Star Odyssey

Chapter 1,196 The Pride of the Interpreter

On the other side of the planet was Gui Junheng. Xiao Chi brought Lu Yin and Xiao Shi there. Gui Junheng was already waiting, and there was also a young man with an indifferent expression.

Seeing the young man, Lu Yin's eyes froze. Although he did not use the Zhou Yan Scripture to read the runes, he could see through the star energy that the young man was extraordinary.

The control of star energy to reach the world level is different from that of ordinary people. This is a feeling. When Lu Yin faces other people, he can affect that person's star energy to a certain extent. The weaker ones can even control it in turn, and this young man People don't let him feel that sense of control.

When the young man saw Lu Yin, he also looked at him with a look of interest.

This person, who can control stars, has reached the World Realm. This is a common thought between Lu Yin and the young man.

Lu Yin just glanced at the young man and then turned his attention to Gui Junheng.

The video was not very clear, but Lu Yin was still a little excited to see him in person, "Junior Lu Yin, please see Senior Gui Junheng, the former formation master."

Gui Junheng looked at Lu Yin in surprise and said in surprise, "Controlled in the world realm, no wonder you dare to challenge Haoran's advanced interpreter test. You are very likely to pass."

Lu Yin said solemnly, "Thank you, senior."

Gui Junheng nodded and looked at the young man beside him. The young man stepped forward, faced Lu Yin, and said seriously, "My name is Wu Dan, and I am a one-star Haoran senior interpreter."

Lu Yin looked seriously, "It's an honor to meet you."

Wu Dan said seriously, "I am also honored to see you, Lu Yin, your name has sounded in my ears more than once."

Lu Yin was surprised, "What's the reason?".

Wudan said lightly, "Progress is rapid, from the junior level of Bright Eyes to the intermediate level of Palm Control, from the one-star Intermediate Interpreter of Palm Control directly to the intermediate level of Five-star Control Interpreter. It is rare in history that your name is even passed down from the outer universe. Entering the new universe, introducing this great world of interpretation.”

Lu Yin listened quietly.

"Originally I didn't pay much attention to you. Interpreting words requires experience and not just talent. But I didn't expect that your control of star energy has reached the world level. In the inner and outer universe, you are the only one who has the ability to rival me." Wu Dan said.

Lu Yin raised his eyebrows, "Where are the five outstanding interpreters?".

Wu Dan was disdainful, "They are just five losers. They have not reached the Haoran level yet, and no one will be able to reach it within ten years. The difference between them is just one step, but it is a world away. They will never be able to compare with me."

"Where is Master Wusheng?" Lu Yin continued to ask.

Wudan was equally disdainful, "Being regarded as the heir to the president of the Inner Universe Interpreter Research Association, his talent for interpreting languages ​​is indeed very high, but his cultivation is too poor. Interpreting languages ​​depends on more than just his ability to interpret languages. If he does not have the ability to save his life, It's also useless, he will never be able to compare with me, whether it is cultivation or language interpretation ability."

Lu Yin looked at the young man in front of him. He had criticized all the best interpreters in the inner and outer universe, but he was the only one who looked up to him. No, he had also looked down on him just now.

Wu Dan didn't even look at Xiao Chi and Xiao Shi, and turned around to leave the planet, "You can definitely reach the advanced level of Haoran. Once you reach it, try to understand the original treasure formation as much as possible, otherwise it will be too boring. In this Star Sky Supreme Competition, I will also I will participate to let those people know how powerful the Interpreter is, and I don’t want to be alone.”

Watching Wu Dan leave, Lu Yin didn't know where his confidence came from. This person was at the hunting level, and in the battle between mountains and seas, those top figures were already at the enlightenment level.

The Interpreter does have an advantage in combat, but absolutely

It's not big enough to compete with him, and I don't even know how strong he is now.

Xiao Chi breathed a sigh of relief, "I'm finally gone. It's so scary."

Xiao Shi nodded, "It's terrible."

Gui Junheng glared at Xiao Chi, "I told you to work harder a long time ago, and you won't even dare to participate in the Starry Sky Supreme Competition. Let's see what you become, and cut off your mushroom head quickly."

Xiao Chi was a little timid like Xiao Shi, but he was unexpectedly persistent when it came to the mushroom head, "The mushroom head is the disciple's language-decoding weapon. It is a very powerful language-decoding weapon. It surpasses all language-decoding weapons. It cannot be cut." ".

Xiao Shi nodded, "My history is correct."

Lu Yin looked at the two people speechlessly, they were exactly the same.

It was obviously not the first time Gui Junheng saw this situation. He patted his head helplessly, looked at Lu Yin, and said with a smile, "I'll let you see the joke. Let's go. I'll take you to participate in Haoran's advanced explanation." "Assessment of candidates."

Lu Yin said respectfully, "Thank you, senior."

Gui Junheng waved his hand, "You don't need to call me senior, just call me Master Gui, they all call me that."

"Okay, Master Gui."

Xiao Shi came to Lu Yin and nodded at him, and he looked curiously.

Xiao Shi whispered, "Master Gui is easy to get along with, but if he interprets his language, leave immediately."

"Why?" Lu Yin was stunned.

Xiao Shi deliberately slowed down Lu Yin and said in a low voice, "Master Gui's explanation was completely different from usual. It was like he had changed. He became, how should I put it, very rude, violent, and easy to beat?" Human, we all ran away so fast, no one dared to stay.”

Dual personality, four words appeared in Lu Yin's mind, very similar to Ming Yan.

The planet is covered with Thousand Silk Spirit Spirits. Lu Yin doesn’t know where these Thousand Silk Spirit Spirits come from. The entire Eastern Xinjiang Alliance has only collected enough Thousand Silk Spirit Spirits for one secret room, and this world of Jieyu is full of them. Thousands of silk spirits.

The Thousand Silk Spirit Essence is the most effective material in stopping the original treasure's murderous intentions. Although many of the original treasure's murderous intentions are looked at by even the super-powerful, they can be restrained by the Thousand Silk Spirit Essence. It must be said that one thing will bring down another. This is The biosphere of the universe.

Gui Junheng stopped, and Lu Yin and the other three stood behind him. He waved his hand, and in front of him, thousands of elves that were originally spread on the ground swept up and rushed into the starry sky, while a bridge appeared on the ground.

Xiao Shi and Xiao Chi didn't feel anything at all, but Lu Yin became solemn.

When the Qiansi Elf disappeared, the star energy around the bridge completely changed. The void was distorted, but it didn't look real. I heard countless voices, worshiping, quarreling, fighting, practicing, etc., as if That bridge has been through someone's life.

Gui Junheng looked at Lu Yin, "This bridge is Haoran's advanced original treasure. You can start. If the interpretation is successful, you will be Haoran's advanced interpreter."

Xiao Chi was surprised, "Master, where did this bridge come from? Why haven't I seen it before?"

Gui Junheng glared at him fiercely, "Why do you want to see it? Don't talk about it, you won't be able to see many intermediate master treasures."

Xiao Chi was startled and quickly hid behind Xiao Shi.

Lu Yin saluted Gui Junheng, and then cautiously approached the bridge. At the same time, his eyes were filled with star energy. Since he understood the language and was still on this planet, he could use the Zhou Yan Scripture.

As his pupils changed into runes, Lu Yin saw the number of runes that filled the entire bridge. It was very huge. It was estimated that there were 300,000 combat power runes.

This is no longer a simple Haoran high-grade original treasure.

You know, Haoran's advanced level corresponds to the hunting realm, which means that the worst Haoran's advanced original treasure, the strength of the hunting realm is enough to decipher the language. A person who has reached the hunting realm and has nearly 300,000 combat power, looking at the energy of the universe How many, this original treasure is definitely not a one-star Haoran high-grade original treasure.

Gui Junheng's voice came, "You can give up taking the test from me. You can see that this original treasure is not simple."

Lu Yin said, "No need, junior can give it a try."

Gui Junheng nodded in admiration, "Ordinary people would give up, but you have participated in the battle between mountains and seas. This original treasure is not unsolvable, and self-protection is still no problem. The reason why I let you explain this original treasure is because Some time ago, Wu Dan was promoted to the advanced level of Haoran, and the interpreter was also a similar original treasure."

Lu Yin understood that this was because he wanted to compare him with Wu Dan, which might also be what Wu Dan meant.

This was a challenge. Lu Yin was a little excited and approached the bridge step by step.

At the same time, in the entire world of interpreters, many interpreters on the planet were watching this scene, and so was Wu Dan.

There are 630,000 registered members of the Interpreter Research Association. In fact, there are more than that. No one can count the interpreters in the world of interpreters in such detail, and many interpreters don't like to show up. Of course, Even if it exceeds this number, it cannot be much more, otherwise the interpreter would not be so detached.

The news of Lu Yin's assessment of Haoran's advanced interpreter level quickly spread throughout the world of interpreters, and then spread to the outside world. It won't be long before the Inner Universe Interpreter Research Association will also know about it.

No matter how the outside world reacts, Lu Yin has no time to care.

Through the Zhouyan Scripture, he stepped into the place where the runes spread, and suffered the first wave of murderous offensive from the original treasure.

The concussive roar was like thunder exploding, resounding in his mind, and Lu Yin was shocked. This was the power of his predecessors, and it was also a spirit attack. No wonder there were so many runes.

What he saw was completely different from what others saw. Others couldn't even see anything. The energy attack was invisible.

Fortunately, there is still a gap between the spirit attack here and Zhenwu Night King's Night King's Heaven Opening Technique, and Lu Yin has reached the hunting realm and can easily withstand it, otherwise he would have to recite the full text of Shibi.

As he approached the bridge step by step, the roaring energy in Lu Yin's mind became stronger and stronger. When he was still about one meter away from the bridge, he even saw ancient scenes, and saw young people kneeling in front of the bridge. On the other side of the bridge, there was a old man.

"If you want to join our sect today, you should cross this bridge to prove your firm will. Those who cross this bridge will join our sect."

"You can't wait to cross this bridge, retreat immediately."

‘This bridge represents the immortal glory of our sect and cannot be tarnished by others’.

As soon as the scene changed, the moment Lu Yin raised his hand and touched the bridge, a terrorist attack came from the sky and shook the bridge away. At the same time, the sword energy split the huge sect behind the bridge into two.

‘We, the immortals, should not be like this, and our sect should not be defeated like this’.

"I am unwilling to wait and seal this bridge. This bridge records our sect's supreme combat skills. Whoever can obtain it should rebuild our sect. The name of our sect is - Stone Soul Sect."

Lu Yin put one hand on the bridge and opened his eyes suddenly. What he saw in his eyes was the majestic rune numbers converging on him. With a sharp look, he recited the full text of the stone wall directly, and the majestic spirit pressed hard on Lu Yin. Hidden, and then turned into visible fighting sounds that spread around, stirring the void.

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