Star Odyssey

Chapter 1059: Waiting for a long time

On the giant ship, several enlightenment-level experts stood on the deck and looked at the galaxy. "Although the separation between the inner and outer universe is only a few short years, it seems like a long time has passed."

"Yes, the inner and outer universes are isolated, the sixth continent invades, and the outer universes are unified, everything seems like a dream."

"Who would have thought that a small cruise realm cultivator could dominate the outer universe? It's a joke. The outer universe has been weak for too many years, and its overall strength is probably not as good as that of a small flow realm in the inner universe."

"Don't underestimate that little guy named Lu Yin. He defeated the Ten Jue Gods and has the power of the Enlightenment. Even you and I may not be our opponents."

Several people were silent, and a young man surpassed them, which really frustrated them.

One of them sneered, "So what if I surpass you and me? Among the masters who went to the outer universe this time, there are several who have a combat strength of more than 300,000. There is also an old senior among them. That old senior has lived for a long time. It is said that he is still alive." I have been taught by Master Yuan."

"Master Yuan? Is that the old man from the Hall of Glory?" someone exclaimed.


"But I heard that Senior Yuanshi admires Lu Yin very much. The reason why Lu Yin became the commander-in-chief of the outer universe alliance is because of the support of Senior Yuanshi."

As soon as these words came out, several people fell silent again.

At this time, a sharp shout came from the depths of the giant boat, "Don't speak nonsense, senior Yuanshi is not someone you can discuss."

Several Enlightenment Realm cultivators were shocked and quickly bowed and retreated.

After a few people left, an old man appeared on the deck. He had a weathered face and dark red skin. He looked quite strange. He was a strong man from the Fire Realm, with a combat power of more than 400,000. He was one of the strongest men in the Fire Realm.

"I thought that after retreating from the Sixth Continent, I could practice in peace, but I didn't expect that I would have to come to the outer universe." The old man sighed, and then looked in the direction of the outer universe, "You are just a junior, and you actually sent me out, but if you can make me come forward, you can be considered It’s an honor and cannot be killed, so let’s abolish it.”

As he said that, the stars in the outer universe were approaching, and the giant boat was about to arrive at the shore.

The old man stared hard at the stars in the distance, where there was a person.

The giant galactic boat is huge and slowly approaches the starry sky of the outer universe.

On the giant boat, millions of cultivators were excited, showing the arrogance from the inner universe.

The inner universe is naturally arrogant towards the outer universe, and it is common sense that their strength is enough to crush the outer universe.

As the giant boat shook, millions of cultivators took the spaceship and headed towards the starry sky. There were quite a number of cultivators making physical leaps in the starry sky. They were from the exploration realm, the cruising realm and the hunting realm. At the front were nearly ten enlightenment realms. Strong.

Such a huge power is enough to sweep across the outer universe. This is the understanding of Yanlan Liujie.

Lu Yin stood alone in the starry sky, watching the giant galactic boat docking, watching countless spaceships taking off, looking at the cultivators walking in the starry sky, those powerful people in the enlightenment realm. He took a deep breath and shouted, "Welcome to the outer universe, Lu Yin, the leader of the Xiadongjiang Alliance, has been waiting for you for a long time."

The starry sky was silent, and Lu Yin's voice drowned out the millions of cultivators on the opposite side.

All the cultivators looked at Lu Yin blankly. They knew that the purpose of coming to the outer universe this time was to deal with this person, and they came quietly this time, but he was waiting here, and he had been waiting for a long time.

The dozen or so powerful men in the Enlightenment Realm looked at each other, a little confused.

One of the old men with a combat power of over 300,000 tore through the void and appeared not far from Lu Yin. He stared at Lu Yin and said, "Junior, are you Lu Yin?".

Lu Yin looked at the old man and narrowed his eyes, "A member of the Dawei Demon Dragon Clan?"

The old man shouted sharply, "I'm talking to you, answer me." As he spoke, his voice shook the starry sky in an attempt to oppress Lu Yin.

Lu Yin didn't move. Beside him, Elder Tie walked out and clenched his fist, "Old guy, who are you threatening? It's just a mixed-haired dragon."

The old man was furious, "You are so bold, you dare to insult our Dawei Xiaolong clan", and he was about to take action.

Elder Tie is not afraid at all. He also has a combat power of over 300,000, and he comes from the Falling Star Sea. In terms of strength, he is by no means weaker than the Great Wei Dragon.

And deep down in their hearts, people in the inner universe don’t actually look down upon the Great Mir Dragon clan. This clan betrayed the Behemoth Star Territory and came to seek refuge. They are traitors. In many people’s minds, the Great Mir Dragon is used to ride Yes, Elder Tie, as the elder of the Chongshan Dojo, how could he allow a big polder dragon to be so arrogant?

"Wait a minute." After a loud shout, the old man Dawei Xiaolong and Elder Tie paused for a moment. An old man appeared in the starry sky again. He had a solemn face and was wearing an armor with obvious characteristics of the Ross Empire. He looked at Lu Yin carefully and said, "Leader Lu, Alliance Leader , you want to be our enemy?".

Lu Yin stopped Elder Tie and said calmly, "If you come by invitation, you are a guest, if you come without warning, you are an enemy. This senior, you, belong to the latter group."

The old man frowned, "There are millions of powerful cultivators from the Yanlan Realm gathered here. Not to mention the rest, they can surpass ten people in the Enlightenment Realm alone. Leader Lu, can you stop them?"

Lu Yin clapped his hands, and in the void behind him, figures appeared one after another. Gong Ling, Ke Yun, etc. were all there. There were no less than ten people from the Enlightenment Realm of the Outer Universe, plus those from the Enlightenment Realm supported by Zhongshan Dojo, there were more than ten people in total. , lined up in a row, among which there is also a person like Wu Sheng, the black-faced killer, hiding in the void and issuing threats.

The old man was shocked. They knew that Lu Yin had unified the outer universe, but it was only a short time. They never thought that this person had such great appeal and suddenly attracted more than a dozen powerful people in the Enlightenment Realm.

Reaching the state of enlightenment can be called powerful. Such powerful people are superior to others even in the inner universe, which is equivalent to a watershed in cultivation.

There are many powerful people in the Enlightenment Realm in the inner universe, but they are only the masters from the Yanlan Flow Realm this time. The number of strong people in the Enlightenment Realm from one Flow Realm to fight against the entire outer universe is somewhat less, not to mention that they cannot find all the Yanlan Flow Realm experts. A master of enlightenment.

Lu Yin clapped his hands again, and in the distance, countless spaceships appeared.

These belong to the Eastern Xinjiang Alliance, a coalition formed when Lu Yin unified most of the outer universe. They have already been placed at the edge of the galaxy to prevent the inner universe from taking action against the outer universe. Now they come in handy.

The number of spaceships is only a lot more than that of the inner universe. If we look at the number of people, it would at least exceed tens of millions.

Such a large-scale gathering of spacecraft represents Lu Yin's influence and the determination of the outer universe.

Lu Yin deliberately publicized the fact that the inner universe was invaded by the Sixth Continent, threatening that the major forces in the inner universe would plunder the resources of the outer universe, and frightening the scalps of all major territories in the outer universe. Judging from the countless years of subordination between the inner and outer universes, it was not impossible. possible.

Lu Yin mobilized troops in the name of the Commander-in-Chief of the Allied Forces in the Outer Universe, and all major territories in the Outer Universe followed the trend and fully cooperated with him. If Lu Yin failed in the end, they could blame it on the Hall of Glory and it had nothing to do with themselves.

It can be said that Lu Yin's ability to successfully gather the power of the outer universe to deal with the threat from the Yanlan Realm this time is inseparable from the dominance of the inner universe for countless years.

The starry sky fell into silence again.

Even the hot-tempered Dawei Dalong stopped making a sound. Lu Yin was obviously not frightened. He had been prepared for it. If they fought head-on, they might not be able to win. Moreover, this was an outer universe, and they caused a war. The place in the Hall of Glory was... I can't explain it either.

They came here secretly.

"Leader Lu, what do you want?" the old man from the Ross Empire asked.

Lu Yin looked at the giant ship of the galaxy and said, "Stand back and let the people with the decision-making power talk to me."

The old man raised his eyebrows, "I can decide everything."

Lu Yin laughed, "That's right, but I want to talk to that old man with a combat power of more than 400,000."

The old man's expression changed, "How do you know?".

Naturally, Lu Yin would not tell him that he could tell through the rune numbers.

There is a very huge rune on the galaxy ship. With Lu Yin's many years of experience in fighting with runes, he can recognize at a glance that the runes have a combat strength of more than 400,000, but it is not as good as Tai Sui of the North Gate. He should have just stepped into it. It looks like a combat strength of 400,000.

The old man from the Ross Empire looked back at the giant ship of the galaxy, waiting for something.

The next moment, the starry sky was distorted, and the scorching high temperature swept over. After spreading towards Lu Yin, the originally dark starry sky turned red visibly to the naked eye.

Lu Yin's eyes suddenly widened and he was furious. A strong man with more than 400,000 combat power actually attacked the army behind him. This high temperature could not only destroy the spaceship, but also melt the strong man walking in the starry sky. He immediately put on the space armor , put on the giant's right arm and punched out.

The giant's right arm exerted force, and the starry sky was dented, as if it was collapsing. The terrifying power shocked the old man of the Ross Empire and the big bald dragon. At this moment, they felt extremely dangerous. This blow could not be blocked, and it would definitely exceed the combat power of 400,000 people.

This was the first time Lu Yin used his giant right arm to attack with all his strength. Even when he fought against Yu Mu, he did not fully explode into combat power.

This punch was launched with a combat power of close to half a million. This was the most powerful punch Lu Yin had ever unleashed.

The starry sky was torn, and the red-skinned old man walked out with an ugly face. He raised his hands and said, "Fire God". After the words fell, endless flames burned from the starry sky, and the heat of the surrounding stars was drawn away. The endless flames turned into giants and stood tall in the starry sky. The punch flew out, colliding with the force of the punch from the giant Lu Yin's right arm.

I saw that the void completely collapsed, countless space cracks spread out, and strong star energy swept across all directions, accompanied by extremely high-temperature flames.

The armies on both sides kept retreating, and even those who were strong in the Enlightenment Realm could only retreat and did not dare to approach.

After a while, the starry sky returned.

Lu Yin's expression remained unchanged and he looked across calmly.

Opposite him, the red-skinned old man stared at Lu Yin with downcast eyes, full of murderous intent, "Junior, are you Lu Yin?".

Lu Yin sneered, "Nonsense."

"You are so courageous that you dare to be an enemy of my Yanlan Liujie," the old man said coldly.

Lu Yin stared at the old man, "Old guy, you are even more courageous. You actually dare to take action against our outer universe coalition forces. Do you know that you are betraying the Fifth Continent?"

The old man's pupils shrank, "Junior, what are you talking about?" Not everyone can wear the label of betraying the Fifth Continent. It can be regarded as a serious crime. Let alone a cultivator with more than 400,000 combat power, even a Star Envoy, or even Even a strong man with a combat strength of over 800,000 cannot bear it.

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