Star Odyssey

Chapter 1499: Patrolling Flower Houses

"How do you know where the queen ant is?" Chen Hai asked.

The man gasped, "My name is Hua Beibei, and I am from the Hua family back then."

Everyone was confused, obviously they had never heard of the Hua family.

Only Shen Hai and Cheng Ji, the older generation strong men, seemed to have heard, "Xunshou Huajia?"

Hua Beibei nodded, "Yes."

Lu Yin was confused, "Have you heard of it?"

Shen Hai said, "The Xunshou Hua Family is a family that specializes in hunting exotic beasts. They are also good at controlling exotic beasts. They have risen from the lower world and are the best at observing the creatures in the lower world. However, for some unknown reason, the Hua Family declined rapidly decades ago. , it is said that the entire family joined the Hanxian Sect."

"Are you from Hanxian Sect?" Cheng Ji asked, staring at Hua Beibei.

Hua Beibei nodded, "Yes, I am from the Hanxian Sect and the Hua family. Since you know the Hua family, you should trust me."

Chen Hai nodded to Lu Yin.

Lu Yin looked at Hua Beibei, "Where is the queen ant?".

Hua Beibei pointed in the direction he came from, to be precise, the direction where he was hiding, "over there".

Cheng Ji raised his eyebrows, "Are you hiding with the ant queen?".

Hua Beibei pursed her lips and said, "There is a distance from the queen ant."

"Why didn't you tell us earlier, or we would have to turn back?" Cheng Ji said angrily.

Hua Beibei felt aggrieved, "You said people would die if there were too many people. I thought you didn't want to deal with the queen ant, so I didn't say anything, and no one asked."

Many people had itchy teeth and wanted to beat him.

Even Lu Yin thought this was strange.

"Let's go find the queen ant, Hua Beibei, you follow me, I will protect you," Cheng Ji said.

Hua Beibei shook his head, glanced at Cheng Ji with slight fear, then ran to Lu Yin's side and said to Lu Yin, "Brother, please protect me."

Cheng Ji wondered, "Do you know each other?".

Lu Yin shook his head and looked at Hua Beibei, "Why are you looking for me?".

Hua Beibei licked her lips, "We in the Hua family can find the beast king at a glance, so we are the Xunshou family, and eldest brother, you are the beast king among this group of people."

Chen Hai was amazed and looked at Hua Beibei with a much more convinced look.

Cheng Ji was surprised and glanced at Lu Yin, then at Shen Hai. When he saw Shen Hai's expression, his heart moved. This person might be the one who was hiding the most. His feeling along the way was correct. Everyone in Shen Hai's team was Respect him.

"Let's go, the ants are shrinking the encirclement, and the number is getting larger and larger. The queen must be eradicated as soon as possible," Lu Yin said without wanting to say more.

When he spoke, Shen Hai and others naturally obeyed, and Cheng Ji and others did not object. The group rushed forward in the retreating direction, following Hua Beibei's guidance, getting closer and closer to the encirclement of the ants.

Gradually, they took action, and there were many ants around, and they needed to start cleaning them up.

Cheng Ji asked Shen Hai, "When will reinforcements from the General Headquarters arrive?".

Chen Hai shook his head, "It's not that fast, and even if reinforcements arrive, they have to clear out the ants outside first. We can only rely on ourselves."

"What's the origin of that Ah Qi?" Cheng Ji asked.

Shen Hai said, "I don't know either."

Cheng Ji stopped asking, raised his hand, and swung the cicada-wing knife to kill the ants.

"Mom!" Hua Beibei screamed, and a ball of ants came out from the sole of his feet. Lu Yin raised his hand to suppress it, and smashed the ball of ants into pieces with his bare hands.

movie, "Don't be surprised."

Hua Beibei felt aggrieved, "harmed, scared".

Lu Yin was surprised, how could such a person join the Hanxian Sect.

"Did your previous team encounter an ant queen?" Lu Yin asked.

Hua Beibei said, "No encounter, they don't have the ability to encounter the queen ant."

Lu Yin narrowed his eyes and scanned the front. As the field spread, he noticed more and more ants appeared. The ants also noticed the field and began to devour them. This feeling made Lu Yin very uncomfortable.

He raised his palm and slapped it continuously, blanking the front. Cheng Ji and other people who were not familiar with him were stunned for a moment. That kind of fierce palm power was too rare to appear in an enlightened person. .

"Oh my god, it's scary." Hua Beibei exclaimed again, startling Lu Yin. He also saw that in the distance, countless ants began to combine, forming a group of terrifying ants similar to the ones he saw crossing the border in the lower world. Sphere, that kind of power is dangerous even for Star Envoys, and the others look pale.

"Hurry, join forces and break them up," Shen Hai shouted, and he and Cheng Ji attacked at the same time, but their attacks were dodged by the Terror Ant, as if they were conscious.

Lu Yin's eyes moved and he said, "The Queen Ant is not far from here." He jumped out, his figure flashing, appearing in front of the group of terrifying ants at high speed, and then walked in under the astonished eyes of everyone.

Hua Beibei's pupils shrank, what does it mean? wanna die?

Lu Yin rushed into the group of ants, and the hissing sounds came from all directions, making people's hair stand on end. He could clearly see the sharp jaws of each ant biting him. Even though he knew that these ants could not hurt him, this kind of bite was still going on. It feels really uncomfortable to eat. As I thought about it, golden fighting energy appeared in my palms and shot out in all directions.

The ant-phobic ball was directly shot away, and most of the ant-phobic ants were crushed into powder by Kong Kong's palm.

Even if the queen ant could command the ants to avoid the attack, it was useless. Lu Yin rushed in directly, and it was impossible for the ants to avoid his attack. A huge sphere was just disintegrated.

"Keep walking." Lu Yin looked at Hua Beibei.

Hua Beibei was excited, "Master, master, you are really the king of beasts."

Lu Yin is unhappy, you are the king of beasts, and your whole family is the king of beasts.

The closer they got to the queen, the more the ants became, but they still couldn't stop Lu Yin. Using him as an arrow, the group of people rushed in the direction of the queen. Even if there were more ants around, they couldn't retreat.

Gradually, deaths appeared among the group of people, and countless ants were biting around them. Even Lu Yin couldn't care about everyone. A piece of flesh was bitten off Shen Hai's arm, let alone the others.

"Expert, the ant queen is under the inconspicuous pile of bark directly in front of you, be careful," Hua Beibei ordered, with a nervous expression. They had no way to turn back. There were ants in all directions. They had to kill the queen to order. The ants disperse, or they are swallowed by the ants. There are only two ways.

Lu Yin's field extended under the piled bark and he observed the queen ant. The queen was dozens of times larger than the common ants and larger than a human. Her pair of tentacles were uneasily detecting something. When the field swept across the field, the queen was... The tentacles suddenly lifted up, making a strange sound. Countless ants gathered around her, apparently seeking protection.

Lu Yin's golden fighting spirit was released unabashedly, he bent his arms, spread his fingers, exerted 350 heavy force, golden fighting spirit, and empty palms.

With a bang, the void was twisted and cracked. Shen Hai and others were shocked, and they actually released a palm force that exceeded the power of the Star Envoy.


The empty palm was not something that the Ant Terror and the Queen Ant could withstand. However, this palm failed because the force of the palm hit a cicada-wing knife. That knife belonged to Cheng Ji.

This scene was unexpected to Lu Yin, and not surprising to say the least.

Cheng Ji is the star-level Anzi who kills people and hides the Terror Ants.

With a scream, the team following Cheng Ji suddenly took action against the people around him. Shen Hai was extremely angry and said, "You are all undercover."

In the distance, Cheng Ji stood in front of the ant queen. The surrounding ants turned a blind eye to his presence. He looked at Lu Yin and said, "You are so powerful at such a young age. I didn't expect that a genius like you would appear. It's a pity that you can't grow up."

Lu Yin and Cheng Ji looked at each other, "How did you hide your Star Envoy level from the headquarters?"

Cheng Ji sneered, "Aren't you surprised about the time difference?".

"Is there any surprise? Anyone in your team who disobeys will be killed by you. The rest are secret agents. It's normal to cooperate and lie." Lu Yin said matter-of-factly.

Cheng Ji nodded and held the Cicada Wing Knife tightly, "Yes, what they did is right. I can also give you a chance to kill Shen Hai and those people and act as my accomplices. I can let you live and survive." Better than before, how about that?”.

Lu Yin raised his eyebrows, "I'm curious now how you managed to hide this from the General Headquarters."

Cheng Ji laughed, "It's very simple. You just need to completely drain the star source in your body, absorb some star energy and then use it with strange objects. Star envoys need star sources to practice. Generally speaking, it is impossible for star envoys to give up star sources because they want to It's difficult to add more, but I don't care. I just give up. The mission is more important. Who would have thought that a practitioner who uses star energy can be a star envoy? After arriving at the trunk of the mother tree, I absorbed the star source again. Although my strength The recovery is very slow, but it is enough to deal with you."

Lu Yin understood that there were thousands of cultivators under the Star Envoy. This person used strange objects to hide his true cultivation level, and the power he used was star energy. No one would check whether he had any strange objects on his body, and it was impossible for him. To attract others' attention, there are so many people supporting the battlefield at the back during this period. It is not difficult for such people to get past them.

The humble family has sent many masters to the battlefield behind just to deal with this kind of people.

"Say it again, kill Chen Hai and the others, and I will make you an Anzi," Cheng Jidao said, looking past Lu Yin to Chen Hai and the others.

At this moment, Chen Hai and others were fighting against the Terror Ants and the group of Anzi who followed Cheng Ji. They all heard Cheng Ji's words and were anxiously waiting for Lu Yin's answer.

Lu Yin sighed, "One of my shortcomings is my stubbornness. If I wanted to become an Anzi, I would have done it long ago. There is no need to wait until today. And I can guarantee that if I became an Anzi, my level would be higher than yours." He seemed to be joking. He said something and silently moved his palms, which were empty.

There was a bang, before Cheng Ji could react, Kongkong slapped his cicada-wing knife again. The cicada-wing knife couldn't hold on and was broken. The force of the palm penetrated into the body along with the fragments of the knife, knocking him away. Hit the queen ant hard.

The queen ant twisted her huge body uneasily.

There was blood at the corner of Cheng Ji's mouth, and he looked at Lu Yin in shock, "You are looking for death," he said, stepping out into the Star Source Universe.

The advantage that the Star Envoy has against the Enlightenment Realm is not only the suppression of the Star Source, but also the insurmountable attack methods that step into the Star Source Universe. Ordinary people cannot stop the Star Envoy's attack from the Star Source Universe, and they can't even look at it. No, but Lu Yin is different.

The moment Cheng Ji stepped into the Star Source Universe, he also raised his feet and stepped out. The surrounding environment was distorted and he stepped into the Star Source Universe at the same time.

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