Star Odyssey

Chapter 1926 Big Seal

Step by step into the ruins of the Dark Tower, Lu Yin wanted to find Gui Hou.

With a soft sound, Lu Yin stopped and turned around slowly. A figure walked out of the corner of the ruins.

Lu Yin's expression changed drastically, and he looked at the figure in surprise, "Immortal - Yu Shan."

The person who appeared was the Immortal Yushan, a person who was once considered dead but was mentioned again and again.

When Lu Yin merged into the body of the Corpse King and saw Immortal Yushan entering the Dark Tower, he knew that he was not dead, but he did not expect that Immortal Yushan was still in the eternal kingdom.

Immortal Yushan walked out step by step, looked at Lu Yin, and sighed, "The little guy has grown up, what should you call me?".

Lu Yin looked at Immortal Yushan complexly and said, "Uncle."

Immortal Yushan nodded, pleased, "I didn't expect that a person who came out of a small planet in the outer universe could reach the heights he is today. The emperor is very happy."

Lu Yin narrowed his eyes. To be honest, Immortal Yushan treated him well, very well. When he came to the Dayu Empire from Earth, Immortal Yushan always treated him like an elder. After getting along with him several times, Lu Yin also regarded Immortal Yushan as someone he could talk to. Although he is a relative, he is not considered a relative. After all, the identity of the Zishan clan is fake, but he is grateful and respectful to Immortal Yushan.

The news that Immortal Yushan died at the hands of the New Human Alliance made Lu Yin angry and sad, especially since Immortal Yushan passed him a copy of the secret of the word Yu. It was a secret technique. At that moment, Lu Yin really had feelings for Immortal Yushan. The feeling of family.

But with the appearance of Ku Wei, the life and death of Immortal Yushan became a mystery. Lu Yin's impression of him gradually changed. Especially when he saw him entering and leaving the eternal kingdom, he no longer had the respect he once had for Immortal Yushan, only vigilance and caution.

"Isn't the emperor dead? Why are he here?" Lu Yin asked.

Immortal Yushan looked at Lu Yin with a faint smile, "What do you think?".

Lu Yin clenched his fist and said, "Uncle, you betrayed humanity."

Immortal Yushan laughed, "It's a normal thought, but the emperor can tell you, no."

Lu Yin raised his eyebrows.

Immortal Yushan said sincerely, "Uncle Huang has not betrayed mankind, not in the past, not now, not in the future."

Lu Yin sneered, "Okay, uncle, stop pretending. If you don't betray humanity, how can you safely stay in the eternal kingdom? Don't tell me that the Seven Gods are so hospitable."

Immortal Yushan said calmly, "When people get along with each other, besides emotions, there is also interests. Being able to stay safely in the eternal kingdom is naturally because of interests. The emperor's interests are you."

Lu Yin raised his head and said, "Speak clearly."

Immortal Yushan looked at Lu Yin as if he were looking at a peerless treasure, "When it comes to this fifth continent, what is most valuable is not the region, not the combat skills, nor the star envoys or half-ancestors, but you, you The most valuable thing, the Emperor’s uncle’s value to the Seven Gods, is you. From now on, you will be used by the Emperor’s uncle.” After saying this, Immortal Yushan’s expression changed and became extremely gloomy.

Not knowing what he did, Lu Yin had a splitting headache. This pain came from the spirit.

"The essence of Liuying Zishan has been absorbed by you, then you will become a part of the Immortal Sutra." Immortal Yushan shouted fiercely, pressing Lu Yin with one hand.

Lu Yin suddenly recited the meaning of the Ancestor Sutra, and the misty voice came across the years. For a moment, the Immortal Yushan wailed, and his whole body was melting. He couldn't believe it, "How is it possible? How can you resist the enslavement of the Immortal Sutra?".

Lu Yin stared at Immortal Yushan closely, "It turns out to be the Immortal Sutra. You really practice it."

After obtaining the Sutra of Immortality, you used essence, energy and spirit as a means of control. Back in Kunze, you used essence, energy and spirit to plan riots."

Immortal Yushan covered his head, wailed, gritted his teeth and glared at Lu Yin, "It turns out it was you, and you were the one who killed Zuan."

Lu Yin grabbed Immortal Yushan's neck, but his palm penetrated him, and his expression changed, "Are you not the real body?".

Immortal Yushan smiled miserably, "Of course not, this is the eternal kingdom, how could I appear in my true form, little guy, don't think you can get rid of the Immortal Sutra, it's impossible, never possible, you don't know the horror of the Immortal Sutra, one day, you You will become the slave of the Immortal Sutra." After saying that, his body exploded.

There is no flesh and blood, just scattered spirit and spirit.

Lu Yin could absorb these spirits, but he didn't and was full of scruples.

If it weren't for the Ancestor Jingyi, he would really be controlled.

It turns out to be the Immortal Sutra, and Immortal Yushan really practiced the Immortal Sutra.

"A body of vitality and spirit, strange skills," the chief referee's voice came from behind.

Lu Yin turned around and faced the chief referee with a solemn expression, "He is the Immortal Yushan. He has practiced the Immortal Sutra and can control others with his energy and spirit, and divide them into thousands."

The chief referee was surprised, "The legendary technique in Falling Star Sea, the Immortal Sutra?"

Lu Yin nodded.

"When the legend of the Immortal Sutra appeared, the Hall of Glory also sent people to search for it, but could not find it. It was rumored that it was obtained by people from the outer universe. They were called the Immortal Duo. It must be him," the chief referee said.

Lu Yin didn't expect that the referee had heard the name of the Immortal Duo, "Senior brother, the Immortal Sutra is so magical? Do you even care?".

"The first appearance of the Immortal Sutra was accompanied by rumors that practicing this technique can lead to eternal life," the chief referee said.

Lu Yin laughed, "It seems that many people believe it. There are people from the Mabis clan, the Death Clan, and the Seven-Character Royal Court who went to the Great Universe Empire in the outer universe to look for the Immortal Sutra, but they didn't find it."

"It is indeed miraculous, but immortality is too ridiculous. Even in the ancestral realm, there has never been anyone with immortality." The chief referee said, the soles of his feet cracked, and his body fell vertically.

The more powerful a person is, the less they believe in the so-called immortality. Otherwise, how could the immortal Yushan return to the Daewoo Empire safely.

Lu Yin hurriedly followed him. It seemed that his senior brother had discovered something.

This is a parallel time and space, but it is not the parallel time and space of the entire universe, because there is only one eternal kingdom in this parallel time and space.

As the chief referee's body descended, the underground of the Eternal Kingdom continued to break apart. Finally, a square object appeared at the end of the depths of the earth, like a stone or metal. It was nothing special. However, this object was not touched. The referee's power tore it apart.

The chief referee descended to the depths of the earth, and beyond that was the endless dark starry sky. They arrived at the bottom of the eternal kingdom.

Looking at the square metal-like thing floating in the void, Lu Yin looked at it curiously, "Brother, what is this?".


Lu Yin was surprised, "The foundation of the eternal kingdom? Is it just this kind of thing?".

"Because of it, those corpse kings found the coordinates of the eternal kingdom."

Lu Yin looked at this square thing, "This is a big seal. What words seem to be engraved on it?"

"Senior brother, do you know this word?".

"do not know".

"You don't even recognize him?" Lu Yin was surprised.

Referee closes

Big seal, "Let's go", "Wait", Lu Yin hurriedly called to the chief referee, "Brother, if this thing is taken away by you, won't we not be able to find the eternal kingdom?".


"Then, what to do with these dead energy?".

The referee was silent.

Lu Yin licked his face and smiled, "Well, senior brother, can you just put this thing here? Its function is probably just as a foundation. It's useless if you take it away. Why don't you keep it so that junior brother and I can come here to replenish the dead body in the future? Qi, how about you take it away one day when all the death Qi is absorbed?"

After saying that, Lu Yin looked at the black mist that enveloped the chief referee anxiously.

The big seal floated out from the black mist, and Lu Yin took it in surprise.

"Thank you, senior brother. By the way, senior brother, how can I use it to find the eternal kingdom?".

"Leave your own breath on it."


"Blood, traces of skills, the stronger the aura, the better. It is equivalent to the carrier that retains the coordinates. Once the aura is left, it can be sensed in the vast parallel time and space. Before that, the original aura on it is erased."

"How to erase it?" Lu Yin was confused.

The big seal was taken away by the referee again, and after a while, it floated out.

Lu Yin took it. The big seal now was no different from before, but it was much cleaner. Someone must have left breath, blood, and combat skills on it before. He couldn't think of a way to erase it. The blood was okay, but the combat skills were all there. He couldn't do anything about the traces of the technique, but fortunately he had such a senior brother.

The chief referee left. Lu Yin looked at the big seal in his hand, especially the word at the bottom. He really didn't recognize it. It seemed to be older than the words used by the Wen family to use the word prison. Otherwise, it would be impossible for the chief referee and senior brother not to recognize it. By the way, the second night Wang, this guy is also very old. You can show him, but the chief referee doesn’t recognize him, so the possibility of him recognizing him is very low.

Leave the breath behind, leave behind what? blood? No, the blood of the Lu family is extraordinary, and this thing belongs to the Eternals. Who knows what its functions are. Senior Brother Chief Referee is indeed powerful, but he is at most comparable to the half-ancestor, and he may not understand many things.

If blood doesn't work, then the only thing left is combat skills.

Facing the big seal, Lu Yin thought for a while, raised his hand, and the death energy was withdrawn, entrenched in his palm, boiling, and then covered his face. This was the face of death. After Lu Yin absorbed the death energy, he saw the face of the God of Death. It was fake. Face, at that moment not only did I know these two words, but I also knew how to use them.

The dead face can cover the face with death energy, and it can also - change the face.

This is the ability that Lu Yin is most looking forward to, the Death God's combat skills. Who knows who can see clearly.

The first time I used Death Face, I was not familiar with it. Death Face is not that easy. After all, it is a combat skill of the God of Death. It requires extremely high requirements for the control of death energy. It also needs to be fixed on the face, but it cannot be seen.

For five full hours, Lu Yin continued to display his Death Face, but it was still difficult to fully display it.

In desperation, he slapped the big seal with a palm containing death energy, leaving his own breath, and then threw the big seal to the bottom, continuing to serve as the foundation of the eternal kingdom. From then on, this place is his private territory.

Walking out of the eternal kingdom, the chief judge has left with the people in the Hall of Glory. The Corpse King has been eliminated. Mr. Feng has been taken away. It is not known whether he is dead or alive. And those ordinary people who were originally imprisoned in the eternal kingdom are also alive. was taken away.

The entire eternal kingdom is silent and without any vitality.

Underground, the air of death is like the sea.

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