Star Odyssey

Chapter 1043 Lu Yin’s smile

Lu Yin finally stabilized his body, coughed twice, and gasped. The dice had disappeared. The corners of his mouth curled up. Was this his talent for shielding the perception of pain? really interesting.

Roll the dice to five points and borrow talent. Once the die rolls to five points, you must touch the person with the talent within ten seconds to borrow that person's talent.

This point has always been of little use, but I didn't expect it to be useful at this moment.

The moment the dice rolled to five o'clock, Lance's attack happened to come. He took the initiative to touch Lu Yin. Although it brought damage, it also brought talent.

Lance looked at Lu Yin strangely, was he smiling?

Lu Yin was indeed smiling. Countless people saw it. Everyone was confused. Laughing? Why? How can you still laugh at this time?

A man who can't even stabilize his fighting spirit, his left arm is disabled, and his whole body looks like it's disabled, but he can still smile?

Lance felt uneasy in his heart and subconsciously raised his left palm, holding it empty.

Lu Yin's eyes widened suddenly, and he raised his left arm that was supposed to be useless. He pointed out the moment when Lance was about to use the Kong Kong Palm. He pointed in his dream, and under the field awareness, he solidified the void one step ahead and delayed the Kong Kong Palm. , the pupils turned into runes to weaken Lance's left palm, exactly the same as before against Lance's right palm.

Lance's Kongkong Palm was still released, and he couldn't stop it himself. Lu Yin used the secret word "Yu" to transfer the Kongkong Palm, and Meng Zhongzhong's finger, as if his right palm was disabled, penetrated the left palm, and completely destroyed Lance's left hand. The arm was beaten to pieces.

Lu Yin originally thought that Yu Zibi could not completely transfer the Kong Kong Palm, and he would still have to bear half of the palm. Who would have thought that Yu Zibi could completely transfer the Kong Kong Palm.

Lance has also reached his limit. It should be said that he has reached his limit a long time ago, but because the pain is shielded, he appears to be able to fight. In fact, his body can no longer move.

With his arms crippled, Lance looked shocked, looking at Lu Yin in disbelief, and slowly fell down.

Lu Yin's left arm was also shaking violently. The talent he borrowed could only be used once. Once used up, the pain swept over him like a tide, almost making him faint.

Barely standing in the starry sky, watching the land flying further and further away.

Everyone's focus has shifted from Lu Yin to that piece of land, where Lance fell. Ten Jue Lance fell first.

Top 100 battle list, ten finals all over the place.

This is the most accurate judgment made on the younger generation of the current generation. The Ten Jue are invincible. From ancient times to the present, only the ten people of this generation can be called the Ten Jue. No one has ever done so before.

Regarding the Ten Jue, everyone has formed a common sense that no one can defeat it.

But at this moment, Ten Jue Lance fell, really fell.

This scene silenced the entire universe.

Lan Si's victory was deserved, but his defeat was enough to cause a sensation. This sensation was like the prelude to a new era, and a new ten-juel was born, Lu Yin.

In the outer universe, the territory of Canglan is boiling. The whole country of Daeyu Empire is celebrating, and countless people are looking up to the sky and cheering.

The Honghuang Sect, Taimo Palace, Six Finger Clan, Three Color Federation, Qimu Palace, etc., all the forces that belong to the Eastern Xinjiang Alliance are both proud and bitter at this moment, and countless complex emotions appear in their hearts, which are indescribable.

Some people were relieved. Looking at Lu Yin, they saw hope for the future. This big ship would continue to sail across the ocean.

Some people feel that there is never any hope of getting off the ship.

The battle on King Peng no longer represents more than just a battle for the younger generation. Its combat power has approached 300,000. Looking at the outer universe, both of them have enough combat power to rank in the top 20. This is without the use of foreign objects. Under the premise that once they can use foreign objects, no one knows how powerful the two can exert.

Zhen Yuxing, Wei Rong exhaled, seemingly unstoppable.

Wanqiancheng, Qiong Xier covered her head, this pervert.

Nalan Fairy had a smile on his face. His original decision was right. This man was not afraid of ten battles, and a fair fight was enough to win.

Tianmaoxing and Zitianchuan had no choice but to give up their little delusions. From now on, they would still have to live in the shadow of this person.

Aegis, the black-faced killer closed his eyes and just followed this ship, no matter what the outcome was.

One after another, familiar and unfamiliar people expressed emotion. Looking at Lu Yin standing in the starry sky, they didn't know how to describe it.

Lu Yin at this moment was brilliant.

Even if the other ten battles in the inner universe were all looking at him at the moment, this person had already arrived in front of them, bringing pressure.

Zhenwu Night King's eyes were cold and he didn't say a word. He turned to look at the stone tablet of his ancestral land. This person must be killed. Leaving him behind will sooner or later be a disaster.

Outside King Peng, Wendy Yushan breathed a sigh of relief, thinking about the initial contempt for this person. How long had it passed? For a cultivator, in just a blink of an eye, he was already standing at a height beyond his own, and walked up step by step with difficulty. Although miserable, he was very stable.

The bespectacled girl Wuzi looked at Lu Yin with some fear. He had changed again from when they first met, becoming so terrifying and unfathomable.

In the starry sky, Lu Yin knew that the eyes of the whole universe were focused on him at this moment. He slowly flew towards the land, where Lance opened his eyes and didn't know what he was looking at.

He was conscious, but his body could not move. He had exceeded his limit. Although blocking pain perception brought him stronger strength, it also made him unable to know the limits of his body. Lu Yin's last blow, even if it was just an ordinary palm, was enough. Let him fall.

As the shadow enveloped him, Lu Yin walked to Lance's side and looked down, "You are defeated."

Lance's eyes were calm and he was not unwilling. He had tried his best. If he lost, he would lose. He had nothing to say, "Congratulations, you won."

Lu Yin slowly sat cross-legged and sat next to Lance. He took out a bottle of wine from Ningkong Ring and handed it to him.

Lance looked at him calmly.

Lu Yin was startled and forgot that he couldn't move, so he opened the wine bottle and placed it next to Lance.

Lance used his remaining star power to control the wine bottle, causing the wine to turn into water and enter his mouth.

Lu Yin's whole body was shaking with pain, but he was much better than Lance. His physical strength originally surpassed Lance.

At this time, he was even more grateful to Zhenwu Night King. If Zhenwu Night King hadn't beaten him so seriously that he was almost dead, how could he have used the Mysterious Skill of Life and Death to strengthen his body again.

If it hadn't been for that encounter, he would have definitely lost the battle with Lance at this moment, and it would have been impossible for him to fight like this.

Success is also true martial arts, defeat is also true martial arts.

"How does it feel to win against me?" Lance asked calmly, looking at the starry sky.

Lu Yin smiled bitterly, "I didn't expect you to be so strong."

Lance was surprised, "That's what I should have said. I never thought I would lose."

Lu Yin sighed, "One hundred and fifty powerful. Not many of the younger generation can withstand this kind of attack, not to mention the talent of empty palm and shielding pain perception. You are worthy of being invincible in the Ten Jue."

Lance said calmly, "Are you praising yourself?".

Lu Yin shook his head and took a sip of wine, "I have experienced many battles. There were many times when my life hung by a thread, and I was even considered dead. But the most satisfying thing was fighting with you. You and I are the same kind of people."

"This is also the reason why I came to you after you tied my record in the Starry Sky Battle Academy. You and I are the same kind of people," Lance said.

In the distance, countless people watched, afraid to approach.

A spaceship arrived. Elder Tie and other masters from the Chongshan Dojo rushed over, but were blocked by a group of people. Blue Baby took action directly, but the person blocking them was not weak, it was the old woman from the Nalan family.

Baby Smurf's attacks have no effect.

"Get out of the way" Lan Baobao shouted, looking anxiously into the distance, fearing that Lu Yin would do something to Lance.

Beside him, Elder Tie is much calmer. He is not worried about what Lu Yin will do to the young master. With so many people watching, the young master has been defeated. If Lu Yin continues to take action, the universe will not tolerate it. He just wants to give the young master as soon as possible. Main treatment.

The old woman shook her head, "I have been ordered to ensure that the duel between the two of you is fair. You are not allowed to get close to them before they speak."

Elder Tie was anxious, "Young Master has been defeated, what else can be done?".

The old woman's eyes were determined.

At this time, many masters appeared around, among them there were more than five people in the Light Enlightenment Realm, including Ke Yun, the master of the Moko Sword Sect, and Mafa Xing Wusheng. There were also masters waiting in the dark for an opportunity.

They are all masters of the Eastern Xinjiang Alliance, and now Lu Yin has won the battle, which has strengthened their determination to maintain the Eastern Xinjiang Alliance.

If people from Chongshan Dojo were allowed to get close to Lu Yin, they wouldn't have to mess around anymore, and the so-called Dongjiang Alliance would be a joke.

Elder Tie felt aggrieved. This happened to him when he tried to trouble Wei Rong in the Starry Sky Cemetery. Lu Yin's influence was too great, and there must be experts to protect him wherever he appeared.

Floating on the land in the starry sky, Lu Yin took out the elixir and handed it to Lance, "Do you dare to eat it?"

Lance opened his mouth.

Lu Yin threw it in.

In the distance, many people saw it, and Elder Tie was shocked, "Young Master, be careful of fraud."

"Lu Yin, what did you feed my brother?" Lan Baobao shouted.

Lu Yin laughed and looked into the distance, "I, Lu Yin, have already won, what else will I do? What are you afraid of? Hahahaha."

Lu Yin smiled, and outside of King Peng, countless people from the Eastern Xinjiang Alliance also laughed. I don't know why, but they just wanted to laugh and laugh with Lu Yin.

In front of the light curtain, countless people in the outer universe also laughed, smiling happily.

In the inner universe, everyone who sees this scene has an indescribable feeling. It is very dull and aggrieved. It is as if the outer universe has fallen into Lu Yin's hands. When he smiles, others can laugh. When he cries, countless people will Robbed.

This is Lu Yin's current power. He represents the interests of countless people and he is at the helm of the largest ship in history.

Elder Tie and other people in the Chongshan Dojo were like a lonely boat in the waves, looking in all directions in confusion. Invisible pressure enveloped them, making them unable to move.

At this time, Lance's arm, which had been pierced and shattered, gradually healed. When he moved his fingers, it hurt, heart-breaking pain, but he could move.

He raised his hand and waved, "Step aside, let's talk."

Elder Tie and others stopped talking.

Blue Baby looked at Lu Yin complicatedly, not knowing what he was thinking.

Lu Yin laughed freely, releasing the depression he had felt in recent days. He showed off his strength in a battle with Lance. It was so enjoyable that he could only release it by laughing.

Lance looked at Lu Yin, slowly sat up, picked up the wine bottle, drank it all in one gulp, and coughed a few times.

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