Star Odyssey

Chapter 1,730 Cooperation

Seeing Lu Yin's eyes clear again, Mr. Mu smiled lightly.

"Master, I have figured it out, thank you so much, Master" Lu Yin was grateful.

Mr. Mu said calmly, "Your senior brother has no such doubts, because he knows that being recognized as a master means being the best."

Lu Yin exclaimed, "Master, this disciple has learned so much and it's very complicated. What should I do?"

"It's enough if you've reached the peak," Mr. Mu said lightly, and then his surroundings recovered. Before Lu Yin could react, his body fell. At the same time as him, Quiro, the leader of the Boundary Mountain and the two fell. A cultivator from the Sixth Continent.

As for Wang Si, Bai Laogui and Wang Yun, they are still trapped in the materialized thinking.

Quiro was confused, what happened?

The huge mechanical giant smashed over, Quiro subconsciously moved his fingers, and the mechanical giant shattered.

"We are out of trouble" Lu Yin said excitedly.

Quiro's eyes narrowed, getting out of trouble? He grabbed Lu Yin and said, "Quickly go."

"Don't panic, those two old guys are not here," Lu Yin said hurriedly.

Quiro unleashed his energy and energy, sweeping across the Weichen battlefield.

Wei Xi was still fighting, and as Quello's energy swept across, the entire battlefield came to a standstill.

It is not the Third Fleet that is fighting in Weicheng now. The heavy captain of the Third Fleet has been destroyed and can only be replaced by other fleets. The one fighting against it is not the Trek Army.

Lu Yin and others suddenly appeared, and Quilo's strength shocked the battlefield again. The reformers from Ippon City and Chuangtianyuan were all staring at him.

"Let's go, take me to a city" Lu Yin shouted.

Quiro subconsciously wanted to refuse, "You're out of trouble, why don't you leave this hellish place?".

"If you want to leave, you have to give permission. They can take you back at any time," Lu Yin said.

Quero thought about it, and his heart was full of fear. He couldn't understand how there could be such a terrifying strong man in this abandoned land. He could trap several of their half-ancestors in an instant. He was probably on the same level as the ancestors of Wandao, and they were fast. Become an ancestor.

"Go to Yiben City and talk to them. Otherwise, if you are arrested again, you won't know when you will be freed." Lu Yin said. He was also afraid of being trapped again, but the purpose of coming to the Science and Technology Star Territory has not been achieved yet, so he can't just let it go. Let's go, then this trip was not in vain.

Wang Si and Bai Laogui are trapped, and the strongest person who comes back from the tree starry sky is the worst half-ancestor. He must find a way to monitor Chuangtianyuan at all times.

The leader of Boundary Mountain heard that Lu Yin wanted to go to a city and immediately refused.

"Where is it?" Quelo asked, not even intending to ask about the leader of the Boundary Mountain.

"Over there" Lu Yin pointed in the direction. Quiro took him and the head of the Boundary Mountain. The two Sixth Continent cultivators disappeared and headed towards the city.

With Quilo, the half-ancestor, taking action, a city could arrive in an instant.

Surveillance in the technological star field is no joke. The whereabouts of Quiro and the others were already noticed when they arrived at Ippon City.

The leader of the Boundary Mountain looked ugly and stared at Lu Yin, "Come back, you don't know the power that imprisons us."

"Do you think we can escape from the technological star field without being imprisoned?" Lu Yin asked.

The first boundary mountain was speechless.

Lu Yin said, "An Xin, the half-ancestor next to you is more afraid of death than you."

"Boy, don't talk nonsense, old man, I just don't like to be controlled by others." Quiro was unhappy.

The leader of the Boundary Mountain snorted coldly, not liking Quilo.

"Old boy, what are you looking at? Do you deserve a beating? Do you want me to treat you like a child?"

Dig out all the bedwetting incidents," Quiro threatened.

The leader of Boundary Mountain ignored him. It was one thing to dislike him, but it was another thing to be afraid of him. He was already afraid of death, but now he was even more afraid.

Quiro smiled strangely.

A group of people stood in the starry sky, just outside Yibibi City.

Soon, Deputy City Lord Little Bear walked out of the void and faced Lu Yin, "I thought you had left the technological star field, but you dared to come back."

"If our people are captured by you, they must be taken away," Lu Yin said calmly, referring to Emperor Luo and the two Hall of Glory Star Envoy reformers.

The deputy mayor of Little Bear swept his eyes across the crowd, and glanced at Quiro fearfully, "With the support of the Half-Ancestor, you think you can take away people in my own city? Human being, you underestimate my own city."

Lu Yin smiled and said, "I'm not looking down upon you." As he said that, he restored his original appearance. His appearance was the first one in Boundary Mountain to change. It was ineffective against the Half-Ancestor. He could see through it at a glance, but it was invisible to the Deputy City Lord Little Bear.

Now that Lu Yin has regained his appearance, it's a formal showdown.

Deputy City Lord Xiaoxiong was surprised, "Lu Yin, leader of the Eastern Xinjiang Alliance, it turns out to be you, no wonder you are so bold."

"Won't the Deputy City Lord invite us to come in and sit down? I want to see the Bantian City Lord," Lu Yin said with a smile.

Deputy City Lord Xiao Xiong sneered, "You meet the City Lord just when you say you want to?"

As soon as he finished speaking, a deep voice sounded, "Little Bear, let them in."

Deputy City Lord Little Bear was embarrassed and glared at Lu Yin fiercely, "Go in."

Lu Yin smiled politely and led Quiro and others into the city.

This was the first time for Quero to see such a strange city. The brains were in the air ducts, and the human beings were transformed like tools. He had never imagined this scene in his dreams.

When Lu Yin and others entered the city, Deputy City Master Xiao Xiong was still very wary. After all, there was a half-ancestor among them.

Half-ancestor, that is the pinnacle existence of known human beings second only to the ancestral realm. Without the mastermind, no one can trap a half-ancestor-level powerhouse, and the same is true for a city.

"Deputy City Lord, how are my people? By the way, how is the Valley Master's sword servant?" Lu Yin asked.

Deputy City Lord Xiaoxiong said coldly, "We've arrested them all."

"Have you interrogated the Valley Master's sword servant?" Lu Yin was curious.

"It has nothing to do with you," Deputy City Lord Little Bear said unhappily.

This time I entered Yiben City, the same place where I lived before. At this moment, there was only one person here, a very ordinary reformer, who was curiously looking at Lu Yin and the others.

The two cultivators from the Sixth Continent and the leader of the Boundary Mountain were all left behind. Only Lu Yin and Kui Luo entered.

The leader of Boundary Mountain felt aggrieved. He was a powerful man second only to the Half-Ancestor, but he was ignored. In fact, he had the confidence to break out in a city, he was very strong.

"City Lord, they are here," Deputy City Lord Xiaoxiong said respectfully.

The cyborg looked past Lu Yin and looked at Quiro, "When did the human star field gain a half-ancestor? And", at this point, he looked at Lu Yin, "he is still yours, Alliance Leader Lu."

Lu Yin said, "City Lord Bantian, please don't tell secrets. I still know some of the truth about the Science and Technology Star Territory. You really don't know where this Half-Ancestor comes from?".

The city leader was curious for a long time, "Leader Lu said that he knows the truth about our technological star field, let's hear it."

Lu Yin thought for a while and said, "Thinking, materialization."

The five words made City Master Hantian silent, and Deputy City Master Xiaoxiong's eyes widened, full of disbelief.


How could humans know? impossible.

No matter how this human knows, he cannot be allowed to leave the technological star field alive, and he must not be allowed to live.

Thinking of this, Deputy City Lord Little Bear's eyes were filled with murderous intent.

Lu Yin glanced at him and smiled confidently, "City Lord Bantian also knows what happened to us, and my coming out was beyond your expectations. In this case, City Lord Bantian thinks he can keep us?"

Deputy City Lord Little Bear trembled his paws and looked at City Lord Bantian.

For a long time, the city leader raised his head and looked at Lu Yin. "Leader Lu, we can talk now," he said, making a gesture to sit down.

Lu Yin and Kui Luo looked at each other and sat down.

Quilo was very curious about the city lord Bantian. With his personality, if he hadn't been imprisoned and feared before, and he had already searched the city with all his energy, how could he sit down and listen to them talk slowly.

"What is the purpose of Alliance Leader Lu pretending to be from the Sixth Continent to infiltrate our city? Is he just going to Weicheng to see the battlefield?" City Lord Bantian asked.

"What if I say, yes?" Lu Yin said.

The city lord was surprised for a long time, "Really?".

Lu Yin nodded, "One of the purposes is to go to Weicheng, and the other purpose is actually to find something."

The city lord looked at Lu Yin for a long time and listened to him quietly.

"The thing of origin" Lu Yin said solemnly.

Bantian City Lord said in a deep voice, "That origin thing on the leader of the Trek Army?"

Lu Yin nodded, "There is something originating in Chuangtian Court, and you also saw it on the battlefield."

Bantian City Master said, "I'm not sure if it is the object of origin. Who would put the object of origin on the leader of the Trek Army? And it disappeared in an instant. There is something wrong with this."

Quilo looked at Lu Yin with great interest. The origin object was with him and was thrown by Lu Yin. He wanted to see how Lu Yin made up a story.

"I can't explain why there is something of origin on the leader of the Trek Army, but I can be sure that it is the thing of origin," Lu Yin said.

Bantian City Lord laughed, "This thing is too strange. To be honest, I really don't believe it is the origin of the thing, even though the breath is very similar."

"City Master Bantian has seen the Object of Origin?" Lu Yin was surprised. He originally thought that the only one who could recognize the Object of Origin on the Weicheng battlefield was the head of the Boundary Mountain. It stands to reason that even if a cultivator at the Star Envoy level could feel the breath of the Object of Origin, he would not be able to recognize the Object of Origin. Shouldn't be recognized.

This is also true. When Lu Yin told the leader of the Boundary Mountains that he had sensed the origin of the object, Captain Zhong and others did not recognize it at all and were still fighting.

Bantian City Lord said, "I have always paid attention to the battlefield. Because the distance was too far and the time was too short, I could not sense the aura, but others told me that the vitality affected even the Star Envoys. , plus I did see the origin thing once, and it was almost the same, so I made a guess."

"Guesses are just guesses. I still don't believe that is the origin. It's too absurd and too unbelievable."

Lu Yin shrugged and said, "It's very absurd. The thing of origin is enough to cause the half-ancestor to go crazy, but it appears inexplicably on the battlefield, and it's still in the body of a mechanical giant. It can't be explained. But, I don't need to explain, I just need to get it. , the origin thing shouldn’t be of much use to you.”

The city lord looked at Lu Yin for a long time and said, "Regardless of whether it is true or not, since your purpose is the origin, why did you come back to this city? Just for your subordinates?"

Lu Yin said seriously, "I want to cooperate with Yincheng."

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