Star Odyssey

Chapter 1,153 Breakthrough

The news that Lu Yin was kidnapped by the New Humanity Alliance spread, and the ripples caused in the new universe were not big. After all, it was Lu Yin's first time in the new universe.

Only Changtian Island and Tianxing Sect were affected.

But when this news reaches the universe sea, it will definitely cause a shock.

In a room in the brothel, Tian Shao was lying comfortably, with a charming woman waiting on him.

Listening to Hua Niang's report, Young Master Tian felt suppressed anger at first, and then he seemed to suddenly think of something, "Outer universe, outer universe, since he is gone, wouldn't there be no one to care about the outer universe? Hahahaha, God help me, really. I want to thank the New Humanity Alliance, hahahaha."

Hua Niang turned pale after hearing this. Once such words were spread, even if they were just a joke, it would be enough to implicate her.

Under the Eternal Kingdom, as the first ray of death breath was inhaled into his body, Lu Yin's body trembled, he stopped reciting the full text of Shibi, and looked at his hands, his eyes a little blank.

Immediately afterwards, he continued to absorb the death energy.

After a while, he stopped again, his eyes still blank, but also a little more strange and expectant.

As if to verify something, he continued to absorb the death energy.

In the distance, the Corpse King roared, a pair of white pupils staring at Lu Yin, getting closer and closer to Lu Yin, and Lu Yin could hear his rapid breathing even though he was far away.

Lu Yin opened his eyes, looked around, and met his white eyes.

The white eyes come from a corpse king. No, it might be someone who absorbed the death energy, or it might be a person who absorbed the death energy and transformed into a corpse king. In short, nothing is strange here.

Lu Yin's gaze made those white eyes recede. He could feel Lu Yin's fear and did not dare to approach.

And Lu Yin could also feel the strength of the owner of those eyes, at least in the hunting realm.

Those who have the strength of the hunting realm to come here should be those who have successfully received the transformation of death energy, and then been transformed by the corpse king. They are among the more successful experiments in Yinkou. Only such experiments can come here.

The white eyes fade away.

Lu Yin continued to absorb the death energy.

Every once in a while, he opened his eyes, and his eyes changed from blank to expectant, and then to uneasy and uneasy. The complex emotions were vividly reflected in his eyes.

This uneasiness only stopped when a new member joined.

Yin came and brought a new experimental subject, a man who had reached the hunting level.

The man came voluntarily, looking excitedly at death. Lu Yin heard their conversation and knew that the man came from the universe sea and was a member of a war group. He was abandoned by the war group because of his greatness. He accidentally encountered the New Human Alliance and was willing to Join the New Human Alliance in an attempt to gain powerful power to take revenge on that war group.

Death energy seems to be a shortcut to improve strength for a man, and he can't wait to absorb death energy.

Yin looked at Lu Yin and smiled, "Captain, there's no need to delay, no one can save you." After that, he left.

Lu Yin narrowed his eyes and looked at the man who had absorbed the death energy.

The man absorbed the death energy very eagerly. He did not stop for a moment. In just half a day, his whole person changed and became crazy. He was full of the desire to vent and fight. His hands scratched his skin, and his pupils changed from normal color to half-colored. White, yelling like crazy, finally exploded, splattering the ground with blood and flesh.


Yin arrived soon, "It's a pity that a good chess piece that can break into the universe sea is gone." He said, looking at Lu Yin again, "Captain, I hope you succeed."

After Yin left, Lu Yin looked at him strangely. Although the man absorbed the death energy quickly, it was not as much as he had absorbed during this period.

Yin thought he absorbed it bit by bit, so there was no change. In fact, he absorbed a lot of death energy.

Why hasn't I changed at all? No, if there has been a change, it's because the dead energy has entered the body, just like the star energy, replacing the star energy cycle.

This is weird. Can death energy and star energy, two different powers, be replaced? The cultivation of the Death Clan also relies on absorbing death energy. So, he is a Death Clan? Otherwise, how can we explain that there is nothing strange after the death air enters the body?

Death energy should be very overbearing to normal people, similar to the power of poison, but when it enters my body, it is very docile, and even makes me feel very comfortable, as if I have found the source of power.

Lu Yin looked weird, come again.

This time, the amount of death energy that Lu Yin absorbed increased significantly, even inducing surrounding death energy.

However, when the death air entered his body, he still felt very comfortable, so comfortable that it made him panic.

The death gas entering his body caused him pain, but he could still accept it. This was normal, but it was very comfortable. This was weird, and it made him a little hairy. He even suspected that he was not a human being. No, the Death Clan were also human beings. They were just cultivating. The paths are different, what’s going on with me?

He recalled everything in the past, and thought about the scene when he suppressed the Faceless Man in Neptune Heaven, causing the Faceless Man to think that he was a high-ranking member of the Death Clan. Not only could he suppress the Death Qi, but he could also absorb it?

Lu Yin was at a loss. He didn't know what was wrong with his body. The only explanation was the Mysterious Skill of Life and Death.

I was once a dead person, and died three times.

He died once in Tuofu Star, died a second time when he left Tuofu Star, and died a third time in the technological star field. He is a dead person, so he can absorb the death energy?

This seems to be the only explanation.

Of course, dead people use death energy as the source of their cultivation. Lu Yin felt it. Death energy cultivation was much faster than Xing Nengke. He originally only broke through the eighth level in Tianxing Sect.

The cultivation during this period is comparable to absorbing hundreds of thousands of cubic star energy crystal marrow. I may be able to break through the ninth cycle of cruising realm with the help of death energy, and even break through the hunting realm.

If your guess comes true, then the question arises, it’s time to act.

He suddenly discovered that he had been acting since he entered the new universe. He wanted to perform and learn Tianxing Gong from the Tianxing Sect. When he came here, he also had to perform under the influence of death energy.

Recalling the scene where the man went crazy just now, Lu Yin swallowed and started.



The ground shook.

In the distance, Yin appeared, accompanied by the Witch Spirit God Doll and the Ghost Lord who turned into a shadow on the ground.

"The little guy has started. If he doesn't absorb the death energy, he will be forced to absorb it, quack." The Witch Spirit God Doll laughed strangely.

Silver eyes narrowed and looked into the distance, Goodbye, captain.

On the ground, Guihou looked strangely into the distance. If anyone knew Lu Yin the best, it wasn't Ming Yan, it wasn't Wendy Yushan, it wasn't the eldest sister and the others, but Guihou. He had been with Lu Yin for ten years, and he knew Lu Yin the best. Yin's behavior was so obvious that he was absolutely, 10,000% sure that Lu Yin was acting.

Brother Qi, your play is too bad.

The Ghost Marquis was panicked, fearing that Lu Yin's acting would be discovered, so he hurriedly said, "Sir, my lord, I, the humble villain, want to pay homage to the great eternal kingdom, and to pay homage to your supreme inheritance, the Dark Tower."

The Witch Spirit Shen Doll looked at Gui Hou and was quite satisfied with his words. He was great and supreme. He was the one he said, "Well, go ahead."

"Sir, this humble villain wants to ask you for strength." Guihou spoke again, attracting the attention of Wu Lingshen and Yin.

The Witch Spirit God Doll said, "You need to absorb blood to improve your strength. It's amazing that you, a little shadow of the Exploration Realm, can absorb the blood of the Ancestral Realm. Come on, let me study it."

Gui Hou was horrified and looked helplessly at Lu Yin, "Brother Qi, there's only so much I can do to help you right now. Let's both be well!"

"The great and supreme Lord Wuling God, you are the symbol of the gods. This humble villain hopes to crawl at your feet, just like a shadow, just to admire your glory all the time."

"The great, the supreme...".

Yin watched Wu Lingshen leave, looked back at Lu Yin again, curled up the corners of his mouth, and then turned around and left.

The underground of the Eternal Kingdom is always dark. Lu Yin silently counted the time. It has been a month since he entered here. In this month, he has absorbed a lot of majestic death energy, and his sanity has not been affected. Acting is quite tiring. But the trouble is that the eyes cannot change.

After absorbing the death energy, the pupils will change. As soon as the man absorbed a little bit of the death energy, his pupils turned half white, which were the unique pupils of the Death Race people.

It's a bit unreasonable that his pupils haven't changed after he absorbed so much death energy, but he can't fake it. The whitening of the pupils of the Death Clan can affect the opponent's sanity. He has experienced it and this cannot be faked.

What to do?

Lu Yin was a little distressed, so he even delayed the absorption of death energy, which caused Yin to come again. He had no choice but to continue to absorb a large amount of death energy.

These absorbed dead energy replace the star energy circulating in the body.

The purpose of absorbing star energy circulation above the exploration realm is firstly to practice and improve strength, and secondly to prevent exhaustion.

He doesn't know if the death energy can prevent him from being exhausted, it should be possible! He now regards himself as a dead person.

Soon, another month passed.

Lu Yin absorbed a large amount of death energy every day, and finally lost control on this day and broke through.

He was also helpless, and he didn't want to break through, but with Yin as the overseer, he pretended to be driven crazy by the death energy. He also had to absorb a large amount of it, and it was easy to break through the nine-cycle cruise realm.

He really didn't want to break through, but the effect of death energy on his cultivation was much better than that of star energy. It was not of the same quality at all, so that he could break through after just absorbing it for two months.

And there was no discomfort at all, the dead air was like air to him.

Sometimes he wonders if Yin and other people from the Death Clan will be angry to death if they find out. He can be sure that he can absorb the death energy faster than the people from the Death Clan, otherwise Yin would have reached a higher level of cultivation. Now, it won’t just be that he has just broken through the enlightenment realm.

It's a bit irritating, if someone from the Death Clan knew about it.

Isn't he a member of the Death Clan? Lu Yin was most worried that this guess would come true, after all, he had lost his memory.

Even if he is a member of the Death Ming tribe, he is also the ancestor of the Death Ming tribe.

Although the news of breaking through the ninth cycle cruise realm was not big, it still shocked the eternal kingdom.

Most people must first undergo transformation to absorb the death energy, which takes a long time, and then they can adapt to the death energy to help their cultivation. How can anyone like Lu Yin break through in just two months?

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