Star Odyssey

Chapter 1,397 Jie Jing

Somewhere in the Zhongping Realm, a pair of narrow, dark eyes appeared, "The assassination failed, the entire commission will be returned, or the price will be increased."

"Raise the price? Why? Is it just because of a failed assassination? Aren't you Wujie the most particular about credibility? If you increase the price after a failed assassination, who will do business with you in the future?"

"Before you, you have assassinated this person twice and both failed. This third time you failed, the price must be increased."

"Hmph, it seems that the person who hired you before has given up. You must have treated me like a fat sheep and slaughtered me."

"Increase the price, or give up, please choose." The long and narrow eyes became darker and darker.

"Okay, I will increase the price, but only once. Don't fail again. You must know that the information about this person is not provided by me, but the price determined by you yourself."

At Feijia Pass, Lu Yin entered alone to look for Guo Shan, while Long Kui asked him to shrink in size and lean on his shoulder. The same person entered alone and went directly to the Feijia Army's main palace to meet Long Xian.

Long Xian was not surprised by Long Kui's appearance.

The two sat opposite each other, and Long Xian was quite enthusiastic about Long Kui, "After hundreds of years of separation, Elder Long Kui is still the same, and has not changed at all."

Long Kui smiled faintly, "You and I have reached the Star Envoy. Hundreds of years have passed with just a flick of the finger. How can there be any changes? Just a random retreat. This is the first time I saw Mr. Ling."

Beside Long Xian, Long Ding saluted respectfully to Long Kui, "My nephew Long Ding, please see Elder Long Kui."

Long Kui nodded and looked at Long Ding curiously over his shoulder.

"Long Ding, do you mean stability? It seems that Brother Xian is living quite comfortably in Feijia Pass," Long Kui said with a flash of his eyes.

Long Xian smiled and said, "I don't dare An Yi. After all, the Feijia Pass was captured by the White Dragon Clan with so much hard work. The melee with the other three parties is still fresh in my mind. Our Feijia Army has sacrificed a lot, how can I dare An Yi?" .

Long Kui said, "Young Master Ling is very strong. He has reached the hunting realm and will soon be able to break through to the enlightenment realm. Unfortunately, if he had broken through earlier, he might have helped the young ancestor go to the domination realm. It's a pity."

Just as Long Ding was about to say something, Long Xian spoke first, "I can only blame the child for not being lucky enough to let the elders worry."

Long Kui laughed and said, "Brother Xian should know why I'm here."

Long Xian nodded, "The Fourteenth Sect sent people to Feijia Pass, and the person they sent was my son-in-law Long Qi, the main lineage of the White Dragon Clan. We already know this."

"Don't worry about Long Qi. The important thing is that Feijia Pass is targeted by the Fourteenth Gate. Brother Xian, what do you have to say?" Long Kui stared at Long Xian. Since reporting Lu Yin's mission to the clan, the clan has The order issued by Nei is to let him act easily. Once it is discovered that Long Xian is really a red-backed man, he will be killed immediately. Long Xian must not be allowed to be taken away by the Fourteenth Sect.

Long Kui didn't know whether Long Xian was a red back, so he came to test it first.

Long Xian's eyes were downcast, "The arrival of people from the Fourteenth Sect only means that there is something suspicious about Feijia Pass, but it does not mean that there must be an undercover or a red back. Why, the clan is suspicious of us? I, Long Xian, am here to take charge. Feijia Pass never slacks off, and there is nothing in this place that the monsters should be concerned about. If there is anything, it can only be Jie Jing. Has anyone in the clan noticed that there are less Jie Jing crystals turned in?"

Long Kui quickly raised his hand, "The clan does not doubt Brother Xian, but the person coming from the Fourteenth Sect is not good, so we remind Brother Xian to be careful."

"The Qing Dynasty will be Qing Dynasty by itself, don't worry about the fourteenth gate," Long Xian said.

Long Ding suddenly said, "My nephew is very curious about Brother Long Qi. He wants to see what kind of person is worthy of the princess. I wonder if I have a chance to meet him."

Long Xian shouted, "Shut up and step back."

Long Ding was unwilling to give in, "Father, I just want to meet Brother Long Qi."

"Long Qi's current identity is from the Fourteenth Sect. He is here to investigate Feijia Pass. We will wait until the investigation is over. Go back and practice" Long Xian shouted angrily.

Long Ding had no choice but to salute Long Kui and said, "My nephew, please leave."

Long Kui smiled and nodded.

After Long Ding left, Long Xian's anger remained, "I made the elders laugh. My heart for the princess has not diminished, so I am so curious about Long Qi. It is not malicious. Please don't misunderstand me."

"Hahahaha, young people, when there is no one who is jealous, Brother Xian takes it too seriously," Long Kui said with a smile.

Long Xian smiled bitterly, "Let me take the elders to take a look at Feijia Pass. It's not easy to dig out the Jie Jing Crystal. I think the elders are also very curious."

Long Kui nodded, "Please."


Tribulation crystals can be mined everywhere outside Feijia Pass, but whether they can be mined depends on God's will.

Lu Yin looked at the people holding instruments curiously, "Can the things they hold in their hands detect Jie Jing?".

Guo Shan disdainfully said, "Of course not, it's just a way for some businessmen to take advantage of the opportunity to make huge profits. These idiots believe it in their dreams, and force themselves to believe it. Some people who dig up the Jie Jing will put the credit on that thing, plus some Propaganda has created this effect." When he said this, a man behind him looked at him blankly with an instrument in his hand, with a blank look on his face.

Guo Shan sneered again.

The instrument in the man's hand fell off, "Is this thing useless?".

Guo Shan rolled his eyes.

Lu Yin coughed and said, "Don't listen to him. He has been digging here for hundreds of years and still can't find anything. He's just venting his anger."

The man breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Let me tell you, why is it useless? I just dug a little bit."

Guo Shan and Lu Yin were speechless, "Did you dig it?".

Jie Jing is not so easy to dig. It is not an ore. It stays in place. Jie Jing will move with the airflow in the land. No one knows the rules of this movement. Some people speculate that it will follow the stars in the sky. Yes, some people speculate that it is related to the star source in the real universe. No one has found out what the rules are.

So if you want to dig up the Tribulation Crystal, you don't just have to turn the land over. It requires a lot of luck.

When a Star Envoy goes through a source tribulation, he or she will give birth to tribulation crystals the size of a fingernail at most, and these tribulation crystals will be scattered across the earth, making them difficult to see clearly with the naked eye.

The man carefully took out a transparent crystal bottle. Inside, there was a very, very small shining crystal.

Guo Shan was surprised, "It's really Jie Jing. Did you dig it up? How long did you dig it for?"

The man smiled proudly and said, "Nine years."

Lu Yin is weird. Is it worth it to dig so little in nine years?

"It's so worth it. It took nine years to dig it up and sell it to the White Dragon Clan. You'll have a worry-free life," Guo Shan praised.

The man laughed, "I think so too," he said, picking up the instrument on the ground, "So, the crystal-stealing detector produced by our family is effective," he said, turning back loudly and looking at the many people around him, "Is everyone right? It is effective."

"Yes, it will definitely work. I dug up the Tribulation Crystal in nine years. I won't have to worry about it for the rest of my life. It's so worth it."

"It's so worth it, hurry up and buy another one."

"I want to buy a crystal-stealing detector."

Guo Shan was dumbfounded, and so was Lu Yin. They had actually been tricked into making an advertisement for someone for free. That guy wasn't stupid.

The man proudly placed the crystal detector in Guo Shan's arms, said "Thank you very much" and ran away.

Guo Shan swallowed his saliva. As a member of the fourteenth sect, he was investigating Anzi Hongbei, but he ended up here today. It was really embarrassing.

Lu Yin's face was also red, he was embarrassed, he was so embarrassed, he was fooled.

"I'm going to kill him." Guo Shan gritted his teeth and stared at the man's leaving figure in the distance with murderous intent.

Lu Yin covered his head and said, "Okay, let's go, it's our fault for being careless."

Guo Shan was unwilling to give in, but that man was just an extreme cultivator, and he couldn't argue with such a junior.

This is what is meant by capsizing in the gutter.

Today is the darkest day in Guo Shan's life.

In the distance, Long Xian happened to arrive with Long Kui. Seeing this scene, Long Kui's face twitched and said, "Let's go and look around again."

Long Xian smiled and said, "In order to dig out the robbery crystal, these people use any means. There were still people praying to the sky at the beginning. Elders, please don't be surprised."

There are too many people digging for robbery crystals around Feijia Pass. Although some people give up every day, there are also people joining every day.

Guo Shan took Lu Yin to a sparsely populated place, got rid of the shadow just now, and said to Lu Yin, "Do you know what the realm of field spirit transformation is?".

Lu Yin shook his head, "I've heard of it, but I don't understand."

Guo Shan said seriously, "The so-called spirit transformation is exactly what it means. To open up spiritual wisdom and make a dead object wise is to transform it into a spirit."

Lu Yin's eyes widened, "It's impossible."

Guo Shandao said, "It's not really smart, but it seems to be smart and easy to control, for example." As he said that, a stone under Lu Yin's feet suddenly hit him, which was quite powerful.

And the stone that hit him was not controlled by Zixing or the field. It really seemed like a stone hit him.

"Cultivation of the field to the realm of spirit transformation can make the field cover everything in the world and transform into spirits. It doesn't seem to be of much use, but if you think about it, using the earth to oppress the opponent in battle and using the air to sneak attack on the opponent can sometimes be enough to change the situation of the battle." Guo Shandao, "The greatest purpose of transforming spirits is to prepare for cultivating the realm of the Sky God."

Lu Yin's face changed. The realm of the sky god was the highest realm of field cultivation in legend. "What is the realm of the sky god?"

Guo Shan looked up at the sky, as if he was thinking, "The so-called realm of the void god means that you can play with the void, move instantly, forcibly peel off the space, and reach the realm of one party's domination. That kind of realm is so superb that it can peel off the opponent's attacks." , strip away everything, and use the most popular explanation, it is equivalent to a secret technique."

Lu Yin's eyes are bright and he can peel off space. He is very powerful when he hears it. He has the Secret of Strategy and the Secret of Yu. He has many ways to resist and divert other people's attacks. If it is not possible, he can avoid it, but it is a secret technique and cannot be used at will. , but it’s different when the field reaches the realm of empty gods.

If in the Supreme Tournament, his field had reached the realm of Sky God, the fight would not have been so difficult. Even if he did not use the Death Transformation, it would be difficult for Shangqing to beat him.

"Don't think too much. The realm of Sky God is not that easy to achieve. You should first practice to the extent of predicting attacks," Guo Shan said.

"How to practice?" Lu Yin asked.

"Actually, your field ability has already reached the level of anticipating attacks, but the training direction is wrong," Guo Shan said. After speaking, he began to guide Lu Yin in field training.


Thank you brothers for your support. I will continue to add more updates at 3pm. Sui Feng will work hard to hit the mark! !

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