Star Odyssey

Chapter 1,085 The Stolen Heritage Stone

As soon as this question came up, many people looked at it.

Jin He shrugged, "Personal grudges, there's nothing to talk about."

"Don't you think it's a pity that Lu Yin killed one of the hopes for the birth of the Five Stars in the Inner Universe? After all, he himself can't participate in the fight for the Star Tower," the little girl asked.

Jin He smiled and said, "After talking for a long time, do you know what the Star Tower Competition is?"

The little girl shook her head, her eyes bright, "Are you willing to tell us?".

Jinhe smiled and said, "Don't tell me."

The little girl was speechless.

"Who said that the Five Stars will definitely surpass the Ten Jue?" Jin He said the last sentence, his long hair fluttering, and there was no wind.

The little girl really cried. It turned out that this was the most abnormal thing. This was too crazy. She was playing tricks on others. She wanted to go home.

At this time, everyone suddenly looked up and looked behind. In the starry sky, a man tore through the void and walked out with a cold face, arriving at the gathering place.

"Who is this?".

"Is this person also qualified to participate in the competition for the Star Tower?"

"It shouldn't be".

The man looked indifferent and stood quietly without saying a word.

Jinhe asked the little girl to interview.

The little girl has learned her lesson and won't go even if she is beaten to death. Anyway, all the interviews that need to be done have been done, so the worst is not to do anymore.

"It turns out to be King Xiao Ye, who has been frozen for thousands of years and is just waiting for today?" The star-collecting girl appeared, looked at the indifferent man and spoke.

Everyone was confused at first, and then someone remembered.

The wine man put down the wine barrel and said, "King Xiao Ye? I remember, a peerless genius from thousands of years ago."

"It's an old guy again" Taiyuan Jun was dissatisfied.

Xia Tian looked solemnly at King Xiao Ye, a person from Clover Company.

Many people freeze themselves, just waiting for a certain moment to wake up. In fact, there are people who have broken through the age limit among the ten finals, but because they are often frozen, their bone age has not changed.

Only War King Xingkai and Serati Phoenix truly surpassed the younger generation. These two people went to the new universe to compete for the Star Tower just to try their luck, and they might not be able to get in.

King Xiaoye is a person who lived thousands of years ago, but has been frozen for a long time. When he is born now, his bone age is not more than forty years old.

"Strange, how can he participate in the battle for the Star Tower?".

"Clover Company has already started its business in the New Universe, so he should be considered a member of the New Universe."

"Is there still such an operation?".

More than half an hour later, a warship came from the cosmic sea. It was huge in size and came slowly with an ancient charm. There was a sign engraved on the outside of the warship. Someone recognized it and exclaimed, "Eternal Life Battle Group?" .

The four great battle groups of Universe Sea are all extremely powerful, and Shijue Jinghe comes from one of the great battle groups, Jing Tuan.

What appeared in front of everyone this time was the Changsheng War Group, one of the four war groups. It was also the group that Zijun belonged to that participated in the most powerful competition.

As the battleship of the Changsheng War Group arrived at the shore, a young-looking man jumped off the boat and came to the front of the crowd, "Please, please, please, take a ride on the warship, go, go, go to Xinyu, the universe." .

Everyone is weird, stuttering?

Seeing everyone staring at him, the man became nervous and his face turned red. "I, I, I come from the Great War of Changsheng. I will participate in the fight with you all." "Okay, stop talking nonsense, let's go. "Mr. Taiyuan was dissatisfied and jumped onto the warship, and the others followed.

They had already been notified that they would be led by the Changsheng Battle Group through the cosmic sea and headed for the new universe.

The stuttering man's face turned red from suppressing it. After returning to the warship, he looked at everyone, "Well, um, please, who is Lu, Lu, Lu Yin?"

Everyone looked at the man strangely.

Xia Tian was confused, "What are you looking for Lu Yin for?".

The man swallowed his saliva and said, "Master, master said, follow, follow Lu Yin, there will be meat to eat."

Everyone was speechless.

Taiyuan Jun frowned, "It's nothing, Lu Yin, that guy is not qualified to go to the new universe to fight for the Star Tower, let's sail the ship."

The stuttering man opened his mouth wide, "Then, what, what should I do? Who should I follow?".

"Do you know Lu Yin?" Lance asked.

The stuttering man shook his head.

No one paid any attention to him.

The Caixing girl looked at the stuttering man, her eyes flickering, as if she was calculating something.

Soon, the warship set sail and headed towards the new universe, embarking on the journey with the expectations of countless people in the inner and outer universes and the ambition to compete for the Star Tower.

In the ancestral land of the White Night Clan, King Dijiang Ye stared at the stone stele of his ancestral land with a gloomy expression. There were originally three inheritance stones surrounding the stele, one in Lu Yin's hand and two here.

But after the previous war, there is now only one inheritance stone here, and another one has disappeared.

An old man walked out from behind King Dijiang Ye. He was one of the elders guarding the stone tablet. "Chief, I have searched all over the ancestral land and found nothing."

Emperor Dijiang Night King clenched his fists, "Those reformers will definitely not be able to take away the inheritance stone. Who are they?".

The elder hesitated to speak.

King Dijiang Ye looked at him, "Elder, do you have any clues?".

The elder nodded, "Clan leader, do you still remember the first time the inheritance stone disappeared more than ten years ago?"

Dijiang Night King narrowed his eyes, "You mean, Qingyu Night King?".

The elder said, "Not sure. If you want to take the inheritance stone without telling us, it is possible for Qingyu Night King. His talent is very miraculous, but Qingyu Night King disappeared again a few years ago, and his whole person seemed to have evaporated." .

"Who was the last person to see him?" Di Jiang Night King asked.

The elder checked and found "a man named Liu Shaoge".

At the same time, on Night King, where the Zhenwu Night King was originally trampled to death, a man squatted on the ground, carefully took out the soil, curled up the corners of his mouth, and said, "Yes."

In the new universe, the soil is connected into countless lines covering the starry sky.

Lu Yin looked outside curiously, and there were indeed cultivators sitting on the soil.

Although there is a lot of soil, it is not solid and does not hinder the flight of the spacecraft.

The spacecraft crashes directly through the soil, and the soil that was originally broken will soon be restored, as if there is an incomprehensible force that always ensures that the soil is connected.

"Don't underestimate this piece of soil. If it is rare, it will break when hit. But if there is too much, it will solidify. Let alone the spaceship, it will not be easy even if hundreds of thousands of people try to break it. All the major forces in the new universe are built on On this kind of soil, for example, our Changtian Island, the entire island is made of this kind of soil," said Shang Sheng Shenwei.

Lu Yin raised his hand, holding the fine and soft soil in his hand, staring at it closely.

The soil does not have any runes, just like ordinary soil, but as long as you let go of your hands and let the soil fly to the stars, they will automatically merge and connect.


"Don't think about that. Don't talk about you. Even the Hall of Glory doesn't understand. Take a rest and we'll be there in a day," the Holy Spirit said mightily.

Lu Yin was surprised, "We'll be arriving at Changtian Island in one day?"

Shang Shengwei did not answer.

Lu Yin looked at his personal terminal and found that he could not scan the surrounding starry sky. The new universe was indeed different from the inner and outer universe.

Resting peacefully in the spaceship, Lu Yin's injuries looked serious, but he recovered quickly with the elixir treatment.

One day later, the spacecraft arrived outside a starry sky city.

Lu Yin looked at the city in the distance that was made of soil and was quite surprised.

The city has a retro style, but there are spaceships in and out. There are some retro buildings in the city, and some are very technological.

"This is Changtian Island?" Lu Yin was confused.

Shang Shengwei rolled his eyes, "Do you think so?"

"Then this is?".

"It's just a city in the starry sky. There are many cities like this in the new universe. If some starry sky soil condenses, cities can be formed."

Lu Yin didn't ask any more questions.

The spacecraft did not dock at the urban space station, but flew directly over the city. Under the eyes of countless people, the Holy Spirit brought Lu Yin down to land.

The entire city should be closed to air, but it obviously doesn't work against the Holy Power.

Lu Yin looked towards the center of the city and frowned strangely.

There weren't any particularly powerful beings in the whole city. Logically speaking, this was a new universe. Not to mention the hunting realm, you should encounter them from time to time, but he didn't see many along the way.

There is only one possibility for this situation. The cultivators of the New Universe are quite accomplished in collecting breath and are very good at hiding their strength.

Lu Yin wanted to ask about the power of the Holy Spirit, but before he could speak, the city split open from the center, and the soil floated upward as if consciously, forming a small piece of land that protruded from the center of the city, like a giant mushroom covering the city.

There were many people on the soil platform, and the person in the middle was a middle-aged man wearing white casual clothes, looking at the divine power with a smile.

Shangsheng Shenwei landed on the soil platform, and the man in white casual clothes quickly stepped forward, "Wang Xicheng City Lord meets Mr. Changtian Island Shenwei."

"See Mr. Kamui of Changtian Island," everyone on the soil platform said.

Below, countless people throughout the city shouted in unison, "See Mr. Kamui of Nagaten Island."

Lu Yin was shocked, so enthusiastic?

Shang Sheng Shenwei was obviously used to it, and he waved his hand casually, "Okay, don't be so polite. I'm talking about you, you are a scammer. Are those behind you the elites of Changtian Island who want to join me?"

The city lord named Lao Qian waved his hand, and behind him, three men and two women lined up and saluted respectfully, "Junior, I pay my respects to Mr. Kamui of Changtian Island."

Shang Sheng Shenwei looked at a few people and praised, "Not bad, the quality is not bad, all in the cruising realm, and the peak of the cruising realm. Want to accumulate more experience? Break through to the hunting realm before participating in the competition for the Star Tower?"

Lao Qian was overjoyed, "Did Mr. Shenwei agree to let these juniors compete for the Star Tower instead of Changtian Island?"

Shang Sheng Shenwei said lazily, "It's not up to me to say yes or not. You have to ask him." He pointed at Lu Yin.

Lu Yin was confused and looked at the Divine Power.

Everyone looked at Lu Yin in confusion.

Only the con man looked at Lu Yin with a smile and said, "Little brother, please."

Shang Sheng Shenwei said lightly, "Go and play with them." As he said, he looked at the old man and said, "Let's make a deal first. If you elites can last for one round in the hands of this kid, I will Just agree to give me a chance. If you can't last even one round, you're a scammer, don't blame me."

The old man said solemnly, "The battle for the Star Tower is very important. If this little brother can't last for one round, don't go and embarrass Changtian Island."

Shang Sheng Shenwei nodded, winked at Lu Yin, and whispered, "Deal with them. If you can't solve them in one round, you don't have to go to Changtian Island."

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