Star Odyssey

Chapter 1,343 Origin

"It would be best if Alliance Leader Lu is willing to have an interview. Our You family is waiting for Alliance Leader Lu in the southern border area," Mrs. You said helplessly.

Lu Yin nodded, as if he suddenly remembered something, "Not good."

Madam You was surprised, "Leader Lu, what's the matter?".

Lu Yin looked at Madam You awkwardly, "I'm sorry, madam, I can't go to the southern border."

Madam You was extremely angry and glared at Lu Yin, "Leader Lu, our You family wants to join the Eastern Xinjiang Alliance, but we still have some strength, so we are not just begging for mercy. Please don't insult my You family, Alliance Leader Lu."

Lu Yin quickly said, "Mrs. You misunderstood. It's not that I, Lu Yin, don't want to see Mrs. You, but someone doesn't allow me to go."

"Who?" Madam You gritted her teeth. She now felt that this Lu Yin was quite hateful. No wonder so many people wanted to kill him.

Lu Yin shrugged, "Shangsheng Celestial Master."

Madam You was stunned, "Who?".

Lu Yin said seriously, "Senior Sage Heavenly Master."

Madam You was dumbfounded. Of course she knew who the Supreme Saint Heavenly Master was. He was one of the seven half-ancestors of the human star field and the real top powerhouse. Even the elders of her You family had to look up to him. The Supreme Saint Heavenly Master would not allow him to do so. he goes? What's the meaning? Are you hostile to the Seven-Word Royal Court? Or do you know her You Ting's plan?

"Why?" Madam You asked subconsciously, a little nervous.

Lu Yin said, "The top ten in the Supreme Competition have had accidents one after another. Fu Kong died, Wang Yi disappeared, Wu Taibai was seriously injured, and now Xia Jiuyou is gone again. Senior Tianshi means that the juniors should try not to go out and wait for the moment to gather in the new universe. ".

Madam You didn't even know what to say. The first three happened at the beginning, and Xia Jiuyou was basically the result of this bastard's own direction. Now the New Human Alliance is actually blamed. Do you still want to be embarrassed? He actually didn't want to meet them because of this.

Madam You really wanted to kill Lu Yin with a knife.

Lu Yin also knew that he was in the wrong, so he coughed and said, "Sorry, Madam You, Senior Heavenly Master called me, let's talk back." After saying that, he quickly hung up the call, feeling a little guilty.

Not only because of Mrs. You, but also because of the Holy Master, he just pretended to pass on the imperial edict.

You Ting, Mrs. You was so angry that she almost cursed her. She was extremely well-educated. She had never suffered such a great injustice since she was born. She was actually tricked by a junior one after another. She was a bastard, a bastard.

You Ye'er looked at Madam You's angry look and whispered, "This Lu Yin is completely insincere, we'd better not rely on him."

"No, in today's inner and outer universe, he is the only one who can possibly protect us," Youfu said. Although she was extremely angry, she did not lose her reason.

You Ye'er also knows this truth, "but his attitude makes it clear that he doesn't want to accept us, You Ting."

Madam You took a deep breath to calm herself down and said with a deep look, "He will accept it. As long as the pace of the Eastern Xinjiang Alliance continues, one day he will come to the first-class realm and one day he will face us. He is not stupid. Now we are just stalling for time, wanting to know our true purpose, and possibly guessing that we have not split from the Seven-Word Royal Court."

"Did you really guess it?" You Ye'er was surprised.

Madam You is not sure, this is the only possibility, otherwise Lu Yin's attitude does not make sense. If this is the case, she was indeed taken advantage of by Lu Yin, bastard.

Lu Yin really didn't want to taint the You family. He didn't know what the purpose of this family was. He took the initiative to split the Seven-Character Royal Court, but then took away the You-Character Secret and married into the Sword Sect. Everything seemed too abnormal. He didn't want to take the initiative. Bringing trouble.

It has not been long since the Eastern Xinjiang Alliance occupied the Fire Territory, and the hostility between the Dawei Dragon Clan and the Ross Empire has never relaxed.

In the next step, the Dongjiang Alliance will withdraw from the Yanlan Flow Realm. Wei Rong is already making preparations to go to the Fengliu Realm. As long as it occupies the Fengliu Realm, the Dongjiang Alliance will immediately withdraw from the Yanlan Flow Realm and give up this flow realm. To clarify the goodwill and harmlessness of the Eastern Xinjiang Alliance to the Dawei Demon Dragon Clan and the Ross Empire, as for who the Yanlan Realm will ultimately belong to, or the outcome of the competition between the Dawei Demon Dragon Clan and the Ross Empire.

Lu Yin didn't care, this was what he wanted, so he let them fight and fight. Anyway, this Fangliu Realm would still be his sooner or later.

He no longer cares about Yanlan Liujie. After chatting with Wang Wen, he took Dianjiangtai to the outer universe. It was time to go to Earth to check, but before that, he had to return to Zhenyu Star, where After all, he has a home.

No matter who owns the Yanlan River Realm, the Galaxy Giant Ship must be under the control of the Eastern Xinjiang Alliance. This is Lu Yin's request.

Now, the giant boat on the galaxy was all people from the Eastern Xinjiang Alliance. When they saw Lu Yin appearing, they all paid homage.

Lu Yin returned to the outer universe with a high profile.

Today's outer universe is equivalent to Lu Yin's back garden. The moment he appeared, the coalition forces guarding the border of the galaxy saluted, making many cultivators on the giant ship of the galaxy envious.

Lu Yin did not stay, took the spaceship, dragged the general platform, and headed towards Zhenyu Star.

From Xinghe to Zhenyu Star, passing through the Dark Mist Territory, he deliberately chose a route that would pass through Mafa Star.

Wusheng had already returned to Mafa Star from the Iron-Blooded Territory.

When Lu Yin's spaceship arrived, the assassination planet of Mafa was completely shocked.

Mafa Star is the location of the largest assassination force in the Eastern Territory. Lu Yin was able to form the Eastern Territory Alliance in the first place, mostly due to the intelligence from Mafa Star.

Mafa Star has also joined the Eastern Xinjiang Alliance. Lu Yin came here this time to learn about the rare treasure of Mafa Star, the Blood Palm Seal.

Wu Sheng looked at the young man in the distance with complicated eyes. The situation of their first meeting was still vivid in his mind. Before the assassination, he died in the Enlightenment state. And if he had not died because of his height, since then, this The names of young people have never stopped, whether it is the Iron-Blooded Territory, the Endless Territory or the unification war in the outer universe.

This young man gradually became the master of the outer universe, and now he has power that even he must look up to.

Killing him now is easy without using any foreign objects.

"Wu Sheng, meet the leader." Under the black mist, Wu Sheng spoke. As he spoke, the black mist dissipated from his body, revealing a height of only one meter.

Lu Yin looked at Wu Sheng. If this man hadn't been one meter tall, his shot would have killed him, and nothing would have happened later.

"Long time no see, senior's style is still the same," Lu Yin said with a smile.

Wu Sheng was frightened. He was timid and good at saving his life, and he expressed his attitude early, otherwise he would not be alive until now. "In front of the alliance leader, a villain dare not call himself a senior."

Lu Yin waved his hand, stepped out, passed through the fog, and entered Mafa Star.

Wu Sheng's pupils shrank. Just now, he didn't feel Lu Yin's speed at all. He was already behind him. If Lu Yin attacked him, he believed that he wouldn't be able to hold on for even one second. No matter what means he had to save his life, even if Because the Blood Palm Seal rare treasure has not been used up, it is impossible to defeat Lu Yin.

The strength shown by the top ten in the Supreme Competition can make him despair.

Wu Sheng became more respectful.

Mafa Star is dim all year round and has cultivated many killers. Lu Yin's field swept across. His current field range is quite wide. In a blink of an eye, he found an acquaintance, the bespectacled girl Wuzi.

The bespectacled girl Wuzi looked up and saw Lu Yin looking at her with joy in her eyes. She had always wanted to contact Lu Yin, but Lu Yin's pace was too fast and she couldn't keep up. She didn't expect Lu Yin to appear on Mafa Star.

Lu Yinke has never forgotten the bespectacled girl Wuzi. The help this female killer gave him was not small. Although she had her own calculations, her talent was very valuable. She could increase her strength by swallowing poison, and he happened to be the one. There is the most poisonous poison.

Currently, he still has five bottles of ageless poison left in his body, all of which have been upgraded eight times, enough to threaten the powerful Star Messenger. It was precisely because of the poison that the Red Lord was severely injured in the first place.

Currently, these poisons cannot be upgraded due to limited materials.

He casually took out a bottle and threw it towards the bespectacled girl Kiriko.

The bespectacled girl Wuzi was overjoyed and quickly took it, "Thank you, Your Highness."

Lu Yin had a smile on his lips and didn't say much, leaving an opportunity for her. It depends on how far she can go in the future. Maybe her talent can bring surprises to herself.

Wu Sheng was not surprised that Lu Yin would help the bespectacled girl Wuzi. He could not hide what happened at the beginning. The bespectacled girl Wuzi teamed up with Lu Yin to solve the other Wuzi, mastered the information of Mafa Star, and assisted the Eastern Xinjiang Alliance. He had known these things.

Now, looking at Mafa Star, the bespectacled girl Wuzi's status is second only to him, not because of her strength, but because of her relationship with Lu Yin.

"Are there any bloody palm prints left?" Lu Yin asked while visiting Mafa Star. The scenery passed by itself very quickly, like traveling through space.

Behind him, Wu Sheng heard this and replied, "No, I used it up in the iron-blooded territory."

Of course Lu Yin remembered, he was the one who forced Wu Sheng to use it, "Where did the blood palm print come from?".

Wu Sheng did not dare to hide it, "It was our ancestors who discovered a bloody palm print that was deeply embedded in the earth. It was precisely because of this bloody palm print that we settled on Mafa. As for where it came from, no one knows."

"You mean the bloody palm prints appeared on Mafa before you?" Lu Yin asked.

Wu Sheng replied respectfully, "Yes."

Lu Yin pondered, in the universe, the historical origin of stars transcends the civilization of living things. Any planet has a history of billions, tens of billions or even hundreds of billions of years, but what about human civilization? It is far behind the history of the stars.

These stars have truly experienced ancient times, and have experienced human beings from their birth to their peak and then to their division. Up to now, they have witnessed the strong men of the ancient generation, and also witnessed the era of Chen Zu and Fu Zu. Just a blood palm print can do it. Killing 300,000 powerful warriors may be from ancient warriors.

It's a pity that it can no longer be studied.

Lu Yin left Mafa Star.

Above the sky, Wu Sheng watched Lu Yin's spaceship leave, and did not look back until it was completely out of sight.

He had never thought that the ants that a little guy thought he could kill easily would actually grow to what they are today.

Who is in charge of the future of this universe?

The news of Lu Yin's return to Zhenyu Star has already spread, and countless people are eagerly waiting for Lu Yin's arrival.

The moment Lu Yin's spaceship appeared, Zhenyu Star, the surrounding planets, or the entire Canglan territory boiled. Everyone shouted Lu Yin's name, and countless planets erected statues of Lu Yin.

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