Star Odyssey

Chapter 1988 Completion and Opening

In fact, no matter where you are, mentorship is a very important kindness, a seemingly invisible but very important bond.

Betrayal is not a crime, but it is immoral. Once word spreads, that person will be despised by everyone.

Therefore, mentorship is similar to family affection, and both are the key to judging whether a person is good or bad.

This is also the basic factor for the establishment of a sect. If there is no teacher's kindness, where will the sect come from and where will the traitors come from?

Aristocratic families are connected by family ties and blood, while sects are connected by teachers and teachers. This is reciprocal.

"Educating all peoples and inheriting all peoples, the kindness of half a teacher is not excessive. But with the kindness of half a teacher, these people will not become our enemies unless they have to. Even if they want to be enemies, they will do so secretly. In the fundamental sense, We have an absolute advantage." Wang Wendao said, "Don't underestimate people's righteousness. In life, there is always persistence. Some people want to control power, and some want to control wealth. No matter who they are, they have persistence and bottom line in their hearts. righteousness, everyone They all have it, but the standards are different. The kindness of half a master is enough to place you in the righteousness of a considerable number of people."

Lu Yin understood what Wang Wen said. In fact, the instructors of the Starry Sky War Academy were not real masters, but were equivalent to half masters. However, if Lu Yin was allowed to deal with them, he would not be able to overcome the hurdle in his heart. Unless those instructors betrayed humanity, there would be no way. Take action.

Even if he can take action and spread the word, his reputation will be ruined. No one wants to follow such a person, and no one wants to associate with a traitor.

The relationship between people is both complex and simple.

"Can this half-master's kindness be achieved?" Lu Yin asked.

Wang Wen scratched his scalp, "It's more troublesome. If no one objects, it can be done, but if there are heavyweights who object, it will be difficult. After all, this is a half-master who has become countless practitioners, not just one or two, especially those who A powerful sect family is unlikely to be willing to let its children admit this kindness, and it is a bit too restrictive for them."

"The establishment of the fifth tower will allow you to leave your name throughout the ages. You will be highly praised and have received many benefits. If you continue to receive this half-master's favor, some people will not be able to bear it."

Lu Yin waved his hand, "I don't care if he can bear it or not. Let's do this first. If someone comes out to object, we will talk about it later. And not everyone's objection will be effective."

Wang Wen nodded, "I think so too. Even if someone objects, it will take some time. During this period, the best elite practitioners will definitely be the first batch to enter the fifth tower to accept the inheritance. Some of them will definitely inherit your inheritance." Half a teacher’s kindness is enough.”

Lu Yin smiled, "I'm really looking forward to it."

Time passed day by day, and very quickly, half a month flew by. The biggest thing that happened in this half month was that Aurora Spaceship Company delivered the first batch of new space armors.

The first batch of new space armors only has over a hundred pairs, and the next batch will be delivered in half a month.

Originally, the Aurora Spaceship Company planned to complete the production and hand it over to Lu Yin, but Lu Yin couldn't wait any longer. The construction of the fifth tower was completed, inheritance, and assessments were required. Lu Xuanjun, who was wearing a new space armor, was one of the assessments. This is what Wang Wen said, training and recruiting troops.

On this day, Feathered Mebis came outside the abyss, found Lu Yin, and brought him a huge amount of resources, a total of 105 billion cubic star energy crystal marrow.

"I don't know what the point of asking for so much money is, but the great elder asked me to remind you not to destroy the market." Feathered Mebis

Facing Lu Yin, his expression was cold.

Lu Yin said, "I'm not interested. By the way, aren't you in seclusion? Why do you have time to come out?"

Feathered Mavis is still the same as the first time I saw him. Grass grows wherever he goes. He is quite stylish. "Come and see the fifth tower and see your inheritance."

Lu Yin's eyes lit up, "Are you interested?".

Feathered Mebis wondered, "You don't look like that kind of selfless person. Are those inheritances true?".

"Of course it's true, Supervisor of the Hall of Glory, you don't think I bribed the Hall of Glory, do you?" Lu Yin said angrily. This woman may still remember the scene when she tried her best to be crushed by her in the Supreme Mountain, and her tone was not very friendly. .

Feathered Mavis looked at Lu Yin blankly, frowning, "Buy, Hall of Glory?".

Lu Yin was speechless, "Do you really think so?".

Feathered Mabis' eyes fell on Lu Yin's Ningkong Ring. Apart from this, she couldn't think of any reason why Lu Yin wanted so much money. This was quite a huge amount of money. Although it was within the affordability of Mabis Bank, it was not something he could just give up casually. The average person, not to mention Lu Yin, even the half-ancestor would not be able to spend so much money. Star Envoy cultivation requires star source, not star energy.

Star energy is useless to Star Envoys. Although Lu Yin is also the leader of the Eastern Xinjiang Alliance, the Eastern Xinjiang Alliance also has Continental Transportation, the Giant Consortium, and the four major consortiums from the outer universe. He can achieve self-sufficiency. There is no need for Lu Yin This leader is looking for money everywhere.

The more I think about it, the weirder it gets.

Lu Yin was amused, "Don't make yourself stupid by cultivating. If you want to buy the Hall of Glory, will one hundred billion be enough? Even one trillion is not enough."

Feathered Mebis turned her head calmly. She just suddenly thought about it a little more. She didn't really think it was possible. Even if Lu Yin could bribe the director, he couldn't bribe Mr. Chan.

On the third day after Feather Mebis handed over the money to Lu Yin, the fifth tower was officially completed.

The fighting outside the abyss has stopped a few days ago. Everyone is waiting for the fifth tower to open and the unknown assessment. No one wants to cause trouble at this time. They feel that they are only one step away from the inheritance. .

Only the Wen family is the most disgusting. The World Alliance and the Eastern Xinjiang Alliance are looking for trouble. Most of the casual cultivators who were originally attracted by the Wen family have left, and the Wen family has no choice but to retreat.

They don't care about the World Alliance, but the Eastern Xinjiang Alliance is different. Even if those people are just composed of the major sects in the Eastern Xinjiang Alliance, they still bear the name of the Eastern Xinjiang Alliance.

After the construction of the fifth tower, many people from the Eastern Xinjiang Alliance came, including the Giant Legion and the Little Giant Legion. The brute force was always on the stand, watching the outside world with eager eyes and frightening people.

When the news that the construction of the fifth tower was completed came out, Haiyuan suddenly became quiet. Everyone looked at the center with burning eyes, looking at the huge tower and the statue of Lu Yin in front of the tower.

Lu Yin walked out and came to the front of the fifth tower. He stood high in the sky and glanced around, "I know you have been waiting for the fifth tower to open, obtain inheritance, and advance your cultivation further, but there are some things I must say."

No one dared to make a sound, even if there was a Star Messenger hidden in it.

Lu Yin put his hands behind his back and looked proudly, "We, humans, are the smartest race in the starry sky, and we are also the race that we think is the strongest. No matter what others think, I, Lu Yin, think so. Although I am a strong race, I also have some Foreign enemies, in this fifth tower, you will know a lot about

There are many things that are usually unknown. Knowing who the external enemy of mankind is, this will broaden your knowledge and let you know why I want to build the fifth tower."

"The fifth tower was built to improve the overall strength of mankind. This is not only for yourselves, but also for future generations. The foundation of mankind is inheritance. I, Lu Yin, graduated from the Starry Sky Battle Academy. I will inherit what I have learned and educate all people. I hope Don't be selfish. If you take away a legacy from here, you must leave a legacy. This is not for the fifth tower, but for the entire human race."

"I, Lu Yin, can swear here that even if I want to get the inheritance in the fifth tower, I have to pass the test."

After saying that, Lu Yin landed.

Outside the abyss, many practitioners looked at each other. If you accept one inheritance, you must leave another inheritance? What's the meaning? If they had an inheritance comparable to that in the fifth tower, why would they come here?

"Look, the rules and part of the assessment for entering the fifth tower have been announced online," someone exclaimed, and everyone looked at it immediately.

On the other side, Lu Yin returned to the outside of Haiyuan. At this moment, the fifth tower was officially opened.

He looked at the huge tower. It had only been half a year since he first had this idea. At that time, had he ever thought of building this tower on such a large scale? He just wanted to use the fifth tower to attract those elite practitioners in case he had to take the final step, but as time went by, no matter what he thought, what he saw, and what he experienced, the fifth tower told him importance.

Perhaps the original Daoyuan Sect was also established in this way!

Ce Wutian created the realm of "ce" and "secret regrets" just because he wanted to play chess with others openly and regret it. Many great achievements of human beings may have only a very small starting point.

This may be the case for Daoyuan Sect, and the same is true for the Fifth Tower.

He doesn’t know what will happen to the Fifth Tower in the future. If it can stand for tens of thousands, tens of thousands or even hundreds of millions of years, for human beings hundreds of millions of years from now, the Fifth Tower will be a witness to the civilization of this era, just as they view Taoism. Yuanzong era.

He seemed to be creating an era and establishing a brand of the era with his own hands.

"Mr. Zen, when will Senior Jiu Ji come?" Lu Yin contacted Mr. Zen and asked.

Zen Lao smiled and said, "Soon, since the old guy agreed, he will definitely go. He also hopes to educate all people."

"That's good," Lu Yin said.

Zen Lao said, "The fifth tower can only be regarded as just established now. It only has a prototype. When more and more people put inheritance into the fifth tower, that will be the starting point. One day, there will be countless names on the inheritance list." , is considered successful, do you know?"

Lu Yin said solemnly, "This junior knows."

While he was talking to Mr. Zen, the cultivators outside Haiyuan took the first step towards the fifth tower.

If you want to enter the fifth tower, you must swim through the abyss and cannot travel through the void.

Lu Yin put down his personal terminal and looked into the distance. A large number of cultivators were swimming towards the fifth tower from all directions. The abyss was a vortex, churning the sea. Ordinary cultivators couldn't bear it at all. They were swept away by the current and were either thrown out or sucked into the fifth tower. The foundations of the five towers.

For a moment, many cultivators screamed.

However, Haiyuan's power was limited after all. The first cultivator to climb onto the foundation of the fifth tower appeared, none other than Ku Lei.

Ku Lei's purpose is to reverse the extremes of things on the ninth floor of the fifth tower.

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