Star Odyssey

Chapter 1,347 Black Street

Zuo Cheng Baiye's appearance only temporarily stopped Yanwu, but order was quickly restored.

This is not the first time this has happened on Earth. Although Luo Shen encountered danger, it was resolved.

The moment Lu Yin appeared in the stadium, his appearance was so isolated that no one could see him clearly, so it didn't cause a sensation.

There were not many people in the leisurely cafe, and they all gathered around the stadium. Although they could not enter the stadium to watch the Luo Shen, there was still a light screen outside the stadium to play the entire Luo Shen dance.

Soft music echoed in the cafe.

Jiang Chen took off the straw, turned it on his fingertips, and looked at Luo Shen in the distance in the stadium light curtain, not knowing what he was thinking.

Opposite him, Lu Yin said, "You like Luo Shen very much?".

Jiang Chen casually replied, "I can't help it, it's time to get a wife, my mother is urging her."

"You want to marry her?" Lu Yin asked.

Jiang Chen withdrew his gaze and looked at Lu Yin, "Maybe. Why, do you have any other introduction?"

Lu Yin was speechless, not knowing how to continue.

Jiang Chen took a sip of coffee and said, "Speaking of which, it feels good to drink coffee while looking at your own statue. There are many people kneeling down to pray."

Lu Yin looked into the distance. A huge statue stood upright, submerged in the clouds. It was his statue. It can be found in many places on the earth. It is a landmark building in many cities, not only on the earth, but also on many planets in the entire Canglan territory.

This feeling is actually quite strange. Seeing others kneeling before him, Lu Yin always has the illusion that he is dead.

"Your thunder is very powerful, is it a talent?" Lu Yin asked.

Jiang Chen stirred the coffee, "Ah, that's right. You have a great dad, and you are pretty great too, especially the transformation in the last match of the Supreme Tournament." After saying this, Jiang Chen looked at Lu Yin with bright eyes, "Then The transformation is so handsome, how did you practice?"

Lu Yin shook his head, "I don't know, it's just like that."

Jiang Chen obviously didn't believe it, but he couldn't ask too many questions about this kind of combat skill. He suddenly remembered something, "Have you ever seen a rabbit with thunder?".

Lu Yin was startled, "Have you seen it?"

Jiang Chen pursed his lips and said, "I'm asking you."

Lu Yin nodded, "I've seen it before. That rabbit appeared on the Violent Ape Planet and trampled to death a Violent Ape. Then it appeared again in the Iron-Blooded Territory and stepped on Elder Novartis."

Jiang Chen rubbed his chin, "A dead rabbit can really run away, but it won't be too far from the earth."

"Are you looking for that rabbit?" Lu Yin wondered.

Jiang Chen nodded, "Yes, if you have any news, you must tell me. I will always stay on Earth."

Lu Yin asked, "Are you staying on Earth to wait for that rabbit?".

Jiang Chen said with kindness, "Most of the reason is this, you have to catch that rabbit, otherwise it will cause trouble everywhere."

"Then why stay on Earth? Maybe that rabbit has run away long ago."

"It's impossible. The dead rabbit can't be too far away from the earth. The furthest it can go is just wandering around in the outer universe. It's so homesick."

"What's that rabbit's strength?"

Jiang Chen thought for a while and said, "I don't know."

"Don't know?" Lu Yin was weird, he didn't know and still dared to catch him.

Jiang Chen was troubled, "There are countless parallel spaces in the universe, and time flows differently. Maybe that rabbit has gone through a certain parallel space and practiced 8,000 more years than others, or maybe there is no improvement. Only the devil knows."

"It's not that easy to travel through parallel spaces," Lu Yin didn't believe it.

Jiang Chen shook his finger and said, "That's you. That rabbit has fought with Dad before and has some ability to travel through parallel spaces. It must be caught now, otherwise it will be a disaster in the future."

It is already a disaster for Elder Nuo Hua, Lu Yin thought in his heart.

"Brother Jiang, do you know anything about Jupiter?" Lu Yin suddenly asked, staring into Jiang Chen's eyes.

Jiang Chen was confused, "Jupiter?" He looked up and looked beyond the earth, his eyes penetrated the starry sky and saw the huge planet, "It's a very ordinary planet, what are you doing with it?".

Lu Yin narrowed his eyes, "This planet is not ordinary, because I can't enter."

He suspected that Jiang Chen was from the Hidden Earth Organization, and Jupiter was his test.

Jiang Chen became interested, "You can't even get in? You're not trying to make me happy, it's just a planet."

Lu Yin frowned. Jiang Chen didn't feel anything strange, as if he really didn't know anything. Could it be that he had nothing to do with the Diyin organization?

"It's true that we can't get in. Brother Jiang, do you want to explore together? Anyway, there is still some time before the Luo Shen dance is over." Lu Yin extended the invitation.

Jiang Chen nodded, "Okay, I'm bored anyway, let's play together."

Lu Yin took a deep look at Jiang Chen. Either this person really had nothing to do with the Diyin organization, or his acting skills were too good.

No matter what kind of person he is, he cannot ignore this person. He is not very young, but he possesses such terrifying strength. He is definitely not an ordinary person, and it is even more unusual to appear on Earth and plan to stay on Earth forever.

Soon, the two left the earth, stepped into the starry sky, and headed to the Jupiter monitoring station.

There is a forgotten place in the new universe called the Black World, also known as the Black Street. This is the terminal for garbage in the new universe. Countless universe garbage is sent here every day, and some of it is processed and some of it is recycled. The garbage referred to here is not only the waste products of life and cultivation, but also includes living creatures, such as humans and giant beasts in the stars.

Black Street is rarely mentioned in the New Universe, as if even mentioning the name makes people disgusted. It is full of the dark side of the New Universe, and the people who live here cannot see the light.

Everything has light and darkness. The southern boundary of the new universe is the darkest place because the Seven-Character Royal Court is gathered there, and the Black Street is also a dark place, where countless big figures gather their dark sides who do not want to see the light. The dark side of many big people is also preserved here. Many people throw away some garbage unintentionally, and this garbage is likely to contain some information.

In the underworld, there are people who specialize in processing this information, and it is easy to extract information that is useful to them.

Although it is a garbage terminal, through garbage recycling, garbage buying and selling, analysis and intelligence, the power of the underworld is not small. On the contrary, many people are very scrupulous about it.

Brothel is one of the industries of the black street.

How ironic that an organization that attracts major forces and produces beautiful women actually originated from a garbage terminal.

The Lord of the Black Street is none other than the immortal man, one of the nine directors of the Hall of Glory.

Many people are wary of the old man because there are many interests behind him, and these interests are linked to the underworld.

At this moment, the old man was lying on the ground, trembling all over, his skin became loose, his hair gradually turned gray, and his eyes showed extreme fear and regret.

There was still Tian Shao lying beside him, already unconscious, not knowing whether he was dead or alive.

Boom, boom, boom

The old man raised his head and saw a stunningly beautiful woman with white hair. She looked at him with cold eyes and said, "I have admired you for a long time, Mr. Director."

The old man stared at the woman and said in a hoarse voice, "You gave me the poison of life."

The woman is Ming Yan, Bai Fayan, "Mr. Director knows very well."

The old man did not answer. He just stared at the woman and roared angrily, "Why did the New Human Alliance attack me? I have always been loyal to the New Human Alliance. I even risked my life to find out the location of the node. I, the old man, stayed in the 'Eternal Life' It’s my name, I’m yours, you shouldn’t take action against me.”

Bai Fayan looked down at the old man. She lured the old man back through Master Tian and poisoned him. The poison of life was so terrifying that it exceeded the combat power. Even the guardian of Master Tian, ​​who had a combat power of more than 400,000, was poisoned. Needless to say, I am not an old man.

Originally she just wanted to control the underworld, then contact Lu Yin and give him this gift, but she didn't expect to get such important news. The old man turned out to be a member of the New Human Alliance and a traitor to the Hall of Glory. He was a nine-year-old. One of the great directors, his status is so high that even those with millions of powerful warriors must respect him.

The value of this gift became more and more important. Ming Yan was looking forward to it, wondering what it would be like for Lu Yin to receive the gift.

At the same time, she also has a sense of urgency. The immortal man is a member of the New Humanity Alliance, which means that he can contact the New Humanity Alliance. The poison of life comes from the New Humanity Alliance. If he can poison it, then the New Humanity Alliance may not be able to solve it. .

The more she thought about it, the more she thought about it. Ming Yan stared at the old man coldly and said deliberately, "Controlling the underworld is an order. You are no longer valuable."

The old man gasped and stared at Ming Yan, "I don't believe it. I am a director of the Hall of Glory, how can I be worthless?".

Ming Yan said coldly, "You have been defeated by Lu Yin, why are you valuable? Your hypocrisy has been exposed, and you will not get any useful information in the future."

"I don't believe it. I want to contact the Eternal Kingdom and return my personal terminal to me. I want to contact Mr. Feng." The old man struggled.

Ming Yan's eyes flashed, she took out her personal terminal and threw it to him.

The old man hurriedly opened his personal terminal and opened the secret network. Suddenly, his personal terminal was snatched away by Ming Yan.

Ming Yan stared at the Internet, where she saw a series of people she had contacted, one of whom was the so-called Mr. Feng.

"What are you doing?" The old man roared, "I have information to tell Mr. Feng. As long as you listen to my information, Mr. Feng will definitely save me. I still have value. Let me contact Mr. Feng."

Ming Yan frowned and stared at the people she had contacted. Everyone had a note. Mr. Feng was noted as the housekeeper, while the others had their own notes, almost all of which were place names. She had never heard of them. Suddenly , she narrowed her eyes and saw a person named Aru, with the note - Jupiter.

Jupiter, Jupiter, she had heard of it. When Lu Yin was chatting with her, he mentioned the planet called the Earth and the planets that revolve around the Earth. One of them was called Jupiter. It couldn't be a coincidence. It was called Jupiter in the universe. Jupiter has too many planets.

She pointed at Aru's name and said deliberately, "You still dare to contact him?".

The old man's eyes were stern, "This is the order Mr. Feng gave me. Once Lu Yin returns to Earth, he". At this point, he suddenly paused, raised his head and stared at Ming Yan, and shouted, "You are not the New Human Alliance." people".

Ming Yan has determined that this Jupiter is the Earth's Jupiter. There are people from the New Human Alliance there. If this is not good, Lu Yin must be informed immediately.

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