Star Odyssey

Chapter 1,264 Mavis and Lu Yin

Yaogu attacks from top to bottom.

Huge wind pressure enveloped a mountain peak. When the contestants around Wang Yi saw Yao Gu taking action, they were immediately frightened and ran away. Some of the slow ones jumped off the mountain directly, preferring to quit the race rather than die.

Wang Yi raised his head and calmly watched the huge Void Thunder Beast coming. He paused with his right foot, and then his figure flashed. There was no change in the void. He appeared thousands of meters away, and the huge Void Thunder Beast was like a meteorite. On the top of the mountain, under everyone's dull gaze, a huge blood mouth sprayed blood, forming a scarlet river dripping down the mountain.

Yaogu's pupils were dilated and he stared blankly at his abdomen. There was a huge wound that penetrated his body. He didn't know how it appeared. He didn't see it and couldn't stop it. He was a Void Thunder Beast. He had his own thunder and could break through the void. Escape, even in the face of masters who surpass yourself.

However, he was defeated in just an instant. He was defeated without any suspense. He had no ability to resist at all, and he didn't even react.

Southeast of the Supreme Mountain, on a white skeleton, a huge Void Thunder Beast tore through the void and appeared. He looked at the light curtain in shock, "Impossible, how could Yao Gu be seriously injured so easily?".

Not far away, giant beasts appeared one after another. They looked at the light curtain in horror and were speechless for a long time.

That was Yaogu, a genius of the Void Thunder Beast clan. He was given the surname of Yao by the empire, and he was a master of the Heaven-Mending Ranking. He was defeated in an instant, without even seeing clearly how he was defeated.

This scene not only shocked the masters of the Behemoth Star Domain, but also shocked everyone.

The entire northern mountain peak fell silent for an instant, including Yaoxuan at the pass, who looked at Wang Yi in shock. This man was extremely terrifying.

Yao Gu slowly turned his head and looked at Wang Yi in fear. He was a master of the Butian Ranking and one of the strongest among the younger generation in the Behemoth Star Territory. He could look down on countless creatures, so he was defeated like this?

Wang Yi still walked towards the mountain step by step, just like before, neither fast nor slow, just walking like this with an expressionless face, as if defeating Yaogu was just a trivial matter.

On the same mountain peak in the north, far away, the star-collecting girl stared at Wang Yi, her pupils flickering, and her body's star energy unstable.

Can't be counted, can't be counted, can't be counted. This person is the same as Lu Yin, why can't he be counted?

The star-picking girl looked at Wang Yi with fear. Wang has a unique surname in ancient times. No one with a unique surname in ancient times should be underestimated. Where does this person come from? Are they really from the science and technology space? What does it have to do with Wang Wen of Iron-Blooded Territory?

They still know too little about the technological star field.

Canglan Territory, Earth, not far from the statue of Lu Yin, the young man raised his hat and looked at the light curtain in surprise, "Not bad, quite good."

On the east mountain peak, Lu Yin looked up at the light curtain. He also saw the scene of Wang Yi defeating Yao Gu. To be honest, it was shocking. It could only be described as shocking.

The light curtain couldn't capture any trace at all. He couldn't see anything from the light curtain. There was only one thing that was certain. Wang Yi was very fast. It was so fast that even Yao Gu couldn't react. And the one who could match his speed was tearing. With the power of ancient demon flesh and blood, this person is definitely one of the biggest enemies in the Supreme Race.

"If you still have the energy to look elsewhere, take my punch." With a sharp shout, the feathered Mavis rushed over from under the mountain.

Lu Yin lowered his head and curled up the corners of his mouth, "You are really impatient."

The feathered Mebis said coldly, "Look how much your strength has improved, how dare you speak such arrogant words." After the words fell, his body instantly jumped into the air, and he punched out. In an instant, a huge wave of air spread from his wrist to his arm.

Then there was a loud noise that shocked the Supreme Mountain, and he punched Lu Yin.

Feathered Mavis always attacks with fists transformed from grass, rarely throwing actual punches. Although she is very powerful, or perhaps because of her great strength, she is either dead or injured with one punch.

At this moment, she punched Lu Yin, a real punch, a powerful punch from the descendant of the Tree Heart of the Mavis family.

At this moment, the light curtain of the entire universe shifted from Wang Yi to Lu Yin. Outside the Supreme Mountain, Qin Mebis stood straight and stared closely. In fact, another gate master in the human star domain had been embodying Mebis and Qiu Shi. The decision was made when the Supreme Tournament was decided, and the two of them chose one of them.

However, as Lu Yin returned from Chen Zu's tomb, the Shengtian Master on Changtian Island tried his best to recommend them. Even Zen Lao recognized them, and Yuhua Mabisi and Qiu Shicai were not selected.

Even though Feathered Mebis didn't care about the master, she must have been unwilling to be eliminated by Lu Yin. Coupled with what Lu Yin said before the game, it formed the motivation for her to be the first to rush to the gate. She wanted to see this Why did someone who could only catch her seven punches eliminate her, and why did she say those words.

Watching Feathered Mavis punch down, Lu Yin's pupils turned into runes, and he saw the runes all over the sky gathered in his fist. The power of this punch far exceeded the seventh punch that knocked him off the golden stage. It can be said that Feathered Mebis didn't hold back this punch. If Lu Yin couldn't catch it, he would die or be disabled.

The feathered Mabis at this moment came with the huge power of the Mabis family. Even the Sixth Continent paid great attention to the Mabis race. This was a behemoth.

When Feathered Mavis punched, everyone turned their attention.

Everyone knows that whether Lu Yin can hold on to this level depends on whether he can block the feathered Mavis.

Not to mention the people who were close friends with Lu Yin were nervous, everyone was nervous. This punch seemed to represent the pattern of the Supreme Tournament.

With a cry, Feathered Mavis punched down, and the void was pushed forward layer by layer, like a ferocious giant beast coming from ancient times, crushing towards Lu Yin.

Lu Yin raised his head, clenched his right fist, and raised his eyes. He had been waiting for this moment for a long time.

Ever since he broke through the Fusion Realm and experienced an inexplicable increase in power, he believed that there was no one among his human peers who could surpass him in strength. However, the battle in the Mountain and Sea Realm allowed him to see what Mavis was and what he was a representative of the power of the human star realm.

Seven punches can only catch seven punches, and the seventh punch is not the true strongest power of Feathered Mebis. Her power is called infinite, and it is the ultimate of human power.

The moment he was thrown off the golden stage, Lu Yin was actually not as calm as he appeared. He was crushed in the field he was best at. Although he was two realms lower than Feathered Mebis at that time, a defeat was a defeat.

After breaking through the hunting realm, what he wanted to do most was to find the feathered Mavis and compete with her again for strength.

This day has finally arrived.

Breaking all laws with one force, this is Mavis.

Feathered Mabis did not restrict Lu Yin's movements, just a punch. If Lu Yin did not dare to take it, it would be equivalent to admitting that he had lost to the Mabis clan in terms of strength.

In mid-air, Feathered Mavis was getting closer and closer to Lu Yin, his eyes filled with fierce fighting intent.

Lu Yin's clenched right fist suddenly opened, he raised his hand and grabbed Feathered Mebis's right fist.


With a collision, the ground at the pass was shattered, and the strong wind pushed the space around, forming a moment of darkness, which then spread crazily.

The mountain peaks cracked, and everyone stared blankly at the pass of the eastern peak of Supreme Mountain. There, the air waves visible to the naked eye spread in an arc, as if opening a gap in the sky, or turning the sky into a huge curtain of light.

The contestants who were originally climbing up the east mountain peak, as well as those who were fighting fiercely and scheming against each other, all felt the oppression, and they were almost fainted from the shortness of breath for a moment.

Liu Tianmu, No Seeing Light, Bai Ling, Xinnu, Curse Wind, etc., all looked up to the sky. This kind of power oppression is the most essential, but also the most unsolvable. How can human power be so powerful?

Feng Liu was horrified, this power is almost as strong as the Devouring Star, what a pervert!

Lu Yin did not compete with Feathered Mavis, but caught her punch with one hand, then swung it in an arc and threw Feathered Mavis behind the pass, "Now is not the time for you and me to compete."

Feathered Mebis was still immersed in shock. If Lu Yin had punched her, she wouldn't be too surprised even if he caught her. But Lu Yin caught her punch with his palm, not repelling it, but forcefully Catch it alive, this kind of power fundamentally surpasses her punch.

Until Lu Yin threw him out, Feathered Mavis didn't react.

Hearing Lu Yin's voice, her body forcibly got rid of the inertia of power and landed steadily on the ground, looking at Lu Yin's back complexly.

At this moment, outside the Supreme Mountain, Qin Mebis was no less shocked than the feathered Mabis. Only the Mabis people knew how powerful the descendant of Shu Xin was. Infinity was not just talk. That punch was theoretically No human being can catch it. The only ones who can truly compete with Mebis in strength are some unique starry sky beasts in the Behemoth Star Domain.

She didn't expect that a human would actually catch it and throw the feathered Mavis away, which was incredible.

Lulu was stunned and looked at Lu Yin stupidly, why is this guy so powerful? It was incredible that this guy's strength surpassed her at first, but now he actually surpassed Sister Yuhua. How did he train? It's not like the starry sky monster has changed!

Not only the eastern peak, but also the contestants on the other three peaks were shocked. Wen Sansi's face was solemn. Although he was very confident in his talent barrier, there is no absolute in the universe. His barrier was broken by the ghoul in the first place. That kind of power Invincible, if Lu Yin's power reached the level of a corpse, he might be able to break it.

No, his power shouldn't be that great.

Eater Star opened one eye and allowed others to attack. It ignored it and stared at Lu Yin inside the light curtain. Its eyes were no longer colorless, but with strong interest, "Humans, power, you , do you really understand?".

Zhiyi narrowed her eyes. She felt that this power had spread to her. She could feel the terrifying intensity. This guy had become so unfathomable. Even she didn't want to bear this kind of power. No wonder Can become a gatekeeper.

However, no matter how powerful the force is, it is only a single means, and there is always a way to deal with it.

Xiao Qing looked at the high-altitude light curtain and blinked. When did this guy become so powerful? Compared with the time he was in the ruins of Daoyuan Sect, it is simply a world of difference. Are all the people in the Fifth Continent progressing so fast?

Old Sixteen swallowed. He felt that he was lucky not to offend this guy in the Universe Sea. He was simply a monster.

Wu Taibai looked at Lu Yin in the light curtain with interest, this was interesting.


The third update is here, thank you brothers for your support, thank you! ! !

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