Star Odyssey

Chapter 1,332 Above the Stars

Everything was going smoothly at first, but You Ye'er's exposure in the Supreme Competition completely disrupted the You family's plans. Even Jian Zong suspected that You Ting had another purpose. All idiots knew that a disciple who mastered the secret of You Zi was the true identity of the You family. Is it possible that the real descendant of the family defected? Even if he really defected, how could the You family let You Zi hide outside without any movement.

None of this makes sense, so it is impossible for You Ting to protect Jian Zong, Madam You, or the entire You family now chooses to back the Eastern Xinjiang Alliance, Lu Yin.

"Why do we want to join the Eastern Xinjiang Alliance?" You Ye'er couldn't help but ask.

Madam You was helpless, "Revealing the secret of You Zi is tantamount to exposing the fact that we are the heirs of the You family. Who dares to accept us in the inner universe? Jian Zong, Wen family and others dare, but they have other purposes. These behemoths are unreliable. Dong The Xinjiang Alliance is a combination of interests, and Lu Yin is the leader of the Supreme Competition, and has attracted much attention from the Hall of Glory. There are also many strong people hidden behind it, and there must be unknown strong ones, otherwise Lu Yin would not be able to cultivate to this level. Long dead."

"Taking refuge in him is the best choice at the moment."

You Ye'er looked at Madam You and said, "You can return to your home."

Madam You smiled bitterly, "Do you have that feeling of being watched?"

You Ye'er trembled, turned pale, and nodded.

"The You family has been under surveillance for many years. This crisis originating from the bloodline has caused every member of the You family to suffer. We split up to protect not only the secrets of You, but also other members of the You family," Mrs. You said.

You Ye'er understood that if the You family could protect itself, it would never be divided. The Seven-Character Royal Court seemed to be one, but each had its own contradictions. They couldn't count on other families, but would it be useful to count on Lu Yin?

What Madam You is counting on is not Lu Yin, but the powerful person that everyone has speculated about after Lu Yin. Now everyone has a consensus that after Lu Yin, there will be an unimaginable extremely powerful person. It is precisely because of the existence of that extremely powerful person. , Lu Yin can cultivate that kind of invincible power.

Of course, Madam You also has expectations for Lu Yin, and that is the future. In the future, Lu Yin may really be able to achieve the ancestral realm.

But there is one thing. Lu Yin is not a good person. He may also covet Youzimi in the future, but for now, he can only rely on him to get out of the predicament first. The Sword Sect's attitude towards them has changed too much. She has a hunch that it won't happen. How long will it take before Jian Zong may take action?

Across the circular tributaries, Caixing Gate is in sight. A planet that is neither bright nor very beautiful, but a magical sect was born. That planet is called Caixing, and Caixing Gate is located in Caixing. superior.

The Caixing Sect has a very small number of people. It originally had a mysterious sect master, six Caixing girls and one hundred and eight mysterious servants serving the Caixing Sect. However, as the Caixing girls exposed the method of nine clones, they have all been integrated. Now, In the entire Caixing Sect, except for the sect master, the Caixing Girl, and the mysterious servant, there is no one else.

It is unimaginable that the universe-famous Caixing Sect only has this little strength, but that is the fact.

The Caixing Sect has stood in the starry sky for countless years with this little power, and even the behemoths of the new universe dare not underestimate it.

By the way, there is also Xuan Jiu, this abandoned disciple of the Caixing Sect can also be considered a member of the Caixing Sect.

The last circular tributary was left behind. In front of us, the star collector was very close. A figure stood in the starry sky, looking at the spaceship in the distance. It was so beautiful that even the dark starry sky could not hide its light. She was the star collector.

Lu Yin's eyes were deep, Caixing Gate has arrived.

Just when Lu Yin arrived at the Caixing Gate, in the outer universe, on the Liaoyuan Continent where Dongsheng Dios was located, a man with an ordinary appearance that you might not remember at a glance contacted the original Jingye King.

"Can't find any clues? It is expected that he is not in San Dios, but he has no relatives or friends? We must find him. He has the inheritance stone of our White Night clan on him, and he also has the secret of being able to enter the inheritance stone to practice." Yuan Jing The Night King snapped.

The man replied respectfully, "Yes, elder, disciple, continue searching."

The man was a member of the Baiye tribe, and he went out to look for Liu Shaoge on the order of the Baiye tribe. This was because Liu Shaoge had inherited the Baiye tribe's heritage and had climbed to a very high position on the stone monument of the Baiye tribe's ancestral land. This made the entire Baiye tribe angry.

Lu Yin subverted the White Night Realm and occupied the top of the ancestral stone monument. Although they hated it, they were convinced. After all, Lu Yin was the master of the outer universe, and his strength was the best among the younger generation. But why did Liu Shaoge? In the eyes of the Baiye tribe, Liu Shaoge is like an ant. The ant dares to ride on their heads and must be beaten to death.

Unfortunately, Liu Shaoge was not found.

The man thought for a while and looked north. This Liu Shaoge was too cautious. He didn't have any friends in the outer universe for so many years, and he wasn't close to women. He didn't leave any clues. The only way was to try his luck and go to his hometown. There may be clues in that place called Earth.

In the inner universe, the ancestral land of the Baiye clan, one of the elders guarding the stone tablet, Zuocheng Baiye stood up, looked north as well, and walked out.

In the inner universe, the Small Qianliu Realm, Lu Yin was welcomed by the Star Cai Xing Girl and arrived on the Cai Xing. The scenery of this planet is extremely beautiful and contains almost no modern facilities. Whether it is gravity, environment, soil, or sky, Lu Yin has a special feeling. The feeling of returning to earth.

This is a very ordinary planet in the universe.

"Brother Lu can come to collect stars. It is really a blessing for our star collecting family." The star collecting girl said with a smile. Very few people see the star collecting girl smile. She was originally recognized as the most beautiful woman in the starry sky. Now she smiles and adds The face covered with the upper half has a special appeal.

Lu Yin couldn't help but look at it twice, "You're too polite. I, Lu Yin, am lucky to be invited to Caixingmen as a guest. There are not many people in the universe who are qualified to be invited by Caixingmen. Even if I come to Xiaoqianliu Realm, You may not be able to get in."

He was telling the truth. When he entered Xiaoqianliu Realm, he saw many spaceships sailing around the circular tributaries outside. At first glance, they wanted to come in but did not get permission.

The star-collecting girl said, "There is no way. Our star-collecting sect also wants to benefit the universe and make more friends, but the number of people is limited, and divination is not a simple matter. Everyone wants to know the past and future, and deduce fate, but in fact sometimes we don't know The future may not be a good thing.”

"How do you say it?" Lu Yin asked.

The star-collecting girl thought for a while, "The future is difficult to change. Destiny is determined by God. If I told Brother Lu that you would definitely win the Supreme Competition, would you work harder to practice, even if you risk life and death to improve your strength? Or would you confirm that I am collecting stars? The divination must be correct, there is no need to risk life and death, just waiting for the moment of winning the championship, which one will Brother Lu choose?"

Lu Yin thought about it and laughed, "If it were me, I would choose the first option."

The star-collecting girl nodded, "Brother Lu doesn't trust my star-collecting sect, so he has never believed in my star-collecting sect from the beginning to the end, but those people outside are flocking to my star-collecting sect, and some have been waiting outside for ten years. A hundred years, and some even waited a thousand years. This result tells them, what choice does Brother Lu think they will make?"

Lu Yin said, "If you don't take the initiative to fight for it, you just want to wait until the divination results come true."

"However, once you do this, it will conflict with your destiny, because in your destiny, even if you win the first place, you must risk your life and death to improve your strength. Once it conflicts, your destiny will change, whether for good or bad, no one knows," said the star-collecting girl.

Lu Yin was amused, "You are a star collector. Don't you want everyone in the universe to trust you and let you make your own decisions? What you said just now is suspected of causing trouble."

Caixingnu smiled and said, "On the contrary, doesn't Brother Lu feel that after hearing what he just said, he believes in divination even more?"

Lu Yin was startled, smiled, and didn't say any more on this topic.

The people of Caixing Sect are not the only ones who can collect stars. There are also ordinary mortal countries, but they are all in the Cold Weapon Age.

Lu Yin and Cai Xingnu looked down at the clouds high in the sky and saw the war between mortals. This feeling was very addictive. He was a god to these mortals. With a huge country and millions of troops on the iron-blooded battlefield, he only needed to If you are willing, you can change the situation of the battle in an instant.

Caixingnu didn't urge her. When Lu Yin stopped, she stopped too.

After a while, Lu Yin said, "Let's go."

The star-picking girl continued to lead the way. Soon, the two came to the huge waterfall. Apart from the waterfall, there was another world.

Caixing Gate is not big, and the buildings are very simple. It even feels like it was built casually. There are also thatched houses, which seem simple, but Lu Yin sees something different. The houses here are exactly one hundred and ten. eight.

There are one hundred and eight circular tributaries in Xiaoqianliu Realm, and there are one hundred and eight mysterious servants in Caixing Gate. There are not one hundred and eight countries in Caixing! Do these numbers mean anything?

"Brother Lu, please, master has been waiting for a long time," Caixing Girl said.

Lu Yin looked solemn and said, "Please lead the way."

After passing through the houses, under the leadership of the star-picking girl, the two came to the outside of a very ordinary thatched house in the innermost place. "Master, bring the guests here." After saying this, they made an invitation gesture to Lu Yin.

Lu Yin walked into the thatched house calmly.

This is not the first time he has been to a place like thatched house. The old man named Yu lived in a thatched house back then. The entire secluded place of the Yu family is similar to this kind of place. There is also Wuji Ice City in the Emperor Ice Continent, which also has a lot of thatched house. Room.

This type of house represents time.

Lu Yin entered the house and saw no one. Just as he was surprised, an illusory figure slowly took shape in front of his eyes.

Lu Yin looked at it in surprise, light curtain? wrong.

The figure quickly took shape. He was a middle-aged man as gentle as jade. He was wearing white clothes with star patterns on his clothes. He was smiling and his eyes were exceptionally bright and full of wisdom. His whole person gave him a very elegant and elegant look. Feel.

This feeling is similar to that of Huizu who transformed from the Supreme Being, but it is also different from Huizu.

Huizu's temperament was more elegance in warfare, while this middle-aged man was more elegance in literature.

"Leader Lu, it's been a long time" the middle-aged man said, his voice was very comforting.

Lu Yin looked at the middle-aged man and said, "The Caixing Sect invited me to be a guest, but the one who received me was not me. This doesn't seem right."

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