Star Odyssey

Chapter 1,395 Origin Tribulation

Looking at Long Kui's expression, lightning flashed across Lu Yin's mind. He understood. He was telling himself to turn a blind eye. Even if there was something behind the investigation, he should not make it public. He could not damage the reputation of the White Dragon Clan, and these words , he couldn't say it directly, so he took the trouble to remind himself.

"Do you understand?" Long Kui asked.

Lu Yin said, "I understand."

"Do you really understand?"

"I definitely understand," Lu Yin said.

Long Kui nodded, his face relaxed, this kid is not too stupid.

There are some things that must not be revealed, otherwise it will be true, especially about the poor family and Anzi. After all, it concerns the entire human race. Not every ancestor is as scoundrel as the Liu family ancestor.

A day later, they had completely flown into the gray mountains, which was around the Feijia Pass. Half a day ago, they encountered the Feijia Army patrolling and saluted Long Kui from a distance.

Just as he was flying in the direction of Feijia Pass, Long Kui shouted, "Stop."

After a pause, the two huge heads suddenly looked towards the south. Their eyes were confused at first, but then turned into fear.

Long Kui looked solemn and said, "Go and have a look."

He changed direction and headed south.

Lu Yin was confused, "Elder, what's wrong?".

"Someone is crossing the Origin Tribulation," Long Kui said in a deep voice.

Lu Yin's eyes narrowed, "Source Tribulation," a very familiar term. He seems to have heard it before. "Wait a minute, Source Tribulation, Source Crystal."

"Do you know about Yuan Jie?" Long Kui glanced at Lu Yin strangely and asked.

Lu Yin said honestly, "I've heard of it, but I don't really understand it."

In the distance, the sky suddenly changed. The void was twisting, forming a vortex that hovered above, like a huge monster, roaring in waves, and the entire void was boiling.

Lu Yin's pupils shrank sharply, the star energy in his body spilled out uncontrollably, his fingers trembled, he could no longer control his power.

"The universe is divided into appearance and reality. The appearance universe is what we see in this starry sky, while the real universe is more pure. The biggest difference between the Star Envoy and the Enlightenment Realm is that they break through the shackles of the appearance universe and touch the real universe. The reality The energy possessed by the universe is called star source, and star energy overflows from the star source for people to practice."

"When you reach the level of a star envoy and touch the real universe, you are cultivating the star source. The star source of the real universe is not endless. The star envoy uses the body as the shell and the star source as the gas. He introduces the star source of the real universe into the body to form the star source. Cyclone, if a cultivator attracts one point of the star source of the real universe, the real universe will lose one point. In order to snatch the star source, the real universe will form a source tribulation, with the purpose of destroying that body, that is, the cultivator himself."

"This is the Origin Tribulation," Long Kui explained calmly.

Lu Yin was surprised. There is such a thing. A star source cyclone is formed in the body. Is star energy just the energy spilled from the star energy? He recalled that when he fought against a star envoy level master from the Sixth Continent, the opponent directly dissolved his star energy. The other party used the star source, so his star energy was useless.

In Lu Yin's view, the Source Tribulation is like the relationship between the mother tree and the monsters in the lower world.

One side plunders, the other destroys, mutually reinforcing and restraining each other. The cultivators are like the mother tree, and the Source Tribulation is equivalent to those monsters. Their purpose is the same, to return everything to the universe and the starry sky.

From this point of view, the universe and starry sky are more like a virtuous cycle of life.

As he spoke, he paused, and the source of calamity in the distance had taken shape.

"Can't we avoid the source of calamity?" Lu Yin asked.

Long Kui shook his head, "You can't avoid it, you can only block it. The Source Tribulation senses the star source in the cultivator's body. The more star sources there are, the more terrifying the Source Tribulation is. If a strong person helps to resist it, the Source Tribulation can also be felt, and its power will increase accordingly. Any star source within the source tribulation range will be attacked, no matter who it is."

Lu Yin looked into the distance and saw an old man with a crazy face, roaring to the sky. There were a lot of people watching around, but no one dared to approach.

"Come on, source of calamity, come on, I will be able to survive it," the old man roared, taking out weapons one by one from the Ningkong Ring, among which there were also defensive treasures placed around, including all kinds of weird things.

Above his head, the source of tribulation stirred the void, twisting the void. Then, a stream of air descended from the center of the vortex and slammed into the old man.

The old man's face turned pale, and he roared angrily. The majestic star energy shot up into the sky, and at the same time, there were nine lines of war energy imprinted on his palm. With the star energy, he struck out with one palm. This palm was so powerful that even Lu Yin looked sideways. This old man This is not an ordinary enlightenment state.

The air coming from the void collided with the old man's palm, and the sky and the earth roared. Then, the violent air flow swept in all directions, and the old man was pressed directly into the ground, and blood stains were scattered. At this time, the vortex above his head was twisted. What appeared this time was not the air flow. Instead, it formed a rope-like shape and was drawn directly towards the old man.

"There are different forms of source tribulation, and no one knows what kind of source tribulation they will face, but one thing is certain. The form in which the source tribulation appears must be the form that has appeared in the starry sky before. It is like a replay, and it is like coming again. "Long Kui said in a deep voice, every master who has reached the level of Star Envoy has dealt with the Origin Tribulation, which is a disaster that cannot be erased.

If ten Star Envoys are born, there may be a hundred that will be wiped out by the Source Tribulation.

The old man's Ningkong Ring exploded and he held a conch-like exotic treasure tightly in his hand. At the same time, he crazily swallowed pills in an attempt to recover.

The rope that appeared in the source of calamity was pulled directly towards the old man. The old man raised his hand, and the conch flew out, making a deep sound, pushing away the void, and bombarding upwards. This rare treasure had a combat power of over 500,000, which was comparable to Long Xi's. The circle given to Lu Yin is almost the same.

The rope whipped in the sound wave, gradually decomposing the sound wave, and then changed its shape again, forming a spear that fell hard, directly pierced the old man's body, and stuck the old man on the ground.

The sound of wailing came, and a woman ran towards the old man crying, who should be the old man's granddaughter.

The old man's body was pierced and he could no longer survive. He looked at his granddaughter running up and said bitterly, "Grandpa lived his whole life, but he still died under the source of calamity. Silly boy, don't practice cultivation in the future. This road is impassable." After finishing speaking, The body was decomposed by the spear and completely dissipated between heaven and earth.

The girl came and didn't even see the last of her grandfather. All she saw was the air and the broken Sky Rings on the ground.

Long Kui shook his head and sighed, "It stands to reason that this person is well prepared. He even has rare treasures at the level of a star envoy, so he can survive. However, it is a pity that the star energy in this person's body is surging, and the star source he can draw is beyond that of ordinary people. Those who are prepared to protect It's a pity that I can survive in the ordinary enlightenment realm, but I can't protect him." After saying that, he patted his back, turned around, and continued towards Feijia Pass.

After Lu Yin heard Long Kui's words, his whole body felt cold.

The power of the Source Tribulation will be determined based on the amount of star energy within the human body? This, this, this is not good, it’s unreasonable. The star energy in his body is two hundred times that of ordinary cultivators. The star energy in the old man’s body is not as much as his. He is still in the hunting realm. If he breaks through How many levels of enlightenment should there be? How many Star Envoys are on the verge of breaking through? Definitely far more than this old man, about two hundred times his strength.

Thinking about the Source Tribulation that was two hundred times more powerful than the Source Tribulation just now, Lu Yin swallowed. He felt that the universe was full of deep malice toward him.

"Someone is going through the source tribulation here. After a certain period of time, source crystals of different sizes will be formed in this space. The reason why Feijia Pass has source crystals is because of this. Source crystals help people break through the lower thrust pass and the middle finger pass. It is a must-have, so you should understand the importance of Feijia Pass. You must be cautious when going to Feijia Pass." Long Kui couldn't help but remind him again, which shows that he attaches great importance to Feijia Pass.

Lu Yin was still thinking about the tribulation he had just experienced. Once the tribulation failed, the human body would be dispersed.

The source-crossing tribulation is not only the practice of people robbing the star source of the real universe, but also the real universe robbing the star source in the human body, competing with each other.

Not long after, a quaint city appeared in Lu Yin's eyes, that was Feijia Pass.

He stopped less than a hundred miles away from Feijia Pass, and the air ahead was restricted. No one was exempted, including the elders of the White Dragon Tribe.

Long Kui said calmly, "I can only send you here. What you have to complete is the fourteenth mission after all. It is not convenient for me to interfere."

Lu Yin said, "Thank you, elder."

"Try to delay the completion of the task as much as possible. Young Ancestor will find a way to get you back to the top of Longshan Mountain," Long Kui said.

Lu Yin nodded, jumped down, and landed on the ground.

The gray earth was extremely hard. When Lu Yin stepped on it, it was comparable to metal ore. It seemed that it had been eroded by source calamities from ancient times to the present, and the land in this place had changed.

The entire gray land is shaped like a tripod. The ancients had an unusual obsession with the tripod, and anything linked to the tripod is an unusual place.

Lu Yin thought of the Nine Yang Hua Cauldron combat skill. It seemed that he had not been to the ruins of Daoyuan Sect for a long time. He still cared about the Nine Yang Hua Cauldron, which was called the invincible battle skill. Unfortunately, he never had the time. .

Feijia Pass is not a place where ordinary people can come. If you look around, almost all of them are cultivators.

The closer we get to Feijia Pass, the more people are around.

As the vision in front of him widened, Lu Yin saw a majestic city. There were patrolling flying armored troops above and below the ground, and there were also flying armored troops guarding the city gate.

Although there were no runes, Lu Yin's control over star energy allowed him to clearly feel that this Feijia Pass had an extraordinary aura. This aura reminded him of the original treasure formation.

This place has been contested all year round, and any force that controls this place will deploy extremely strong protective capabilities.

Stepping into Feijia Pass, Lu Yin didn't know how to find Guo Shan, but he believed that Guo Shan would definitely have a way to find him. It would be funny if the two people couldn't find each other and the mission failed.

He randomly ordered a few side dishes at a restaurant and looked into the distance. With his eyes, he could see far outside Feijia Pass. He saw many cultivators digging something underground, and some people were holding similar instruments. Things are being detected, they are all looking for Jie Jing!

Not long after, an ordinary-looking middle-aged man approached Lu Yin and said, "Little brother, can you sit here?".

Lu Yin turned around and saw a middle-aged man with a smile on his face. He looked very kind, but his clothes were a bit simple and slovenly. "Please sit down," he said.

The middle-aged man sat down, looked at Lu Yin, and said with a smile, "I'm here, Guo Shan."

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