Star Odyssey

Chapter 1,760 Lu Yin’s Gift

Especially for ordinary people like them, General Manager Yi can directly control life and death. This is not only because of his strength and status, but also because General Manager Yi is greedy for money. This street is his business. He is the boss of the boss behind the store. That's according to the manager.

Even if the manager Yi came, even the eldest princess Qing Longlong came, and the shop owner trembled.

"General Manager Yi, who gave you the authority to speak to Alliance Leader Lu like this?" Qing Longlong arrived and reprimanded General Manager Yi unceremoniously.

Manager Yi's smile remained unchanged and he saluted slowly, "Old servant, see your highness."

Qing Longlong stared at Manager Yi with a look of disgust, "My father asked you to come here to greet Alliance Leader Lu and the others. What were you doing just now?".

Manager Yi smiled and said, "The old slave just saw the majesty of Alliance Leader Lu and admired him so much that he couldn't help but praise him. He had no other meaning." At this point, he saluted Lu Yin and said, "Alliance Leader Lu won't blame you, right?" ".

Lu Yin smiled lightly.

Manager Yi was also laughing, his smile was so vicious and annoying.

"Actually, you are from the Divine Gu Dynasty. Even if I blame you, I can't blame you. I can only say that your master is too kind and will not teach slaves," Lu Yin said lightly.

The smile on Manager Yi's face disappeared, his pupils slanted upward, and he stared at Lu Yin, "It seems that Alliance Leader Lu is good at controlling this man."

Lu Yin smiled and said, "Just now you asked me if I would blame you, so I will educate your master. It can be regarded as a gift to the Emperor Qing for his breakthrough in cultivation." As he said this, he waved his hand and with a snap, Manager Yi was captured. The slap flew out and hit the outside of the shop hard.

Everyone was surprised. They didn't expect Lu Yin to take action so decisively without giving any face.

Prince Yao raised his eyebrows, looking shocked.

The group of people who followed Manager Yi all rushed to the store to take action against Lu Yin, but Qing Longlong told them to stop, "Get out."

Manager Yi stood up in a hurry, half of his face was swollen, and stopped his guards, "Step back, Your Highness and the Prince are here again, how can I allow you to be so presumptuous?"

Many guards quickly retreated.

Manager Yi looked at Lu Yin with hatred in his eyes, and there was a deep chill in his eyes. In this God Gu Dynasty, he never expected that he would dare to hit him like this, which caught him off guard, but with the identity of the other party, he was destined to not be able to offend him. , "The old slave just said the wrong thing. Can Alliance Leader Lu relieve his anger?".

Lu Yin said casually, "Tell the Qing Emperor for me that I have given you the gift. I hope he is satisfied."

Manager Yi showed a sinister smile again, "I understand, I'm leaving." After saying that, he left without even saying hello to Prince Ao and Qing Longlong.

Everyone could see the resentment deep in his eyes.

Longlong looked at Lu Yin with complicated feelings and smiled bitterly, "Why should Alliance Leader Lu do this?"

Lu Yin frowned, "I see he's unhappy."

What a straightforward reason. In this huge Gu King City, in this Divine Gu Dynasty, apart from Young Emperor Qing, Lu Yin is the only one who can treat Manager Yi like this. He was even more afraid, as General Manager Yi was notoriously vicious.

Although Qing Longlong said this, Lu Yin's slap also relieved her. Although Manager Yi was polite to her, he actually didn't care about her at all. Qing Sheng was forced to leave by Manager Yi, and Longlong knew this. , Prince Yao also knew it, but no one could tell.

Lu Yin's unscrupulousness and domineeringness were clearly reflected in the palm just now. He didn't care about Manager Yi at all, nor did he care about the young emperor behind him. Whether he was an enemy or a friend, it had long been determined.

"Leader Lu, let's leave first. See you at the banquet." Balsam

He said politely to Lu Yin.

Mr. You also left without saying hello to Lu Yin.

Before Wen Sansi left, he whispered to Lu Yin, "You shouldn't have come."

Prince Yao also left, and the task of entertaining Lu Yin was handed over to Qing Longlong. The two were close in age and were more suitable for contact.

Everyone left one by one, and finally only Lu Yin, Qing Longlong and the shop owner were left.

The shop owner was still kneeling there, burying his head as low as possible, not daring to raise it at all. However, he had just peeked at the scene where Manager Yi was slapped away, and he knew that among the group of people, it seemed that the so-called The young man who is the leader of Lu League is the most ruthless, but fortunately he was not offended.

Qing Longlong said to Lu Yin, "Alliance Leader Lu". Before she could say anything else, Lu Yin raised his hand and said, "Senior, you don't need to call me that. I'm sorry."

Do we know each other well? Qing Longlong originally wanted to say this, but she didn't say it, "Okay, Brother Lu, I will take you to a place to rest."

Lu Yin nodded and followed Qing Longlong out.

A small shop has just attracted the attention of the entire Divine Gu Dynasty. In the next period of time, the shop owner will definitely not be able to live in peace. Every word and every detail that happened in the shop will be questioned.

The residence that Young Emperor Qing arranged for Lu Yin was the palace where he stayed, which was also in King Gu City. However, almost no one knew about this palace. Young Emperor Qing could only stay there when he wanted to calm down.

Listening to Qing Longlong's introduction to the palace, Lu Yin said, "Doesn't your father want me to be calmer in the future?"

Qinglonglong smiled and said, "Brother Lu is overthinking it. My father doesn't mean that. It's just that the palace is in a remote location, with few people disturbing it, and the environment is good, so I'll make arrangements for you."

Lu Yin nodded, and the two of them were not in a hurry, just wandering around the streets of Gu King City.

Gu King City is very lively, full of the hustle and bustle of a busy city. People fight from time to time, bringing out all kinds of poisons. If you don't count the cultivators, this place is just like an ancient imperial city for ordinary humans.

"That Manager Yi is trusted by your father?" Lu Yin asked.

Qinglonglong nodded, "He has been taking care of my father since he was very young, and after so many years, he has shown his dedication."

"Not dead yet?" Lu Yin was surprised. Young Master Qing is not weak. The reason why he invited them this time was because of the breakthrough. He should be able to fight against 800,000 powerful men. After living for a long time, Manager Yi did not have a breakthrough star. How do you keep up with Qing Shaohuang?

"This is the most special thing about Manager Yi. He freezes his vitality with poisonous ice every once in a while and still survives," Qing Longlong said, her voice was very soft, but the weight was very heavy.

As an emperor, Qing Shaohuang has no shortage of people to serve him, but he would rather wait for Manager Yi. This friendship is no longer an ordinary master-servant relationship. No wonder even Prince Nong and Qing Longlong are so polite to Manager Yi. Looking at it this way Come on, I just slapped Young Emperor Qing.

Qing Longlong looked at Lu Yin carelessly and saw that there was no strange color on his face. Did she not care? Think about it, which one, Jian Zong or Bai Ye Clan, is not more powerful than the Divine Gu Dynasty? The special thing about the Divine Gu Dynasty lies in its geographical location and environment. Without these, the Divine Gu Dynasty may not even be comparable to the Wen family.

The Dongjiang Alliance led by Lu Yin can destroy the Baiye clan, suppress the Jianzong, and force the Wen family. Naturally, they don't care about the Shengu Dynasty, let alone a manager Yi.

After walking on the busiest streets of Gu King City for half an hour, Qing Longlong finally stopped in front of a very grand restaurant.

This restaurant is the tallest in the entire street. It covers a large area and extends in all directions. There are two rows of waiters standing at the door. They are all practitioners and have reached the level of Fusion.

"Brother Lu, let me take you to meet someone," Qing Longlong said with a smile.

Lu Yin nodded, "Okay."

When I entered the restaurant, I was unexpectedly surprised. It was different from what it looked like from the outside. It was not as grand as expected. Instead, it was very simple, yet grand.

Following Qing Longlong up to the top floor, two beautiful maids bowed and saluted. Due to the problem with their clothes, Lu Yin could almost see a patch of white on his chest and quickly turned his face.

"Brother Lu, please" Qing Longlong is funny. The dignified leader of the Eastern Xinjiang Alliance actually has this side. Who can believe it if it is spread?

Lu Yin entered the private room and saw a woman wearing a black gauze coat and an exquisite petal mask stood up and saluted Lu Yin, "Young lady Yuan Miaomiao has met Leader Lu." Although the woman was wearing half of the The mask could not hide her stunning beauty. Lu Yin could clearly see the attractive curve of the corners of her mouth, and her eyes were as bright as stars.

"The granddaughter of the former master?" Lu Yin was surprised when he heard the woman's name.

Yuan Miaomiao saluted again, "I didn't expect Alliance Leader Lu to know about the little girl."

Lu Yin looked at Qing Longlong.

Qinglonglong said, "Miaomiao and I are best friends, and she asked me to help make an appointment with you."

Lu Yin was confused. The former old master advocated not getting involved in anything outside the world, but Qing Shaohuang favored the Jianzong and other forces and tried to find ways to contain the Eastern Xinjiang Alliance. They had different positions. Although they were not enemies, they were the God Gu Dynasty's treatment of the Eastern Xinjiang Alliance. Under such circumstances, Qing Longlong actually made an appointment with herself on behalf of Yuan Miaomiao. What did she mean?

"Longlong has no other intentions. Don't get me wrong, Alliance Leader Lu. She just couldn't bear the little girl's request and brought Alliance Leader Lu here." Yuan Miaomiao spoke, her voice soft and refreshing.

Lu Yin sat down and said, "Miss Miaomiao, if you have anything to say, please tell me directly."

Qinglonglong looked at her.

Yuan Miaomiao looked at Qinglonglong and said, "Go out, you'd better not listen to what we say."

Qing Longlong pursed her lips, nodded, and walked out.

Lu Yin looked at Yuan Miaomiao with great interest, "Your relationship is very unusual. She is the eldest princess of the Divine Gu Dynasty. She would rather disobey her father and help you meet me, without even asking the reason. I am very curious."

Yuan Miaomiao smiled lightly, "This is our friendship. From childhood to adulthood, I have been in contact with Longlong far longer than my parents, grandpa and the others. Longlong has also been in contact with me longer than Your Majesty. Family ties are destined, but friendship is destined. You have to find it yourself. We all believe that friendship is more valuable than family ties."

Lu Yin heard this theory for the first time, "Okay, what do you want from me?".

Yuan Miaomiao stood up and saluted very solemnly.

Lu Yin did not evade. With his status, let alone Yuan Miaomiao, he did not need to evade even if the old master Yuan Miaomiao saluted. He had the qualification.

"Please also ask Alliance Leader Lu to leave the Gu Liu Realm," Yuan Miaomiao said in a deep voice.

There was silence for a while. Yuan Miaomiao bent down to salute, but never raised her head.

Lu Yin narrowed his eyes and asked, "What does the old master mean?"

Yuan Miaomiao said in a deep voice, "The Divine Gu Dynasty should not interfere in external disputes. Grandpa's hope in this life is this. The people here live a very prosperous life and there is no war. Once it intervenes in external disputes, the future outcome is unpredictable. The Divine Gu Dynasty, Can’t gamble”.

Lu Yin half-smiled, "How are you sure that the Divine Gu Dynasty will intervene in external disputes if I am here? Is the Divine Gu Dynasty trying to do something to me? Or is Young Emperor Qing trying to do something to me?"


On the first day of the new year, Suifeng wishes the brothers a happy new year. There will be an update at 5pm. Thank you brothers for your support! ! !

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