Star Odyssey

Chapter 1020: Evolved Foreign Objects

Looking at the upper and lower light curtains, Lu Yin directly threw the giant's right arm up.

The giant's right arm itself has the runes of the Enlightenment Realm, and the right arm is equivalent to the previous wrist guard.

The wrist guard is limited by the material. When it is upgraded to the top, the increase in its own strength can only be close to the enlightenment level of 300,000 combat power. This giant's right arm is different.

Lu Yin kept throwing star energy crystal marrow up. The giant's right arm was raised once, twice, three times, until it could no longer be raised after six times. It was also limited by the material and reached the top.

Looking at the giant's right arm that had been upgraded six times, Lu Yin took a breath. Now the number of runes on the giant's right arm was very large, exceeding that of any enlightenment level powerhouse he had ever seen, including those from Clover Company's Yu Mu. The ultimate master should be infinitely close to the Star Envoy!

Touching the giant's right arm, Lu Yin took a deep breath. The inner and outer universes have been isolated for more than six years. At first, he was able to enhance foreign objects to the level of threatening the enlightenment state. Now, he is almost close to the star envoy, and he has also evolved.

No, I made money.

That's not right. With his original ability, no matter how much money he had, the external objects he could improve would be limited by materials, which would at most threaten the powerful ones in the Enlightenment Realm.

The level is still different.

After sighing to himself, Lu Yin put away the giant's right arm and took out the suffocating cannon. This thing was very useful for sneak attacks. It was small in size, unnoticeable, and powerful.

The power of the smothering cannon is only close to the level of 50,000 combat power cruising level. Compared with the outer universe, it is actually very good. After all, it is stored in the border warehouse of the Hall of Glory, but it is too little help to Lu Yin.

Keeping all the cannons on the upper light screen, Lu Yin began to increase like crazy.

It has been improved a total of nine times and cannot be improved again. It is also limited by materials.

After nine upgrades, Meng Pao's rune count reached the enlightenment level of just over 200,000 combat power.

That's right, although the combat power is small, there are many after all, and I am not in the cruising realm now. These cannons can threaten the enlightenment realm, which is equivalent to the gun that was upgraded at the beginning, which is very good.

The giant's right arm was upgraded six times, a total of 1.3 million cubic star energy crystal marrow was consumed, and the sullen cannon was upgraded nine times, more than 20 pieces, a total of 1.4 million cubic star energy crystal marrow was consumed, and the two together added up to two 1.7 million cubic star energy crystal marrow.

If it wasn't for a huge fortune, I really wouldn't have the money to improve.

Thinking about it, Lu Yin took out the one-way mirror, and this is what happened next.

This thing can forcibly absorb star energy within a certain range, and if used well can disrupt the opponent's combat skills and even talent.

The number of runes of the one-way mirror itself is similar to that of the Mighty Cannon, and it is also close to the 50,000 cruising level. However, the materials are much better than the Mighty Cannon. After all, it is a rare treasure.

Lu Yin kept improving until he was promoted thirteen times and could no longer improve.

Thirteen times, a total of 1.18 million cubic star energy crystal marrow was consumed. Now, the number of runes in the one-way mirror is already very large, and it should be beyond the level of fish screen.

Perhaps it exceeds 400,000 combat power!

The improvement of these three things consumes a total of nearly four million cubic star energy crystal marrow, which is too expensive. The further you go, the higher the level, the more precious the foreign objects you come into contact with, and the more money you need to upgrade.

He is indeed still poor.

Looking at the Ning Kong Ring, he still had more than 20 million Star Energy Crystal Essence on his body, which was enough for the time being.

In fact, for Lu Yin, the most important thing is the space armor, or all-round protective weapons and equipment. The giant arm can barely count as one. After all, it is very large. If used well, it can protect the whole body, but it also needs something similar to the space armor. equipment.

My new set of cosmic armor can only withstand the attacks of more than 200,000 enlightenment level warriors at most. It is enough in the outer universe, but if you look at the inner universe, especially when facing the White Night clan, it is definitely not enough.

Hopefully Ikaruga can put together some strong stuff.

Lu Yin suddenly slapped his head and forgot that he actually gave the mechanical monsters that attacked Brother Huikong to Ikaruga. Even if Ikaruga could see the materials of the mechanical monsters, he couldn't separate them. Those monsters seemed very weak. , was directly torn apart by Brother Huikong, but it was Brother Huikong, a being with a combat power of at least one million.

No matter how bad that kind of mechanical monster is, it should still surpass the Star Envoy.

Thinking about it, Lu Yin walked out of the secret room and headed to the research institute.

At this moment, in the underground research institute of the 12th team of the Royal Court, Ikaruga was distressed. Vice-captain Sha Luoshu stood behind him, looking equally distressed at the remains of the mechanical monster occupying the entire underground.

"Captain, is this sent by His Highness?" Sha Luoshu asked.

Ikaruga nodded.

Sha Luoshu was helpless, "With our current technology, it is impossible to move these things. Even a single part cannot be disassembled. I don't know where your Highness got these things."

Ikaruga looked at the fragments of the mechanical monster and touched the mechanical parts, "These come from the technological star field."

The rest of the people were shocked. The Science and Technology Star Territory was a civilization that was inaccessible to humans. Although there were wars all year round, really speaking, no one really understood the Science and Technology Star Territory, and no one had ever gone deep into it.

"It's amazing that His Highness can bring such a big thing from the science and technology star field," an old science and technology scientist said in admiration.

"Your Highness can't do anything, it's just that we are too bad and can't keep up with His Highness."

"With the capabilities of our Academy of Science and Technology, there is absolutely nothing we can do about this thing. It is estimated that even the most technologically advanced future territories in the outer universe will not be able to do anything about this thing."

Listening to everyone's discussion, Ikaruga became irritated and said, "Okay, you go down first and I'll find a solution."

After a while, everyone dispersed, leaving only the Turtle Dove and the Salo Tree.

"Captain", just as Sha Luoshu said, the void opened on the side and Lu Yin walked out.

Seeing Lu Yin appear, Sha Luoshu turned pale and said, "See you, Your Highness."

During the Earth Trial, he advocated helping Lars, Sika's son, to deal with Lu Yin. Although many years have passed since this incident, he still feels fear unconsciously every time he sees Lu Yin, lest Lu Yin settle the score.

Lu Yin didn't care about him at all.

When Ikaruga saw Lu Yin coming, he saluted and said, "See you, Your Highness."

Lu Yin looked at the huge mechanical monster fragments and said, "How are you doing? What do you think?".

Ikaruga asked Sarashu to retreat with a solemn expression, "Your Highness, we cannot dismantle this mechanical creature, or even analyze its own material properties."

Lu Yin was not surprised, "If I can disassemble these machines, can you use the materials I get?".

Ikaruga's eyes were bright, "You can use part of it, but most of the materials need to be melted, and we don't have enough high-temperature flames."

Lu Yin said, "High temperature, I have it. I need a new set of armor, made of the best materials. I will help you. Give me whatever metal you need to melt."

Ikaruga nodded, "I understand, my subordinates must make the best armor."

Lu Yin left with the mechanical monster fragments and went directly to the deserted planet. He looked up and the dice appeared. He pointed out, it was still one point. Don't worry, come again.

The rotation of the dice slowly stopped, and what finally appeared in front of you was four o'clock, a timeless space.

There is no need to rush into the timeless space. One point, five o'clock, and six o'clock are useless here, but two o'clock and three o'clock can still be used.

Perhaps because he had run out of luck on the three-point roll, Lu Yin stayed in the time-stationary space for almost a month and a half before he reached two o'clock.

Two points can decompose things. The decomposition vortex can only exist for five minutes, but the time can be extended with star energy crystals.

Dragging the pieces of the mechanical monster and throwing them into the decomposition vortex, various strange metals fell from the vortex, and were then picked up by Lu Yin to continue decomposing. He knew that these metals might be synthetic, and Ikaruga and the others couldn't do it with their technology, but Let’s break it all down!

As the scene in front of him changed, Lu Yin returned to the deserted planet, stepped out, and returned to the Zhenyu Planet Underground Science and Technology Institute.

He threw the countless strange materials that he had decomposed to the turtle dove, and then left with the shocked and puzzled eyes of the turtle dove.

To make new equipment, Ikaruga must study those metal materials, which takes time, and he can also use this time to practice and explore the White Night Clan's inheritance stone.

In the secret room of Zishan Prince's Mansion, Lu Yin took out the sixteen-faced ancient stone inherited from the Baiye clan with complicated eyes.

During the Earth Trial, he, Charlotte, and Lulu Mebis all obtained combat skills from the ancient stone. Logically speaking, only the White Night tribe could obtain them, but he didn't think too much about it at that time. Looking back now, Lulu came from It’s not surprising that Mavis has magical means, but Charlotte, what is his identity?

It is not easy to have a unique surname from ancient times, and it is even more difficult to have the courage to walk the universe with a unique surname from ancient times.

Also, as a member of the Mavis family, why did Lulu come to Earth? He once thought it was for the Immortal Sutra, but he might not be right.

The earth hides unknown secrets, related to the underground organization? Jupiter, I still have to go and see it again, wait until I break through the hunting realm!

Holding the ancient inheritance stone in his hand, feeling the vicissitudes of time, Lu Yin raised his hand, and the ancient stone floated into the air. Then, he cut his finger, and blood dripped on the ancient stone. For a moment, he saw a dark starry sky, black and white suddenly alternated, and turned into The arrival of the huge fist was exactly the same as the scene when he first entered the ancient inheritance stone.

Zhou Shan, Wu Sheng, Jenny Ona and others failed at this moment and could not enter the inheritance corridor at all.

At that time, Lu Yin needed to rely on the Tianxing Technique to enter, but now, his body shook slightly, the Baiye Fist disappeared, and his body appeared directly outside the corridor.

At the same time, in the ancestral land of the White Night clan, under the stone monument that pierced the sky, countless White Night clan members raised their heads. Some were excited, some were looking forward to it, and some were disdainful.

The stone tablet represents the level of understanding of all the Baiye clan members in the inheritance stone. The higher the understanding, the higher the image will be revealed on the stone tablet.

The highest point is undoubtedly the Zhenwu Night King, and the second only to the Zhenwu Night King is Zhanlong Baiye.

The manifest image of the stone tablet does not depend on cultivation level, but only on the degree of understanding of combat skills and the degree of acceptance of inheritance.

At this moment, on the stone tablet, many members of the Baiye clan were competing, including Tiankong Baiye, Chilian Baiye, Rou Baiye, who had studied in the Starry Sky War Academy, Huibaiye, Zhuobaiye, and Yan Qingye who had studied in the Tenth Academy of Starry Sky. King, Bone Night King and so on.

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