Star Odyssey

Chapter 1023 The Great Sinner

In his current position, he must either accept the inheritance and learn to come at night, or withdraw from the corridor.

Lu Yin doesn't want to quit, and he doesn't need to move forward. He can't move forward with his current strength of energy and spirit. He needs to learn Ye Lin. Ye Lin can perfectly exert his energy and spirit power, which is far better than Baiye Fist.

A day passed. In the ancestral land of the Baiye clan, the war dragon Baiye opened his eyes and looked at the stone tablet, and found that Lu Yin's image had surpassed him.

Zhanlong Baiye is helpless but refuses to admit defeat. In the next period of time, he will continue to understand the inheritance until he surpasses this person.

Zhenwu Night King was called again by several people guarding the stone monument. The person in the middle asked him to find someone to suppress Lu Yin, but if possible, Zhan Long Baiye had already been suppressed by the Night King clan. Even Zhan Long Baiye couldn't suppress Lu Yin. , Zhenwu Night King has nothing to do.

He was reprimanded and accepted the punishment within the clan. This was brought to him by Lu Yin. He needed to vent. To this end, he massacred hundreds of people of King Bai's lineage in front of Zhuo Baiye.

"If you want to hate, then hate him. It was you who let him go. If it weren't for him, you wouldn't have to be exposed until dawn. You still had a glimmer of hope to fight for freedom for the White King's lineage, but it was ruined because of him. If it weren't for him, These people don't need to die, just hate him, it's all because of him." Zhenwu Yewang said lightly, turned and left.

Zhuo Baiye was left looking at the corpses of hundreds of clan members in grief.

Zhen Yuxing, in the secret room of Zishan Palace, Lu Yin suddenly opened his eyes, his face turned pale, and he fell asleep straight. The Baiye clan inheritance stone hit the ground with a crisp sound.

"Bold" shouted angrily. Lu Yin suddenly opened his eyes and stood up. He dreamed again. He dreamed that a finger came down and wanted to crush him to death. The uncontrollable anger made him wake up.

He slept for ten days. In order to comprehend the coming night in the corridor, he almost exhausted his energy and energy. He barely woke up after ten days of sleep.

The moment he woke up, Lu Yin had a splitting headache. This feeling was the same as when he rolled the dice and was overdrawn, and he also dreamed of that finger.

Even at his current level, he still doesn't understand where that finger came from. In the battle at the Starry Sky Cemetery, if it hadn't been for the jade given by Mr. Mu, he would have died.

One finger came from a real person. That person's power was incalculable, at least beyond Yuanshi and the others. Why would such a powerful person kill himself? And he couldn't help but shout the word "bold"?

With beads of sweat dripping, Lu Yin put away the inheritance stone, closed his eyes, exhaled, and learned at night.

The shortcomings of the spirit attack have been made up. It no longer requires only one White Night Fist. The moves of the White Night Fist are too obvious. Anyone with a little knowledge knows that this is a combat skill of the White Night clan. Ye Lin is different. I don’t know who is the first to try it. Who is the master of this combat skill? Maybe it's Lance, there's still a fight between them.

Originally he wanted to practice with the Sky Flame Stone, but now he had a splitting headache and Lu Yin wanted to take a rest.

When he walked out of the secret room, he was greeted by Zhao Ran.

"Your Highness, are you out? Would you like a cup of scented tea?" Zhaoran asked happily.

Lu Yin nodded, "Okay."

In the garden, Lu Yin enjoyed a rare peace, but the western territory was a bit shaken.

A few days ago, Lu Yin asked Wang Wen and others, other than Wang Wen and others, to have the authority of the commander-in-chief of the space alliance to hinder those territorial forces that are hostile to the Eastern Xinjiang Alliance. This is not war time, and there is no need to mobilize the entire outer universe for a war in the short term. But it’s always good to plan ahead.

Wang Wen, Weirong, and Enya used their power as commander-in-chief to mobilize the major forces in the western territories to transfer resources, build military express lanes, establish joint research institutes, etc. There were dozens of them, which shocked the forces at the helm. .

This is obviously an attempt to punish them, but it cannot be said to be a complete attack on them. Once wartime comes, the things they do can greatly improve the strength of the coalition forces.

This is embarrassing. Even if they sue to the Hall of Glory, it will be useless. The commander-in-chief of the coalition forces has this power, and he does not let them work in vain. The Eastern Xinjiang Alliance is even willing to pay a fee.

If it's just to do something, but to transfer resources, and to a designated place, this is unacceptable to those forces. Doesn't this clearly tell the Eastern Xinjiang Alliance where its own resources are hidden? Can't move yet.

Not so bullying. This is a common feeling among the major forces in the Western Territory. They feel that their IQ is being beaten and they cannot resist.

Fortunately, at the beginning, Wang Wen and the others controlled the intensity and did not go too far. The next step is to mobilize the army and hone the coalition's combat skills. At that time, it is really possible to break up. If they haven't broken up by then, they can Starting from economic cooperation, both the military and the economy have been interfered with, which is intolerable to individuals.

This is the prerogative of the commander-in-chief of the coalition forces. They are clearly trying to punish them, but they are still unreasonable. These things are indeed conducive to the integration of the coalition forces in the outer universe.

The major forces in the Western Territory can barely accept the order Wang Wen and the others are giving now, but Clover Company cannot accept it.

When the outer space war is mobilized, everyone must obey orders. The commander-in-chief of the outer space coalition forces has the authority to give orders to behemoths such as Clover Company and Mabis Bank.

Enya never forgot the humiliation she suffered, so she directly issued an order to Clover Company, ordering Clover Company to prepare commonly used drugs and store them in designated locations in case of emergency.

This order was rejected by Clover Company just after it was issued.

Lu Yin didn't know about this until a few days later.

Lu Yin took a good rest these days, and even took the time to go to the tavern for a drink.

"Your Highness, please punish me." Enya saluted respectfully and stood in front of Lu Yin.

Lu Yin drank a cup of scented tea and said calmly, "It's not a big deal. We have the right to issue orders to Clover Company."

Enya said in a deep voice, "My subordinates are using their power for personal gain."

Lu Yin smiled lightly and looked at Enya, "I said that one day I will avenge you. This day has been delayed for a while, and it is time."

Enya was excited and said, "Thank you, Your Highness." She didn't care about herself. The reason why she wanted to seek revenge from Clover Company was because Yumu insulted Shui Chuanxiao. Shui Chuanxiao was the person she respected the most and would not allow others to insult her.

Lu Yin looked at Enya, "Do you still remember the first time we met?".

Enya nodded, "His Royal Highness, as a student of the Star Wars Academy, participated in border training and made great contributions, and was rewarded by the commander-in-chief."

"At that time, it was the Zangyuan planet you took me to, the border of Wenfengliu Realm. Each planet was only guarded by the Exploration Realm. The intensity of the war was not high," Lu Yin said.

Enya replied, "The border war in the Bunfengryu Realm is indeed not fierce, so only students from the Starry Sky Battle Academy can participate in the training at that time. Otherwise, if it were the beginning of the isolation of the inner and outer universe, the battlefield of the Iron Blood Realm, or the border of the Endless Realm, Sixth When the mainland invades and fights, students will not be able to participate at all."

Lu Yin understood that the Iron-Blooded Territory and the Endless Territory were so terrifying that even in the hunting realm, one had to rely on luck to survive.

No, even the enlightenment realm requires some luck to survive.

Of course, there was also the battle in the Universe Sea that we had just experienced, which was also very cruel.

"I remember you told me before that Commander Shui deliberately lost the battle in order to connect the entire human star field network, which resulted in the loss of half of the Endless Territory. Only then was he imprisoned in Kunze and sentenced to ten thousand years in prison."

Mentioning this, Enya looked sad, "If the human star domain network is not connected, many things cannot be accomplished in one day. Even if the order from the Hall of Glory cannot be conveyed in time, Your Highness should have understood that if the network was not connected, the battle in the Iron Blood Territory would not have been possible. The support may not be that timely.”

Lu Yin has a deep understanding that he himself was forcibly recruited, and the same is true for the border war in the Endless Territory. The network is not connected, and the Hall of Glory cannot force recruitment.

Shui Chuanxiao's courage is no less than that of Neptune. Neptune bet the entire Fifth Continent on it, but Shui Chuanxiao bet on himself.

The fate of these two people who made huge bets is unknown.

Enya suddenly knelt down and said, "Your Highness, please make the decision for Commander Shui."

Lu Yin quickly helped Enya up and said, "It doesn't have to be like this."

Enya refused to get up, her eyes were red and tears were falling, "Your Highness, the Commander-in-Chief has been very kind to me. If possible, Enya would rather serve the sentence for the Commander-in-Chief. Now looking at the universe inside and outside, no one can help except Your Highness. The commander-in-chief is so handsome.”

Lu Yin was silent. Although Shui Chuanxiao had made great contributions to connecting the network, it was a fact that he caused the defeat of the human star field and ruined half of the endless territory. He was also guilty of a big crime.

What Hall of Glory did was right, he was not wronged.

Enya cried, "Your Highness, the commander-in-chief has great achievements and great faults, but serving a prison sentence is not enough to offset the great faults. Commander Shui is known as the wisest war commander in human history. Shouldn't he use his due abilities? ? Even if you are a small soldier on the battlefield, it is better than serving your sentence in silence until you die of old age."

Lu Yin's eyes lit up, and Enya reminded him with one sentence, yes, it's not a pity for Shui Chuanxiao's wisdom. The Hall of Glory has already made a clear positioning. This is Shui Chuanxiao, the wisest war commander in human history. .

For a person who ruined half of the Endless Territory but was still not executed, you can imagine how reluctant the Hall of Glory is to part with it, or the great contribution he has made to mankind.

It would be a waste for such a person to just serve his sentence in Kunze.

Now he has Wang Wen and Wei Rong, but he only lacks a pre-war commander-in-chief, and Shui Chuanxiao is the most suitable candidate.

Enya knew Lu Yin very well and had been in contact with him for several years. She knew that this was the only way to impress Lu Yin, otherwise why would Lu Yin spend so much money to save Shui Chuanxiao.

Shui Chuanxiao's crime was too great, and she wasn't sure Lu Yin could be saved, but Lu Yin was her only hope. Once Lu Yin unified the outer universe and became the de facto master of the outer universe, his status would be completely different. , rescuing Shui Chuanxiao from Kunze is no longer a dream.

"Your Highness, have you agreed?" Enya looked forward to Lu Yin and asked.

Lu Yin pondered for a moment and said, "Let's give it a try."

Enya was overjoyed and said, "Thank you, Your Highness, thank you, Your Highness."

Lu Yin quickly asked Enya to get up.

"Your Highness, I will definitely help you dominate the outer universe as soon as possible," Enya said firmly, her long golden hair hanging down with a touch of soft beauty.

Lu Yin is the kind of person who once he has made his attitude clear, he will continue to do it.

Shui Chuanxiao's value is worth his efforts.


Suifeng has been on a business trip again these days. Thank you brothers for your continued support. Suifeng promises to keep updating as much as possible. Thank you brothers, thank you! ! !

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