Star Odyssey

Chapter 1097: Cutting in line

Seeing the two women arguing, Feathered Mavis smiled and said, "Okay, you two, please let me be quiet for a while."

"Yes, Sister Yuhua is going to fight for the Star Tower. Don't interrupt her. Lulu, let's go." Grandini said softly, holding Yuhua Mebis's arm tightly.

Lulu bared her teeth and said, "Why don't you leave? I won't."

Feathered Mebis had no choice but to say, "Please stay, tell me what you have seen outside, the academy? Isn't it interesting? Have you met your sweetheart?'

Lulu said hurriedly, "Sister Yuhua, I recovered a big turtle from a doomsday planet called Earth. It's so big."

"Bragging, you can be as big as the ancestral turtle."

"Are you provocative? I'm just exploring the realm and I'm still underage."

"You're making so much noise."

In the western boundary of the new universe, in the Yanyan Mountains, Gu Xiaoer looked dull, as if he was stupid.

A ray of sunlight shone in, and what appeared in front of Gu Xiaoer's eyes was the fake smile of his father Gu Lao Gui, "Xiao Er, you can come out now, have a rest, let's go to the mountain and sea world."

Gu Xiaoer raised his head and said dully, "I, can I go out?".

The lonely old ghost nodded.

Gu Xiaoer shouted, "You lied to me. If I don't go out, you want to harm me again."

"Boy, my father is doing this for your own good. Think about it, if you could become the Five Sons of the Stars, wouldn't all the girls in the brothel be yours? Think about that oiran?"

Gu Xiaoer swallowed, his eyes were both expectant and anxious, with a bit of longing for the future and a hint of wretchedness, "I, I'm going out."

"Come on, waiter, come to father and have a cigarette first."

"You lied to me again——".

The opening of the Star Tower is approaching, the mountain and sea realm has been opened wide, and all forces that have the ability to know the location of the mountain and sea realm are already ready to set off at any time.

At this moment, Lu Yin was still pretending to learn the first level of Tianxing Kung Fu. He felt that pretending for ten days or so would be enough. By then, the group of disciples lining up would be almost there. He really couldn't join the queue. True disciples must have some skills. Privileged.

More than ten days later, outside the Tianxing Jade Grand Canyon, there were still five disciples waiting in line to enter.

Mu Ziying stayed aside bored. Although he also wanted to practice, fighting for the Star Tower had nothing to do with whether he was practicing or not. He just wanted to take a chance.

At this time, Yao Ji arrived. After the previous battle with Lu Yin, he finally recovered and his face was still a little pale.

After being promoted to a true disciple, he went to the Star Palace to carve his name into it, and then came here directly. The Star Tower was about to open in more than a month, and it would take half a month to go from the Tianxing Sect to the Mountain and Sea Realm, which meant that there was still one month left. Time is enough. In fact, it only takes ten days to go to Tianxing Jade to learn Tianxing Gong.

Yao Ji had no intention of queuing up at all. He nodded to Mu Ziying and stood directly in the first place. The disciples behind him were also used to it. The true disciples had to fight for the Star Tower. They didn't need to and could stand in the back.

Yao Ji didn't even have a kind word.

Mu Ziying didn't care either.

In the distance, outside the cave, Lu Yin walked out.

Mu Ziying looked around and her expression changed. It had only been ten days, so fast? No way!

"Brother Lu, you?" Mu Ziying hesitated, Lu Yin smiled, and used the Tianxing Gong to be surrounded by eight stars.

Mu Ziying was surprised, "Have you succeeded in practicing?"

Lu Yin nodded, "Of course, otherwise I wouldn't have come out. Brother Mu, am I in line?".

Mu Ziying was horrified. This was Lu Yin's talent. He had heard that this person had a short cultivation time and an extraordinary talent. He didn't pay attention to it. Now, he has learned the lesson. This guy has directly broken through the historical records of Tianxing Sect, and with the addition of the third He passed the true disciple assessment in three ways and broke two records in just over ten days. He was also speechless.

Not only Mu Ziying, but also many of the elders of the Tianxing Sect were shocked when Lu Yin walked out of the cave and started to use the Tianxing Kung Fu.

Sect leader Yuan Qiong's eyes were burning, it would be great if this child was in Tianxing Sect.

Wait, he remembered something and immediately contacted Holy Divine Power.

Outside Tianxing Yubi Canyon, Lu Yin and Mu Ziying appeared, "There are six more people? Hey, isn't that the Fourth True Successor? When did he come to line up?" Lu Yin was confused.

Yao Ji also saw Lu Yin. He was stunned for a while, said nothing, and just waited.

Before Mu Ziying could say anything, Lu Yin walked over to Yao Ji, looked at the disciples lining up behind him, and smiled at Yao Ji.

Yao Ji was stunned, "What?".

Lu Yin smiled and said, "I'm a guest from afar, brother, join the queue." As soon as Yao Ji finished speaking, before Yao Ji had time to react, a disciple flew out of the canyon, and Lu Yin went down directly. When Yao Ji reacted, Lu Yin Yin has entered the underground, where the Star Jade is hidden.

Yao Ji was extremely angry and said, "Lu Yin, you jump in line and come back."

Lu Yin disappeared.

The five disciples lining up behind stared blankly.

Yao Ji looked at Mu Ziying angrily, "Brother Mu, this Lu Yin is so shameless."

Mu Ziying was speechless, "Just wait a while, it will only be about ten days."

Yao Ji was extremely angry. He had never been interrupted before in his life. This, this was so annoying, so unreasonable, so, so, he even cursed people.

The other disciples suppressed their laughter. It was really annoying to cut in line, but if it were Yao Ji who was cut in line, they were all happy. This guy jumped in line by himself, why did he blame others?

Lu Yin thought the same way. If it weren't for Yao Ji, he would have been embarrassed to jump in line. Now that Yao Ji had jumped in line, he didn't care.

As soon as he entered the underground, he was greeted by a heavy air. Lu Yin frowned. He had never experienced this feeling before. It was indescribable. The breath in the air seemed a little sad? Sad? He didn't know how to describe it.

The emotions of this intelligent creature are actually reflected in the air.

Step by step, I walked deeper into the ground. In front of me, water dropped on the ground, making a slight sound, and a faint blue light appeared.

Lu Yin quickened his pace and walked underground.

Soon, he saw the Star Jade.

I thought it was something magnificent, but I couldn't help but feel a little disappointed when I saw it. The so-called Star Jade was just a seemingly oversized mirror, emitting a faint blue light, with ancient wood trim. It was very ordinary and not shocking at all. The style is more noble at most.

Approaching slowly, Lu Yin circled around the Heavenly Star Jade. It was really a mirror. This was strange. The Heavenly Star Sect of Nuo University made its fortune based on a mirror?

"Seventh Brother, is this the legendary Heavenly Star Jade?" Guihou exclaimed in disbelief.

Lu Yin was surprised, "Have you heard of it?"

"It is recorded in the handbook of a strong man that the ancestor of Tianxing obtained the jade, understood the Tianxing Kung Fu, and founded the Tianxing Sect. I didn't expect that the legendary Tianxing jade looked like this," Guihou exclaimed.

Lu Yin looked at the Tianxing Jade carefully.

"Brother Qi, look, are there patterns on it?" Gui Hou exclaimed.

Lu Yin looked in the direction pointed by Gui Hou. There was a set of patterns on the top of the wood bordered by the Star Jade Bi. Perhaps it was too old and the patterns were a little worn, but fortunately, they could be vaguely seen.

"It seems like stars surround a flower," Lu Yin murmured to himself.

Guihou exclaimed, "Are they nine stars?".

Lu Yin counted, "Nine, have you seen them?".

Guihou was excited, "This is the sign of Chenzu."

Lu Yin was shocked, a storm arose in his mind, "Chen Zu?".

"Yes, I have seen it in the manuscripts of strong men. The symbol of Chen Zu is nine stars against a white flower. This Heavenly Star Jade Biscuit is actually Chen Zu's thing. In this way, Tianxing Gong was founded by Chen Zu. "Gui Hou said.

Lu Yin pondered, he was not surprised. The founder of such a powerful skill as Tianxing Gong must be terrible. It is not strange to say that it was founded by Chenzu. Chenzu, the ancestor of the stars, is normal.

The Heavenly Star Technique, the method of nine clones, is an invincible and powerful man. No wonder the history of the Sixth Continent dare not record it. Chen Zu is so strong that one can defeat nine of his peers.

"I didn't expect that the Tianxing Sect relied on Chen Zu's skills to establish it. The blessings left to future generations by a strong man in the ancestral realm are too many," Guihou said with emotion.

Lu Yin looked at the Star Jade Bi carefully again. There was nothing else to care about. He followed Mu Ziying's previous words and raised his hand to slowly approach the mirror. No, the Jade Bi. The moment his fingertips touched the Jade Bi, the Jade Bi was revealed. Ripples appeared on the surface of the jade, and the next moment, Lu Yin was sucked in. When he opened it again, he saw an endless dark void, like a starry sky, with ninety-nine stars above his head. This was the second level of the Star Skill.

The basic condition for entering the Tianxing Jade Bi training is to complete the first level of Tianxing Gong. The Tianxing Sect has already covered up the rest of the stars. Only by rotating ninety-nine stars can the third level of Tianxing Gong be seen.

There is complete Tianxing Gong here, but whether you can learn it depends on yourself.

Lu Yin looked at the ninety-nine stars in the sky and took a deep breath. The stars on his body began to spin out and increased rapidly. When the number of stars exceeded eight, the ninety-nine stars above his head in the dark sky sped up.

Lu Yin directly spun out ninety-nine stars. The next moment, the starry sky suddenly became bright, as if the universe was born, and many stars spun out, more than seven hundred in total.

Lu Yin counted seven hundred and twenty-six stars, a total of seven hundred and twenty-six stars. This was the third level of Tianxing Gong.

He didn't expect that he could learn the third level of Tianxing Gong. He really came to the right place to come to Tianxing Sect this time.

Mu Ziying, the second true disciple of the Tianxing Sect, can only move more than 400 stars, which proves that he has not been able to master the third level of Tianxing Gong, which is enough for the time being.

Thinking about it, Lu Yin raised his head, watched the stars move, and fell into cultivation.

Outside Tianxing Yubi Canyon, Yao Ji waited for ten days and was extremely impatient.

Mu Ziying glanced at him and looked at the ground. It should be soon. An ordinary person only stays in the jade for about ten days at a time. How much he can practice depends on his personal aptitude. Even the person with the best understanding will not be able to do it at most. It will be more than a month.

Thinking of Lu Yin's abnormal talent in practicing the first level of Tianxing Gong, Mu Ziying was a little unsure. He wouldn't have stayed for more than a month!

There were more disciples queuing up behind Yao Ji to enter the Star Jade Bi.

There is no need for these disciples to fight for the Star Tower, and they are not in a hurry.

Only Yao Ji was so anxious that he almost cursed, especially since he was jumped in by Lu Yin, and it was just a short while away. He could feel aggrieved no matter what he thought.

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