Star Odyssey

Chapter 1,724 True and False

Lu Yin was unwilling to give up, "Is there no way to have a truce for a while? Even if it is a hundred years or ten years."

"You can't do it. You are not qualified to talk." The mechanical giant punched the starry sky. "Go back and encounter you on the battlefield. We will not hold back, no matter where you come from."

"Where is Chuang Tian Yuan?" Lu Yin shouted.

The mechanical giant said, "Not far behind, he has the ability to break through the battlefield, break through our Trek Army and find Chuangtianyuan, just like the bald man named Huikong in the human star field. Otherwise, don't say anything and go back." After that, He jumped up and didn't know where he went.

Lu Yin and others were naturally sent out by the Trek Army.

On the way back to the other end of the dimension, Lu Yin looked back. Everything before the plan was over. Next, he was about to start his own plan.

"Do you still want to go to Chuangtianyuan? I'm not sure about entering secretly," said the leader of the Boundary Mountain.

Lu Yin said, "In the Trek Army, have seniors sensed the Corpse King?".

"You feel it?" The leader of Boundary Mountain was surprised.

Lu Yin shook his head.

The leader of Boundary Mountain breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Since there's nothing, why don't you say anything?"

Lu Yin said in a deep voice, "This junior is unwilling to leave like this."

"What else do you want? It would be best if you could go to Chuangtianyuan as a special envoy, but it's a pity that you can't," said the leader of Boundary Mountain.

Lu Yin's eyes were sharp, "Then follow the original plan and rush over from the battlefield."

The leader of the Boundary Mountain hesitated for a moment, and Lu Yin raised his eyes to look at him, "Senior, from the very beginning we planned to follow Emperor Luo's route to go deep into the science and technology star field, and then approach Chuangtian Academy for investigation. But now, we are far away from Chuangtian The hospital is not far away, so I have to try it no matter what, no matter how dangerous it is."

The leader of Boundary Mountain nodded helplessly.

In the Endless Territory, on the way to One City, and in One City, Lu Yin had persuaded him, and this was the fourth time, and he had no reason to refuse.

Lu Yin's failure and return was not beyond Little Leo's expectation. Little Leo could only comfort him, "It's good to come back, Ah Qi. The Weiwei War has lasted for too long and no one can resolve it. You have tried your best. Your Sixth Continent People will see your efforts.”

Lu Yin said bitterly, "Thank you, little Leo. Although I failed, I will not give up."

"What else are you doing?" Little Leo was puzzled.

Lu Yin clenched his fist and said, "I want to go to Chuangtianyuan."

Little Leo was surprised, "You want to go to Chuangtianyuan? Ah Qi, don't mess around. Chuangtianyuan is not our city, and it won't be friendly to you. It's hard to leave there, and it's hard for you to get close. Chuangtianyuan".

Lu Yin was stubborn, "I must give it a try, for the sake of my people and the Sixth Continent."

Little Leo stared at Lu Yin for a long time.

"Little Leo, what are you looking at me for?" Lu Yin wondered.

Little Leo lowered his head and said, "I'm sorry, Ah Qi."

Lu Yin was confused, "Why apologize?".

Little Leo was silent for a while and whispered, "I apologize for my previous behavior. You considered your own people, but I used your people's bodies for experiments. I'm really sorry, Ah Qi."

Lu Yin wondered, "What tribe's body?".

Little Leo said, "Your tribe," and as he spoke, he opened his personal terminal and a picture appeared. In the picture, a person was lying flat on a mechanical bed. Half of his body had been transformed into a machine, and his eyes were closed.

, with all kinds of lights inserted into it.

Little Leo apologized, "I'm sorry, Ah Qi, this is your tribe, but I used him for experiments. What you just said made me realize my mistake. The tribe is very important in your heart, I will give him back." you".

Lu Yin stared blankly at the person in the picture. Is this the ancestor Qiuhan?

how come? Isn't Patriarch Qiuhan in the outer universe?

"Little Leo, what happened to him?" Lu Yin asked hurriedly.

Little Leo thought Lu Yin was angry and felt even more apologetic, "I'm sorry, Ah Qi, he was used as an experiment by me. At that time, I felt that this corpse was very powerful when it was alive, so I wanted to use it as an experiment. I didn't expect you to do anything to the tribe." If you care so much, I'll give him back to you."

"You mean he's dead?" Lu Yin frowned.

Little Leo nodded, "When I picked him up, he was already dead."

Impossible. Lu Yin stared at the Ancestor Qiu Han on the screen. This person was Ancestor Qiu Han. He remembered correctly. When the Sixth Continent joined forces with the Technological Star Territory to attack the Endless Territory, Ancestor Qiu Han joined forces with Ancestor Mo Jiang to fight against him. Master Yuan, Master Yuan severely injured the two of them, killed Patriarch Mo Jiang, and Patriarch Qiu Han escaped.

To this day, Ancestor Qiu Han is still alive and his family dominates the Burning Blood Territory. The ancestor of the Di family who was the strongest in the Burning Blood Territory and one of the ten elders of the Daoyuan Sect died in the hands of the Eternal Clan. Patriarch Mo Jiang died in the Yuan Dynasty. Among the masters and disciples, there is only one Qiu Han ancestor who is the sealer of the universe. Therefore, there are people from Mo Jiang's lineage who seek refuge with Qiu Han's family.

But why did Patriarch Qiuhan die here?

"Little Leo, when did you pick him up?" Lu Yin asked.

Little Leo thought for a while, "Nine years ago, yes, nine years and one month ago."

"How come you remember it so clearly?"

"Ah Qi, when we do scientific research, we need to record the date. From the time he was picked up by me, and then we started experimenting, every step has a date," Little Leo said.

Lu Yin pondered, nine years ago, it was during the Endless Territory War, which was about the time when Patriarch Qiu Han and Patriarch Mo Jiang were seriously injured and repelled by Master Yuan. At that time, Patriarch Qiu Han was already dead? Then who is the ancestor Qiu Han now?

Lu Yin looked at the universe outside the human star domain. One of them must be fake.

He didn't think that little Leo would lie to him for no reason, and little Leo probably didn't know the ancestor Qiuhan. So, there was only one possibility. The ancestor Qiuhan who was sitting in the Qiuhan family in the human star field was a fake. of.

"Ah Qi, please take this person away. I'm really sorry," little Leo apologized.

Lu Yin smiled and said, "It's okay, little Leo, there are wars between humans. Not all people of the same race are friends. I'm not familiar with this person either. Let's talk about it when we return to this city."

"Okay" said little Leo.

Lu Yin went to Chuang Tianyuan to negotiate and seek a truce, which failed as expected. However, it did not cause any ripples in the Third Fleet because no one thought he could succeed.

From beginning to end, Lu Yin never met Captain Zhong. He only talked to him when he requested to go to the Trek Army. Captain Zhong didn't care about him.

The only person he attracted was the half-reformed woman, the saint among half-reformed people, named Xinyu, a nice name.

"I really underestimated your courage, how dare you go to the Trekking Army?" Xin Yu found Lu Yin and others and spoke coldly.

Lu Yin looked at her, "What are you doing here?".

Xinyu looked at Luo Huang, "Your strength is because of that blueprint. As long as you hand it over, I can ask the Bantian City Lord to send more reformers to the people."

Quasi-terrestrial outer universe”.

"Is it so rare for a city to have the information to create a Star Envoy level cyborg?" Lu Yin asked curiously.

Xinyu looked at Lu Yin, "You don't understand at all. Any technological breakthrough is accompanied by countless experiments. The information left by previous experiments is extremely precious and is more likely to bring inspiration. This cannot be calculated in terms of value. ", she looked at Luo Huang, "The manufacturing technology he mastered may be useless, but maybe it can bring about transformation."

"Just like your original treasure of human language interpretation, it may reach the sky in one step, or it may be worthless."

"You humans? Are you not human?" Lu Yin mocked.

Xinyu said coldly, "It doesn't matter if you are a human or not. Anyway, hand over the drawings and I can help you accomplish what you want to do. Just don't go too far."

Lu Yin and the leader of Boundary Mountain looked at each other. If Luo Huang's manufacturing technology could really bring help or inspiration to a city, then he couldn't hand it over.

"Let's go," Lu Yin expelled.

Xinyu frowned and stared at Lu Yin, "The war will last for a long, long time. I know you won't be able to stay for a few days before you return to the city. It's best to think clearly about what you will do if you fail to complete the mission now that you're here. I can help you. , I am also capable of helping you." After saying that, he left.

If Lu Yin and others really represent the Sixth Continent, they would naturally be willing to exchange a blueprint for Xinyu's help and take away more transformers. But they are not, and they are even enemies of the Sixth Continent. They wish Xinyu could hate Sixth Continent. Mainland China, it’s better to cause trouble in secret.

Not long after, the war continued, with countless explosions, attacks, tearing of space, and black holes in the starry sky. In this kind of battlefield, life was reduced to nothing.

Lu Yin was targeted by the semi-mechanized starry sky beast, which possessed the strength of the Enlightenment Realm. Lu Yin could not fully reveal his strength, so he dealt with the mechanized starry sky beast.

This roundabout lasted half a day.

The starry sky beast became impatient and became more and more anxious as it fought. Finally, it was crushed to death by the walking cube of the Third Fleet.

"Human, you're welcome." The walking cube greeted Lu Yin, and then smacked the Trek Force spacecraft.

There are too many weird modified creatures like this in the Third Fleet, and there are also those in the Trek Army, but they are more of huge modified humans.

In the distance, air waves swept through the void, lifting up many spaceships and throwing them over. Lu Yin raised his hand and tore the spaceships apart with continuous air palms. He was faced with a terrifying strong wind, which knocked him back a long way. It was a star-level power.

The heavy captain and the super giant mechanical giant were still fighting tirelessly. Occasionally, the aftermath would sweep in all directions. Lu Yin was more vigilant this time, and would avoid the aftermath whenever it came, without the help of the leader of the Boundary Mountain.

During a round of fighting, the super-large mechanical giant accidentally punched a star-level cyborg into pieces in the Hall of Glory, and then roared, "Despicable, your city is getting more and more despicable. You even hid a star-level cyborg. ".

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Captain Zhong yelled.

The super-large mechanical giant said in a deep voice, "You know what to say."

Lu Yin was heartbroken that a star-level reformer was finished like this.

The same is true for the first one in the Boundary Mountain. The Hall of Glory has already mastered the technology of making Star Emissary-class cyborgs, but due to material reasons, it can only make a few. Now that one has been lost, it can't even lift a wave. He is also very distressed. The giant mechanical giant's eyes looked increasingly evil.

If he hadn't been concerned that this was a technological star field, he could have dismantled the giant mechanical giant.

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