Star Odyssey

Chapter 1,370 Confrontation

Lu Yin's body was shaken. With Guan Yun's memory, Lu Yin became more cautious about Mo Gaohe's plan. Neither Mo Gaohe nor the people behind him expected that the Zhu family was so important to Guan Yun.

"He asked me to lead you to a place," Bijiangang said.

"Where?" Lu Yin asked.

Bu Jianguang took out the map of Yinshan District from the Ningkong Ring and pointed to a direction, "here".

Lu Yin looked around and saw that that place was the area that Mogaohe was patrolling. Today, he happened to be patrolling there. The purpose was self-evident. In his plan, he must do something in cooperation with Bi Jianguang to put himself into an extremely dangerous situation. Passive situation.

"What does he want to do?" Lu Yin wondered.

Bu Jianguang shook his head, "I didn't say, I don't know."

Lu Yin did not doubt that he had not seen the light, and he was not worried. The starry sky was no less vigilant about the existence of stowaways from the Fifth Continent than those human traitors. If he dared to betray himself without seeing the light, he himself would be dragged into the water. This was evident from the two The moment people recognize each other's identity, it's already established.

Otherwise, Lu Yin would not be so trusting. Even if his plan fails because of himself, he must protect himself. This is why he said that Lu Yin is lucky. He has a reason to help Lu Yin, and he is in In the game.

Half a day later, Lu Yin followed Bu Jian Guang to the place he agreed with Mogao River. It was a dark and humid canyon, with a strange black wind blowing from time to time below.

The two stood on the edge of the canyon, "He asked me to lead you down, in the cave on the canyon wall."

"What reason are you using to seduce me?" Lu Yin asked.

Without seeing the light, "the whereabouts of human traitors".

Lu Yin nodded, this was indeed what he urgently needed at the moment. Long Xi's plan was originally for him to retire with military merit. If he gets military merit now, he can retire as early as possible and enjoy life better.

The people behind Mo Gaohe made great efforts to deal with him. "There should be human traitors below," Lu Yin said.

Without seeing the light, his face suddenly froze, "The message from Mogaohe is coming."

Lu Yin pretended not to know.

Bu Jianguang said, "He asked me to go down there, take action directly, kill that person, and then give you the credit."

Lu Yin understood, "Then let you expose the fact that I pretended to receive military merit in person at the headquarters. At the same time, he also exposed the fact that I discovered that the Zhu family was a traitor, offended the three brothers of the Guan family, and even pretended to receive military merit. Even if I Even if I have merit, the three brothers of the Guan family will not let me go. I cannot stand in a poor family."

There is no denial without seeing the light.

"Let's go" Lu Yin jumped down and followed him at the same time.

After they went down, in the distance, Mo Gaohe and several people looked at him coldly, with the corners of his mouth curled up, "Long Qi, right? Today I will ruin your reputation and make the White Dragon Clan a joke in all directions."

The edge of the canyon was damp, and disgusting and ferocious-looking insects poked their heads out from time to time, but Lu Yin wiped them out casually.

After a while, they found a cave, and inside the cave, there was an unconscious man lying.

Lu Yin recognized this person as a traitor of the Zhu family at a glance. His pupils shrank, thinking of Mo Gaohe's plan, but he did not expect that in order to save trouble, they directly arrested the traitor of the Zhu family. He did not need them to expose the traitor, so he had to clarify the Zhu family. In the case of a traitor, otherwise it would be random killing.

It is normal for people to die in the cultivation world. No one will investigate, and everything is easy to talk about. But the Zhu family is different. Although the family is small, it has a great influence.

On the side, Bu Jianguang took action, but Lu Yin did not stop him. It would save trouble and speed up the process of Mogaohe seeking his own death.

Kill the Zhu family man with one blow without seeing the light.

Just at this moment, a voice came from outside the cave. Lu Yin and Bu Jianguang looked at each other and came.

Mo Gaohe took the lead and broke into the cave, followed by several people. At a glance, he saw Lu Yin and Bu Jianguang, as well as the traitor of the Zhu family who was lying on the ground and was killed.

"Linjiang Yi, what are you doing?" Mo Gaohe shouted angrily, and several people behind him stared at Lu Yin and the two.

Lu Yin didn't panic, and even pretended to be proud, "What are you doing?".

Mo Gaohe pointed to the body on the ground, "Did you kill him?".

Lu Yin was even more proud, but he didn't admit it.

Mo Gaohe didn't need his recognition. Killing a human traitor was a military achievement and he couldn't deny it. "Do you know who he is? He is the son of the Zhu family in Huaiyuan. The Zhu family has a great influence in Huaiyuan and has a good reputation. He also has a very good relationship with the leader of Huaiyuan Han Clan and has provided many resources for our Han Clan. You actually dare to kill him. Here you go, arrest him."

Bu Jianguang said, "Our young master killed him because of", "Shut up, I am from the Linjiang clan and from a poor family. Captain Mo doesn't dare to do anything to me." Lu Yin shouted, fully performing a In order to hide the true purpose of killing, he is afraid that others will steal his military exploits.

If this situation was not arranged by Mo Gaohe, it is normal for Lu Yin to do this. He killed the traitor and waited for Mo Gaohe to take him to the headquarters for interrogation. The result of the interrogation was just as he expected. Not only was he not guilty, but he had made great achievements. If he told the Zhu family at this time That person is a traitor, and his military exploits may have been stolen by Mo Gaohe.

Mo Gaohe sneered secretly, still want to hide his military exploits? This is best. The more Lu Yin hides it, the more he proves his belief in this military exploit.

"Take away" Mo Gaohe shouted sharply.

Lu Yin was caught by two people from a humble family and headed towards the Yinshan District headquarters.

The body of the Zhu family member was also taken away.

Bu Guang followed silently and returned to the Yinshan District headquarters.

Not long after, the Yinshan District headquarters was in a state of excitement. This place had never been on a mission for eight years, let alone a murder dispute. Everyone was a playboy, so why not just do what you are good at? Why do you have to take risks and go on missions?

But today, Mo Gaohe actually captured Linjiang Yi and said that he had killed people from the Zhu family in Huaiyuan.

Fatty Bai rushed back after getting the news. When he saw Mo Gaohe, he started to curse. Not to be outdone, Mo Gaohe vented all the grievances he had felt during this period. The two of them cursed each other for a full twenty minutes without saying anything, until The sect leader Zhuo Si appears and everyone is safe.

Zhuo Si had a headache and looked at the corpse of the Zhu family below, "What's going on?".

Mo Gaohe stepped forward and said loudly, "Master, this person is Zhu Qing, the son of the Zhu family in Huaiyuan. He was just found dead in the hands of Linjiang Yi. He has no regrets at all for killing Zhu Qing." After speaking, He glanced proudly at Fatty Bai.

Fatty Bai became anxious, "Four, no, the sect master, Mo Gaohe must have framed him, please ask the sect master to find out."

Lu Yin was still controlled by Mo Gaohe's men.

Zhuo Si glanced at him and waved, "Come up and explain clearly."

Lu Yin was let go and stepped forward. Just as he was about to speak, a sharp shout came from outside, "Who dares to kill people from the Zhu family?" Roll for the waves.

Everyone was shocked, a strong person at the level of Star Envoy.

Zhuo Si frowned and tapped the void with his finger to suppress the tumbling space.

A figure breaks through the void and descends. In this starry sky, this is the symbol of the Star Messenger.

The person who came was a middle-aged man, standing high in the sky with a domineering look. His sharp eyes swept over everyone, making everyone feel like their faces had been scratched with a knife. It was extremely uncomfortable, and almost no one dared to look at him.

When Lu Yin saw the man, he narrowed his eyes and Guan Tong didn't expect him to come. Suddenly, he looked at Mo Gaohe and noticed the pride and gloating in Mo Gaohe's eyes.

It seems that Guantong's arrival here was not an accident. It happened that on this day, the people of the Zhu family were still in the canyon cave, and Guantong arrived. These were the calculations of the people behind Mogaohe. If he really fell into the trap, he would definitely Thrown into the abyss.

Mo Gaohe secretly admired that Miss Yuchen had really planned to make that Long Qi admit to killing Zhu Qing. He thought he had exposed Zhu Qing as a human traitor, which directly offended Guan Tong, the leader of the Huaiyuan Sect, and then arranged for him not to see the light of day. came out to accuse Long Qi of taking his military exploits. Even if Long Qi discovered that Zhu Qing was a traitor, it would not be enough to completely offset the crime of falsely claiming military exploits. At this time, Guan Tong's role can be played.

Long Qi exposed Zhu Qing as a traitor and offended Guan Tong. Guan Tong would definitely extend this crime to an infinite extent. The sect leader Zhuo Si would not be able to forgive this crime lightly in front of the Huaiyuan sect leader Guan Tong.

If the merits and demerits balance out, this Long Qi will at least end up being expelled from a poor family. What to do when the time comes, Miss Yuchen must have another plan. Even if Miss Yuchen doesn't take action, Guan Tong will not let this Long Qi go.

And he helped Miss Yuchen, got into Young Ancestor's eyes, and even hit the fat guy hard, it was perfect.

Thinking of these, Mo Gaohe felt like he was holding back his breath and wanted to vent out loudly. He felt that every step he made fully reflected his wisdom, and he would definitely be able to show up in front of Young Ancestor, and even become Young Ancestor's confidant and status. He will also be greatly improved in Hanxian Sect. There is no need to go out of his way to please Wang Yun. As for that damn fat man, he has been thrown away a thousand miles away.

"Master Zhuo, why did members of my Huaiyuan Zhu family die in your Yinshan District? I, Huaiyuan, must give an explanation." Guan Tong shouted sharply, his tone was quite bad, and he did not give Zhuo Si any face.

Among the nine sects in the Zhongping Realm, no one knows that Zhuo Si, the leader of the Han sect in Yinshan District, has a style of caring for the elderly and does not pose any threat.

Zhuo Si rubbed his ears and looked at Lu Yin helplessly, "Tell me, what's going on?".

Mo Gaohe looked at Lu Yin, shouting wildly in his heart, admit it, then expose Zhu Qing as a traitor, and be proud of yourself. This moment is not only the pinnacle of your life, but also the turning point of your destiny.

Facing everyone's gaze, Lu Yin glanced at Mo Gaohe's proud eyes, raised his hand and pointed at Mo Gaohe, "He killed that person."

Mo Gaohe was stunned, and so were the others.

Guan Tong stared at Mo Gaohe with his sharp eyes.

Mo Gaohe was at a loss. This, the script is wrong, what does it have to do with him? There shouldn't be a relationship.

"You, what did you say?" Mo Gaohe looked at Lu Yin blankly.

Lu Yin said seriously, "It was you who killed that Zhu family member, left the body in the cave, and tricked me into pretending to claim military merits. I, Linjiang Yi, am an upright person, and it is impossible for me to pretend to claim other people's military merits."

Mo Gaohe almost vomited blood and glared angrily, "You fart, I'm not your father, why do I give you my military exploits? How can you get such bullshit military exploits by killing people from the Zhu family?"

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