Star Odyssey

Chapter 1,358 White Dragon Walks

Xia Taili watched the tip of the spear thrust towards him without moving. Finally, the tip of the spear stopped less than ten centimeters away from Xia Taili. Lu Yin held the imitation dragon blood tightly and said, "Good spear, I like it, but it's a pity it's not real." After saying that, with a little force, the imitation dragon blood was inserted into the ground in front of Xia Taili until the handle of the gun sank into the ground, "Little sister, give it to me for real."

"Presumptuous" The person behind Xia Taili was furious. He was a middle-aged man with astonishing strength. When he was angry, the sky would shake.

Long Kui walked out and looked at the middle-aged man.

Long Xi walked out, stood in front of Lu Yin, and looked at Xia Taili.

Xia Taili looked deeply at Lu Yin, then looked at Long Xi, smiling sweetly, "Sister, congratulations on finding a good husband, but my brother-in-law is a bit stingy."

"I like stingy men," Long Xi said indifferently.

Xia Taili blinked and smiled, "You two are a perfect match. My eldest brother is too strong-minded and not suitable for you." After saying that, he leaned slightly, with his long hair hanging down, and made a goodbye gesture to Lu Yin. "Brother-in-law, I'm very happy today, see you later." After saying that, he left with Shen Wutian and his party.

Watching Xia Taili and others leave, Lu Yin turned around and left. He felt that he had gotten into trouble.

Long Xi's voice sounded, "Where to go?".

"Reading," Lu Yin said quickly.

Long Xi looked at him and said, "The performance is not bad." After saying that, he left on his own.

Lu Yin breathed a sigh of relief, thinking she was going to get angry. In fact, with his temperament, he would definitely teach that girl Xia Taili a lesson. However, this was not the fifth continent, so he held back. He was actually a little impulsive just now, for fear of Long Xi. Why does this girl think about the overall situation and blame him? Fortunately, this girl is open-minded.

Long Kui looked at Lu Yin for the first time with a little appreciation in his eyes.

They didn't doubt Lu Yin's strength. After all, it was just an imitation dragon blood gun. If Lu Yin could pull out the real one, everyone would know that it would not be easy.

But even though it was an imitation dragon blood gun, seeing Lu Yin just dancing with the gun made Long Xi feel a little more excited. The man was standing up for her, which made her feel a little warmer.

Therefore, shortly after Lu Yin pulled out the imitation dragon blood gun, Long Xi called him out of the bookstore again, and said lightly in his doubtful eyes, "As the son-in-law of the main line of my White Dragon clan, you are qualified to learn inheritance Combat skills".

Lu Yin's eyes lit up, "Inherited combat skills? Which one? The one who trapped people?".

"That's the White Dragon Surveying Sky Mirror. It's very difficult to learn. I'll teach you the Bailong Travel Movement," Long Xi said.

Lu Yin was disappointed. Although he was a little interested in the pace and combat skills, what he was most interested in was the White Dragon Sky Survey. He was very fast, and his speed with pure physical power was faster than most people, even if it was not as good as Wang Yi. You have to be strong, not to mention having a policy secretary.

"You don't like Bailong Youshenbu?" Long Xi said indifferently.

Lu Yin quickly smiled and said, "Of course not, after all, it is the inherited combat skill of the White Dragon Clan."

"My clan" Long Xi's tone increased, he glared at Lu Yin and said, "Speak again."

Lu Yin choked and said, "Of course not, after all, it is a combat skill inherited by our clan."

Long Xi's beautiful amber-like eyes stared at Lu Yin, "Remember, don't say anything wrong in the future. If you say something wrong once, I will ban you for a day."

Lu Yin pursed his lips. This woman had a bad temper and was not suitable to be a wife.

Long Xi didn't know what Lu Yin was thinking at all, so he took Lu Yin to the top of a mountain. The mountain was huge, like a planet, and there were civilizations on it. However, the location they were in happened to be at a height that those civilizations could not reach.

A huge waterfall flows down. If you stand on the mountain and look at the waterfall, you can't see the bottom or both sides. This waterfall is enough to submerge a planet.

"The white dragon moves around, imitating Zumang's swimming, watching the changes in the earth, wandering in the void, and looking at the entire tree and starry sky. It is one of the fastest pace combat skills. There are very few pace combat skills that can compete with it. Once you practice to the deepest level, you can enter the Star Source Universe," Long Xi said seriously.

Lu Yin was surprised, "Xingyuan Universe?".

Long Xi said calmly, "That is a void that only strong men above the Star Envoy can break into. Without reaching the Star Envoy, it is impossible for ordinary people to come into contact with that part of the universe." She looked at Lu Yin seriously, "My elder brother Long Tian, ​​just You can rely on the White Dragon to step into the Star Source Universe for a short time, that's another level."

Lu Yin's face changed slightly. He naturally knew that the Star Source Universe was the real universe where the Star Envoys fought. That universe was not something he could touch. He could at most see it with the improved Long Lake Spring Water. Of course, that meant he was normal. In this state, if it was the God of Death changing his state, he didn't know it, and he hadn't experienced it specifically.

But he can be sure that no one among the top ten in the Supreme Competition can break into the Star Source Universe, and this Long Tian can actually achieve it. Based on this alone, he has surpassed the top ten.

The young ancestor of Sifang Tianping is even stronger than the top ten in the Supreme Competition.

Thinking about it, it’s almost the same. In the Supreme Competition, he became the supreme master by turning the god of death into invincible. The people next to him were Shangqing, Wang Yi and Wu Taibai. Wang Yi could not reach the level of Shao Zu in this starry sky. So the so-called Young Ancestor, at worst, is on the same level as the Shangqing, or even stronger.

Lu Yin made random guesses. Here, Long Xi grabbed his shoulder with one hand. After saying "feel it well," he moved his steps. The next moment, the scene in front of Lu Yin quickly retreated in a strange and twisted form. That was not a change in the scene. Instead, he was caught by Long Xi and walked around as a white dragon.

This is not simply fast speed, but a specific trajectory, which coincides with the mountains and rivers of the earth. The speed is getting faster and faster. Gradually, it reaches the fastest speed that he can achieve with his physical strength, and then continues to accelerate.

Lu Yin was surprised. This speed was no worse than Wang Yi. This woman could become the top ten in the Supreme Competition with this speed alone.

At Long Xi's speed, it didn't take long to go around the mountain peak.

The civilizations of those countries that developed on the mountain peaks were completely unaware of it.

Not long after, at the same waterfall, Lu Yin exclaimed, "You are so fast, how do you compare with the second-in-command from the Wang family?"

"You mean Wang Yi?" Long Xi was confused.

Lu Yin nodded.

"Do you know him?" Long Xi asked.

Lu Yin smiled bitterly, "How can I possibly know him? But according to the tone of Nong Lie's words, this Wang Yi should be quite powerful, just for comparison."

Long Xi thought for a while and said, "Absolutely."

Lu Yin groaned, recalling Wang Yi's speed. That speed really overwhelmed the Supreme Racer.

"Do you feel it?" Long Xi asked.

Lu Yin was stunned, "What?".

Long Xi frowned and said, "White Dragon Walks around."

Lu Yin blinked, "You only took me to experience it once, and I'm not a cultivation wizard."

Long Xi stared at him, making Lu Yin tremble. Then, she grabbed Lu Yin again. Lu Yin thought that he would take him to experience it again, but who knew that a strong push came and he was thrown directly into the waterfall by Long Xi. "Go and watch the fish rush up the waterfall."

Lu Yin fell directly into the waterfall and almost cursed. This woman must be sick. Even if she lets him go down, she can't push her down. What does this mean? If he hadn't had a second thought, wouldn't this be murdering his own husband?

In mid-air, Lu Yin stabilized his figure. The impact of the waterfall was huge, enough to crush an extreme cultivator into bloody water, but it was not a threat to him in the hunting realm.

Lu Yin found a raised stone, stood on it, looked up, and saw only the waterfall, not Long Xi at all.

This woman is indeed not suitable to be a wife.

Lu Yin didn't have much desire for the Bailong Youshen Step. Long Xi had also said before that it took Long Zhang more than ten years to practice the Bailong Youshen Step, and it would take him that long, so he was not in a hurry.

However, there is no rush to return. Apart from practicing the White Dragon Movement, what else can you do here? Lu Yin thought for a long time, but he had no choice but to forget it, let's practice the White Dragon Walk!

The swimming fish rushes against the waterfall, not straight up, but along the weakest point of the waterfall. This is obviously the same reason for Bailong's swimming steps.

Lu Yin watched a fish rushing up in the distance for several days. He almost couldn't help but throw it up, reciting the full text of Shibi in his mind.

A few days later, Long Xi glanced at Long Kui from afar.

"Although he may not have great talent for cultivation, his diligence is pretty good," Long Kui said.

Long Xi didn't speak and left silently.

More than ten days have passed, and Lu Yin is still observing the swimming fish. In fact, he understands a little bit. He doesn't know how Long Zhang has practiced for more than ten years. Anyway, he understands, and in his mind, Long Xi took him to experience it before. It felt like replaying it over and over again. If he hadn't dared to use the Tianxing Technique, he would have been able to understand Long Xi's technique for using Bai Longyou's movements.

Now the only thing missing is the technique of exerting force!

"How is it? What insights do you have?" Long Xi arrived and asked coldly.

Lu Yin blinked and said, "Very deep."

Long Xi frowned, dissatisfaction showing in his eyes.

Lu Yin was confused, what do you mean? What he said was very profound, which proves that he has some insights. This woman has a wrong attitude.

"If you can't understand it, you can't understand it. Lying can only prove your vanity and arrogance." Long Xi's tone was cold, and any trace of goodwill he had towards Lu Yin was gone.

Lu Yin opened his mouth and didn't know how to explain it. Is it wrong to have super comprehension?

Do you still have to apologize for being smart and excellent?

"I, the White Dragon Clan, have invincible spear skills. There is no fixed spear style. Each tribe member has a deep-seated understanding of spear techniques. If there is no move, there is a move to win. You must also learn spear skills. You don't need to reach the level of ordinary tribesmen. At least you have to be able to do it," Long Xi said in a bad tone.

Lu Yin said, "I don't know how to use a gun."

"Then learn. You will have to learn the Bailongyou movement for at least ten years, and the spear skills will take you a lifetime," Long Xi shouted fiercely.

Lu Yin felt that she was teaching him as a son. He suddenly thought of a question and asked tentatively, "My clan's spear skills are invincible, but what about the Hanxian Sect? What can they do?"

Long Xi's frown deepened and she became more dissatisfied. She felt that Lu Yin was mocking her, "It has nothing to do with you. I will take you to pay homage to Zu Mang in three days." After saying that, she snorted and left.

Lu Yin really wanted to know about that finger. Those biographies, including books, had never recorded that finger. It should be the Hanxian Sect's combat skills. This kind of powerful combat skills, the Hanxian Sect does not know. It is allowed to be recorded at will.

It's a pity that Long Xi doesn't talk to her. This girl's temper is getting worse and worse. Sooner or later, she will be suppressed.

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