Star Odyssey

Chapter 1,722 Encounter

The woman snorted coldly and stared at Lu Yin, "I don't care who he belongs to now. The things from back then must be handed over. Your Sixth Continent doesn't study that at all. Give it to us and we can give you what you need."

"We need tens of millions of reformed people," Lu Yin said directly.

The woman sternly said, "I'm not kidding. There is a lot of research on that in our science and technology star field. One more copy is just for mutual confirmation. The value is not as great as you think. Exchange of useless things for our friendship is such a transaction. It will be good for you, we will also help talk to the Deputy City Master Xiaoxiong."

Lu Yin shook his head, "You are only a semi-reformed person, why should you speak for us?"

"Hey, semi-reformed man, haven't you seen me, Little Leo? I'm the genius Little Leo, stand down immediately." Little Leo stood in front of Lu Yin and shouted with his head held high.

The woman turned around and left decisively, "Weicheng is a very cruel place. I don't know what you are going to do. I hope you can come back alive." After that, she left.

Little Leo was extremely angry, "That's too much. You actually ignored my genius Little Leo. You must be severely punished. These semi-reformed people are becoming more and more unruly."

Lu Yin patted little Leo on the shoulder, "Forget it, it doesn't matter, don't let her affect our mood."

Little Leo said, "Ah Qi, I'm sorry. Not only did I fail to complete what I promised you, but I also made you suffer such injustice and be threatened by a semi-reformed person. Don't worry, I won't let this matter go."

Lu Yin smiled and said, "Little Leo, I hope you remember that our friendship is pure and not tainted by any interests. Let this matter go. If you stand up for me, in the eyes of outsiders, you will be treated as a victim." I take advantage of it, which is also not good for my situation. For my own good and for the sake of our friendship, just ignore it and be happy. Only when you are happy can you have the inspiration for research."

"That person is just a passerby in life, forgotten in the blink of an eye."

Little Leo looked deeply at Lu Yin, his eyes full of emotion, "Ah Qi, you are too, too, yes, open-minded. There is a word among humans called open-minded. Ah Qi, you are too open-minded. Only your kind of mind and magnanimity can You have the courage to defend yourself and stop the war. I'm sorry, I never thought you had the ability to stop the war before. Now I retract this idea, Ah Qi, you can definitely do it."

"There is a fearless spirit among human beings, and you are the one, Ah Qi."

Lu Yin patted little Leo on the shoulder, "I just don't want our friendship to be tainted by interests. Of course, if something happens to me and I can't solve it myself, I will definitely ask my friend for help."

"Of course, don't be polite," little Leo said excitedly.

Luo Huang quietly watched the conversation between Lu Yin and little Leo. He couldn't listen anymore and looked into the distance. The female semi-cyber was staring at him from the distant spaceship, her eyes full of coldness.

After separating from little Leo, Lu Yin's face darkened, "Who is that woman?".

Luo Huang replied, "One of the managers of the Lower City District of Yiben City. The Lower City District is located below Yiben City and is entirely composed of semi-reformed people. I was also there at the time."

"Is she the one I saw in the image at the beginning?" Lu Yin asked.

Emperor Luo nodded, "She is not the most powerful among the semi-transformed people, but she is the most scheming. She is the only one among the semi-transformed people who can meet the Bantian City Lord."

Lu Yin was surprised, "Facing her, how could you escape in the first place?".

"She wasn't as powerful as she is now, she was almost the same as me


"Then how do you know she can see the Bantian City Lord?".

Luo Huang said solemnly, "The entire Xiacheng District knows that she is the saint in the hearts of semi-reformed people. She is the one who allows semi-reformed people to live in this city. Xiacheng District is specially designed for semi-reformed people. They are all hers." credit".

Saintess is really an imaginative title. Anyone who can be called a saint represents a spiritual pillar. That woman is the spiritual pillar of the semi-reformed person.

"What use does she want to get the technology for making Star Envoy-level modified humans?" Lu Yin asked.

Luo Huang said, "Cooperate with the scientific research team, but I don't know the specific use. In one city, more than one scientific research team has the technology to develop Star Envoy level human transformation, but they are unable to manufacture it due to insufficient materials. Human breakthrough Star Envoy It is necessary to go through the origin tribulation, and if a transformed person wants to reach the level of a star messenger, what he needs is materials."

"Materials are the source of human transformation. There are not many Star Envoy level transformation people in the entire science and technology star field. The materials are too rare."

Since arriving in the Science and Technology Star Territory, what Lu Yin heard the most was the word material, and he believed his guess more and more.

Emperor Luo was being targeted, and he was not far from Wei Xi. Lu Yin had no intention of hanging around.

Not long after, a bright fire came from the distance, followed by a huge sound, the starry sky was distorted, and the violent force caused the spacecraft to shake, and an alarm was sounded - Weiyi, arrived.

Unless you see it with your own eyes, you can't imagine what it would be like for hundreds of millions of mechanically modified creatures to fight in the stars. Spaceships collide with spaceships, machines collide with machines, and there are also weird attacks that appear from nowhere.

The Third Fleet didn't even have time to repair, and an encounter ensued when they arrived at Weiwei. Countless giant mechanical claws emerged and clawed hard at the spacecraft. Within the Third Fleet, countless beams of light from the spacecraft shot out, lighting up the universe and illuminating the space. Light up the distant starry sky.

Huge shadows roared in. They were giant mechanical giants, charging fiercely towards the third fleet. They raised their hands, and the mechanical arms extended a huge sword, slashing it down hard. The sword edge tore through the void, displaying a battle beyond the enlightenment realm. force, causing a row of spaceships to be destroyed.

The destroyed spaceships were not completely shattered, but combined and turned into a huge cannon aimed at the mechanical giant. With a bang, the mechanical giant's sword ran horizontally, its body was knocked away, and the sword edge cracked.

Waves of terror swept across all directions.

These are what Lu Yin saw in an instant. The battlefield in Weiyi was far more intense than he imagined.

He suddenly had a feeling that Yicheng seemed to have a hand in fighting the human star field, and the war against Chuangtianyuan was a battle of life and death. The human star field was not Yicheng's old enemy, Yicheng's real enemy was Chuangtianyuan. Heavenly Courtyard.

The mechanical giants are the transformed people of Chuangtianyuan. Each mechanical giant is tens of thousands of meters tall and extremely huge. Countless twisted mechanical creatures that resemble eight-clawed fish appeared in the third fleet, jumping and rushing towards the mechanical giants.

Countless spaceships appeared further away, and the Third Fleet spacecraft turned and launched Twisting Void attacks in the distance, while the distant spaceships also launched attacks.




The starry sky is boiling. There are no planets here at all. Even if there are planets, they have been destroyed long ago.

The spaceship that Little Leo and Lu Yin were in was located in the middle of the Third Fleet, not far from the heavy captain. Although they could see the battlefield clearly and feel the fierce cruelty, the battle was far away from them.

There is still some distance to go.

Little Leo was nervous and his face turned pale. He saw with his own eyes that war spaceships were destroyed one after another. There were hundreds of cyborgs in those warships. Although they were far from the strength of the cyborgs he created, But he was also a transformed person, and he disappeared without even a trace of resistance, and the fragments filled the starry sky.

If the spaceship he is on is attacked, it probably won't survive for long.

Lu Yin, the leader of Boundary Mountain, and others looked into the distance. Bright lights kept flashing, which meant that some spaceships or mechanical creatures had been destroyed. All they could see was war and a feast of machines.

"This is the war between Ichiban City and Chuangtianyuan," the leader of the Boundary Mountains lamented. "The war between the Human Star Territory and Ichiban City is not so fierce. The war here seems to have no tactics at all. It is just fighting to the death and consuming each other."

Lu Yin narrowed his eyes. If Lu Xuan's army was dragged to this battlefield, it would be difficult to take advantage. Although Lu Xuan's army was powerful on average and its ability to protect itself far exceeded any army he had ever seen, its number was too small and its lack of Extremely strong.

From time to time, attacks beyond the Enlightenment Realm and even beyond the Star Envoy appear from all directions. Among other things, he has seen more than one Star Envoy level reformer in the Third Fleet. When he accompanied little Leo to visit the Third Fleet, he saw Tai There are many weird machines that transform people, such as walking cuboids, heat with eyes, etc.

No one knows what kind of power these strange things can exert. Lu Xuanjun will definitely suffer when facing these things.

This was just a wave of encounters that took less than half a day to resolve. Seeing countless materials floating across the starry sky, Lu Yin asked little Leo, "Are these materials still useful?"

Little Leo said, "Some of them can be recycled, but some of them can't be recycled. Just give them to the scavengers."

"I've always been curious, where does the scavenger belong?" Lu Yin asked.

Little Leo thought for a while, "There are both the First City and Chuangtianyuan. The scavengers are jointly created by each other in order to clean up the garbage in the starry sky in the technological star field. Otherwise, after so many years, the fleet will be unable to move in Weicheng."

"Where did the materials collected by the scavenger go?" Lu Yin asked.

Little Leo shook his head, "I don't know."

After a while, little Leo said to Lu Yin, "Ah Qi, we will soon arrive at the main battlefield. The fourth fleet is evacuating and returning to the city to replenish resources. It is the third fleet's turn to take over. The real war is about to begin. , is there anything you can do to stop the war?".

Lu Yin's face was solemn, "I want to find the commander of Chuangtian Academy in Weicheng and talk to him."

Little Leo nodded, "I wish you good luck, my friend. The war will not last forever, and there will be a break. At that time, you can go as a special envoy. I hope you can succeed."

Lu Yin smiled and said, "Little Leo, if I succeed, can you visit my hometown? I, Ah Qi, sincerely invite you."

Little Leo was overjoyed, "That's great. I've wanted to visit the human world for a long time. It's settled. By the way, I'll send some reformers to protect you."

Lu Yin shook his head, "No, we can protect ourselves."

In the distance, a bright light passed quickly from far to near. The next moment, the spaceship where little Leo was was split into two. Not only this spaceship, but dozens of spaceships behind it were all split into two.

This was a brilliant storm slash, not from a sharp edge such as a sword or knife, but from the metal itself.

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