Star Odyssey

Chapter 1,128 The Name of the Ghost Lord

Lu Yin stared at the shadow that Guihou had transformed into, his eyes flickering. He had always distrusted Guihou, and even used his dice talent to block Guihou. The main reason was that Guihou knew too many secrets.

A person's knowledge is related to his environment. Knowing so many things cannot be obtained by robbing tombs.

Although he was wary of Guihou, Guihou never posed any threat to him, and Lu Yin didn't care much about it.

But at this moment, Gui Hou's changes made him feel a little unsure of what to do.

The tyranny of the beast master is that if he dies, the master beast will die, but if the master beast dies, he will not be affected, and at most he will be severely injured.

This is the beast-controlling technique. Guihou reversed the beast-controlling technique and forcibly became his beast-controlling technique. This was what Lu Yin was most worried about.

He now hopes that nothing happens to the dead monkey. Who knows what the consequences of the reversed beast control technique will be. Even if he becomes an enemy, it is better than dying and causing harm to him.

In the world of mountains and seas, a figure appeared on the golden screen.

When Lu Yin and others were looking at the shadow transformed by the Ghost Lord on the high mountain, Shangqing appeared on a high mountain golden screen with a calm expression, surrounding three air currents, like an immortal or a god.

For him, climbing mountains and stepping onto the curtain platform are normal.

Following the super clear is Feathered Mavis.

Then, Tear Girl and Qiu Shi both appeared on the golden stage.

The world of mountains and seas is huge, but the golden screen enlarges the size of those who climb it countless times, and everyone can see it.

Youqi raised his head and glanced around with a cold gaze. He glanced at Lu Yin and stabbed him. He didn't want to waste time.

The black spear pierced out, and the tip of the spear flashed with black light. In Lu Yin's daze, the spear pierced Lu Yin's heart, and blood dripped down the tip of the spear.

Youqi's eyes were cold, "Don't blame me, I blame you for blocking my way." After saying that, the spear vibrated and threw Lu Yin away.

Withdrawing his spear, Youqi was about to go up the mountain. Suddenly, he felt something was wrong. Lu Yin could be stabbed so easily? He slowly turned his head, and Lu Yin was still standing there, looking at him with strange eyes.

Youqi's face darkened, he closed his eyes, and pulled the reins. The war horse neighed, and black flames shot up into the sky, forming a tornado of flames that swept over the sea. Then there was a loud bang, and the space cracked. Through the cracked space, he saw again Lu Yin, but at this moment, Lu Yin was already approaching, and he slapped it with a palm, empty palm.

Youqi snorted, it was an illusion, someone cast an illusion on him.

Lu Yin penetrated Youqi with a palm. Not only his palm prints, but his whole body penetrated Youqi. His palm failed, and it happened again.

Youqi turned around and thrust out the tip of the spear. Lu Yin avoided it and raised his hand to grab the gun body. However, this time it was not as easy to catch as the first time. Youqi used the power of the Enlightenment Realm. Both his physical body and his star power increased sharply. Coupled with the blessing of the battle flag, even Lu Yin's physical strength could not firmly grasp the spear.

But what he wanted was not to grab the spear, but just to touch the entity.

As the spear was caught, Lu Yin clapped out his other hand with an empty palm.

Youqi let go of his hand, and Kongkong's palm penetrated his body again, hitting him empty.

Lu Yin's eyes lit up. Sure enough, if this person wants to make his body transparent, there must be a prerequisite, that is, if he does not touch the entity, once he is touched, it cannot become transparent.

Youqi sat down and raised his front hooves on his horse, smacking Lu Yin hard.

Lu Yin stood still, and the war horse's hoofs trampled Lu Yin to the bottom of the sea.

Youqi felt something was wrong for the first time. It was an illusion again. Black flames on his body shot up into the sky, shattering the illusion again. He suddenly turned his head to look at the mountain and found that the shadow of the Ghost Lord that was supposed to be there had disappeared.

It was Guihou who cast illusions on Youqi several times.

When the Behemoth Star Region sent people to participate in the most powerful competition, Guihou was also one of the candidates, but because he became Lu Yin's beast master, he was unable to participate.

As one of the five masters of the Lingkong Academy in the Behemoth Star Territory, Guihou is extremely talented. Once the illusion appears, few of his peers can escape it.

Although it is not as depressing as the end of the night and the dawn of dawn, it is still enough to pose a threat to the enemy.

It had been unable to help Lu Yin before because Lu Yin stepped too fast, it couldn't keep up with the realm, and the people it fought were too powerful. Now, with the blood of the ancestral realm, it broke through to the hunting realm in one fell swoop, and was enough to compete with Lu Yin. Fight side by side.

The more important thing about Guihou is not the phantom attack, but its own talent, shadow.

Youqi realized too late that it was Guihou who had cast an illusion on him. Guihou had already turned into a shadow and merged into his shadow.

The moment Gui Hou merged into Youqi's shadow, Lu Yin took action, but his palm was still empty.

And this palm hit You Weeping.

Youqi was knocked off his horse and fell into the sea. Lu Yin struck out with his palm again, knocking Youqi into the seabed.

Youqi never thought that he would be beaten so badly here. This Lu Yin had various attack methods. He had two secret techniques and various weird attacks. He could even control beasts, which even he found incredible.

No matter how mysterious the funeral garden is, in his opinion, it is not as mysterious as Lu Yin at this moment.

Especially this man's physical strength is like a monster, otherwise the previous shot would have ended the battle.

Liu Tianmu couldn't block his shot. Except for the other four people in the Enlightenment Realm, it would be difficult for the rest of the people in the Shanhai Realm to block his shot, let alone the eleventh sword of the Sword Sect.

The shadow was merged by Gui Hou, making Youqi unable to be transparent. He raised his head, and Lu Yin's palm fell again.

You Qi was knocked into the bottom of the sea by a series of empty palms. Unable to bear it any longer, You Qi spit out blood.

Outside the realm of mountains and seas, Mu En shook his head, "The descendants of this generation of Burial Garden are still too poor. How can they stand at the top by relying only on invisible combat skills and will secrets? Their talents are very powerful. They can collect the talents of the dead and use them, but there are restrictions. Just as big."

Shang Sheng Shenwei sighed, "In fact, he is not weak. Looking at the competition among the five stars in the past generations, only the era of the four leaders of the Dead Corps in the funeral garden can rival this son, but there are too many geniuses in this generation."

"I am now curious about how that little kid named Lu Yin cultivates. It would be good for you and me to be half as strong as him when we were as old as him, enough to be qualified to compete for the Five Stars," an old man said.

Mu En spoke slowly, "The Five Stars of this generation should be regarded as the true peak among all previous generations. They even have the unsolvable Three Yang Ancestral Qi. It is really unfair to others. Any one of the Ten Finals would be enough in other eras." It’s a pity to achieve the five sons of the stars.”

Xia Meng looked at Mu En, "Without the invasion of the Sixth Continent, they would not be qualified to compete no matter how strong they are. Besides, the Five Stars have already ended."

Mu En didn't speak, just looked at the light curtain quietly.

Shangsheng Shenwei looked helpless. The Five Stars had already finished. Looking at Lu Yin inside the light curtain, so what if you win? What awaits you is an even more desperate opponent.

In the boundary between mountains and seas, the black flames burning above the sea gradually dissipated. In the distance, Ming Yu and others watched nervously.

Lu Yin stood on the sea and looked down at the bottom of the sea. He could see that Youqi's runes had weakened a lot. So what if he broke through the enlightenment realm? Kongkong Zhang didn't care about the realm. Once hit, whether he could withstand it all depended on his defense.

Youqi has broken through the Enlightenment Realm, and his attack can easily exceed 300,000 combat power, and his defense is even more impenetrable, making it impossible to attack. However, once his transparent combat skills are cracked, this person's defense ability cannot truly resist Kongkong Palm.

If this person had not broken through to the Enlightenment Realm, Lu Yin guessed that a single strike of empty palm could knock out his internal organs, and his defense would be worse than that of Lance and Zhenwu Night King.

This person's shortcomings are too obvious.

Above the sea, the shadow slowly blended into Lu Yin's arm, it was Gui Hou.

Lu Yin's eyes flashed, "You're really not lying. You can infinitely increase your strength through the blood of half-ancestors and even ancestral realms, and you actually broke through directly from the exploration realm to the hunting realm."

Guihou was silent for a while and then said, "Brother Qi, you have never trusted me, right?"

Lu Yin did not deny it, nor did he need to deny it. Today he would make it clear to Guihou that if Guihou could not make him trust him, he would rather erase Guihou.

It's too scary to directly cross from the exploration realm to the hunting realm. Who knows whether the dead monkey will directly cross over to the Star Messenger next time and become a guest.

Moreover, the dead monkey absorbs the blood of the ancestral realm, which cannot be completely absorbed at once. Its strength may skyrocket in the short term.

"Seventh brother, my name is indeed Guihou, but there has never been a lineage of Guihou in the Behemoth Star Territory. From ancient times to the present, I am the only Guihou," Guihou said.

Lu Yin listened quietly.

"And the name of this lord, the Ghost Lord, comes from - the Supreme Ancestor."

Lu Yin's eyes narrowed and he looked shocked, "What did you say?".

Gui Hou breathed out, "I know it's hard for you to believe it, but this is a fact. My appearance was an accident. I was born in the shadow of the Supreme Ancestor's blood. I have been with the Supreme Ancestor until I became conscious. That is to say, this condition was created by the Supreme Ancestor."

Lu Yin frowned and couldn't believe it, "Were you created by the Supreme Ancestor?".

"You can't believe it, right? That's why I never said it before. I'm afraid that you won't believe it if I tell you. Instead, you will regard me as an enemy and directly erase me. But now I can't say it. I have gone from the exploration realm to the hunting realm. It's just a moment. If you don't tell me, Brother Qi, your caution may erase me, and I can't do anything about it." Guihou was helpless.

Lu Yin endured the shock and said calmly, "Why do you think I will believe you if you tell me?"

"Except for the creatures created by the powerful people in the ancestral realm, who can directly cross the cruising realm? Who can absorb the blood of the ancestral realm in the exploration realm? Only I, throughout the countless years of history, no similar creature can do this. Directly absorbing the blood of the ancestral realm is because my birth originally came from the blood of the supreme ancestor. For the blood of the ancestral realm, I can directly absorb the blood of the ancestral realm." Gui Hou Aoran.

Lu Yin was deep in thought and said nothing.

"Seventh Brother, do you still remember that I told you that the Tianlu Ice Phoenix clan in the Behemoth Star Territory is my harem? That is true. When I was born, the Supreme Ancestor was delighted and designated Tianlu Ice Phoenix. As my harem, only the Supreme Ancestor, the ancestor of the Tianlu Bingfeng Clan and me knew about this matter. It was also recorded in the history of the Tianlu Bingfeng Clan. If it hadn’t been for the accident that happened later, this matter would have been Hou is now one of the oldest ancestors in the Behemoth Star Territory," Gui Hou said proudly.

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