Star Odyssey

Chapter 1,103 Contribution

Mu Ziying breathed a sigh of relief after sending Lu Yin to the planet, and left immediately. His understanding of Lu Yin was quite profound after these days. He was also impressed by this person's shamelessness. He was obviously just an exchange disciple on Changtian Island. But he tried to get everything from the Tianxing Sect, even the Tianxing Kung Fu, and even coveted the original treasure formations and secret techniques, which was shameless.

But it won’t be long before I go to the world of mountains and seas. It’s not bad, it’s not bad.

There are countless stars circulating around the Tianxing Sect. The star where Lu Yin is located is specially used for the cultivation of true disciples. There are strange celestial phenomena on the planet, which are helpful for both physical and mental training. There are also many servants and so on.

Perhaps because Lu Yin could not stay in Tianxing Sect for long, there were few servants to receive him.

Lu Yin wished he could be pure.

Looking around, this is where the true disciples rest. There are no less than a hundred manors built on this planet according to different styles of architecture, some are ancient, some are exquisite, some are pavilions, some are wild caves, and so on. There are styles.

Lu Yin randomly found a pavilion and attic, entered the secret training room directly, raised his hand, and started rolling the dice.

Now that he knows how to practice the third level of Tianxing Gong, there is no reason not to practice it. Compared with time, he has never been afraid of anyone.

With anticipation for the third level of Heavenly Star Skill, Lu Yin pointed his finger at the dice. As the dice rotated, it finally stopped at six o'clock.

Lu Yin's expression changed greatly. It was bad. Just when he thought of this, the scene in front of him changed and appeared in a dark space. Without thinking, he rushed towards the nearest light group and merged directly into it.

Now he only has more than 7 million cubic star energy crystal marrow on him, which is a spare. He doesn't want to waste it on the six o'clock on the dice. Even if he wants to roll the dice to six o'clock, he has to wait until he has enough money.

Now he just wants to move to four o'clock, practice the Tianxing Gong and the finger simulated by the mist that he saw on the Changtian Bridge.

Lu Yin didn't even check whether the light ball he merged into was suitable for him. He rushed over directly, then opened his eyes and saw a scene of bright lights and feasting, with two charming-looking women nestled in his arms.

Lu Yin blinked and recalled in his mind that the name of the person he merged with was Shang Chen, an inner disciple of the Tianxing Sect, and the name of his current location was Big Red Star, and the city owner was Shang Chen's father, Shang Ju.

Just as he recalled this, the outer door burst into pieces, and a group of people rushed in, "The young master is here, capture him and send him to the city lord's palace."

Lu Yin was shocked and subconsciously wanted to run away.

"Sir, secret passage." In her arms, the woman panicked and skillfully opened the bed curtain, revealing a dark secret passage inside.

Lu Yin rushed in directly and the secret passage was closed.

Wait, why are you running? Lu Yin was speechless. Anyway, he was not the one who was arrested. Moreover, according to his memory, the group of people who arrested him were from the City Lord's Mansion. They were his father's men. If they were caught, they would be beaten at most, but nothing would happen.

Lu Yin recalled that this body wanted to escape instinctively because the city lord Shang Ju was extremely strict with Shang Chen. Big Red Star is one of the starry sky cities managed by the Tianxing Sect. Just like the relationship between Wangxi City and Changtian Island, Shang Ju Ju hopes that Shang Chen can become a true disciple of Tianxing Sect and isolate all factors that may delay his cultivation, including visiting brothels.

But Shang Chen likes visiting brothels, so it evolved into this.

Lu Yin was about to go back when suddenly, he recalled something in his mind, and this incident made him leave along the secret passage without hesitation, not to escape, but to go directly to the City Lord's Mansion.

The Big Red Star is very large, but as a disciple of the Tianxing Sect's inner sect, Shang Chen has the strength of the Cruise Realm and is not slow, and he returned to the City Lord's Mansion in a short time.

According to his memory, Lu Yin swaggered into the city lord's palace, and then arrived outside the city lord's study smoothly.

"Sir, the city lord has said that no one is allowed to approach the study. Please step back." Outside the study, a man stood guard like an iron tower, staring at Shang Chen with a low gaze.

Lu Yin raised his head with an arrogant attitude, "I can't even enter?"

The man said in a low voice, "No."

Lu Yin frowned, put a hand on the man's shoulder, and exerted force. Although this body belonged to Shang Chen and could not reach the level of 170-weight, it was still okay to use 80-weight. At most, it would be like this afterwards. The body will suffer a little.

The man was pulled away by Lu Yin fiercely and looked at him in shock, "Master, you?".

Lu Yin snorted, opened the door and entered.

The man didn't dare to stop him. In his memory, although the master's strength was good, it was impossible for him, a strong man in the hunting realm, to easily push him away. The superimposed strength just now was very powerful, and the master seemed to have improved.

Entering Shang Ju's study, Lu Yin breathed quickly and looked towards the corner.

From Shang Chen's memory, he learned Shang Ju's biggest secret. On the surface, this city lord was respectful to the Tianxing Sect, but in fact, he had been coveting the Tianxing Sect's exercises, secret techniques, and original treasure formations for a long time. More than a hundred years ago, the Tianxing Sect's The ups and downs of a generation of true disciples were precisely the methods of the Lord of Shangju City, because he had obtained the original treasure formation in the first place.

Shen Fu had a good relationship with Shang Ju, but he accidentally revealed it, which aroused Shang Ju's murderous intention. Afterwards, Shang Ju blamed others for Shen Fu's death and successfully avoided it himself.

A hundred years have passed since this incident. The Tianxing Sect has no doubt about it, and Shang Chen also knows about it accidentally.

Lu Yin now knows this secret. Not only that, he also got the original treasure formation that Shang Ju obtained after murdering Suan Fu, which is called the Great Movement Formation.

Tianxing Sect has only one original treasure formation, which is the Great Movement Formation.

Thinking of this name, Lu Yin remembered that during the battle at the Dianjiangtai, Qiu Shi threw the Dianjiangtai together with him, Fu Kong, Zhenwu Yewang and others into the starry sky. They should have used this original treasure formation.

Lu Yin breathed heavily and took out a wooden box that had been dusty for a long time from the corner. The Great Movement Formation was inside.

Since Shang Ju has not yet reached the advanced level of Haoran, he cannot study, which is an advantage for him.

After putting away the wooden box, Lu Yin walked out of the study, glanced at the man, "When my father asked, he said I had never been here," and left directly after saying that.

The man didn't ask any questions and stood respectfully.

Lu Yin controlled Shang Chen's body to an inconspicuous place, buried the box in it, and then controlled Shang Chen's body to go outside the brothel and left.

Opening his eyes again, Lu Yin's eyes were excited. He couldn't get it now. He had just arrived at Tianxing Sect and went to the Big Red Star without even visiting the sect. Moreover, he was about to go to the Star Tower to compete for it. It was too eye-catching.

Since Tianxing Sect wants to contribute, let's contribute to him. This contribution should not be low.

Lu Yin looked at the personal terminal hesitantly. He had just separated from Mu Ziying. Wouldn't it be a little bad to find him at this time?

After thinking about it, Lu Yin walked out of the planet and headed towards the Star Palace. He felt that the true elder was treating him well.

"What, you want to report it?" In the Hall of Stars, the true elder Yuanshou looked surprised and looked at Lu Yin strangely.

Lu Yin said respectfully, "I just remembered that I had received a piece of information. I didn't know the meaning of the information at first, but when I came to Tianxing Sect and looked at the surrounding star map, I learned about it."

"What information?" Elder Yuanshou was curious.

Lu Yin looked sad and angry, "Elder, do you still remember the ups and downs of true disciples?".

Elder Yuan Shou's expression changed, his whole demeanor changed drastically, and he became extremely fierce, "Is the intelligence about ups and downs?".

Lu Yin nodded, "Yes, the disciple now rules the outer universe, and gets as much information as the stars every day. Just more than half a year ago, the disciple got an information, saying that it was a new universe, and someone had conspired to murder Sustained in the Big Red Star. Originally, the disciple didn't think of it. "Since I just looked at the starry sky city around the sect and saw the big red star, the disciple remembered it."

Yuanshou's eyes were sharp and cold as he stared at Lu Yin and asked eagerly, "Who, who is plotting to murder Shen Fu?".

Lu Yin wondered, with Elder Yuanshou's attitude, could it be that this Shenfu was his disciple?

"It's the Lord of Big Red Star City, Shang Ju. The purpose is to understand the original treasure formation that Senior Brother Shenfu was qualified to comprehend back then," Lu Yin said.

Yuan Shou's pupils shrank, and he froze in place, as if he was recalling something.

Lu Yin didn't move.

After a full quarter of an hour, Yuan Shou raised his head and said, "I have reported this to the sect leader. As long as it is verified, your contribution to the sect will be counted and you will be given a chance to practice at the Star Jade Bi."

Lu Yin said solemnly, "Disciple does not seek cultivation, only senior brother Zhaoxue is ups and downs."

Yuan Shou looked at Lu Yin in admiration and said, "My child, you are very good."

Lu Yin looked at Elder Yuanshou and said, "Elder, this disciple requests to go to the Big Red Star to see the evildoers being punished with their own eyes."

Yuan Shou thought for a moment and said, "Okay, I'll take you with me."

Lu Yin should be.

The Big Red Star is not far from the Tianxing Sect. Lu Yin doesn't know what elder Yuanshou's cultivation is. He only knows that he can tear the void easily. When he reappears, he has arrived outside the Tianxing Sect. Then he has torn the void again and has arrived at the Great Red Star Sect. On the red star.

Lu Yin was thinking about how to get the box.

At this moment, in the main palace of Big Red Star City, Shang Ju was in a state of embarrassment, staring at the more than ten practitioners of Tianxing Sect lined up in front of him. Can my guess be used to condemn me?"

"The person who accuses you is the current fifth true successor of our Tianxing Sect, Shang Ju. Come back to the sect with us for investigation. If the investigation is not true, we will let you back and compensate you." A person walked out, Xing Neng pressed the big red star, and it was a A strong man with a combat power of over 400,000.

Shang Ju only has 300,000 combat power and cannot resist at all. "I don't accept it. Who is the fifth true successor? If he comes to confront me, someone must be framing me."

Elder Yuanshou took Lu Yin and appeared directly outside the city lord's palace, standing in the sky and looking at Shang Ju.

Shang Ju saw Elder Yuanshou and hurriedly shouted, "Elder, I am wronged. Brother Shenfu and I have a heart-to-heart relationship with each other. How could I possibly harm him? The elder knew the situation very well. It was obvious." Just after saying this, Lu Yin shouted, "Shang Ju Ju, I still want to argue that the place where you killed Senior Brother Shenfu was in the cave of Big Red Star Wanzhang Mountain. You chopped off Senior Brother Shenfu’s head with a knife, and you took away the Ningkong Ring, which is in your study.” .

Shang Ju's expression changed drastically, and he stared at Lu Yin in disbelief, "You, you."

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