Star Odyssey

Chapter 1,379 Bet

Fatty Bai didn't say it outright, after all, it involved the Dominion Realm, but both Lu Yin and Bu Jianguang knew.

With nowhere to go after breaking through the iron shoes, Bi Jianguang wanted to enter the eyes of the young ancestor through the poor family and follow a certain young ancestor to the Dominion Realm. But here, Fatty Bai sent an invitation. Although he was not sure that Bi Jian Guang could follow Wang Su to the Dominion Realm. Realm, but it can give Bijiangguang a chance to see Wang Su. This is a shortcut.

"It's an honor for me to be invited by the Wang family." Bujiangguang said with a smile. He only hoped that what Lu Yin said about Wang Yi not appearing within ten years was true, otherwise all his previous efforts would be wasted. He couldn't give up this opportunity and came to Fang Xingkong. Just for this opportunity, not to mention that even if they don't go to Wang's house, once Wang Yi appears, hears their names, or sees them in the Dominion Realm, they will be doomed, so they might as well give it a try.

Fatty Bai was happy. Some time ago, because of Wang Yi's incident, the Wang family was completely turned upside down. Young Ancestor Wang Su was anxious and angry looking for someone to accompany him to the Dominion Realm. He finally found one here, "I will contact my family as soon as possible and then take you with me." Let’s go back to the upper realm together, it won’t be long.”

Lu Yin pursed his lips, "What about me?".

Fatty Bai laughed dryly, "Brother, what do you have to say? You are the son-in-law of the main line of the White Dragon clan. You will have to go to the Wang family, the Xia family, and the Bai family of the Hanxian Sect from now on."

"He's my brother. He went to the top world without any relatives. You can't let him suffer," Lu Yin told him.

Fatty Bai patted his chest and said, "Don't worry, I'll take care of it with my brother. If he's lucky, his future achievements will be quite extraordinary. Even in my Wang family, he is a distinguished guest. Let's go and report back to the headquarters."

On the other side, the feathered Mavis landed on the ground and looked back into the distance. She didn't expect that she would encounter Bi Jianguang and Lu Yin during a protection mission. Forget it, Bi Jianguang, everyone came together, but they were just separated. How could Lu Yin be there? this? Didn’t the rumors disappear? Could it be said that he came early?

And it’s not easy to see his identity, he is also from a poor family.

The Yuntong Stone shook, and an image appeared in front of Feathered Mavis' eyes. It was Guan Hai, the second among the three brothers of the Guan family.

"Ascendant, see Lord Guanhai." Feathered Mabis saluted respectfully.

Guan Hai frowned, "Did something happen to him?".

Feathered Mavis responded, "Yes, he was captured by the Han family in Yinshan District."

"You can't protect me?" Guan Hai shouted sharply, "Except for one Zhuo Si from the poor families in Yinshan District, the rest are useless. Your strength is enough to take him away."

Feathered Mebis replied, "It's hard to win when you meet a master in the field. There are people from both teams in Yinshan District."

Guan Hai frowned, "Field master? What's your name?".

Feathered Mavis's eyes flashed. He didn't know if Mibis had changed his name. They all had their own arrogance and almost never changed their appearance. As for the name, it wasn't certain. For example, she hid Mavis' surname. "I don't know, my eyes are closed."

Guan Hai's eyes flashed, "I know, I didn't expect him to be a master." When he said this, he suddenly remembered something, "Did that Long Qi take action?"

Feathered Mavis shook his head, "From the beginning to the end, the only people who fought against my subordinates were the Wang family and the man with his eyes closed. No one else took action."

Guan Hai was overjoyed and said, "Okay, great. Go and wait at the junction of Yinshan District and Huaiyuan. We will be there soon."


After ending the call, Guan Hai immediately found Guan Tong. He didn't know what the two discussed. He called Guan Yun and set off. The three brothers headed towards Yinshan District.

One day later, Zhuo Si drafted a report on his military exploits. The three brothers of the Guan family arrived with the feathered Mavis, which shocked the Yinshan District headquarters.

Zhuo Si frowned, a chill flashed in his eyes, and stood up and walked out.

Soon, Lu Yin received a notice and went to the lobby of the headquarters. Without seeing the light, Fatty Bai also received the notice. Everyone in the entire Yinshan District headquarters gathered here, including the group of secret agents arrested by Fatty Bai and Lu Yin before. son.

After Lu Yin came to the lobby, he saw the three brothers of the Guan family and the feathered Mebis standing quietly behind them. He frowned. It seemed that these three guys were going to do something. He carefully recalled what he had done these days. There is nothing worth finding fault with in what he did.

The fat man stared at Feathered Mebis and rubbed his eyes vigorously. He saw that right. Why is this woman here?

When Zhuo Si saw Lu Yin and others arriving, he said impatiently, "Master, if you have anything to say, just say it. I have been too tired during this time in Yinshan District and need to rest."

Guan Tong said coldly, "As long as one thing is certain, Master Zhuo can rest as long as he wants." After saying that, he stood up and stared at Lu Yin.

Lu Yin narrowed his eyes. It was indeed aimed at him. His disguised identity was really troublesome.

"Long Qi, you have been very prosperous recently. You have arrested a lot of assassins and won the Medal of Righteousness. Congratulations, congratulations," Guan Tong said with a cold smile.

Lu Yin raised his eyebrows, "If you have anything to say, just say it." His identity is Long Qi, the son-in-law of the main lineage of the White Dragon clan, so there is no need to be too polite to Guan Tong.

Guan Tong would not be angry because of this, "I now suspect that there is something wrong with Long Qi's military exploits. How long have you been here in Yinshan District? You can arrest An Zi one after another. It is not normal. You are pretending to claim the merits of the war, and the person who is pretending to claim the merits , that’s the person called the invisible man. It was the invisible man who captured the hidden piece before. The captured hidden piece was a chess piece laid out by me in Huaiyuan. In order to prevent accidents, we specially sent experts to protect it."

Feathered Mavis walked out, "On the way to protect Anzi, it was Miguang who repelled his subordinates, Long Qi did not take action."

Fatty Bai gritted his teeth after hearing this, he was still one of his own, this woman was too strong.

Guan Tong sneered, "That Wu Jianguang has extremely strong strength, but this Long Qi does not. He has been pretending to claim military exploits."

Lu Yin's eyes flashed. He pretended to claim military merit again. Apart from this crime, the poor family had no other crime?

"Whether it's a false claim, the owner of the door will know after asking himself." Lu Yin stepped aside.

He walked out without seeing the light, "Thank you to the master of the gate for looking up to his subordinates, but his subordinates let the master of the gate down. Captain Long did not pretend to claim the military merits. All the military exploits were earned by the captain himself. The subordinates are only responsible for fighting."

"Well, then Long Qi, tell me, how can you continuously arrest Anzi in just a few days, and most of these Anzi have never met you before?" Guan Tong shouted.

Zhuosi suddenly said, "That's enough." Everyone looked over.

"Lord, no matter where Long Qi's battle merits come from, even if they are given by others, it does not violate the family rules. The family rules only stipulate that you cannot falsely claim battle merits, but there is no rule that you cannot transfer your battle merits to others. If someone complains about being falsely claimed, you can Justice for that person, but now no one has complained, and even the recipient of the military merits you confirmed has not acknowledged it. It is too childish to cause trouble based on this," Zhuo Si said in a deep voice.

Guan Yun shouted angrily, "Zhuo Si, you dare to say that my eldest brother is naive? Who do you think you are?"

Zhuo Si stared at Guan Yun with cold eyes, "Irritated." As he spoke, the pressure of the star envoy level came on. Guan Yun's expression changed. At his side, Guan Hai waved his hand to dispel Zhuo Si's pressure, "Master Zhuo, my eldest brother You haven’t finished speaking yet, don’t be in a hurry to get angry.”

Zhuo Si snorted coldly.

Guan Tong continued to look at Lu Yin, "Master Zhuo is right. If someone else gives it to you, it's not a big problem. But if the military merits are given at the expense of my humble family's interests, that's not right. "Okay," he said, looking at Zhuo Si, "People of the Zhu family, most of the hidden pieces you just captured were chess pieces laid out by my Huaiyuan Han family. They were used to fish out other hidden pieces, but you caught them all in one go. "In addition to me, Huaiyuan, the list of these people is also known to the higher-ups."

Guan Tong looked at Lu Yin again, "This upper class includes Sifang Tianping."

Guan Yun shouted angrily, "Someone deliberately exposed this list so that some people can make military exploits, but at the expense of the interests of my humble family in Huaiyuan."

"Fart!" Fatty Bai became anxious. He was the one who caught most of the hidden people behind him. "You want to slander my Wang family, but our Wang family will not do such a thing."

Guan Tong smiled and said, "Don't worry, Captain Wang, how did you catch those secret agents? How did you know they were secret agents?".

Fatty Bai was stunned and looked at Zhuo Si subconsciously.

Guan Tong followed his gaze and said, "Master Zhuo, it seems that the reason lies with you. How did you accurately identify those people who were secret agents? Who told you? Or did you check it yourself? If you checked it yourself It’s such a coincidence that most of the chess pieces checked are the chess pieces of our Huaiyuan layout.”

Zhuo Si frowned and was silent for a moment.

"If I'm not mistaken, those hidden names must be from Long Qi," Guan Haida said.

Lu Yin understood. The back-up man of Yuchen's plan was here. He handed over a list. If he didn't arrest him, he had the responsibility to arrest him and offend the three brothers of the Guan family. The three brothers of the Guan family were fully qualified to make trouble because of those chess pieces. That's what they arranged.

How to defend? Could it be that it was the list given by Yuchen? Without evidence, slandering Hanxian Sect out of thin air will cause greater trouble and give Yuchen a better excuse to attack.

If you don't say it was given by Yuchen, then where did the Anzi list come from?

In fact, Lu Yin should have thought of this problem from the beginning. He was catching Anzi too quickly. No one would believe him if he just said that he had a talent for seeing people at their lowest level, unless it could be proven, yes, proven.

Lu Yin said, "Master, this world is so big. It's not surprising for a person to have any talent. This junior happens to have the talent of observing people's subtleties, and can roughly tell a person's situation. Of course, it may not be completely accurate. But the accuracy is very high.”

He didn't always catch Anzi accurately, and he also deliberately arrested the wrong ones and released them after interrogation, just to cover up others' eyes.

Guan Tong stared at Lu Yin, "It seems that you are very confident. Okay, I'm not a fool to imprison someone, so how about we make a bet?"

"What bet?" Lu Yin asked

The corners of Guan Tong's mouth curled up, "There is a city in Huaiyuan called Chilan. There must be hidden objects in it. As long as you find the hidden objects within ten days, I will admit that you have the ability to see people at their subtleties. Chilan The area of ​​the city is about the same as that of Yinshan City. If you can arrest five Anzi in Yinshan City within a few days, I believe Chilan City will be no exception, not to mention I will give you ten days."


More to come, thank you brothers for your support and encouragement, thank you! ! !

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