Star Odyssey

Chapter 1385 The Fourteenth Gate

Feathered Mavis was curious, "What's going on?".

Fatty Bai didn't know how to explain it. The world of domination was not common sense and not everyone could know it. If he didn't succeed, he might not be qualified to know it either.

"No matter what happens, the Wang family of Sifang Tianping will never treat you badly," Lu Yin said.

Feathered Mavis nodded.

Fatty Bai glanced at Lu Yin gratefully, "Brother, I took them to Wang's house. It will probably take a while before they can come back. It's been a hard time, brother. You can go to Hanxiang Tower, but all the expenses will be borne by brother."

Lu Yin smiled and said, "Thank you very much."

"Haha, which one of us will follow who?" Fatty Bai was very happy. Young Ancestor Wang Su ordered the entire Wang family to look for masters of the same generation who were qualified to accompany her to the Dominion Realm. He found two at once. No matter whether he could succeed or not, they would be a share. Credit, he was happy.

Not long after, Fatty Bai left the Yinshan District with Invisible Light and Feathered Mebis, heading for the top realm.

Lu Yin returned to his residence and waited quietly.

In less than half an hour, the Yuntong Stone shook, and he had no choice but to realize that what was supposed to come came anyway.

Long Xi's beautiful image appeared in front of Lu Yin's eyes, with a cold face and strong anger in his eyes, "Do you have anything to say?".

Lu Yin pursed his lips and said, "Sorry, I had no choice but to do so."

Long Xi angrily scolded, "Do you know what you have done? You are playing with fire. Just because you are a small hunter, you dare to deal with the leader of the Huaiyuan Han Clan, and you don't know where you got it, but you don't know the authenticity. You dare to make a bet if you only have intelligence. Where did you get the confidence? Who gave you the confidence? Do you know? Once you fail, not only you, but also me, Long Tian, ​​and the entire White Dragon clan will become the laughing stock of Tree Starry Sky."

"There has never been peace among the four balances. We also have fights and calculations with each other. You almost became the biggest loophole of our White Dragon clan...".

Lu Yin rubbed his head and listened to Long Xi's scolding. He knew that the woman was very angry, but he didn't expect to be so angry.

"How dare you refuse to contact me? Do you think you can become lawless after you have done a few meritorious deeds? Do you think anyone will help you? If you weren't concerned about your identity as the son-in-law of the main lineage of the White Dragon clan, you would have died countless times." Long Xi shouted angrily.

Lu Yin frowned, "If it weren't for this identity, no one would want to deal with me."

"You agreed to this identity, and you have to suffer the consequences. In this life, life and death, you and I are one. If you want to survive, just listen to me," Long Xi said angrily.

Lu Yin retorted, "Can you stop that woman named Yuchen from scheming? Can you stop the three brothers of the Guan family from persecuting her?".

"But I can save your life," Long Xi shouted sharply, then softened his tone, "That's enough. I don't ask you to bring glory to our White Dragon Clan, or reach any heights. As long as you live, that's enough."

Lu Yin's heart trembled. Long Xi's words made him feel a little warm. How many people really wanted him to live. No matter what the purpose was, he truly felt Long Xi's heart, which made him live. , the intention of not seeking fame.

"I'm sorry" Lu Yin apologized.

Long Xi looked at Lu Yin for a moment and exhaled, "The three brothers of the Guan family must have known about the monster under Chilan City for a long time. They led you to Chilan City with no intention of fulfilling any bet, but to find a way to use that monster. The monster will get rid of you, and for this, even if it costs the lives of millions of people in Chilan City, do you know what this means?"

Lu Yin shook his head.

Long Xi frowned and said in a deep voice, "Human nature."

Lu Yin's eyes changed.

Long Xi continued, "Anyone who takes refuge in those monsters has no humanity, especially Hongbei. Do you think you can take the initiative knowing that the three Guan brothers are Hongbei? Wrong, they have no humanity, and they will do whatever it takes to achieve their goals. If you make one mistake, you will never recover. Even if your information is true, you may fall into their trap and die without a burial, not to mention the fact that you cannot be sure of the authenticity of the information."

"If that information comes from Yuchen, all your plans will be in vain. In the end, not only will your reputation be ruined, but your life will not be saved."

"I just hope that you will not act recklessly in the future. Your words and deeds represent not only yourself, but also me. Remember, I am your wife yesterday, today, tomorrow, and forever."

Lu Yin nodded, "I understand."

Long Xi had completely vented her anger. Seeing the way Lu Yin nodded honestly, she should choose to believe it. But for some reason, the more honestly Lu Yin admitted his mistake, the more uneasy she became. No, she must retire immediately. What she is most worried about now is the unknown. The source of the information, I don’t know what the other party’s purpose is, just want to help Long Qi?

How is it possible? Long Qi is just a branch of the White Dragon Clan. Where can anyone be willing to help him and the White Dragon Clan? Then why not contact her or Long Tian directly?

The unknown source of information was what made her most uneasy.

"Long Qi, let me say it one last time. Stay at the Yinshan District headquarters safely and don't go anywhere. Remember, even if Zhuo Si gives the order, you are not allowed to leave. You are not allowed to leave anywhere. Your military exploits this time are enough. You have retired. My eldest brother has already asked the Lord of the Nine Sects. You wait until you retire and Elder Long Kui picks you up before leaving." Long Xi solemnly asked.

Lu Yin was stunned, "Elder Long Kui is already here?"

Long Xi narrowed his eyes, "We're on the way. We'll be there soon. No matter what, you are not allowed to leave until Elder Long Kui appears."

Lu Yin was speechless. It seemed that this girl was frightened and directly sent Elder Long Kui to appear. Even if she had not retired, she would have asked Elder Long Kui to watch from outside and not allow her to leave the Yinshan District headquarters!

Why don't you trust yourself so much?

What did she just say? Long Tian has already contacted Qingchen? Lu Yin felt a little guilty, "Ahem, um, I have a stomachache. Let's just wait until Elder Long Kui comes. Don't contact me yet. I'm tired."

Long Xi looked at Lu Yin and felt that something was wrong, but seeing Lu Yin's honest look, it was even more wrong, but she couldn't tell, "If you stay here honestly and dare to leave at will, you will definitely experience the most painful experience when you return to Longshan." suffering".

"Yes, yes," Lu Yin just wanted to end the call as soon as possible.

Long Xi snorted coldly, and the image disappeared.

Lu Yin breathed a sigh of relief and deliberately threw away the Yuntong Stone. He didn't know why, but he was a little afraid of seeing Long Xi. This woman's nagging made him afraid.

While Lu Yin was talking to Long Xi, Long Tian also contacted Qingchen, the governor of the Nine Sects.

Looking at Qingchen's helpless expression, Long Tian was at a loss, "What does it mean to serve a poor family, not asking for military exploits, but just doing what you can for your fellow tribesmen and fighting against foreign enemies? What do you mean by not giving up even if you die? These are what Long Qi said of?".

Qingchen nodded and praised, "The White Dragon Clan is worthy of being one of the Four Balances. For the sake of the righteousness of the human race, any branch of the clan is willing to sacrifice themselves. I admire you."

Long Tian was stunned, "Senior, Long Qi is only in the hunting realm. How can he do anything? Is it a misunderstanding?"

Qingchen said solemnly, "You underestimate Long Qi. You can expose the three brothers of the Guan family as red backs. You are a tribesman with great vision, courage and courage. What is even more valuable is that you are willing to dedicate your life to the righteousness of the human race." , respectable, admirable, he joined the humble family for only two months, and his military exploits have already surpassed those of the original Shuyuan seniors."

Long Tian suddenly interrupted, "That's it, I think, junior." "Needless to say, I know that his reward will not be less. I have already reported it to the Governor-General. The Governor-General was very happy and ordered Long Qi to join the Fourteenth Sect. He Such talents should not be limited to one area, what do you think?" Qingchen said.

Long Tian was surprised, "The fourteenth gate?".

Qingchen nodded, "This is what the Governor-General meant. This kid Long Qi has the gift of observing people at a subtle level, so he is very suitable for the Fourteenth Sect. On behalf of the Governor-General, he will patrol the starry sky among the trees. He is a great good, a great good."

Good fart, he has a fart talent. Even with Long Tian's self-cultivation, he almost wanted to curse. It was someone else who told him the information. Because of this, he was eager to take Long Qi away. Unexpectedly, this old guy He actually came out like this.

The Fourteenth Sect is not the Yinshan District. It is comparable to poorer sects such as Huaiyuan. Once you join, it will be difficult to quit, unless you are expelled without completing the task, which would be embarrassing.

Even with his status as the young ancestor of the White Dragon Clan, it would be impossible for him to retire Long Qi from the Fourteenth Sect. It would be troublesome, it would be really troublesome, it would be too late.

"Senior, Long Qi has already joined the Fourteenth Sect? Not so fast?" Long Tian didn't believe it.

Qingchen said, "I have already joined, will I still lie to you?".

Long Tian knew that Qingchen would not lie to him about this kind of thing, so he felt irritable and said, "Senior, in this case, I will leave first."

Qingchen nodded. After Long Tian's image disappeared, the corners of Qingchen's mouth curled up. He didn't care what means Long Qi used to expose the three brothers of the Guan family, or the source of the information. As a member of a poor family, he only wanted to catch Anzi. , grasping Hongbei, they only have the human race in their hearts, regardless of their stance, no matter what the Hanxian Sect or the White Dragon Clan, it has nothing to do with them.

Long Qi's current abilities are enough to qualify him to join the Fourteenth Sect, and he is also suitable to join the Fourteenth Sect. This is enough.

At the same time, deep down in his heart, he also admired this Long Qi. Facing the leader of the Huaiyuan Han Clan and with the Hanxian Sect’s calculations on his side, he dared to fight back. This kind of person was bold and careful. He liked it very much and joined the Tenth Four doors can also be regarded as an alternative kind of protection.

The people in the Fourteenth Sect are what the Governor cares about the most. Anyone who dares to touch them will die. As long as Long Qi has the ability to stay inside, it means that he has the protection of the Governor behind him, and even the Hanxian Sect cannot touch him.

This can be regarded as a little bit of selfishness on my part! It can also be regarded as a reward for that Long Qi.

It would be better to retire and live a comfortable life for the rest of your life, always ordinary, than to die!

"Little guy, I hope you won't disappoint me," Qingchen murmured to himself.

At the headquarters of Yinshan District, Lu Yinyun was shaking. He took a look and said, Huh? Not Long Xi?

When connected, a line of words appeared, "Long Qi, captain of the Han Sect in the Yinshan District, will join the Fourteenth Sect from now on. Every year, he will be tasked with ten dark men to patrol the starry sky on behalf of the sky to ensure the prosperity of our human race. From now on, he will go to the Sword Monument to have a look." , the task was subsequently released, the leader of the fourteenth gate - Xiao'.

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