Star Odyssey

Chapter 1321 Death Transformation

Outside the Supreme Mountain, in the invisible void, the chief referee narrowed his eyes. Is this the end?

On the top of the Supreme Mountain, Shangqing raised his head and was injured. However, he was still very disappointed. No one could bring him a life and death crisis, and no one could help him cross the threshold of the Three Yang Ancestral Qi.

Chenzu and Huizu turned into air currents that wrapped around their bodies, and their supernatants were suspended in the air, like immortals or gods. Just like at the beginning of the competition, he was the supreme, the only supreme.

Looking at the statue, the originally faceless face will soon turn into his appearance. Invincibility is just a process. He hopes to become an ancestor, not just the so-called invincible name. Unfortunately, no one can defeat him.

Outside the Supreme Mountain, Mu En is satisfied. This is Shangqing. It’s over. The Supreme Competition has ended successfully. Among the top ten, six are from the human star domain. There is Yaoxuan from the Behemoth Star domain. There is Wang Yi from the technological star domain. There are two people in the Sixth Continent. This result is acceptable to the Hall of Glory.

The most satisfying one is the Shangqing battle. No matter who it is, it is almost overwhelming. That’s right. The purpose of this competition is to select the top ten, and the original intention is to boost human morale and let practitioners see the way forward. The direction also shows the invincibility of the Hall of Glory.

This result was already expected.

On the top of the Supreme Mountain, the twisted void around Lu Yin disappeared, as if the sealing Yuan Bao formation was lifted.

Shangqing looked away from the statue, passed by Lu Yin, and looked at the others. He had already held back, otherwise this person would definitely die, huh? Suddenly, he turned to look at Lu Yin again, and saw that black and white mist appeared on Lu Yin's body at some point, and gradually enveloped him, wrapping him up.

Not only Shangqing, but everyone saw it and looked at the top of the mountain in confusion.

What the hell? A black and white cocoon?

In front of the light curtain, everyone in the universe looked at the black and white cocoon in confusion. What is it?

Outside the Supreme Mountain, Mu En's eyes narrowed, that's death!

In the new universe, the Holy Master's face is solemn, black or white?

In the Glory Realm, Mr. Zen stared at the black and white cocoon. Even with his self-restraint, he was a little dazed at the moment.

Taiyi God, Jinhe, Qingguang God and other cultivators who could see the number of runes looked at the black and white cocoon with disbelief. In their eyes, the number of runes there continued to skyrocket, and even skyrocketed crazily. Unstoppable momentum.

Jin He had a grudge against Lu Yin. Seeing this situation, he could no longer bear it. Many weapons were created and blasted towards the black and white cocoon. He felt that Lu Yin was undergoing some kind of transformation and must be interrupted.

Numerous weapons bombarded the black and white cocoon without reservation, and then were assimilated into black, and finally shattered.

Jin He was shocked, "Hurry up, he is transforming."

On the top of the Supreme Mountain, Shangqing stared closely at the black and white cocoon, with rare excitement and fighting intent in his eyes. The corners of his mouth curved, and on the surface of his body, two air currents turned into Chen Zu, and then merged, "This is what you dare to challenge me. Power? Come and try, I hope it can bring me a crisis."

After the words fell, in the distance, the black and white cocoon broke open, a figure slowly stood up, and the black air flow whizzed past, covering the entire mountain top, and then spread, covering the Supreme Mountain.

High in the sky, blackness rolled like waves, spreading towards the starry sky and into the distance.

In the starry sky, everyone and everything touched by the black airflow felt a chill from the bottom of their hearts. Even the Star Envoys and even the nearly one million powerful warriors felt like this. It was as if a terrifying existence had appeared in the world. This was the power of power. Essentially, it wasn't that Lu Yin could really threaten them. This power itself brought an extremely terrifying feeling.

But at this moment, no one cared about that. Everyone was staring blankly at the light screen with disbelief.

Even the three ancestors of the Sixth Continent looked at the Supreme Mountain with a feeling of disbelief.

On the top of the Supreme Mountain, Lu Yin stood quietly. At this moment, his image completely changed, as if he was a different person.

The long hair hangs down around the waist, and the upper body is half naked. Black gas is wrapped around it, like a nebula rotating, like a chain circling. The body surface is imprinted with incomprehensible dark red veins. The left arm is wrapped around white gas to form a shield, and the right hand holds a huge hook. Lian, pressed on the ground, black gas rising like clouds behind him, forming eyes from time to time, his eyes were lifeless and heartless.

The broken black and white cocoon gradually turned into airflow, slowly wrapping around Lu Yin's waist, forming a black cloak.

Lu Yin raised his eyes, his pure black eyes looking like a death gaze at Shangqing.

At this moment, the entire universe was silent, and everyone stared blankly.

Below, Xiao Hei was stunned, his eyes were shining, "Okay, okay, so handsome."

Xiaobai exclaimed, "So handsome, handsome brother."

The spiritual palace was shocked. Even she had to admit that Lu Yin at this moment was very handsome, very handsome.

Ku Wei's hair stood on end, he looked at Lu Yin fearfully but excitedly, "Qi, Qi brother, you are so powerful."

Wen thought twice, Bu Jianguang and others looked at Lu Yin in shock, what is this? His talent?

Lu Yin had never revealed his talent before, so it was natural for them to guess like this.

Mira's scalp was numb. No, she had seen Lu Yin's talent before. It should be healing. What is this? Is it dual talent?

Wang Yi was shocked, why, where had I heard this look before? But can’t remember?

Wu Taibai stared at Lu Yin closely. He also felt that he had heard of a similar state somewhere, but he couldn't remember it.

Jin He stared blankly at Lu Yin. At this moment, Lu Yin's runes made him feel scary. It was not the huge size, but the deep chill that the runes affected in the universe made him feel chilled all over his body. sense of fear.

He is a Shijue, Jinhe who has practiced the Zhouyan Sutra to the level of knowledge and inherited the Fu Zu civilization, how can he be afraid of a person? Not appropriate.

Suddenly, Lu Yin looked up, his pure black eyes stared at Jin He, and slowly raised Gou Lian.

Jin He's pupils shrank sharply, not good, his pupils turned into runes, and he immediately cast the Zhifu Realm Zhou Yan Zhenjing.

Zhifou Realm can use something as a reference, and any attack must not cause damage to the reference object. His reference object is himself. This is a competition. No one can react when Lu Yin suddenly strikes. All he has to do is hold on to an attack. The Hall of Glory will definitely intervene.

Lu Yin and Gou Lian fell, Jin He and Lu Yin looked at each other, looking at those pure black eyes, boundless fear struck, and blood flowed from the seven orifices. As Gou Lian fell, his body surface was sliced ​​open diagonally, and blood sprayed and flowed on the ground.

Slowly lowering his head and looking at the huge bloody hole on his chest, how could it be?

Shijue Jinhe was directly killed by Lu Yin using Gou Lian.

This scene shocked countless people and made people feel numb. The one closest to Jin He was Taiyi God. He had been fighting against Jin He. At this moment, his whole body was trembling. He looked at Lu Yin with fear and disbelief in his eyes.

Jin He's use of the Zhou Yan Scripture was stronger than him, and he was actually beheaded to death. Even the secret technique could not break the Zhou Yan Scripture of Zhifou Realm. After all, the Zhou Yan Scripture was a combat skill for the strong ones in the Ancestral Realm. What happened to Lu Yin? What have you done?

On the top of the mountain, Lu Yin narrowed his eyes, just like that, dead? He tightened his grip on Goulian. This power was indeed terrifying, so terrifying that he was unwilling to even use it.

This was not the first time he had used this power. Back in the Emperor Ice Continent, when there was still a little time left in the still space, he tried it. It was the first time he tried, and he was completely unable to control it. Once he used it, his mind was filled with killing and killing. Brutal, but fortunately, the remaining sanity allowed him to forcefully exit this state.

The second attempt was after Mr. Mu appeared and ordered him to win the leader. It was this power that Mr. Mu saw. Lu Yin could only try to use it. Otherwise, with his normal strength, he had no confidence that he could win the leader. Confidence defeats superiority.

The second attempt was not just one. He tried many times in the static space of time, and finally he was able to control his killing emotions a little, and his reason prevailed.

In the past, he had tried in the static space of time, but this time, he was completely exposed in front of others. He was very satisfied with his state. Reason could suppress the heart of killing and violence. This state, he called it - Death Transformation.

"Is this your last strength? I hope it can surprise me," Shangqing said.

Lu Yin raised his eyes and looked at Shang Qing, "The last battle, continue." His tone had never been so cold, blunt, and without any emotion. It was like the coming of winter, and anyone who heard it felt cold.

Shangqing's eyes were excited, "Okay", after saying that, he waved his hand, and the fused Chen Zuxing turned into a sword and slashed at Lu Yin with one strike. The Xia family's third sword style was restrained, and it also contained the power of ghost light and illusory flames. The sword was far more powerful than the one he had dealt to everyone before. If it had been Lu Yin just now, he would have been beaten back by at least one finger from Seventh Brother.

But at this moment, Lu Yin looked at Chen Zu's sword coming strangely, it seemed that it was not that strong.

Thinking about it, he raised his left arm, and the white air flow formed a shield and blocked him in front of him.

Chenzu slashed down with his sword, and with a bang, the ground on the top of the mountain sunk, and the sharp blade spread out, slashing along the mountain, affecting the entire Supreme Mountain. Then, the faint light shot vertically up and into the starry sky. The flames were instantly dispersed.

Everyone is staring at the top of the mountain. How is it?

On the top of the mountain, Lu Yin stood still and Chen Zu's sword had no effect.

In the distance, Shangqing's pupils shrank, his color changed for the first time, and he subconsciously turned the last stream of air into Huizu.

Lu Yin raised his right arm and slashed with Gou Lian like a god of death. Chen Zu immediately stepped back, and the long knife fell down, blocking it in front of him. There was another loud bang, and Chen Zu was sent flying for a thousand meters, and there was black color along the way. The air flow tore through the void, Lu Yin raised his hand again, and Gou Lian slashed at Shangqing.

Shangqing felt the same feeling as Jin He, and he could never forget that kind of chill in his life.

He has power similar to that of Zhifoujing, and can ignore the blows of top masters.

But Jin He's fate prevented him from trying hard. Hui Zu appeared and disappeared with him.

The void in place split open, swallowing the surrounding area, and the black air flow spread, corroding the void like a spider web.

Everyone was dumbfounded. Lu Yin, did he have the upper hand?

In the distance, Chen Zu rushed towards him again, slashing down with his sword. The unfailing intention of the sword meant nothing to Lu Yin. He directly raised Gou Lian, slashed out, and collided with the sword.

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