Star Odyssey

Chapter 1061: Stubborn Woman

Not long after, the dilapidated spaceship exploded, and a woman escaped with a little girl wearing a space armor and flew into the distance. The woman was an exploration realm practitioner.

The White Night Clan's spaceship accelerated. Inside the spacecraft, a middle-aged man from the White Night Clan held a long knife. He walked step by step to the top of the spacecraft, looked at the woman from a distance, raised the long knife, and slashed it down.

The sword light crossed the void and tore a huge bloody hole in the woman's back.

The woman vomited blood and her body was violently thrown far away.

Although seriously injured, the woman still did not let go of the little girl in her arms.

The little girl had tears in her eyes and her eyes were red. She said nothing and silently hugged the woman tightly.

The middle-aged man from the Baiye clan snorted coldly and raised his sword again. At this time, a spaceship appeared in the distance and rushed towards him.

The middle-aged man frowned and slashed with his sword. This sword was not directed at the woman, but at the spaceship.

The woman's face turned pale, she looked at the spacecraft and said, "Run away."

In the spaceship, Lu Yin's eyes turned cold, and he attacked directly without saying a word. This was the White Night Clan. He walked out of the starry sky, put away the spaceship, looked at the oncoming sword light, raised his hand, caught it, and then squeezed the knife hard. The awn shattered.

The middle-aged man from the Baiye clan changed his eyes. He raised his feet and walked in the starry sky. He stood in front not far from Lu Yin. In the middle was the woman holding the little girl.

"Get lost!" Lu Yin shouted.

The woman was stunned. This was the Baiye Realm. This man actually opened his mouth and told the Baiye clan to get out. This was too arrogant.

The middle-aged man from the Baiye tribe was also shocked. He had never encountered such a thing since he was born. This was the Baiye realm.

"Who are you?" The middle-aged man is not stupid. If this person dares to be so arrogant, he must have someone to rely on. He may be on good terms with the seniors in the clan.

Lu Yin raised his head and said, "Go back and tell King Zhenwu Ye that I, Lu Yin, am here."

The middle-aged man was shocked, "Are you Lu Yin?".

Lu Yin raised his hand, pointed it at the middle-aged man, flicked his finger, and struck out with strong wind, knocking the middle-aged man away. The middle-aged man had no ability to resist at all, and his little energy attack looked like a breeze to Lu Yin Brush your face.

The middle-aged man was pushed back tens of thousands of meters. His blood was boiling in his chest. He resisted vomiting blood and boarded the spacecraft to leave.

"Stop, did I let you take the spaceship? Get the rest of the people out of here and leave the spaceship," Lu Yin shouted.

The middle-aged man stared at Lu Yin viciously, "Lu Yin, you are too arrogant, this is the White Night Realm."

"So what?" Lu Yin didn't care, his tone was extremely domineering. The Bai Ye Clan was domineering, and he was more domineering than the Bai Ye Clan.

The middle-aged man was extremely angry, but when facing Lu Yin, he did not dare to say anything more. This man dared to be an enemy of the Bai Ye clan during his college days. His image is still on the stone tablet of his ancestral land. He was the first person who clearly dared to imitate the Bai Ye clan. He couldn't afford to offend someone who had great clan fighting skills and was invited to a night banquet by the elders of the clan.

Reluctantly, the middle-aged man took the Baiye tribesmen who were driving the spaceship and left, leaving the spaceship behind.

On the side, the woman stared blankly at this scene. She had never thought that there was someone more arrogant than the Baiye clan members, and they were still in the Baiye world.

In the woman's arms, the little girl looked at Lu Yin with admiration, with stars in her eyes.

After the Baiye clan members left, Lu Yin looked at the woman and said, "The spaceship is left for you. Just drive the spaceship. This is the Baiye clan's spaceship. No one dares to stop it."

The reason why he helped this woman was because she reminded him to run away when the Baiye tribesman's sword was slashed out. She was a kind woman.

The woman's back was covered with blood, and there were beads of sweat on her forehead. She was breathing heavily, nodded, and said gratefully, "Little girl Bai Shui, thank you for saving my life."

Lu Yin was just about to leave when he heard the woman's name and turned around in surprise, Baishui? white? A unique surname in ancient times?

"Your surname is Bai?" Lu Yin asked.

Bai Shui's expression changed, he gritted his teeth and nodded, "Yes, the little girl's surname is Bai."

Lu Yin looked at her, "Why are you being hunted by the Baiye clan?".

Bai Shui struggled with his eyes, and then said, "Because the little girl's surname is illegal."

"Illegal ancient unique surname?" Lu Yin was surprised, "Since it is illegal, why do you dare to give your name? Aren't you afraid that I will take action against you?"

The universe is extremely disgusted with the illegal ancient surnames. The outer universe is better, but the further inward, the stronger this emotion becomes.

The woman said, "Even if it's illegal, this is the little girl's surname. Why don't you dare to take it?"

Lu Yin looked at her in surprise. Only now did he take a serious look at this woman. She was not pretty, but very delicate. Her eyes were stubborn and she looked like she was someone who refused to admit defeat.

"Who is this little girl to you?" Lu Yin asked.

Bai Shui touched the little girl's head and said, "She is my daughter, Bai Xiaodie."

Lu Yin nodded, raised his hand and threw the special medicine from Clover Company to the woman, "Apply it yourself."

Baishui was grateful, "Thank you."

Baishui's injury was quite serious, but she was a practitioner in the Exploration Realm. With the medicine given by Lu Yin, the injury was quickly controlled.

Lu Yin found it puzzling that an illegal ancient unique surname actually appeared in the White Night Realm. However, there were too many strange things in the universe, and he didn't have the energy to care about other things now.

Lu Yin gave the spaceship to Bai Shui and asked her to take her daughter out of the Baiye Liujie, but Bai Shui hugged Bai Xiaodie and knelt down in front of Lu Yin.

"Benefactor, please help us," Bai Shui begged, his eyes red.

Lu Yin frowned, "The reason why you dared to introduce yourself in front of me is because you heard that person calling my name and knew that I also had a unique surname in ancient times. You were sure that I wouldn't do anything to you. You are very smart, but with your strength What do you think I will do to help you?".

Bai Shui said, "The benefactor not only helps us, but also helps the benefactor himself. The reason why the Baiye clan is chasing the little girl is because the little girl's family has precious resources inherited from ancient times. If the benefactor can help the little girl keep the resources, the little girl is willing to give the resources to Give half of it to the benefactor."

Lu Yin was curious, "What resources?".

Bai Shui hesitated for a moment, and then seemed to make up his mind, "It is a kind of cold water, very cold. It absorbs cold water, and any combat technique you use will have the power of extreme cold. And this power of deep cold is difficult to resolve. Strong at the same level It is almost impossible to resolve it, either it is the person who interprets the language, or it is a person whose cultivation is far beyond that of the person who uses the combat skills."

Lu Yin was surprised, but didn't take it to heart. There were many similar resources in the universe, and the Baiye tribe only sent a few people to hunt down this woman. Obviously, it was not a very good resource. This woman was very smart and wanted to use resources to lure him into helping. pity.

"You can go on your own, I'm not interested in this kind of resource," Lu Yin said calmly.

Bai Shui was anxious, "Benefactor, this kind of cold water is really precious. It has been passed down since ancient times. There will never be another place in the universe."

Lu Yin waved his hand, "Not interested." He looked at Bai Shui and said, "I am very interested in your family. Where is your family?".

Baishui said sadly, "They are all dead. Many years ago, the family was passed down by a single line."

Lu Yin felt pity, "Why not find a planet to settle down? Get legal status?".

Bai Shui shook his head, "In the world of Baiyeliu, there is no legal existence of ancient unique surnames."

"Then go to other realms," Lu Yin said.

Baishui seemed unwilling to say more.

Lu Yin sighed. Originally, he wanted to ask about the ancient alliance with unique surnames, but judging from the situation of this woman's family, he definitely didn't know.

He is so stubborn to actually live in the White Night Realm.

For Lu Yin, rescuing Bai Shui was just an episode. Even if the Baiye clan knew that Bai Shui was saved by him, they would not cause trouble for him.

There is only one thing Lu Yin wants to do right now, which is to take a ride.

The entire Baiye clan knew that he was coming, and everyone was staring at him. Although he didn't intend to hide it, he didn't intend to be too high-profile. So, it was a good idea to take a ride on the wind and treat it as a trip.

Looking to the left, there were many runes appearing there, and a spaceship was coming.

Looking at the spaceship, Lu Yin had a strange look in his eyes. Is it such a coincidence? It was a Lingling clan spaceship, and inside the spacecraft, Lu Yin saw the rune numbers of Lingque.

"Lingque, Lingque, I love you, Lingque, Lingque, you are the most handsome."

"Lingque, Lingque, I love you, Lingque, Lingque, you are the most handsome."

A familiar voice reached Lu Yin's ears. Lu Yin stood at the top of the spacecraft, somewhat speechless. Lingque reorganized the support team again.

In the spaceship, Lingque drank wine comfortably and looked out of the spaceship. This was the day he longed for. Listening to the adoring cheers of the support group, there were eyes of wonder, envy and even jealousy everywhere. This was him. My favorite, there is nothing more comfortable than this kind of day.

This is the second time I have attended the night banquet. I think the first time I attended the night banquet, I was one of the invincible warriors. Yan Qingye King personally received me. So many years have passed.

kindness? Why did the sound stop? Lingque was dissatisfied and said, "Keep shouting, stop deducting money."

"Your shameless self-confidence has not changed, Lingque," a voice sounded.

Lingque was shocked and turned around, "Lu Yin?"

Lu Yin sat on the sofa and waved, while the women in the support group looked at Lingque in confusion.

Lingque waved them away and looked at Lu Yin in surprise, "Why are you here?"

"We passed by and bumped into each other," Lu Yin said.

Lingque curled his lips and said, "What a coincidence. You'd better leave quickly. I'm afraid I'll be implicated by you. Do you know that you have enemies everywhere now?"

"Including your Lingling tribe?" Lu Yin looked at him amusedly.

Lingque was speechless, "The interests of the entire inner universe have been eroded by you. Do you think you will end well in the inner universe? And this is the White Night Realm. I don't want to be implicated by you and die inexplicably."

Lu Yin said, "I won't implicate you. The Baiye clan won't attack me, at least not for the time being."

Lingque was helpless. He understood Lu Yin and couldn't drive him away.

"Have you ever gone to the Universe Sea to see Yaya?" Lu Yin asked.

Lingque shook his head and said, "I have been staying in the clan. If it weren't for the night banquet, I wouldn't be able to come out."

"Where is the spiritual palace?".

"I didn't know, she wasn't with me."

"Can you also be invited to the night banquet?" Lu Yin asked.

Lingque raised his eyebrows and looked at Lu Yin unfriendly, "What do you mean? You can do it? Yes, you are very powerful now. You have defeated the Hand of the Ten Jue Gods and are tied with the Zhenwu Night King. But don't underestimate others. We, the Lingling clan, have great talents. Once fully integrated, our power will double, and I will definitely be able to catch up with you."

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