Star Odyssey

Chapter 1,704 Annihilation

With a bang, the glass shards fell and hit the ground with a soft sound. It was particularly clear in the dark night. A pair of frightened eyes looked down through the broken window. Countless black figures gathered, and these black figures were all zombies.

All the zombies poured into the building, making it look crumbling.

A young man jumped out of the broken window, crossed the entire street, and jumped to the roof of the building on the opposite side of the street. The distance was more than fifty meters. Obviously, the man was not an ordinary person.

As soon as he jumped to the roof of the building opposite, he saw a pair of scarlet eyes looking at him. The man's pupils shrank sharply and his face turned pale. He lost his grip and fell from the roof. Following closely behind him was a corpse king. With a ferocious roar, he jumped out and grabbed the man with his claws.

The man was frightened and hit the ground hard with a loud noise. The corpse king dropped his claws. The man subconsciously closed his eyes, already in despair.

After waiting for a while, there was no movement. He slowly opened his eyes, and what he saw was a pair of slender white thighs. Looking up, he saw a girl, wearing a dark red outfit, with a dagger on her waist. In her hand, Wearing a long sword, the most conspicuous thing is that a red moon is engraved on the hilt, which is the symbol of the Red Moon Dynasty.

The man was ecstatic, the people from the Red Moon Dynasty had arrived.


There was a roar, and in the distance, the Corpse King, who had just chased the man and jumped downstairs, roared unwillingly. When the man looked, he saw that the Corpse King's arms were twisted irregularly, and there was a scratch on his abdomen. It was obviously the girl from the Red Moon Dynasty who had taken action.

With a hiss, the sword edge dropped, tearing the ground apart in front of the man's eyes. The man was so frightened that he hurriedly backed away and looked at it in fear.

The Corpse King approached step by step. Countless zombies walked out of the building across the street. They noticed the man and the girl from the Red Moon Dynasty and ran over quickly.

"Hurry, run away," the man said in fear.

The girl didn't even look at him. She turned her sword and slashed horizontally. The next moment, countless running zombies were cut off from the waist, and blood spread on the ground. What was even more terrifying was that the building was split into two.

The man was shocked, is this the power of a cultivator?

The Corpse King was frightened and roared as if he wanted to take action. The sound of footsteps came from behind him, "Senior sister, you haven't finished it yet?".

The man looked back and saw figures coming from afar. Some were walking on the ground, and some were shuttled from high-rise buildings. Finally, they came behind him. There were seven people in total, all wearing fancy clothes and holding the sword of the Red Moon Dynasty.

The arrival of so many cultivators from the Red Moon Dynasty made the Corpse King fearful, so he turned around and ran away.

However, the cultivators from the Red Moon Dynasty did not pursue him and allowed the Corpse King to escape.

At this time, the girl turned around, and when the man saw her face, his eyes showed surprise.

The girl is very beautiful, with an exquisite face, especially the long sword in her hand, which adds to her heroic spirit.

He quickly stood up and was grateful, but the girl's eyes were full of disdain, "Is this kind of person really worth saving?"

The man stared blankly at the girl walking in front of her. The disdainful look made him lower his head, not daring to look directly at her.

"No matter whether it is valuable or not, it is already a very human being. There will always be a reward for taking it back, just like the woman a few days ago."

"Hmph, that woman must be the most beautiful person on this planet. How many times have you played with her?"

"Haha, school girl, don't talk nonsense."

"I don't know you?".

"Okay, let's go. Are you still finished?" Someone urged from a distance.

The man just listened to the conversation between several people, and then

He was taken away, but no one paid attention to him. Taking him was more like taking an animal and dragging him away. The man also saw the power of the Red Moon Dynasty. Those endless zombies and the terrifying Corpse King were simply unbearable. hit.

After following for a few days, in addition to men, many people were rescued by them. They were all extraordinary people. As for ordinary people, they ignored them and allowed ordinary people to be bitten by zombies. They even made fun of them and made bets on how long they could survive.

The same goes for that girl with an exquisite face. They don't regard ordinary people as human beings at all.

The strangest thing is that these people don't kill the corpse king, but let all the corpse kings they encounter go. This makes the man full of doubts, but he doesn't dare to ask.

In the past few days, he gradually understood the origins of these people and the position of the planet where he was born in the universe.

The planet he was born on is called Anqiu, which is located in the Basong Flow Realm. He doesn’t understand what the Flow Realm means. He only knows that the Red Moon Dynasty is the master of the entire Basong Flow Realm and will create things on the planet every once in a while. At the end of the day, extraordinary people are selected to join the Red Moon Dynasty to practice and become soldiers of the Red Moon Dynasty.

Their planet was chosen.

Knowing this, the man's eyes showed hatred. In order to select soldiers, the Red Moon Dynasty deliberately caused the apocalypse. They didn't care about the life and death of ordinary people on the planet. Especially that girl said, 'If they can get a practitioner with extraordinary talents, It's worth sacrificing a hundred such planets'.

This sentence would appear in the man's dream every day. The girl's delicate face was full of ferocity. He vowed that if he had the chance, he would destroy the Red Moon Dynasty and avenge his hometown, his parents and relatives, and his unborn child. revenge.

He hid his hatred deep in his heart.

On this day, the man followed the practitioners of the Red Moon Dynasty to the outside of a huge spaceship. "Finally we are here, board the spaceship. The moment you get on board, your destiny will change," someone said loudly.

Someone asked in a low voice, "What about our hometown?".

The practitioners of the Red Moon Dynasty sneered, "Hometown? This planet? It will be destroyed immediately and will never exist."

The man and all the rescued people were stunned, silently, and quietly boarded the spacecraft. Not long after, the spacecraft headed towards the stars.

The men were placed like animals in a dormitory with twenty people to a room. Fortunately, there was a small window through which one could see the stars.

This is the starry sky of the universe. His hometown is developing technology and trying every means to find aliens. However, what he finds is the end of the world. His hands gradually tighten.

Not long after, another person was arranged to come in. She was a woman in ragged clothes, huddled in a corner and shivering, with her head lowered. It was difficult to see her face clearly. Only her eyes were full of fear and hatred.

The man looked over and saw that the spacecraft was shaking and the woman's hair was tilted. He saw her appearance and his pupils shrank sharply. Who was she? Yunfei? Known as the most beautiful woman in Anqiu Star? How did it become like this?

Reminiscent of what those Red Moon Dynasty cultivators said on the day he was rescued, the man's teeth almost shattered, those beasts.

For them, the people of the Red Moon Dynasty are like heaven, and they are really like animals.

A few days later, the spacecraft landed, and the man was driven away. He saw a huge planet, entrenched in the starry sky like a monster, surrounded by space stations. He saw the majestic red moon above his head, and the luxurious imperial palace in the distance. This is the Red Moon Dynasty.

The cultivators of the Red Moon Dynasty flew across the sky one by one, like gods.

People around men

They kneeled down subconsciously, and then one by one, until only the man, Yun Fei, and a person who always lowered his head were left.

In the sky, those cultivators of the Red Moon Dynasty who were flying across the sky glared at the man, "Get down on your knees," the man's legs shook. Fear defeated his courage. Just as he was about to kneel down, a chuckle came from his side, "Red Moon Dynasty, Today, disappear." Then, the head of the cultivator who ordered them to kneel fell.

The man stared blankly, watching scarlet blood spilling, and then the siren sounded throughout the Red Moon Dynasty.

The man didn't know what was going on. He turned around blankly and saw white smoke wrapped around the body of the man who was also not kneeling. He said, "Lu Xuanjun of the Eastern Xinjiang Alliance is ordered to eradicate the Red Moon Dynasty."

Immediately afterwards, there was chaos in all directions, "Lu Xuanjun of the Eastern Xinjiang Alliance was ordered to eradicate the Red Moon Dynasty."

"The Lu Xuan Army of the Eastern Xinjiang Alliance was ordered to eradicate the Red Moon Dynasty."

"The Lu Xuan Army of the Eastern Xinjiang Alliance was ordered to eradicate the Red Moon Dynasty."


The spacecraft carrying the man and others from Anqiu to the Red Moon Dynasty exploded violently, and then the explosion spread and the entire space station was blown up.

The man fled in a hurry. In the distance, the Red Moon Dynasty people who rescued him were also panicking. The man did not expect that these high-ranking Red Moon Dynasty practitioners would also panic. No, they were more panicked than him. It was despair.

Especially the girl with a delicate face, her face turned pale, "Eastern Xinjiang Alliance? Why? Why did the Eastern Xinjiang Alliance attack us? We are just a small world, a small world without any threat."

"Those who surrender will be spared death." With a sharp shout, the girl subconsciously raised her sword to strike, but the strike was easily blocked by a puff of white smoke. The girl turned around, and the white smoke drifted past. She stood there blankly, and the spaceship exploded again in the distance. The air wave passed by and the girl's body was swallowed up, leaving nothing behind.

The man was horrified. The girl cut off the building with her sword, but now she had no ability to resist.

White smoke rises from the sky and the earth, filled with battle.

Above the head, the red moon suddenly flashed, and a loud voice resounded through the starry sky, "Why did the Eastern Xinjiang Alliance deal with me, the Red Moon Dynasty? Our Red Moon Dynasty has never had any contact with the Dongjiang Alliance, why?".

The sound came from the Imperial Palace of the Red Moon Dynasty. The terrifying sound shook the void. The man could not believe it when he saw that the space was cracking as the sound came.

How could one do such a thing? Isn't this the power of God? Even if Anqiu Star technology develops for another thousand years, it will still be impossible to tear apart space. This is the power of the Red Moon Dynasty.

What's even more terrifying is that the words of this power that he regards as a god are full of panic, just as panicked as when he was brought to the Red Moon Dynasty as an animal. Can a god also panic?

For the Red Moon Dynasty, today is also their end.

In the starry sky, Lu Yin stood quietly in the spacecraft, looking at the huge red moon in the distance.

The Red Moon Dynasty's power is rather strange, or its combat skills are rather strange. With the help of the Red Moon, its power is even greater.

There are countless cultivation methods in the universe, and the Red Moon Dynasty is just one of them.

Balsam was puzzled, "Leader Lu, why did you attack the Red Moon Dynasty? This is just a small power."

"Just watch it quietly, you won't be disappointed by this big show." Lu Yin smiled lightly.

On the Red Moon Dynasty planet, a middle-aged man with a cultivation level of over 400,000 rushed out, with a ferocious expression and despair, "Why did the Eastern Xinjiang Alliance attack me, the Red Moon Dynasty? I, the Red Moon Dynasty, have never offended you."

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