Star Odyssey

Chapter 1377 Encouragement

Yuchen pondered for a moment. Under normal circumstances, even if the three brothers of the Guan family were dissatisfied with Long Qi, it would take some time, but the White Dragon Clan would not give her this time. Perhaps in the near future, the White Dragon Clan has already begun arranging for Long Qi to retire. .

After thinking about it, the process must be accelerated.

Yuchen's guess was correct. Lu Yin would not be satisfied with just those few secret agents in Yinshan City. It was not worth it just because those few secret agents exposed his true nature. If he wanted to do it, he would do it in a big way.

In the next few days, Lu Yin led the team to patrol the Yinshan District more frequently. Fortunately, because of the arrest of those undercover men, the group of dandy boys were quite convinced by him, so they did not make a fuss. Otherwise, he could only take the The two men went on patrol without seeing the light.

Three days later, Lu Yin captured another Anzi. This Anzi was located at the junction of Yinshan District and Huaiyuan. It was considered the edge of Huaiyuan, but it also belonged to Huaiyuan.

When Lu Yin captured this secret son, the three brothers of the Guan family were extremely dissatisfied with him, but they could not say anything.

Although the Han Clan in the Zhongping Realm is divided into nine sects, they have a tacit agreement not to interfere with each other and not to arrest people on each other's territory, but that is only a tacit agreement and not an explicit rule. For the entire Han Clan, the more secrets that can be captured, the better. The above No matter who caught it.

Lu Yin's methods became more and more fierce. A few days later, another hidden man was arrested in Huaiyuan. This completely angered the three brothers of the Guan family, but Lu Yin didn't care. He was still thinking about how to catch Guan Yun. , this guy is not Anzi, but Hongbei.

Capturing one red back is more rewarding than capturing a hundred dark cubs. The number of dark cubs developed by a red back can often be dozens or hundreds, all of which have been managed for many years. Any red back that can be directly developed by those monsters will They are not ordinary people. Living for eighteen hundred years is the minimum. The number of dark particles that develop in such a long time is unpredictable.

Even if Long Tian wants to give Lu Yin battle merit, it is impossible to give him a red back. It would be good to help him catch more than ten hidden objects at most.

If he could catch the red back of Guan Yun, Lu Yin would definitely be able to alert the nine governors and even meet him.

On this day, Lu Yin still led the team to patrol. A subordinate who had returned from visiting the family arrived and shook the Yuntong Stone. A line of words floated in the air. The Yuntong Stone can not only communicate with each other, but also display certain pictures.

Lu Yin looked at the line of words and was surprised. It turned out to be secret information, and there were more than one, "Who gave it to you?"

"I don't know, it was passed directly to me anyway," the subordinate said in a very casual tone. They are all playboys. Although they admire Lu Yin, they are not too obedient.

Lu Yin looked at the list of Anzi and guessed whether it was given by Long Tian. Thinking about it, it shouldn't be the case. If it was given by Long Tian, ​​Long Xi would definitely say in advance that since it was not given by Long Tian, ​​then this list came from where?

Huh? They are all Huaiyuan's culprits. Lu Yin's eyes flashed. This is interesting. Someone wants to speed up the capture of Huaiyuan's culprits?

It's not unclear to him that the more Huaiyuan Anzi is arrested, the more he will offend the three brothers of the Guan family, because it will make them appear incompetent.

What's more important is that the person who gave this list actually knew these secrets. The three Guan brothers wouldn't know it, so why didn't they arrest them themselves? There is only one possibility. These secret pawns, like that person from the Zhu family, may be fishing pawns openly used by the three brothers of the Guan family.

Someone wanted to offend the three brothers of the Guan family. After thinking about this, Lu Yin immediately guessed who did it. It must be that Yuchen.

She gave this list to herself and arrested her to offend the three brothers of the Guan family. If she didn't arrest them, she would definitely find a way to get herself charged with certain crimes, such as indulging in the dark child and so on.

This woman couldn't wait to take action at this time. She seemed to have guessed that the White Dragon Clan would retire her and wanted to have some fun before retiring.

Lu Yin thought for a while, then led the team back and asked to see Zhuo Si.

Looking at the list in his hand, Zhuo Si silently put it down and looked at Lu Yin, "The people on this list don't have much background, but they just have a special status. With your ability, you can arrest them. Why leave it to me?" ?".

Lu Yin raised his chest, "The contribution of one subordinate can never be compared with the contribution of Yinshan District as a whole."

Zhuo Si was amused, "You want to give this military exploit to the entire Yinshan District?".

Lu Yin said solemnly, "Yes."

Zhuo Si pursed his lips. He was not an idiot. Who could be so stupid and lose his military exploits? He understood after thinking about it for a moment. He looked at Lu Yin rather strangely and said, "It's interesting that the White Dragon Clan has a person like you." He said After finishing, he raised his hand and Yuntongshi contacted Fatty Bai.

After a while, Fatty Bai came in and saw Lu Yin nodded.

He continued as usual, no matter how brilliant Lu Yin was, it had nothing to do with him and he focused on being his playboy.

"Xiao Wang, how long have you been here in Yinshan District?" Zhuo Si asked kindly when he saw Fatty Bai.

Fatty Bai looked silly, but was actually very shrewd. Hearing Zhuo Si's question, he immediately felt bad and subconsciously looked at Lu Yin.

Lu Yin smiled kindly, and Fatty Bai relaxed a little.

"How long?" Zhuo Si asked again. No matter how good Zhuo Si's voice was, he was the master of the Han Clan in Yinshan District after all, and he was a strong man at the Star Envoy level. Practitioners under the Star Envoy must maintain a sense of awe. Yes, Fatty Bai was no exception. He quickly replied, "Okay, it's been several years."

Zhuo Si smiled and said, "You haven't made any military exploits in the past few years. Can you explain it when you go home?"

Fatty Bai swallowed his saliva and looked at Lu Yin again.

Lu Yin smiled and looked at Fatty Bai with encouraging eyes.

Fatty Bai looked confused, what do you mean?

Zhuo Si moved his fingertips, and the list flew to Fatty Bai's eyes. Fatty Bai took it and blinked, "Uncle Fourth? This is it?"

Zhuo Si said, "Everyone on this list has been captured. It is very likely that they are Anzi."

Fatty Bai opened his mouth wide and pointed at himself, "Me?".

Zhuo Si nodded seriously.

Fatty Bai looked at Lu Yin.

Lu Yin's smile became even brighter, "Congratulations, you will make a contribution soon."

Fatty Bai swallowed his saliva and faced Zhuo Si, "Can you not go?".

Zhuo Si's face suddenly darkened, "What, you want to betray humanity?".

The crime of betraying humanity is a serious one. Let alone Fatty Bai, even the head of the Wang family in Sifang Tianping cannot bear it. As the head of a humble family, this sentence can be said smoothly, and because of the identity issue, it is more likely to be true.

Fatty Bai was frightened and almost jumped up, "Fourth uncle, don't scare me. I'm a coward, so I can't help but be scared."

Zhuo Si leaned against the wall lazily, just like what Lu Yin saw at the beginning, "Then go and catch him, my Yinshan District does not support idlers."

You are the biggest idler, Fatty Bai muttered in his heart, looked at Lu Yin, licked his face and smiled, "Brother, why don't you catch them? Strike while the iron is hot, catch a few more, maybe you can get a tree medal."

Lu Yin's expression was serious, "Hello everyone, this is really good. If I, Long Qi, am the only one who makes meritorious deeds, I will feel uneasy."

Fatty Bai would definitely not believe it, but he had nothing to say to refute, and in the end he could only lead his team to arrest people as if appointed.

Lu Yin wasn't idle either. He didn't touch the people on the list of secrets, but that didn't mean he wouldn't cause trouble for other secrets. The secrets he learned from Guan Yun's mind were the ones that were truly valuable, and he wanted to catch them. It's these people.

Yinshan District is a well-known retirement resort for poor families. No one expected that first there would be Long Qi, who arrested four assassins in a row. Now, even the fat Marshal Wang of the Wang family has been dispatched, arresting three assassins in a row. Huaiyuan.

When the three brothers of the Guan family learned the news, they immediately cursed, "The secret pieces caught by that fool from the Wang family were all hidden pieces we deliberately left for others to see and used as fishing pawns. We caught them all at once, and we were still playing nonsense." Ah!" Guan Yun was extremely angry.

Guan Hai looked ugly, "Not many people know the identity of those An Zi. They are all high-level people from poor families. Yuchen must know."

"Second brother, are you saying those hidden men were sold by Yuchen? But why did she help that fat man from the Wang family?" Guan Yun was puzzled.

Guan Tong snorted coldly, "He is not helping Fatty Wang, he is helping Long Qi. He deliberately exposes the secret to Long Qi. He wants Long Qi to anger us. On the one hand, he will destroy our plan. On the other hand, he will appear incompetent and make us have to fight with him." Long Qi is in opposition, but that Long Qi is not stupid, and he doesn’t know how to get Fatty Wang to arrest him, which can achieve his goal and sell a favor at the same time."

"Why are we the unlucky ones again?" Guan Yun was unhappy.

Guan Tong's eyes flickered, "It seems that Yuchen has defeated us, so we have to deal with Long Qi."

Guan Hai frowned, "In this case, there is no other way. We can't offend Bai Shaohong. Although dealing with a Long Qi may be involved in the struggle of the Sifang Balance, it is better than being laughed at for being incompetent. The reputation that our three brothers have managed so far must not be ruined by a Long Qi." Qi Destruction, you and I live in a poor family. Even if the White Dragon Clan is dissatisfied, it will not be easy to deal with us. If you are lucky enough to catch up with that adult, your status will change drastically."

Guan Tong nodded. If he didn't do it, he would offend Bai Shaohong and ruin his reputation. He would ruin the plan and be tricked in vain. If he did it, he would offend the Bailong clan. After weighing the pros and cons, he gritted his teeth and said, "Promise her."

In the sky in the north of Huaiyuan, a huge and ugly brown strange bird flew from high in the sky. There were dozens of people on the strange bird's back. In the center was a very fat middle-aged man, dressed in brocade and satin, extremely gorgeous, with hands on Wearing seven or eight Ning Kong Rings, one looks like he is rich.

At this moment, the middle-aged fat man looked nervous and looked behind him from time to time, "Hurry, hurry, hurry up."

At this time, dozens of figures were lined up in front, and cultivators appeared one after another floating in the sky. These cultivators were all from Fatty White's team, and Fatty White also appeared, looking proudly at the group of people on the back of the strange bird, " If you go back with this handsome guy, you will suffer less. If you dare to resist again, your life will be worse than death."

The fat middle-aged man was desperate, "It's over, we've been discovered, it's over."

"Hanmen is here, don't move rashly." Fatty Bai shouted, so scared that a group of people on the back of the strange bird did not dare to move. They were all practitioners who were protecting the middle-aged fat man. When they heard that Hanmen was arresting them, they immediately gave up resistance. The Han family has too much power, and they can take life and death with just a thought, so they don't dare to resist.

Fatty Bai exhaled happily. He didn't expect that catching someone feels so good. Why didn't he know this before?

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