Star Odyssey

Chapter 1,670 Equivalent Exchange

The chief referee said calmly, "It can't be opened unless the Half-Ancestor takes action to destroy the bronze door and eventually destroy everything inside."

Lu Yin was anxious and pushed harder, but it was useless. He couldn't help but punch him. His fist hurt and was useless. "I wish I had known to give Bai Shaohong some blood," he couldn't help but said.

Suddenly, an idea flashed in his mind, and he remembered something, and took out a token from the Ningkong Ring, Bai Shaohong's token.

Will this thing be useful?

When he was trapped in Longshan in the Starry Sky of Trees, he escaped by relying on Longtian's token to penetrate the original treasure formation. The Young Ancestor's token can pass through even the original treasure formation that protects the sect family in Sifang Tianping. So, this is possible!

Thinking about it, he pressed the token on the bronze door.

Lu Yin looked forward to it anxiously.

The next moment, the copper door glowed, his eyes were ecstatic, and then his body was sucked in and disappeared.

On the side, the chief referee, hidden in the darkness, stared blankly at the place where Lu Yin disappeared. Even with his temperament for so many years, he was a little stunned. Now, he went in? How did he do that? I can't figure out how this kid always has weird things and gets opportunities that ordinary people can't imagine.

What was behind the bronze door was not the kind of secret room that Lu Yin had imagined, filled with star energy crystal essences. Instead, it was a void with a few luminous objects floating in it, like stars.

He looked around and saw Bai Shui putting something unknown into the Ningkong Ring. He swayed and appeared in front of Bai Shui.

Baishui was excitedly collecting the legacy of her ancestors. Lu Yin appeared in front of her. She was startled. Her face turned from white to red, and finally turned pale. She looked at Lu Yin in disbelief, "You, how did you get in?".

The chief referee couldn't figure it out, and she couldn't figure it out. This was the Hanxian Sect's secret treasure. Not to mention Lu Yin, even the descendants of the Bai family might not be able to get in. Only direct blood could, and it was absolutely impossible to enter this place with brute force. , even the chief referee can't do it, but, hell, how could this Lu Yin come in? quietly.

Lu Yin smiled, "That's how I walked in."

You are an idiot. Bai Shui stared at Lu Yin blankly, not knowing what to say for a moment.

Lu Yin's eyes fell on the Baishui Ningkong Ring, curious, "Miss Baishui, I wonder what good things you got?".

Bai Shui's face twitched and his eyes were bitter. He jumped into the Hanxian Pond and couldn't escape. He entered the secret place and still couldn't escape. This is fate. Could this person be his nemesis?

"It's nothing, just one or two rare treasures for self-defense. They are of little use to Alliance Leader Lu. They can't even reach the level of a star envoy." Her words were helpless and full of desolation.

Lu Yin nodded, feeling embarrassed to force this woman to take out everything from the Ningkong Ring. Moreover, this woman came less than a minute earlier than him, so what she could get was limited, especially since she thought it was impossible for her to come in. .

Thinking about this, Lu Yin looked around and saw dozens of scattered luminous objects floating around, including quite a lot of quicksand.

He was surprised that there were so many quicksands in Hanxian Sect.

Life-playing Quicksand is very rare, very rare. Looking at the Fifth Continent, not many people have it. He is not sure how many people in the Ten Jue have it, but he estimates that there will be no more than five people. Some people don't want to use Life-playing Quicksand. .

Why does Hanxian Sect collect?

"Miss Baishui, why don't we gather these things together and see what we can do?" Lu Yin asked, without waiting for Baishui's agreement, he waved his hand, and the star energy spread, pulling the dozens of floating luminous objects over.

Bai Shui looked helplessly, she had no choice.

Soon, dozens of luminous objects approached, and Lu Yin collected those quicksands without hesitation, a total of fourteen.

"Girl Bai Shui probably doesn't need to play with the quicksand, so I won't be polite," Lu Yin said with a smile.

Baishui was silent, what could she say?

"Hey, this rare treasure is pretty good. It should be used by trapped people. It is estimated to be quite powerful. Miss Baishui, with your strength, you won't have much use for it, so I will accept it, haha."

"Hey, this is also a rare treasure. It's not bad. Miss Baishui, who do you think this thing is suitable for? Me? I'm sorry. By the way, Miss Baishui, I have a good thing here. Your daughter Bai Xiaodie also wants to step on it. Now that she is on the path of cultivation, I will give this six-time body shaping technique to her."

Baishui took over the six Body Shaping Techniques, breathing quickly. The Body Shaping Technique is a unique cultivation method in the Fifth Continent and a shortcut. The six Body Shaping Techniques are extremely precious. "Give this to me?"

Lu Yin waved his hand, "Give it to Xiaodie. I like that child very much."

Baishui looked at Lu Yin complexly. Is it worth exchanging the rare treasures in the Hanxian Sect's secret collection for six Body Sculpting Arts? She couldn't explain clearly. The things that her ancestors could leave to future generations were definitely good. The exotic treasure she just saw was enough to deal with ordinary Star Envoys, and the rest were about the same. However, it was impossible to use the things in Lu Yin's hands. return.

Six body shaping exercises were really suitable for Xiaodie, "Thank you, Alliance Leader Lu."

Lu Yin was satisfied. How many people in the entire Fifth Continent could achieve six body shaping techniques? For Baishui, it was more effective than the foreign treasure. He tried his best not to let Baishui suffer a loss.

"What is this?" Lu Yin looked at the jade in his hand and asked.

Bai Shui was confused, "Can you show me?".

Lu Yindi gave it to her.

Baishui looked at it but hesitated to speak.

Lu Yin pursed his lips, knowing that she was worried, but he couldn't hide it, "What is it?".

Bai Shui said in a low tone, "Wind God combat skills."

Lu Yin's eyes lit up, "Hanxian Sect's Wind God combat skill?".

Bai Shui nodded and handed the jade to Lu Yin.

The Wind God combat skill is one of the inherited combat skills of the Hanxian Sect. It is comparable to the Four Jue Sanshou of the Wang family and is a very powerful combat skill. Lu Yin did not expect that the Hanxian Sect would leave the Wind God combat skill here.

For anyone, fighting with the God of Wind is full of temptation. Once any practitioner learns the fighting skills of the God of Wind, his strength will transform and he will become a top master. However, Lu Yin does not need it. He has many fighting skills, Jiuyang It is impossible to practice Fengshen combat skills without completing the cultivation of Hua Cauldron.

What's more, the Fengshen combat skills didn't tempt him much. Bai Shaohong didn't use the Fengshen combat skills to fight him because they were useless.

Lu Yin casually handed the jade to Baishui, "You should need it."

Baishui took it and was surprised, "You don't want it?"

Lu Yin said solemnly, "This is something left to you by your ancestors of the Bai family. I can't take it."

Bai Shui opened her mouth, but was speechless. She wanted to make a mockery, but looking at the jade in her hand, she was speechless.

what is this?

She couldn't understand Lu Yin anymore. The Cold Immortal Sect's Fengshen combat skills were very powerful, enough to make a force rise, but why not?

There were not many luminous things around. Lu Yin looked at the bottle in his hand, his expression serious. This time he was really serious. This was Star Source Liquid.

He did not expect that the ancestors of the Hanxian Sect were so generous and left the Star Source Liquid to the descendants of the Fifth Continent. It seems that the Hanxian Sect was

It had already absorbed the Star Source Liquid when we were on the Fifth Continent. In other words, the Mother Tree was also on the Fifth Continent and broke away from it together with the Lu Family and Sifang Tianping.

He didn't break through the Star Envoy, so he didn't know how much or how little this bottle of Star Source Liquid was, but he thought that the amount of Star Source Liquid destroyed under the mother tree was only a small amount, and here, there are three bottles, which should not be too small!

He put it away without saying a word, and picked up another luminous object. It was a palm-sized metal, and the material could not be seen.

"Miss Baishui, what is this?" Lu Yin asked.

Baishui was still immersed in the ecstasy of acquiring the Wind God's combat skills. Hearing Lu Yin's question, he looked at it and was shocked, "This is the Taichu Yaoshi."

"Taichu Yaoshi?" Lu Yin was puzzled. It sounded very high-class.

Bai Shui said, "The Taichu Shining Stone is a very ancient and rare metal that is very suitable for making weapons. It is left by the ancestors to future generations to make weapons suitable for themselves."

"How do you know me?"

"The records of our ancestors specifically mentioned that a piece of Taichu Shining Stone was left behind."

Lu Yin held the metal tightly in his hand. Is it the Taichu Shining Stone? Weapons can be made. He looked at the cracked micro-armor on his body and wondered if he could join here to repair the micro-armor.

After putting away the Taichu Shining Stone, there were only two things left. One was something similar to tree bark, and the other, Lu Yin was surprised, was actually the Formation of Opening the Sky?

He hurriedly picked it up and was excited. It was indeed the Opening Heaven Formation. It was exactly the same as the one obtained from Bai Shaohong. It was also found here, and he didn't know how powerful it was.

He looked at Baishui with admiration, "Hanxian Sect is really good to you descendants."

He sighed from the bottom of his heart. If all these things were obtained by Bai Shui alone, it would be enough for her to rise. Her cultivation speed would be faster than that of the Ten Jue. Even if she breaks through the Star Envoy, it would be enough to quickly improve with the Star Source Liquid.

The stuff here is of endless value.

Not to mention those rare treasures, especially the Opening Heaven Formation, which is a killing thing.

Baishui was silent. She knew the value of these things, but it was useless to think about them.

The other one was tree bark. Lu Yin put away the Opening Formation, picked up the bark, squeezed it hard, but couldn't tear it apart.

"What is this?" Lu Yin asked.

Bai Shui shook his head, "I don't know, the ancestors didn't record it."

Lu Yin was suspicious.

Bai Shui said hurriedly, "Alliance Leader Lu, I really don't know. There is no need to hide it. Alliance Leader Lu will take it away anyway."

Lu Yin was a little embarrassed after hearing this, coughed, thought for a while, and took out five natural materials and earthly treasures from the Ningkong Ring that were capable of avoiding crises and gave them to Baishui, and then took out some improved healing pills and some super flash reminders. bomb.

Baishui took it, puzzled.

"Don't underestimate these things, they can save lives and practice," Lu Yin said. These things can really save lives if he uses them well. Even Bai Shaohong and Long Tian suffered losses when using the super flash bomb.

Regardless of whether Baishui was satisfied or dissatisfied, she could only keep it, which was equivalent to an exchange of equal value.

"Take Xiaodie to the Yanlan Realm. If anything happens, report your name to me in the Eastern Xinjiang Alliance. I will help anyone I can," Lu Yin promised again.

Baishui bowed deeply and said, "Thank you, Alliance Leader Lu." In the cultivation world, the jungle is strong. If it were someone else, it would be good if he didn't kill her and seize the things in her Ningkong Ring. How could it be exchanged? She knew very well that after walking in the universe for so many years, what kind of darkness Seen them all.

In comparison, Lu Yin treated her quite well.

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