Star Odyssey

Chapter 1,420: Dry Rong Realm

The four Shaozu stars rested steadily on the branch, and this branch, in their view, was a huge landmass. Its horizontal area at least exceeded the total area of ​​the four Shaozu stars, and was estimated to be larger than the Zhenyu star. Big, this is just a branch.

The moment he left the Young Ancestor Star, Lu Yin looked at the other three Young Ancestor Stars and felt that there were also people rushing out, but the branches were split, and the people on the other three Young Ancestor Stars may not be walking in the same direction as them.

Landing on the ground, his feet stepped on the crown branches of the mother tree. Lu Yin tried hard but could not damage it at all, it was so hard.

"This is the Dominion Realm's Kurong Domain. The goal of our trip is the Kurong Domain. This domain has never been specifically explored. Only the strong people in the Ancestral Realm have roughly felt that in this domain, there is a crisis above the Star Envoy. All Be careful, don't hold everyone back," Long Tian said, glancing at Lu Yin.

Lu Yin directly took out the circle, which was equivalent to telling Long Tian that he did not need his protection.

Long Tian just glanced at him and continued towards the Dominion Realm.

"This place has never been explored? Isn't it said that there is a inheritance from the strong people in the ancestral realm? No master from Sifang Tianping has ever looked for it?" Lu Yin asked Long Xi in a low voice.

Long Xi said indifferently, "It is precisely because of the inheritance of the ancestral realm that we cannot explore it at will. Only the strong ones above the half-ancestor can enter the domination realm."

"I don't want to explore the inheritance even though I have it," Lu Yin said strangely.

Long Xi frowned, "There have been rules since ancient times and no one can break them. Just take care of yourself. You don't need to worry about other things."

Half an hour later, the surrounding environment had changed drastically. Lu Yin turned around and saw that the starry sky was blocked by the leaves of the mother tree. They had truly entered the canopy of the mother tree, which was the realm of dominance.

Several forked branches appeared in front of him. Long Tian lifted the Yuntong Stone, and something like a map appeared. He looked at it, and then continued to move forward.

Lu Yin was surprised. There was a map, but it was normal after thinking about it. How could Sifang Tianping be so honest and not explore anything? He must have explored before and made a map for future generations. The White Dragon Clan has a map, and the other three parties must also have it. I don’t know the map. What is guiding should be the thing of origin.

There was a clicking sound, as if everyone stepped on something. Normally, no one would care about this kind of sound, but here, it made several people stop.

This is the Dominion Realm. These branches are extremely hard and difficult to break. How could they be crushed by trampling on them?

There were more and more breaking sounds. In front of a few people, the upper surface of the branches were all cracked. Suddenly, a cold wind passed by, and the silver-white light approached Long Tian at high speed. Long Tian's body turned slightly sideways, and the silver-white light brushed against the tree. Passing by, he paused in the air and was exposed to the eyes of several people.

It was a creature that resembled a mantis, the size of a palm, and the color of its body was exactly the same as the color of its branches, as if it were dry. It was waving a silver-white blade that was larger than its body, staring at Long Tian.

Long Tian avoided the blow, and the creature turned in the void, swinging its blade to slash towards Wen Yiyi who was closest to him.

Wen Yiyi raised his hand, and strange symbols appeared on his fingertips. He pointed at the mantis creature and knocked it away.

The strength of this creature was only comparable to that of the Cruising Realm. Wen Yiyi's strength was enough to crush it. However, the creature not only was not crushed, but instead seemed to have been given a new life. Its body swelled and became larger.

Everyone was surprised, this scene was quite strange.

The dry body of the mantis creature recovered quickly, and grew bigger and bigger, eventually growing to be as long as a human arm, four or five times larger than before. The blade was nearly one meter, and it slashed towards Wen Di again at a faster speed. one.

"Don't kill it" Long Tian shouted.

The first one in the text spreads his five fingers, "Writing Prison".

After the words fell, the mantis creature was trapped by chains formed by words, unable to move.

Behind a few people, Lu Yin was stunned. Literary prison? Is there also a literal prison here? And judging from the posture, it looks like the Wen family, what the hell is this? He suddenly remembered that the Phoenix Family of the Zijin Family was the same as the Phoenix Family of the Fifth Continent, but definitely more powerful. From this point of view, many cultivation systems of the Fifth Continent originated from this starry sky.

So, does this mean that Yixian Academy, where Wen No. 1 is located, will possess a number of ancient texts that exceed those studied by Wen Jia?

The mantis-like creature was trapped in the prison of words and could not move. Only its eyes moved, full of ferocity and cruelty.

Long Tian raised his hand, and the star on his fingertips hit the surface of the mantis hard, making the mantis grow bigger again.

Everyone became more and more strange.

"Can it absorb star energy?" Long Xi guessed.

Long Tian's eyes flickered, and with a wave of his hand, the pure power stirred the void and hit the mantis. The mantis became bigger and more fierce.

"Not only star power, this thing seems to be able to absorb any power to strengthen itself," Long Xi said in shock.

Long Tian withdrew his gaze and frowned, "Only the Hanxian Sect may understand the Kurong Domain."

Wen Shiyi shook the folding fan and said, "I have heard from my elders that the ancient Ku Ancestor holds the secret of human body decay and immortality. This place is the Ku Rong Domain, where the Ku Ancestor is. These creatures may have the magic of the Ku Ancestor." strength".

Lu Yin's eyes flashed, Kuzu, Kujia, and Kuzimi were contacted again. Suddenly, he turned his head and looked into the distance, "Something is coming."

Long Tian glanced at Liu Tianmu and said, "Solved."

Liu Tianmu's sword edge flashed past, and the head of the mantis-like creature fell off and was decapitated by the sword.

Even if these creatures can absorb power, there is a limit to the strength they can withstand.

Liu Tianmu killed the mantis with one sword and ranked first in the ranking. Long Xi's eyes lit up, what a beautiful sword.

From a distance, a large group of mantis-like creatures rushed towards them. They were only as big as a palm and all were withered. They attacked everyone at extremely fast speeds.

Liu Tianmu stepped out step by step, slashing horizontally with his long sword, the tenth sword of the thirteen swords - cutting the star.

With one strike of the sword, all the mantis-like creatures were cut off, and the Star-cutting blow exceeded their upper limit.

Wen Yiyi praised, "Well, with such swordsmanship, not many of your peers can fight with you."

Long Tian was satisfied, "As expected of the Liu family."

Liu Tianmu remained calm.

Long Xi glanced at Liu Tianmu warily and whispered to Lu Yin, "Stay away from her."

Lu Yin pursed his lips. Did Zhan Xing really surprise them? It's impossible. Wu Taibai and Wang Yi were able to take on the Thirteenth Sword. Long Xi and Wen Yi must also have this kind of strength. These guys can pretend.

There is far more than one kind of creature in the Withered Realm. As everyone goes deeper into the Withered Realm, they encounter more and more strange creatures. Most of them are as strong as a mantis, which Liu Tianmu can easily deal with. Among them, there are also creatures that can withstand the Star-cutting Sword Technique, but they still can't escape being attacked. The fate of destruction.

Until everyone encountered a group of dry bat-like creatures. Those creatures looked like bats, but they had two heads and a second head on the tip of their tails. They were extremely ferocious and terrifying, and it was chilling to look at them.

"Let's go" Long Tian shouted sharply.

From a distance, a swarm of dry bats flew in. There were endless numbers of these bats, and each one was no worse than a mantis. Such a large number made one's scalp numb, and even Long Tian didn't want to fight head-on.

As we go deeper into the Dominion Realm, more and more accumulations appear on the branches. These accumulations should be the dry dead skin of the parent branches for countless years. Since they are in the canopy without wind and rain, they gradually accumulate. It rises up to form the ground surface, which is not as hard as branches.

Some even piled up into hills.

In order to avoid the swarm of bats, Lu Yin and his group rushed into the underground piles and ran into a huge vertical eye.

Everyone was stunned, their eyes narrowed sharply, and the terrifying aura was released. Everyone was horrified, and they didn't realize that there was such a terrifying creature underground. This was a withered giant python. Its aura definitely surpassed the Enlightenment Realm, and it was a star-level creature.

At this moment, Long Tian's expression changed and he hurriedly wanted to withdraw while taking out the exotic treasure.

The strange thing is that the withered giant python retreated faster. Long Tian and the others were frightened by it, and it was also frightened by Long Tian and the others. It ran away very fast and was gone in the blink of an eye.

Everyone was confused.

"It should be the aura of Zu Mang. Princess Long Xi has recently paid homage to Zu Mang," Wen first said.

Only then did everyone remember that Long Xi and Lu Yin had recently paid homage to Zu Mang and carried Zu Mang's aura on their bodies. How could the withered giant python dare to approach Zu Mang's aura? No wonder they were so frightened that they ran away.

Lu Yin silently closed the circle and looked outside calmly.

Those bat swarms hovered outside, not deep.

Long Tian said, "These bats are afraid of the giant python and don't dare to come in. The giant python escapes because of the ancestral aura. This place is enough for us to rest."

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief. The Dominion Realm was very dangerous. As soon as they arrived, they encountered the giant python of the Star Envoy level. If it weren't for good luck, everyone might not be able to escape unscathed.

For two days in a row, the outside bat swarms did not leave and were still hovering.

Lu Yin guessed, "This is not their old nest. They have been around here all year round and never leave."

"Crow's Mouth" Long Xi shouted.

Wen Yiyi was helpless, "Brother Long Qi said what I thought. It seems that if you want to leave, you must repel these bat groups."

Long Tian suddenly said, "Long Qi, use the field to explore the underground."

Wen Yiyi's eyes lit up, "Yes, that giant python will never dare to stay when it encounters Zu Mang's aura. It is gone long ago. It can travel underground, and so can we, as long as we don't encounter powerful creatures."

Long Xi looked at Lu Yin.

Lu Yin nodded, "Okay", and with that, the field was released and spread out layer by layer.

Under Guo Shan's guidance, he became much more proficient in the use of fields, spreading along the ground to distant places like mercury pouring down the ground.

Feeling Lu Yin's field, Wen Yiyi praised, "Brother Long Qi is really secretive. His use of the field has almost reached the realm of spirit transformation. Once he reaches the realm of Sky God, he will be famous among the trees." starry sky".

Lu Yin looked at Wen No. 1 strangely. Everyone praised this guy, "There is still a long way to go to the realm of transformed spirits. I don't dare to think about the realm of empty gods."

Wen Yiyi smiled and said, "There is a senior in our Yixian Academy who has cultivated the field to the realm of the Sky God. If Brother Long Qi is willing, he can come to our Yixian Academy to study."

Both Long Tian and Long Xi looked at Wen Yiyi in surprise, not expecting that he would take the initiative to invite Lu Yin.

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