Star Odyssey

Chapter 1048 Invitation

Lu Yin's enemies are not only the Fire Territory, but also the White Night Clan. His prestige was originally based on the White Night Clan. Now, many places such as the Baiye Clan, Yanlan Realm, etc. have smeared this person as a traitor in the Fifth Continent. This is precisely why they are afraid of him. human performance.

This person is even afraid of the Fire Domain and the White Night Clan. Can he really open his mouth like a lion?

Uncle Meng hesitated again and again, and finally decided, "It is our honor to be able to help Mr. Lu in the Xinhuo Alliance. There is no need to negotiate terms. Mr. Lu, please rest assured that our Xinhuo Alliance will definitely try our best to find out the direction of the galaxy ship for Mr. Lu. And do my best for Mr. Lu."

Bajia was surprised, is Uncle Meng such a generous person?

Lu Yin was surprised, then he laughed and nodded, "Well, thank you very much, Xinhuo Alliance, I, Lu Yin, will take note of it, and I will definitely be rich in rewards in the future."

Uncle Meng smiled and said, "Mr. Lu is too ignorant. If Mr. Lu has any instructions, just contact Bajia directly. The Xinhuo Alliance will do its best."

Lu Yin smiled and hung up the communication after saying a few polite words.

"Brother Qi, this guy is really smart. If he dares to directly ask you for conditions, it will be a one-time deal. He will not owe anyone anything, but now you owe them a favor." Guihou said.

Lu Yin smiled, "I don't owe them any favors."

"What do you mean? People help you unconditionally, but you still don't owe me a favor? Brother Qi, I noticed that you have changed and become thicker-skinned," Ghost Monkey mocked.

Lu Yin smiled and said, "Monkey, do you still remember the first time we encountered the corpse king?".

The ghost monkey thought for a while, "Remember, we were chased by the Hunting Realm, lost in the starry sky, and then crashed on a spaceship attacked by the Corpse King. What happened?"

"There was a corpse king on the spaceship at that time, a woman who was seriously injured, and a young man, and that young man was the Ba Jia just now," Lu Yin said, and he only remembered after looking at Ba Jia for a while. , he will not look familiar to someone out of thin air. Since he looks familiar, there must be a reason.

The ghost monkey exclaimed, "Are you sure?".

Lu Yinmu said, "Absolutely sure."

"That's interesting. So you were able to save that person just now." The ghost monkey laughed strangely.

Lu Yin said lightly, "I remember that woman didn't seem to be dead back then. If she were still alive and mentioned me, they would know who owed favor to whom."

"There was a bond before, Brother Qi. This group of people is destined to be your vanguard against the Fire Domain," Ghost Monkey said.

Lu Yin's eyes were stern. If he could successfully deal with the White Night Clan, the next one he had to deal with was the Fire Territory. However, the Xinhuo Alliance alone was not enough to deal with the Fire Territory. He thought of a person, Yan Yan, one of the current captains of the Thirteenth Imperial Court Team. First, this person comes from the Emperor Ice Continent, and the Emperor Ice Continent is in the Yanlan Flow Realm.

Ghost Monkey suddenly said, "Strange, Seventh Brother, since this Fire Alliance is the enemy of the Fire Territory, why was it hunted down by the New Humanity Alliance in the first place? And it can also transform into a Corpse King. This kind of existence is even within the New Humanity Alliance. Not much."

Lu Yin also thought of this. The Corpse King Transformation is not an ordinary combat skill. Not every Corpse King can perform it. The Corpse King Transformation is only used for particularly important tasks. To hunt down Bajia, this kind of transformation is needed. The level of corpse king?

The Fire Alliance may be hiding something.

There are too many secrets in this universe. He doesn't need to know them all. He just needs to make sure that this group of people can help him deal with the Fire Domain.

The most important thing now is to let them help find the location of the galaxy ship.

The inner universe will definitely not release the giant galactic boat in the old place. It will definitely want to catch him off guard, so let's see who can catch whom off guard.

Not long after, Lu Yin's long-awaited new space armor was successfully manufactured.

Looking at the cosmic armor in front of him that has a simple shape but incorporates various precious materials, Lu Yin is quite satisfied. This is the best cosmic armor so far.

Ikaruga was also very satisfied with this cosmic battle armor and said proudly, "Your Highness, this cosmic battle armor incorporates more than a hundred materials. It can be fused together through precise calculations. Their properties do not conflict with each other. Many of the materials come from you." Those mechanical monsters.”

"Its defense is enough to reach the level of hunting, and...".

Ikaruga introduced it for a while, but wanted to continue to show off, but was kicked out by Lu Yin.

If it weren't for the three-point increase in the dice, he wouldn't be able to use this kind of cosmic armor. The defense is not as good as his body. It can only be used after the three-point increase in the dice.

After driving away the turtle dove, Lu Yin entered the secret room, shielded the ghost monkey, and started rolling the dice.

The first time he rolled it to one point, he got a useless weapon. The second time he rolled it to two points, it was still useless. The third time, Lu Yin was speechless and found that it was actually three points.

He was quite emotional, it would be great if the rolling of the dice could be controlled in the future, but he had no confidence at all when playing like this.

Fortunately, it's three o'clock.

Putting the cosmic armor on it, Lu Yin started throwing star energy essences wildly, showing an aura of not being afraid of spending money.

He is indeed not afraid of spending money. He has more than 20 million cubic star energy essence, which is quite wealthy.

If the materials were good enough, Lu Yin would worry about not having enough money. However, although the materials used in this set of cosmic armor are good, they are only good within the capabilities of Ikaruga. The melted materials on those mechanical monsters have not been thoroughly studied.

But even so, Lu Yin was satisfied.



three times.

Until the seventh time, seeing that the cosmic armor could no longer be dropped, Lu Yin exhaled and said it was over. It had been improved seven times in total. As for the number of runes, Lu Yin laughed. It was almost the same as the right arm of a giant, which meant that this set The cosmic armor has defenses that are almost astronomical.

So far, he has upgraded a total of three sets of cosmic armor. The first set of the cosmic armor can be upgraded to withstand more than 400,000 combat power due to the precious metal obtained by adding the understanding language, helping Lu Yin withstand thousands of In a city bombardment, the second set can withstand an attack equivalent to a combat strength of about 260,000 people, and this third set is considered his best.

A set of cosmic armor can withstand the attacks of powerful Star Envoys. Looking at the outer universe, there are only one or two people who can break through the defense.

These two people are still on his side.

He can walk sideways in the outer universe.

However, the amount of star energy essence consumed was also very large, exceeding three million cubic meters. If it were not for the additional 20 million cubic meters of star energy essence, he would not be able to carry it up.

Putting on the cosmic armor, Lu Yin felt that the entire universe belonged to him.

kindness? Suddenly, with a sharp look, he looked outside the Third Ring Continent, where extremely majestic rune numbers appeared, and their exaggeration was by no means inferior to the fish screen.

Lu Yin narrowed his eyes. There shouldn't be such a strong person outside the Zhenyu Star. If he came without warning, he would be an enemy.

Thinking about it, he planned to go out and take a look while wearing the space armor.

But just as he was about to leave, a person arrived outside Prince Zishan's mansion, and it turned out to be Ku Wei.

Lu Yin had even forgotten about this member of the Seven-Character Wang Tingku's family.

What is he here for?

Lu Yin left in no hurry. The strong man outside Zhenyu Star became secretive, and the number of runes became almost the same as that of an ordinary cultivator. Even if he went out, he would not be able to find him.

Since that person didn't force his way into Zhenyu Star, it proved that he had some scruples, so there was no need to worry.

In the garden of the palace, Lu Yin drank Zhaoran's special drink. Ku Wei entered, and his face was full of smiles when he saw Lu Yin, "Your Highness, congratulations on defeating the Ten Jue. From now on, he will be famous in the universe, even in the new universe. I heard your name, you are so powerful."

Lu Yin looked at him with a faint smile, "If you're not staying with the Royal Court's Tenth Team to train new recruits, why are you here with me?".

Ku Wei came closer, his eyes rolling around, "Um, Your Highness, have you ever wanted to go to the new universe to play?".

Lu Yin said, "The battle for the Star Tower, as a member of the Hall of Glory, I am qualified to go."

"Let's fight for the Star Tower together, visit the new universe, and visit two cemeteries by the way. How pleasant it is, right?" Ku Wei said expectantly, trying his best to show a harmless expression.

Lu Yin's eyes were strange, "Cemetery? You mean the tomb of Chen Zu guarded by your Seven-Character Royal Court?".

Ku Wei nodded, "Let's go together, just for fun, you can represent the Yu family, no one will make things difficult for you."

Lu Yin knew that it was not the Seven-Character Royal Court that was chasing the Yu family, but the New Human Alliance. The so-called Seven-Character Royal Court actually only united to fight against the Hall of Glory for the Chenzu Tomb. If he went on behalf of the Yu family, he should be No one would give him a hard time.

Moreover, he also knew Brother Huikong. Although Brother Huikong did not explicitly say that he was from the Hui family, he should be right.

"Why should I go? Didn't the Yu family's quota to enter the tomb be given to you?" Lu Yin said.

Ku Wei was embarrassed, "Well, actually, the quota was indeed given to me, but I can try my best to help you get a quota for the Ku family. If the two of us go in together, we won't be afraid of others."

Lu Yin was amused, "You want me to help you fight for the Ku family's place, and then give me the Yu family's place to help you deal with others in the tomb?".

Ku Wei nodded and said helplessly, "All the descendants of the Seven-Word Royal Court have secret skills and extraordinary combat power. They are not something ordinary people can deal with. Even if I have a place in the Yu family, I will be unlucky if I encounter them when I go in. I must find a helper." ".

"Can't your descendants of the Ku family help you?" Lu Yin wondered.

Ku Wei grinned, "It's better if you don't take my place. You help me take his place. Let's go in. We are our own people, hehe."

Lu Yin shook his head and said, "Let's talk about it later."

Ku Wei hurriedly said, "No, Your Highness, you have no idea what the Chenzu Tomb means. There are secret techniques, battle techniques, and even Chenzu's rare treasures there. If you get anything, you can be invincible in the starry sky." .

"Then why didn't your Seven-Word Royal Court defeat the Hall of Glory?" Lu Yin asked.

Ku Wei was speechless, "We have it, and so do others. Do you think the people in the new universe are just like the people in your inner and outer universes? They all have secret skills, okay? Just like some people in the Sixth Continent, once the secret skills come out, , No one can do it, Your Highness, your secret technique has saved me countless times."

Lu Yin understands this very well. The people in the Secret Ancestral Territory of the Sixth Continent are so disgusting. Once the Secret Technique of Resurrection comes out, they can't be killed no matter how hard they fight. There is also the Secret Technique of Surrendering, which makes their strength soar. There must be even more disgusting secret techniques.

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