Star Odyssey

Chapter 1961: Clearing up Doubts

The arrival of Liuye Feihua brought more than 500 pieces of blank paper. Calculated in this way, he will have 310 new cosmic battle armors. Although it is not many, it is equal to 310 enlightenment realms, which is not bad.

"Leader Lu, I want to talk to you," Mr. Liu Ye solemnly said to Lu Yin.

Lu Yin nodded, "Okay."

Mr. Liu Ye looked at Sister Feihua and said, "I want to talk to Alliance Leader Lu alone."

Sister Feihua was stunned, "Alone?"

Mr. Willow Ye said seriously, "Alone."

Sister Feihua frowned, looked at him, then at Lu Yin, and slowly walked away.

Lu Yin was surprised, but didn't say anything.

After making sure that Sister Feihua couldn't hear, Mr. Liuye opened his personal terminal. There was an image on it. It was shockingly what happened when Lu Yin merged into his body, on the giant ship of the galaxy.

Lu Yin finished reading quietly, then raised his eyes to look at Mr. Liu Ye, "What do you want to explain?"

Mr. Liu Ye stared at Lu Yin, "What's going on? I have no memory of this at all."

Lu Yin spread his hands and said, "You must have met the person you most want to see."

Mr. Liu Ye was confused and looked at Lu Yin in confusion.

Lu Yin smiled and said, "Qui Luo."

Mr. Willow's eyes narrowed, "Quero?".

Lu Yin nodded, "Except for him, I can't think of anyone who can easily control you and make your memory blank during that time. Only he can do it. If it wasn't him, I can't explain it."

Mr. Willow Leaf thought about many possibilities, but he didn't think of Quiro.

The dignified half-ancestor of Quiro, what do you want to control him for? Just to say these few words? has no meaning? But if it wasn't Quero, how could it be explained?

He has a very high level of cultivation, especially in this abandoned land. There are not many people who can surpass him. Even a million-strong warrior cannot easily control him, leaving him with a blank memory.

Lu Yin didn't care as he watched Mr. Liuye brooding. No one expected him to have the talent of six points on a dice to blend into someone else's body? Even the half-ancestor can't explain it.

"Sir, you sent the blank paper here just to ask about this matter?" Lu Yin asked.

Mr. Willow Ye nodded, "If you were controlled by someone, you would also want to know the reason."

"So, sir, what are your next plans?" Lu Yin asked.

Mr. Liu Ye’s eyes were complicated, what are his plans? He didn't know either, living in seclusion with Sister Feihua? Or find a way to return to the Tree Starry Sky?

"If sir, you don't have any plans, why not join the Eastern Xinjiang Alliance," Lu Yin suggested.

Mr. Liuye shook his head, "My wife doesn't want to be bound."

Lu Yin's eyes flashed, "Sir, do you know about the fifth tower?".

Mr. Liu Ye was startled and looked deeply at Lu Yin, "You impressed me with this matter. I didn't expect that someone would really be willing to pass on his inheritance to educate all living beings. If everything goes well, in a few years, your name will become the most brilliant in history." On one page, you changed the human landscape."

Lu Yin smiled and said, "So, sir, do you want to join?"

Mr. Willow Ye thought for a while, "We and I have several combat skills that can be put into the fifth tower."

"That's not what I mean," Lu Yin said seriously under Mr. Liu Ye's puzzled gaze, "I would like to ask you to take charge of the fifth tower."

Mr. Liuye was surprised, "Sit in charge of the fifth tower?".

Lu Yin nodded, "The fifth tower has been successfully established, and the inheritance of internal combat skills is all-encompassing. It will definitely attract people to covet it. Although

Although the Half-Ancestor is in charge, it is unlikely that the Half-Ancestor will take action frequently against certain Xiaoxiao, so I would like to ask you and your wife to sit in the fifth tower and protect these thousands of inheritances. Anyway, you have no plans."

Mr. Liuye pondered.

Lu Yin continued, "And I remember correctly, the disciples of you and your wife are still in the starry sky of the tree, and they may never be seen again in this life. The fifth tower will definitely be the gathering place for all genius cultivators in the entire fifth continent in the future. You can Select the best disciples to leave your own inheritance. The most important thing is that history records that you are one of the first people to protect the fifth tower."

Mr. Liuye was moved. He didn't care about leaving a name in history, but he cared about inheritance. The inheritance of their couple could not disappear.

"I want to discuss this with my wife," Mr. Willow Ye said.

Lu Yin nodded.

He didn't expect Mr. Liuye to really join him, but it would be nice to be in charge of the fifth tower, otherwise he would have to send someone else there.

Soon after, Liuye Feihua agreed and agreed to sit in the fifth tower, and Lu Yin was overjoyed.

The fifth tower is located in the Cosmic Sea, in the center of the Corps and the Rennes War Group, and can also be regarded as the central boundary of the Cosmic Sea.

If you want to go to the fifth tower, you must first pass through the cosmic sea, which is also a test.

In the future, the Cosmic Sea will become the most lively place on the Fifth Continent.

Shortly after Liu Ye Feihua left for the Universe Sea, Lu Yin also left Aurora Fortress and headed for the Glory Realm with Xiao Sapling and the Second Night King.

Sometimes the Second Night King is really frustrated. He only needs to protect Lu Yin, his enemy, and sometimes he has to act as a driver.

At this moment, he grabbed his personal spaceship and headed towards the Glory Realm. Inside the spaceship were Lu Yin and Xiao Sapling.

The little sapling was very curious about the stars in the universe, but also a little scared. The branches were tightly wrapped around Lu Yin's fingers, and the leaves gave off a pleasant soft light, which made people feel comfortable.

Didi didi

The personal terminal rang. Lu Yin looked over and saw that it was Liu Qianjue.

There are Thirteen Swordsmen of the Sword Sect in the fifth tower, and Liu Qianjue should have contacted him long ago.

"Sect Leader Liu, I'm quite busy these days. I will send Liu Hao to the Sword Sect when I return to the inner universe," Lu Yin said.

Lu Yin agreed to give Liu Hao to Jian Zong in order to take over the war against the Behemoth Star Territory. Otherwise, Jian Zong would not be able to work hard and the war would never survive.

Liu Qianjue said, "Thank you very much, leader, but this is not why I came to the leader."

"Is there anything else?" Lu Yin pretended to be confused.

Liu Qianjue said in a deep voice, "Why should the alliance leader ask questions knowingly? The fifth tower was built and the Thirteen Swords inheritance was also put up. Shouldn't the alliance leader have an explanation for our Sword Sect? The Thirteen Swords is the foundation of our sword sect. ".

Lu Yin smiled and said, "I was negligent and did not explain to Sect Master Liu that in terms of understanding of the Thirteen Swords, no one in the universe can match the Sword Sect. So, how many people in the Sword Sect can learn the Thirteen Swords?" .

"There are only four people at the moment," Liu Qianjue said.

Lu Yin said, "The older generation Liu Huang, Sect Leader Liu himself, the younger generation Liu Tianmu, Liu Shaoqiu, how many people in this huge sword sect tried to practice the Thirteen Swords, and how many finally mastered the Thirteen Swords?"

"That's not the reason why the Thirteen Swords can be spread out at will," Liu Qianjue said in a suppressed voice. The moment the fifth tower design was posted on the Internet, he contacted Liu Huang and wanted Lu Yin to give them an explanation. Liu Huang asked him to wait and see if Lu Yin would take the initiative to contact them.

Until now, he really couldn't wait any longer, so he could only take the initiative to contact

Department of Lu Yin.

For a sect, it is taboo to spread core combat skills to outsiders. If not handled properly, it will affect the Eastern Xinjiang Alliance.

"Zongzhu Liu, the first sword of the Thirteen Swords is stored on the second floor of the Fifth Tower. There is only one First Sword in the entire second floor of the Fifth Tower. If someone gets it, I will know immediately. Outsiders want to practice the Thirteenth Sword. Sword, the possibility is extremely low. Even if that person is lucky enough to learn the Thirteen Swords, I will immediately notify the Sword Sect and ask you to bring it back to Jianshan. If the Sword Sect does not allow it, the Thirteen Swords will be passed down completely and this person will not be able to get it. If the Sword Sect allows it, it means that this person has been recognized by you, and there is no need to learn the Thirteen Swords in the fifth tower," Lu Yin said.

Liu Qianjue nodded, "I understand the alliance leader's thoughts, but the seventh level has the complete Thirteen Swords inheritance. What if someone gets it on the seventh level?"

"It can't be obtained, it can't be learned, and it can't be passed on. How likely is it that Sect Master Liu thinks outsiders can get the inheritance of the Thirteen Swords and learn it?" Lu Yin said.

Liu Qianjue frowned, "No matter what, our Sword Sect hopes that the Alliance Leader will cancel the inheritance of the Thirteen Swords. No one can explain such things as chance. Didn't Alliance Leader Lu himself learn the Thirteen Swords?".

Lu Yin understood this truth, but the reason why these combat skill inheritances were placed in the fifth tower was to take the final step in the future. How could he listen to the Sword Sect.

"Zongzhu Liu, in this way, for two years, in two years, the Thirteen Swords will stay on the fifth tower, and I will remove them after two years. I can guarantee you that in two years, it is unlikely that anyone will reach the seventh floor. ", Lu Yin said.

What else did Liu Qianjue want to say.

Lu Yin said in advance, "This is the biggest concession I can give. Sect Leader Liu, please think clearly. The inheritance in the fifth tower is one-time and cannot be passed on to others. No one is willing to pass it on to others."

Liu Qianjue had no choice but to say, "Okay, two years at most. I believe in the alliance leader, but I also ask the alliance leader to pay attention to the inheritance of the Thirteen Swords."

Lu Yin smiled lightly. He understood what Liu Qianjue meant. If someone really reaches the seventh level and learns the Thirteen Swords, he must either hand it over to the Sword Sect, or he must give an explanation to the Sword Sect. This is the Sword Sect's bottom line, "Don't worry." .

"There is one more thing," Liu Qianjue hesitated, "Something strange happened to me, and it is related to the alliance leader. I hope to get the answer from the alliance leader."

Lu Yin raised his eyebrows, naturally knowing what was going on.

Like Mr. Liu Ye, he integrated into Liu Qianjue's body and gave orders to Elder Li, arousing Liu Qianjue's suspicion.

"Say," Lu Yin said.

Liu Qianjue said slowly, "For a period of time, my memory was completely blank, but I gave orders that were inconsistent with my personality. According to Elder Li, I even said something like telling Elder Lianxin to get out. Leader, this Do you know something?"

Lu Yin said, "I don't know. I am far away in the new universe and you are in the inner universe. If I had been next to you at that time, I might have known."

Liu Qianjue's eyes flickered. He didn't suspect that Lu Yin did it himself. After all, Lu Yin was too far away from him. He suspected that it was someone behind Lu Yin who did it, such as the Second Night King, but the Second Night King also followed Lu. hidden.

Being able to control him and leaving his memory completely blank, this method is at least a million-strong combat power. Looking at the Eastern Xinjiang Alliance, there are only two people with a million-power combat power.

Besides a million-strong warrior, who else is there? By the way, Liu Qianjue looked sharply at the person behind Lu Yin - the half-ancestor.

"Zongzhu Liu, I will investigate this matter, but I may not be able to find it. What you said is a bit ridiculous," Lu Yin said.

Liu Qianjue said, "I know, just pretend I didn't say anything about it."

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