need time to plan. Will there be enough time?

If there is time, he can naturally deal with Zhenwu Night King. If it is too late, he can only find a way to make Zhenwu Night King unable to deal with him and restore his image with the help of Yuanshi.

He believed that King Zhenwu Ye could do what he said. Perhaps at this moment, he was a traitor to the human star field in the hearts of countless people in the inner universe.

Master Yuan took out something and handed it to Lu Yin. When Lu Yin looked at it, his brain was shocked and he was completely confused. He only woke up after Master Yuan reminded him.

That was the skin of the Supreme Ancestor. He lent it to Master Yuan to deal with the ancestors of the Tong family and Wumu ancestors. Now Master Yuan has returned it.

The Skin of the Supreme Ancestor was the first ancestral realm thing that Lu Yin got. It was so big that it played a great role.

"Without this piece of the Supreme Ancestor's Skin, the outcome of the battle in the Starry Sky Cemetery is still unknown. It's a pity that the arrow was damaged," Master Yuan said with emotion.

Lu Yin said, "It's good as long as it's useful. Thanks to Master Yuan, the outer universe can be preserved."

Master Yuan sighed, "Things from the ancestral realm are enough to change the pattern of war. You are very destined to the ancestral realm, so cherish it." He said, paused, and continued, "In the battle at the Starry Sky Cemetery, you made great achievements in battle, and with your own Pay your contribution to the coalition, and the Hall of Glory will not treat you badly."

Lu Yin was excited, was he going to give Walnut another five chains? These two super useful things are gone.

Master Yuan may have guessed what Lu Yin was thinking, he shook his head and said bitterly, "Originally I wanted to make up for you with some exotic treasures, but in the battle at Starry Sky Cemetery, my body was injured and has not recovered yet. It is not easy to make powerful exotic treasures. Please wait for a while. Well, I heard that you are in great need of resources, so I have already ordered Dagu to allocate some resources to your cultivation, and at the same time increase your glory points to twenty."

"You have managed this war well. The Hall of Glory has officially granted you the position of Commander-in-Chief of the Outer Universe Alliance Forces. I hope you will cherish it."

Lu Yin was grateful. Although it was a pity that he could not get the life-saving thing, he believed that it would be given to him after the Yuanshi recovered. The other rewards were also quite good. Not to mention the commander-in-chief of the outer universe alliance, the glory points had been increased to twenty. If I remember correctly, when the glory points reach twenty, even if you betray humanity, you will not die. The most you can do is go to jail, just like Shui Chuanxiao.

As for resource allocation, the word allocation is interesting and he is looking forward to it.

Master Yuan was seriously injured, so Lu Yin didn't talk to him much. He met Elder Dagu just after he left.

Elder Dagu looked at Lu Yin in admiration, "How did you come back? The coalition forces have been staring at the galaxy, and there is no sign that the galaxy has been torn apart."

Lu Yin was proud, "I have obtained a star map that allows me to traverse the inner and outer universe from the technological star field."

Elder Dagu was surprised, "Is there such a place?".

Lu Yin nodded, "Given by Endless Shipping."

"No wonder" Elder Dagu.

Lu Yin said, "It's a pity that the route has evolved. If you don't have 400,000 combat power, you can't even pass it, and it becomes more and more difficult the further you go."

"Then how did you pass?" Elder Dagu didn't believe it. He felt that Lu Yin was bragging.

Lu Yin raised his head and said, "I have killed two sealers."

Elder Dagu was startled and then remembered that in the battle at Starry Sky Cemetery, this guy had indeed killed two Sealers in one fell swoop and changed the situation of the battle. Thinking of this, he looked at Lu Yin even more strangely. Looking at ancient times and modern times, there is no cruiser. It's simply abnormal for someone to be able to do this.

Lu Yin admired Elder Dagu's gaze very much. It seemed that his status now surpassed that of this man.

"Ahem, Elder Dagu, how is the southern border defense line? Do you want me to go on a patrol?" Lu Yin asked, feeling that he had this responsibility.

Elder Dagu was stunned for a moment, and then he remembered. This guy is now the commander-in-chief of the outer universe coalition forces. Although he has privileges during wartime, the slogan of the border is that it is always at wartime. This is disgusting.

"You can go if you want," Elder Dagu said.

Lu Yin smiled, "I'm not going now. By the way, Master Yuan said he would allocate some resources to me as a reward. I don't know how much it is?".

Elder Dagu asked, "How many do you want?"

Lu Yin's eyes lit up.

Elder Dagu felt chills in his heart. He knew that this man loved money as much as his life. He could do business even on the battlefield. If he could, he would rather do business with this man, and he would get what he paid for. But in the battle at Starry Sky Cemetery, This person selflessly contributed the elixir, and his merits were too great. He was deeply loved by Master Yuan. He couldn't refuse, but he didn't want to give too much, so he could only let him speak for himself, hoping not to be too exaggerated.

Lu Yin's eyes were excited, "Elder, do you think this junior can visit the treasure house of the Hall of Glory?"

Elder Dagu felt a chill down his back, "Don't you want resources? Just say it, what treasure house should you visit?".

Lu Yin blinked and said, "Master Yuan ordered it."

Elder Dagu swallowed his saliva, "Actually, after several wars, the Hall of Glory is not rich either."

"I didn't ask for money. Of course, money must be given. I remember the elder said at the beginning that the end of the war would not only reward a large amount of star energy crystal marrow, but also a large amount of military exploits," Lu Yin said with a smile.

Elder Dagu pursed his lips and said, "Your military exploits are great enough, and your status now surpasses mine."

Lu Yin clapped his hands and said, "That's better. As the commander-in-chief of the coalition forces, don't you have the right to visit our treasure house?"

Our treasure house? The four words made Elder Dagu's hair stand on end, but he had no choice but to say, "Please."

Lu Yin actually wanted to visit the treasure trove of the Hall of Glory in the Outer Universe with Elder Dagu, but Elder Dagu refused to take him there at all costs. In the end, the two came to the battlefield warehouse in the southern border area.

It's not like Lu Yin has never been to the battlefield warehouse, but this time, he went to the main warehouse instead of a certain branch warehouse.

The main warehouse of the border battlefield is not far from the location of the Yuan Master. The Hall of Glory is also worried that the warehouse will be destroyed. Facing the attack of the Sixth Continent, mankind is not completely united. For example, the New Human Alliance is very likely to cause sabotage, so it is necessary to stay close to the Yuan Master. With Master Yuan in charge, no one can attack the warehouse.

Looking at a very ordinary planet in front of him, Elder Dagu stood in the starry sky.

Lu Yin was confused, "The warehouse is on that planet?".

Elder Dagu twitched his lips and said, "That planet is the warehouse."

Lu Yin was confused, "What do you mean?".

Elder Dagu said, "That planet is the warehouse."

Lu Yin was stunned for a moment, then reacted, surprised, "You mean, that planet, the entire planet is a warehouse?".

Elder Dagu nodded.

Lu Yin was stunned and looked at the planet stupidly. Is this true or false? Although this planet is not big, much smaller than the earth, and is equivalent to the size of the moon, but even so, it is too exaggerated. How much material can be stored on a whole planet?

"There are billions of cultivators in the border battlefield, not including the forced recruitment of the entire outer universe during the war. This is the main warehouse, and there are also branch warehouses in various places. Even so, the supplies are still a bit insufficient. During the battle at the Starry Sky Cemetery, Many forces in the outer universe came with their own money and did not obtain supplies from the border," Elder Dagu said.

Lu Yin praised, "Only the Hall of Glory can use a planet as a warehouse. By the way, elder, how many star energy crystal essences are there?".

Elder Dagu pondered for a moment and didn't want to say anything, but he glanced at Lu Yin and saw the persistent look in Lu Yin's eyes. He said helplessly, "It's hard to say the exact number, it's all mixed up, but it's probably a few hundred million cubic meters."

Lu Yin's mouth opened wide. He suddenly felt that he was a poor person, a real poor person. Once upon a time, he was still excited and excited about the little wealth he had, thinking that he was out of poverty, but now he knew what it meant to be rich.

The Hall of Glory is where you are rich. People ask for hundreds of millions of cubic meters, so let’s play!

He suddenly remembered the star energy crystal marrow that he saw stretching across many mountains on the Transport Continent. It was estimated that there were billions of cubic meters there.

Only through comparison could he know the difference. He was embarrassed to tell Elder Dagu that he had such a small amount of savings. No wonder people never counter-offered when buying things. There was no need to counter-offer.

Elder Dagu coughed and his eyes flickered, "Let's go down."

"Brother Qi, the old guy didn't tell the truth. Look at how wretched he is, with those little eyes darting around. He must be more than a few hundred million cubic meters of crystal marrow," Guihou shouted.

Lu Yin looked over.

Elder Dagu took a step forward and disappeared with a guilty conscience.

Lu Yin pursed his lips. It was more than a few hundred million. Could it be that it was more than a billion?

There are almost hundreds of millions of cubic meters of star energy crystal marrow in a mountain range. The planet below can accommodate too many mountains, but they cannot all be star energy crystal marrow. Most of them must be various mineral resources, food, etc., as well as stars. Energy crystals, etc. After all, the most commonly used money in the outer universe is star energy crystals, not star energy crystal marrow.

Even cultivators who have reached the cruise level may not be qualified to be assigned star energy crystal marrow. Most of them must be star energy crystals. This is reasonable. Even if 100 million cubic meters of star energy crystal marrow are exchanged for star energy crystals, it is still quite enough. More, a gap of 100,000 times, equivalent to 100,000 mountains to fill it up, and using a planet as a warehouse is not an exaggeration.

With one step, Lu Yin entered the planet's atmosphere.

The planet environment is not bad, with a primitive appearance, but there are no large creatures. It seems that the creatures here have just sprouted.

Looking around, there are resources everywhere, there are many spaceships, and the continuous mountains are piled with star energy crystals. As for the star energy crystal marrow, it is in the sea.

Lu Yin caught up with Elder Dagu and said, "Elder, please introduce me."

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