Star Odyssey

Chapter 1510: Ancient Ancestor Inheritance

The upper body of the Corpse King retreated, but the speed was still so fast, which made Lu Yin's attack ineffective. However, it was only the upper body. His thighs were disabled, so his speed was naturally affected. Lu Yin's body was full of stars, and his muscles were tense, increasing his speed to the extreme, and using the field Predict the attack and start attacking and defending with the Corpse King in a small space of one meter.

Underground, everyone only saw two people flickering on the spot. Lu Yin's arms often disappeared and entered the Star Source Universe, while the upper body of the Corpse King also often disappeared and entered the Star Source Universe. This scene looked extremely strange, but it was also kind of strange. Strange harmony.

Even if the Corpse King had difficulty moving, it would not be easy for Lu Yin to kill him. In desperation, Lu Yin began to attack the Corpse King's lower body. He didn't believe it. Can he still escape if the Corpse King's legs were completely destroyed?

In the distance, Qingzhuhou frowned, where did Long Qi find so many rare treasures? There are not many things that can entangle this corpse king. Even the fourth young ancestor may not be able to get so many rare treasures!

At the same time, he felt a little distressed. The Speedy Corpse King would be destroyed sooner or later. He was debating whether to send another Corpse King.

"There are more and more foreign objects, quack," the voice of Wu Lingshen appeared.

Qingzhuhou said in a deep voice, "I have suffered a lot in order to make this person meritorious. They are all masters. It is not easy to be born."

"Don't worry, it's all worth it. When the day comes, your achievements will be recorded. It's your greatest honor to be able to participate in this matter. You will see the most wonderful scene in this universe. I promise you, Gaga" Wu The spirit laughed strangely.

Qingzhuhou sighed, "I hope so."

The Witch Spirit God Doll was suspended in the void, looking into the distance, "Come on, it's time to meet."

In the distance, Lu Yin spent most of the day and finally killed the Speedy Corpse King.

Seeing the Speed ​​Corpse King's neck being cut off, he was completely breathless. He collapsed on the ground. He was so tired. He was so tired. He had been attacking and defending at the highest speed for a long time. No one could bear it, let alone half a day. Most people can't stand it for half an hour.

When he relaxed, his whole body ached, and his muscles felt like they were about to dissolve.

Che Zhan looked at Lu Yin with admiration and said, "Brother, it's time to rest this time."

Lu Yin raised his head and looked at the shadow of the formation base, "Actually, I just want to die. It feels uncomfortable to wait for death."

Che Zhan laughed, "Who wouldn't, haha".

Brother Hong's voice came from the ground, "Three consecutive corpse kings of the star envoy level are spreading, and Long Qi's name will be heard throughout the starry sky of the tree. It's a pity that he died in this new continent, it's not worth it."

"It's not worth it," Dongshan's mother lamented.

Mr. Guo said, "I will write a book to commemorate your contribution to Long Qi. Maybe someone will discover the New World when it is recovered in the future."

Che Zhan was speechless, "Mr. Guo can still joke, it's rare."

Mr. Guo looked serious and said, "I'm not joking."

Che Zhan twitched the corner of his mouth.

Taking pleasure in suffering means right now. Waiting for death in despair can drive people crazy, and this moment is also the time when human nature is most completely revealed.

Lu Yin glanced at the people underground. These people were all comrades in arms. No matter what the purpose was, he wanted to take these people away as much as possible.

The death of the Speedy Corpse King sounded the alarm for countless Corpse Kings. They did not send out the Corpse King immediately. This situation continued until the next day, and there was still no Corpse King to fight.

Some people in the underground were unhappy, "Why haven't the war started yet? I want to die soon."

"Yeah, it's too boring."

"It's such a joy to die, those who die first are so lucky."

"Don't worry, you will die sooner or later, haha."

Lu Yin leaned against the wall and looked up at the phantom of the formation base. He listened to the people inside joking with each other and saying sarcastic words that made him want to die. He was thinking about many things in his mind. This starry sky, the fifth continent, the sixth continent, and even the annihilated The first four continents, the Lu family, the Eternals, etc., have a magnificent starry sky. Is there a more terrifying civilization besides the Eternals?

How were the Eternals born? How was the first zombie born? It definitely can’t be human...

Just thinking about it, the more I thought about it, the more tired I became, and everything I saw above my head turned black, huh? black? Lu Yin stood up suddenly and looked around in shock. Not far away, Chao Zhan was still wiping his blade vigilantly. Underground, Zhou Tang was resting against the wall. The others were talking about something, but these people were all black.

Under the soles of his feet, his own shadow was distorting. Then, a doll levitated from the void and appeared in front of Lu Yin. His eerie eyes looked at Lu Yin, full of teasing and ridicule.

Lu Yin's whole body was filled with horror. Witch Spirit God?

He subconsciously wanted to take out the jade given by Mr. Mu, but found that he could not move. Ahead, Che Zhan's body had grown bigger? No, it was because my vision was transferred to my hands, and the smell of blood became stronger, because my sense of smell was transferred to my legs, and my five senses were confused. It was really the Witch Spirit God.

Lu Yin stared blankly above his head, looking at the Witch Spirit God, indescribable despair spreading.

The moment Qingchen mentioned Wu Lingshen, he had a ridiculous feeling. How could there be Wu Lingshen in this starry sky? Now, he actually saw them face to face, less than one meter apart.

"Quack, little guy, we meet again," Wu Lingshen said and let out a weird laugh.

Lu Yin's heart sank. It was him, the Witch Spirit God of the Fifth Continent. He had originally held out hope that the Witch Spirit God of Fang Xingkong was not the Witch Spirit God of the Fifth Continent. Even if the talent was the same, even if the title was the same, he still hoped that it was not the Witch Spirit God of the Fifth Continent. , but, the hope was dashed, he was really the Witch Spirit God from the Fifth Continent, the one who took the Ghost Lord as his pet.

"It's been a long time since we met, don't you want to say something? I didn't stop you from talking. They can't hear you, and they can't see it." The wizard smiled and teased.

Lu Yin's eyes narrowed and his voice became hoarse, "Why are you here in Fangxingkong?".

Wu Lingshen laughed, "I should ask you this question, why are you here in the starry sky?".

Lu Yin clenched his fist, but when he clenched his fist, he couldn't see it, "You Seven Gods can freely travel between the Starry Sky and the Fifth Continent?"

"Of course, I, the Eternal Race, are omnipotent," Wu Lingshen said.

Lu Yin's thoughts were confused. The appearance of Wu Lingshen made him unable to accept it for a while. What was even more uneasy was that he couldn't get the jade and couldn't contact Mr. Mu, which put him in a desperate situation. He was unable to break this desperate situation.

"Little guy, to be honest, I have survived for countless years and have seen many people with extraordinary talents, but you are the most unique. You can actually use the death energy of the Death Clan to cultivate into the Death God inheritance. If you can really cultivate to the level of the ancestors, In this realm, except for the True God, there may not be anyone in this universe who is your opponent, so I will nip you in the bud." The Witch Spirit God Doll approached Lu Yin, only ten centimeters apart from each other.

For Lu Yin, ten centimeters is very small, but for the Witch Spirit God Doll, it is equivalent to half a body's distance. It raised its finger and pointed at Lu Yin's forehead.

Lu Yin's pupils shrank sharply, staring at the finger, and began to recite the full text of Shibi, but this time, the full text of Shibi was ineffective. He still couldn't move. He watched the finger approaching, and then stopped at a distance of less than a millimeter. "Quack, quack, little guy, are you scared?".

Lu Yin narrowed his eyes, "Old monster, what do you want?".

"Gaga, doesn't death feel bad?" Wu Lingshen asked.

Lu Yin was silent, staring at the Witch Spirit God doll.

"Wanting to die is too easy. I have died a hundred times, but living is the most difficult. However, you humans all want to live, what about you? Do you want to live, or do you want to die?" Wu Lingshen asked, his voice was leisurely and sinister. Qi.

Lu Yin sneered, "Nonsense, of course I want to live." In this situation, begging for mercy, fear, and fear are useless.

The Witch Spirit God Doll stepped back, "Want to live? That's easy. Join my Eternal Clan. Not only can you get an immortal body, but you can also cultivate into the Death God's inheritance. In the future, it will be too easy to surpass our Seven Gods and dominate the universe. , this is a bright road.”

Lu Yin smiled, "The road to light? How dare you talk about light with your appearance? It's really interesting. You have no idea what you look like? Only an idiot will believe you when you talk about light."

Wu Lingshen was not angry, "Little guy, I can't save you by talking too much, but it will make you suffer a lot."

This is what Lu Yin wants. He is not afraid of being tortured. He is not afraid of being tortured. If there is still a chance, he is afraid of being destroyed directly. "You tortured me a lot at the beginning and asked me to cultivate the power of death. Now you torture me a lot. You Will it allow me to cultivate the power of the Martial Ancestor? I have received the inheritance of the Martial Ancestor Sword Monument."

Wu Lingshen was surprised, "Yes, I forgot. You have even been exposed to the inheritance of the Martial Ancestors. It's really amazing. You actually accepted the inheritance of three ancient ancestors. Gaga, why don't I take you back now and practice the corpse king transformation?" , this is the inheritance of the True God, in this way, you will have the inheritance of four ancient ancestors."

Lu Yin raised his eyebrows, inheritance from ancient ancestors? Four? Where did it come from?

The God of Death is a god. No one is sure whether the existence of the Martial Ancestor is true or false. However, the Wuling myth clearly admits its existence. This means that there is indeed a Martial Ancestor and a True God. He should be the top corpse king of their Eternal Clan and also Ancestor? Even so, are they just three ancient ancestors? Who is the other one?

By the way, Fate-playing Quicksand, Xiao Shi mentioned at the beginning that Fate-playing Quicksand was created by the God of Destiny. If the God of Destiny really existed, he must have been an ancient ancestor! But many people have it, so is it considered an inheritance? Of course, I may have more.

"Quack, little guy, are you scared?" Wu Lingshen taunted.

Lu Yin looked at him and said, "Which of your eyes saw me and was afraid? You must be blind."

The wizard smiled strangely, "You are really unforgiving. You humans are facing a desperate situation, and some people are trying their best to survive. But you, saying you are afraid, you are indeed afraid, but your attitude is the opposite, which is interesting."

Lu Yin frowned, "You talk too much nonsense, what do you want to do?".

The Wulingshen doll circled Lu Yin and said, "Heir of the Lu family, Zizzi."

Lu Yin's fingers trembled, and the most troublesome thing appeared. Wu Lingshen knew his name, "What is a descendant of the Lu family? Does the surname Lu mean a descendant of the Lu family?".

"Gaga, you want to hide it? With your cultivation talent, who would believe that you are not a descendant of the Lu family?" The wizard smiled strangely.


Thank you brothers for your support, I will continue to update this afternoon! ! During the National Day holiday, the most important thing is for brothers to be happy! ! !

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