Star Odyssey

Chapter 1,200 Kaiyuan Formation

Lu Yin felt that the inner universe and the new universe must also have their own intelligence networks.

He suddenly thought of Zijing, who knew more about Starlink Network Company? It is a pity that Starlink Network Company belongs to the Hall of Glory and is even supervised by the Hall of Glory. For this reason, it does not hesitate to grant the world, and it is impossible to be loyal to itself. It thinks too much.

As the scene in front of him changed, Lu Yin exited the fusion and returned to himself. He subconsciously checked the Ning Kong Ring. He sadly discovered that there should have been 7.21 million cubic stars capable of crystal marrow. Now, there are only a mere 300,000 cubic stars. The energy crystal marrow consumed 6.9 million cubic star energy crystal marrow at once, which was consumed too quickly.

But it's worth it, letting yourself know so many things.

There were still 300,000 cubic star energy crystal marrow left. Lu Yin did not hesitate and rolled the dice again. This time it was one point, and a token dropped from the void.

It should be some kind of imperial power token. Lu Yin used a little force and the token broke. This kind of material is at best the imperial power token of a certain galaxy. It can't even reach the territory and is of no use to him.

Thinking about it, I continued to roll the dice. This time it rolled to three o'clock. No stars could crystallize the essence. Give up and try again.

For the last time, Lu Yin finally reached four o'clock, and time stopped in space.

The scene in front of Lu Yin changed and he entered a space where time stood still.

Three hundred thousand cubic meters of star energy crystal marrow can be extended by more than two hundred days at most. However, Lu Yin's own star energy is enough to condense into star energy crystals. Although it is a bit troublesome, it is still possible to extend the time to nearly a year.

He stayed in the huge pupil of the Mountain and Sea Realm for nearly a year, raising his star energy control to the world level, and comprehending the Great Teleportation Formation. This time, I don't know what the outcome will be.

Lu Yin glanced at the numbers after time materialized, then opened the Ning Kong Ring and took out the original treasure true solution, which was shining with golden light.

Five pages in total, time to take a look.

The Original Treasure True Interpretation has thirty-six pages and is preserved in the Hall of Glory. It is the supreme treasure book for interpreters.

Only those who have reached the level of Haoran's advanced interpreter can understand it, but they may not be able to understand it yet.

Lu Yin originally thought that his ability to comprehend the Great Shifting Formation was enough to comprehend the Original Treasure Formation on the Original Treasure True Solution, but he underestimated the Original Treasure True Solution and underestimated himself too much.

Maybe the Great Teleportation Formation he saw before was just a simplified version, specially for disciples to learn, so Qiu Shi could also understand it. Anyway, Lu Yin didn't quite understand the Original Treasure Formation on the Original Treasure True Solution.

how to say

, give him time to study slowly, but it will take at least several years or even decades or hundreds of years to fully understand a formation. Some original treasure formations are impossible to understand in a lifetime.

Lu Yin read through all five pages of original treasure formations, and finally selected one of them to understand. This should be the simplest original treasure formation, called Kaiyuan Formation. Lu Yin didn't know what it was used for, so he wanted to understand it first. Besides, time stands still anyway.

The biggest reason why the control of star energy must be upgraded to the world level in order to understand the original treasure formation is that only the star energy controlled by the world level can imitate the murderous intention of the original treasure formation. Otherwise, you have to find someone who arranges it with the original treasure formation. It is almost impossible to find an original treasure that has exactly the same murderous intent as the original treasure.

To put it bluntly, the original treasure formation is the power of simulating the wisdom summed up by previous generations.

First, simulate and learn, then turn it into your own understanding, and finally arrange your own original treasure formation.

It is said that the top original formation masters can see through the consequences of numerous original treasure murderous combinations at a glance, and can deploy the most powerful original treasure formation in the shortest time.

Lu Yin is now struggling to even decode Yu Haoran's advanced original treasure, let alone accomplish this step.

Of course, he is not too ambitious. He will take it step by step and one day he will fully realize it.

Time is just a number for cultivators. When Lu Yin excitedly discovered that he had understood the Kaiyuan Formation, time was running out.

The Kaiyuan Formation is an original treasure formation that protects the spirit, energy, and spirit. Once this array is used, the spirit, energy, and spirit are as stable as a rock. I dare not say it is unbreakable, but at least it is much stronger than before.

Lu Yin gave it a try. If he had known how to open the Yuan Formation in the fight with Zhenwu Night King, then the Night King's Kaitian Kung Fu would not have much effect on him. Even if Zhenwu Night King cheated with his talent, he would not be able to win, but he would not win. lose.

Moreover, the Kaiyuan Array has a more important point. It can nourish the essence, energy, and spirit. Although the effect is not too strong, it is better than slowly growing. Once there is a suitable way to enhance the energy, energy, and spirit, it will be more perfect if it is supplemented by the Kaiyuan Array. .

Although this formation seems to be of little use, as it cannot attack, heal, or defend the body, energy and energy are the weakness of many people, and some people specialize in energy and energy, and such people are usually very powerful. .

With the Kaiyuan Formation and the full text of Shibi, Lu Yin has made up for the weakness of Jingqi Shen. At least he doesn't have to worry about facing Jingqi Shen masters.

Wait, why the defense? Can't you take the initiative to learn stronger spiritual attacks?


Ye Lin is useless when facing people like Zhenwu Night King, but the effect is still very significant when facing other masters. If his spiritual power is further enhanced, he should be able to threaten top masters such as Feathered Mebis.

The more he thought about it, the more Lu Yin felt that he should improve his energy and energy. He happened to have this way. Is there any race in the universe that is better at energy and energy than the Baiye tribe? Even the behemoths of the new universe were afraid of the Baiye tribe and did not want them to enter the new universe.

The scene in front of him changed. Lu Yin appeared in the secret room. He was slightly relieved for a long time and found that Xiao Shi and Xiao Chi didn't know what they were muttering about. For them, time had not passed long, but for him, it had already been a year. This kind of The different time span from others makes Lu Yin still not accustomed to it.

Returning to the secret room of interpretation, Lu Yin raised his hand, and the White Night Clan inheritance stone appeared in his palm.

It was precisely because of this inheritance stone that the night banquet was set up by Zhenwu Night King from beginning to end. He never thought about giving himself a way to survive, so he never asked for the inheritance stone from beginning to end. He only thought that it was absolutely possible. Take it away from yourself.

It is precisely because of this that the inheritance stone has not been returned until now. Of course, it is also because the inheritance stone has not been returned and Zhenwu Yewang has not withdrawn the accusation that there will be subsequent troubles.

Compared with these troubles, Lu Yin would rather have the inheritance stone.

The Baiye clan is a powerful clan. There is no doubt that their energy, spirit and combat skills are unparalleled in the universe, and this is what Lu Yin lacks.

Although they were enemies of the White Night Royal Family, Lu Yin had to say that the Night Royal Family was very strong.

With a longing for the White Night Clan's spirit and fighting skills in his heart, Lu Yin entered the inheritance corridor again and came to this familiar place again. He saw the stone slab outside the corridor. The highest point on it was the Zhenwu Night King. The name disappeared and was replaced by Zhuo Baiye.

Although Zhuo Baiye led the White King's lineage to betray the Bai Ye Clan, joined the Eastern Xinjiang Alliance, and went to the outer universe, the stone tablet of the Bai Ye Clan's ancestral land obviously did not distinguish between positions, and even Lu Yin's image could enter, let alone Zhuo Bai Ye.


Updates have been added for seven consecutive days. Although the third update has fewer words, it can be regarded as Sui Feng’s explanation to the brothers! ! It’s really tiring to have to go to work and code at the same time every day, and I have to do more! !

Next, the update will return to normal, and there will be additional updates with rewards. The number of words will be the same as normal chapters! !

Thank you brothers for your support, thank you! !

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