Star Odyssey

Chapter 1,184 A strange old friend

Shui Chuanxiao deliberately let Endless Territory be defeated and put forward the proposal to connect the entire universe network again. Starlink Network Company won the bid in one fell swoop and became the largest network connection company in the universe.

The reason why they succeeded is not only because of the high price they paid, but also because they have created various systems for various forces over the years, and these systems can all be connected instantly. It can be said that they have seen this day long ago, and they only Wait for the issue to pass.

When Lu Yin first knew about this, he asked Enya, and Enya told him that it was people from Starlink Network who found Shui Chuanxiao and reached an agreement. This was how Shui Chuanxiao later deliberately let Endless Territory defeat. as a result of.

Lu Yin has always been curious about Starlink Network Company. This company has seen the future and found the right person. This is no longer a matter of vision. Why do they think Shui Chuanxiao can help them do it? Why do you think there will be a day when the entire universe will be connected? All this made Lu Yin curious.

"By the way, how much glory do you have?" Shang Sheng Wudi suddenly asked.

Lu Yin replied, "Twenty o'clock."

The Supreme Saint Wudi nodded, "That's enough. Most people can't enter the Star Alliance world, but with twenty glory points, they can enter." After saying that, he put a hand on Lu Yin's shoulder and flashed, waiting for Lu Yin to see clearly. All around, a closed space has arrived. There is a figure not far away, but it has not moved.

Shang Sheng Wudi said, "Go in, just walk over. I'll go and urge the nine directors."

Lu Yin nodded and walked in the direction of the figure. Soon, the space in front of him rippled, and he kicked and disappeared.

Lu Yin originally thought that the Star Alliance world was full of technology. As the headquarters of an Internet company, it should be full of various technologies. But after entering, he found that it was not the case. This place was actually very beautiful, like a paradise.

As soon as he entered the Star Alliance world, a vertical light curtain swept across, and then the light curtain turned green. Lu Yin passed through the light curtain and came in.

There are beautiful mountains and rivers all around, except for a tower-shaped building rising into the sky in the distance.

The Arbitration World is the starry sky, while the Star Alliance World is just one side of the world. Lu Yin immediately felt the difference. This is the difference in the world. The estimated scope of this Star Alliance World is only equivalent to one star in the Arbitration World.

He didn't use the field sweep, and just flew towards the tower.

Someone passed by from time to time on the way and looked at him curiously, but didn't ask any more questions.

This is not so much a big world, but a kind of confined space. Whether it is the Arbitration World or this Star Alliance World, there don't seem to be many people, so it shouldn't be called a world at all.

At this time, in the distance, a white figure passed by, heading south.

After Lu Yin entered the Star Alliance world, he saw not many people, but there were more than ten. He didn't care at first, but suddenly, he stared at the white figure, frowning, very confused, that person looked very familiar. .

It was a woman, veiled and wearing white clothes. Although she couldn't see her face clearly, her eyes looked so familiar that he stopped unconsciously.

After practicing so far, Lu Yin was confident that his memory was still very good. He must have seen those eyes somewhere. They were familiar yet unfamiliar.

Lu Yin believed in his intuition. The woman must have seen it herself.

Thinking about it, he chased her, but he didn't dare to chase her in the sky because it would be too conspicuous. Instead, he chased her on the ground.

That woman was pretty good and had reached the cruising realm, but she was not as good as him and couldn't notice him at all.

In the sky, the woman in white flew for more than half an hour before landing in the mountains not far away and disappeared in an instant.

Lu Yin jumped over the mountain peak, looked down, his pupils

Shrinking, his expression became very exciting.

This mountain peak is in a concave shape, and the concave part in the middle is a hot spring. At this moment, two women are in the hot spring. Although the mist is misty, Lu Yin can still see it. They are white, tall, slender, and have black hair. Lu Yin can instantly These were the only things he thought of, and at this moment, he also saw the appearance of that woman, Bai Xue?

Lu Yin was stunned, what is that?

In the hot spring, a woman suddenly turned her head to look at the top of the mountain. "Bold", she said, picked up the hot spring water with one hand and sprinkled it towards Lu Yin. In mid-air, the hot spring water quickly froze and turned into a handle of white ice. The sword slashed towards Lu Yin.

Lu Yin was surprised by such fierce swordsmanship. He raised his hand, flicked his fingers, and the huge force shattered the ice sword.

Although the ice sword is sharp, it cannot get close to Lu Yin.

"Sorry, misunderstanding" Lu Yin quickly explained and turned around.

In the hot spring, two women dressed and flew into the air. One of them took out a long sword from the Ningkong Ring and slashed at Lu Yin with one sword. The blade of the sword froze, the void froze, and it turned into ice flowers and spread. With one strike of the sword, Lu Yin was stunned. Surprised again, this sword?

With a bang, the woman's sword was frozen by the field. Although her swordsmanship was extremely strong, she could not break through Lu Yin's field. However, what Lu Yin did not expect was that his field began to be frozen.

The woman's ice possesses unpredictable power and can even freeze the field.

Lu Yin's eyes flashed, and the field erupted, shattering the ice.

The woman held a long sword and stared at Lu Yin coldly, and then asked in surprise, "Is it you?".

Lu Yin also stared at the woman, and the more he looked at her, the more familiar she looked. At first he thought it was Bai Xue, her appearance was too similar, but there were differences. Although Bai Xue was cold, she had a soft beauty, while this woman was colder than Bai Xue, but also... More beautiful.

Suddenly, Lu Yin thought of someone, "Are you Bai Qian?".

The woman put away her sword and looked coldly, "Why are you here?".

"Are you really Bai Qian? Bai Xue's sister?" Lu Yin was surprised.

Another woman spoke and looked at Bai Qian, "Who do you know?"

Bai Qian said indifferently, "I've seen it before, but I don't know it."

Lu Yin was surprised. It was really Bai Qian. This was a legendary woman. She was the first person on earth to land on Neptune. She was also the one who discovered Qingyu Night King and brought Qingyu Night King to the earth. If it weren't for her, the earth might not be there. We will experience a doomsday crisis, and there may not be anything that will happen next.

It can be said that this woman changed many people's lives.

He still remembered what Bai Xue said back then, that her sister Bai Qian had a face that would make the rainbow eclipse, and Zhuge Tao had the ambition to make a woman the emperor.

This woman should have left at the beginning of the end of the earth with the invitation letter from the star collector. It is said that by that time, she had reached the exploration realm and was one step ahead of all of them.

Originally, he had forgotten about this woman, only thinking that she would disappear in the starry sky of the universe, but he didn't expect to meet her here. This is the New Universe Glory Realm Star Alliance World. How could this woman come here?

"Why are you here?" Lu Yin asked again. He was so curious and curious about this woman's experience.

Bai Qian stared at Lu Yin coldly, "This is not your reason for peeping."

Lu Yin was embarrassed, "Unintentionally, unintentionally."

"You have a field, why are you careless?" The woman beside Bai Qian looked at Lu Yin curiously, her tone was polite, but her eyes were not as sharp as Bai Qian's. She looked at Lu Yin with strong curiosity and indescribable meaning.

Lu Yin explained, "You can't place them randomly in the field. It's very rude."

"So it's not rude to peek?" the woman smiled.

Lu Yin pursed his lips.

"Why are you here?" Bai Qian asked coldly, staring at Lu Yin.

"I was captured by the New Humanity Alliance, escaped, and was tried by the chief judge. Now I am free, and I want to contact the outer universe through Starlink Company," Lu Yin said.

Bai Qian was calm and didn't ask any more questions.

"Lu Yin, right? I know you," the woman next to Bai Qian said.

Lu Yin looked at the woman curiously, "Who are you?".

The woman smiled and said, "Zijing, you have to remember this name."

"Why?" Lu Yin was stunned.

The woman raised her eyebrows and said, "So that you know who you have spotted. If I can't get married in the future, I will look for you."

Lu Yin laughed dryly. This was not the first time he had experienced this. He had fallen into Ming Yan's bathtub, looked at Wendy with his field, and Wendy warned him not to use his field to check others. He didn't expect that this would happen again. , he didn’t even know his luck.

However, he blinked and saw clearly just now that it was beautiful.

No, the more he thought about it, the more he couldn't stand it. Lu Yin quickly changed the subject and looked at Bai Qian, "Why are you here? There has been no news from you for so many years. Bai Xue thought you were dead."

When Bai Xue was mentioned, a hint of complexity flashed in Bai Qian's eyes, but it quickly disappeared, "Is she okay?".

Lu Yin shook his head, "No, he was manipulated by others first, and then disappeared. No one knows where he is now."

"Where did he disappear?" Bai Qian was confused.

Lu Yin glanced at Zijing and said nothing.

Zijing smiled and said, "It seems there is a secret. Let's chat." She said, as if she remembered something, and looked at Lu Yin, "I can tell fortunes."

Lu Yin was confused, "What do you mean?", he first thought of Caixingmen.

Zijing smiled and said, "I figure you will ask me for something soon."

Lu Yin was stunned.

Zijing smiled and left.

Lu Yin's eyes flashed and he looked at Bai Qian, "What is her relationship with Starlink Network Company?".

Bai Qian said indifferently, "Boss."

"Boss? Her?" Lu Yin exclaimed.

Bai Qian frowned, "Where is Bai Xue missing?".

Lu Yin said casually, "Jupiter", and as he said that, he looked in the direction Zijing left, and she went to the tower.

Is this woman the boss of Starlink Network Company? No way, so young? Can you build a behemoth of such a scale that even the Hall of Glory oversees it?

Maybe they are not young, they just look young. There are many such people in the universe.

Bai Qian stared at Lu Yin, "Jupiter? Did she go to Jupiter?".

Lu Yin nodded, "I was sucked into Jupiter together with Zhang Dingtian. I wanted to go in and take them out, but I couldn't."

Bai Qian pondered.

Lu Yin temporarily put aside his doubts about Zijing's identity and looked at Bai Qian, "Where have you been all these years? It seems that you left with the invitation letter from the star collector."

Bai Qian said lightly, "I went to the Starry Sky Battle Academy."

Lu Yin was surprised, "Starry Sky Battle Academy? Which academy is it?".

"First Courtyard" Bai Qian said indifferently.

Lu Yin was surprised, "Why haven't I seen you?".

"Poor grades, weak strength, annihilating everyone" Bai Qian said lightly, and then landed, "I want to continue to soak in the hot springs, do you want to visit?".


An update will be added at 3pm. Thank you brothers for your support. The number of words in the update will be smaller. Please follow the wind to add updates as many days as possible. Thank you brothers! ! !

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