Star Odyssey

Chapter 1351 Hanxian Sect

Looking at the ancestral hall, the old man from the Lianshan branch was excited, "This is the main family's memorial place. I never thought that one day the old servant would come to the main family's memorial place and die without regrets, die without regrets."

Shou Sheng looked around with ardent eyes. This is the White Dragon Tribe's sacrificial hall. Every strong White Dragon Tribe will walk here. It doesn't look too grand, but the Enlightenment Realm, Star Envoys, including half-ancestors and legendary ancestors All the powerful people have left traces here. This place has recorded time and years.

He never thought that one day he would be able to see the legendary place up close.

Shou Sheng and others dare not breathe. How many people can come here in the starry sky among the trees?

All around, the eyes of the powerful men were enough to make them tremble, even if he was a powerful man with more than 400,000 combat power, because here, there was more than one strong man above the Star Envoy level.

Lu Yin looked around. Everyone was staring at him, but he didn't care. He just took it as he came. At this moment, his eyes were attracted by a woman, standing directly opposite him. Her appearance was no less impressive than that of Wendy Yushan. Their women.

The woman's appearance is refined. She has long aqua-blue hair hanging down around her waist. She has an aura of lightness. Her eyes are like autumn water, and she has amber-like pupils. She is very beautiful and can see the reflection of everything. Her eyes are gentle but a little sharp. , especially the look he looked at, which clearly gave him the feeling of scrutiny, but for some reason, Lu Yin just couldn't feel disgusted.

This woman's clothes are also different from those around her.

Shou Sheng, the elder of the White Dragon Tribe, and the people around him were dressed in a slightly old-fashioned way. But this woman was dressed very casually and looked different. Coupled with the long aqua-blue hair, Lu Yin would have looked at him if it weren't for her hair. With such strength, he almost thought she was a girl from some college.

The feet are wearing long boots, which look like they were specially customized. Every stripe is the same as the pattern carved in this ancestral hall.

The moment he looked into this woman's eyes, it seemed as if a gust of wind was blowing by, bringing a quiet fragrance that made people intoxicated.

Lu Yin was observing this woman, and the woman was also observing him.

Lu Yin's appearance is not outstanding, he can only be regarded as ordinary. The woman has already known this. As for his strength, she is a little surprised. He is actually in the hunting realm. Not to mention the real combat power, this realm is already very good, although it is not comparable. They are among the top group of people, but they can still maintain their appearance.

She didn't expect that a talent would come out of the branch, but that was right. After all, she was a member of the White Dragon tribe. Even in a branch, it was normal for an elite with some talent to appear occasionally.

"Is he a member of the Lianshan branch of the White Dragon Clan?" A discordant voice sounded.

Everyone looked in one direction, where an old man wearing a blue robe stared at Lu Yin with an evil look that could even be said to contain murderous intent.

Lu Yin frowned and said nothing.

Shou Sheng said, "That's right, him." Before he could finish his words, the old man in green robes suddenly opened his eyes, "Do you have the right to interrupt what I'm talking about?" As the words fell, a finger from the void came over, Point to Shou Sheng.

Shou Sheng did not expect that the old man would take action as soon as he asked. He had no ability to resist at all, and his heart was filled with despair.

Seeing the finger coming, Lu Yin's pupils shrank sharply and his brain roared. This was the finger in the dream. It was unmistakable. It was the finger in the dream. Although there were slight differences, the feeling it gave him was absolutely correct.

The elder of the White Dragon Clan raised his eyes, but saw no movement from him. The power of his finger dissipated, "Elder Qingxing, whether you are a member of the White Dragon Clan or not is up to the White Dragon Clan to confirm and has nothing to do with your Hanxian Sect."

Elder Qingxing snorted coldly, "You're just an ant, you're going to die. When did Brother Long Kui become so kind?"

The elder of the White Dragon clan said in a deep voice, "After all, you have done a good job of escorting my White Dragon clan members."


From the moment Elder Qingxing made the move to the elder of the White Dragon Clan stopped her, the look of the woman that Lu Yin cared about did not change, she just stared at Lu Yin.

She saw Lu Yin standing still in front of that finger, his pupils shrunk and his brows furrowed. He was so timid. He had clearly reached the hunting level, but he didn't even dare to move. The opponent's blow was not aimed at him. Yes, without a bit of perseverance as a practitioner, future achievements will probably be just like this.

She was a little sad, she didn't expect that the majestic princess of the White Dragon Tribe would commit herself to such a person.

The elder of the White Dragon clan glanced at Lu Yin and was also very dissatisfied. He was too timid.

Lu Yin didn't have time to care what they thought. He looked at Elder Qingxing, thinking about that finger and those three words - Hanxian Sect.

This old man is from the Hanxian Sect. Did the finger in the dream come from the Hanxian Sect?

Hanxian Sect, Hanxian Sect, he had heard of it. When he first went to Baiye Liujie to rescue a mother and daughter, he heard them say the name Hanxian at that time. Baiyeliujie was also called Hanxian Liujie in ancient times. , is this Hanxian Sect? It should be, otherwise it wouldn't be such a coincidence, and the word Hanxian is not a common term.

If so, this is not the fifth continent, because Hanxian Sect has disappeared long ago, so where is this place? How does it relate to my own life experience, and how does Hanxian Sect relate to me?

Lu Yin didn't want to leave. He wanted to find out everything. There was no more convenient way than starting from the White Dragon Clan.

The Hanxian Sect also needs to take care of the White Dragon Clan, and their starting point is very high.

Now all he has to do is find a way to hide from the White Dragon Clan and replace Long Qi from the Lianshan branch. He is now more eager to join the White Dragon Clan than Shou Sheng and the others.

"Elder Long Kui, is he Long Qi?" the woman said, her voice was pleasant and comfortable, like a clear stream flowing through her.

Elder Long Kui replied respectfully, "Yes, he is Long Qi, and he has the blood of my White Dragon clan."

"No matter what, it still needs to be verified," the woman said.

Long Kui said, "Okay, I'll verify it."

The woman shook her head, "In the future, he will be my husband, and I will verify it myself."

Lu Yin was still thinking about what he had mentioned in his dream, when he suddenly heard the incredible news, Husband, husband, husband? What the hell?

He subconsciously looked at Shou Sheng.

Shou Sheng's eyelids trembled and he pretended to be calm. He didn't tell Lu Yin that he wanted to be the son-in-law. No one could resist the temptation of becoming the son-in-law of the main line of the White Dragon clan. What he was thinking about now was verification.

He thought he did it perfectly. When Lu Yin was unconscious, he teamed up with the old man to inject Long Qi's blood into his body. The blood of the White Dragon clan was enough to suppress the blood of ordinary people. Although the effect was short-lived, it was enough to cope with this verification. , as for the fact that the secret will definitely be exposed later, it has nothing to do with him, as he has already moved away by then.

The old man trembled and became more and more frightened. At this point, he could only pray that he could pass the verification.

Elder Qingxing of the Hanxian Sect did not stop it. In fact, when things have developed to this point, there is no need to stop it. Although the Hanxian Sect can oppress the White Dragon Clan, they cannot oppress them too hard. They have already wiped out many branch sons of the White Dragon Clan. It can only be said that it is white. The Dragon Clan was lucky and sent one. The moment they stepped into this white mountain, everything was decided.

To him, the identity verification was more like the White Dragon Clan mocking his Hanxian Sect.

Elder Qingxing no longer cared. He was thinking about how to explain it when he went back. He spent such a high price and risked offending the White Dragon Clan to kill the various branch masters, but still failed. The price was a bit high.

No one thought that Lu Yin was fake, because no one thought that Shou Sheng would be so bold as to dare to be impersonated, and they never thought that a person whose appearance is even five points similar to Long Qi would actually appear. There is no such thing as disguise. Unable to hide it from these masters, Lu Yin was really 50% similar to Long Qi. It could only be said that it was God's will.

The woman came to Lu Yin, and suddenly, a faint fragrance came. Lu Yin subconsciously took a deep breath, it smelled good.

Lu Yin's actions made the woman frown, staring at him with sharp eyes, and he smiled apologetically.

The woman looked at Lu Yin for a while, and her heart became more and more sad. From ancient times to the present, women from the White Dragon tribe have never married outside the family, but have always intermarried with elites within the tribe. Naturally, she is also the same. However, there are very few men from the White Dragon tribe in this generation, or they are already married. Either he was too young, or he was forced by the Hanxian Sect and did not dare to marry her.

The Hanxian Sect wanted to marry her not because of love, but because they coveted Bailong Fanqian of the White Dragon Clan. Everyone knew that she would never let the Hanxian Sect succeed.

The White Dragon Clan did not want to break up with the Hanxian Sect, so she could only choose one of the branch clan members to get married. These clansmen did not dare to disobey the main family's orders, and the threats from the Hanxian Sect were ineffective. There were many branches of the White Dragon Clan, and she could have chosen one. , who would have thought that the Hanxian Sect was so ruthless that they would directly send people to attack and kill the branch, no longer caring whether the White Dragon Clan fell out with them.

This makes the White Dragon Clan even more fearful. Since that woman came to power, the Hanxian Sect has gradually overtaken the upper realm and cannot be contained. Even the White Dragon Clan, which is also one of the Four Balances, is not willing to go to war with it at this moment, even if its branch is attacked and killed. Can pretend not to know.

Fortunately, a branch master finally survived and was delivered to us.

If she didn't want to marry someone from Hanxian Sect, she had no choice but to marry this person. She had no choice.

Everyone was waiting for the woman to verify Lu Yin's identity.

Lu Yin narrowed his eyes, ready to wear the space armor and escape at any time.

The "blood dripping" woman took something similar to an inkstone and asked Lu Yin to drip blood into it.

Lu Yin casually cut his finger, and a drop of blood fell into the inkstone. Then, there was no reaction. The woman's expression changed. Behind her, Elder Qingxing was still thinking about how to go back and explain, and didn't pay too much attention.

The woman's pupils flashed and she stared at Lu Yin with murderous intent. Lu Yin's heart sank. No, it failed. He clenched his fists and was ready to wear the cosmic armor at any time.

At this time, the woman scratched her finger, and the same drop of blood fell into the inkstone. The inkstone glowed. Then, white rose into the sky, turned into a python, roamed in the void, and finally dissipated.

Elder Qingxing saw it and was not surprised, but his eyes became colder.

The woman said coldly, "Identity is no problem." After saying that, she glanced at Lu Yin with a strong warning in her eyes.

Lu Yin was silent and didn't speak. His identity was fake. The woman found out but helped him hide it. It was obviously to deal with the elder of the Hanxian Sect. It seems that his identity is very useful to the White Dragon Clan. If it is useful, it will be verified. Even if it is false, it must be admitted that it is true.

This is interesting.

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